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Base Jumper + Cop

Norwegian Newsflash!!

Burning Steel Wool

spoco2 says...

A good survival tip I saw ages ago on a Malcom Douglas outback show said that you should always have steel wool in your car if you're driving in the outback. You can use it to easily start a fire by connecting some jumper leads (which you should have too if you're going out bush) to a piece of steel wool set in your campfire place and to the car battery. It produces a similar effect and gets a camp fire going easily.

Oh, sure, you could have matches, a lighter etc. in your car, but where's the fun in that? Plus the steel wool is also handy for cleaning battery contacts and many other things.

C17 Air Drop: 4 Humvee's + 50 paratroopers

Seric says...

It's always awesome when a Sift expert in the video subject is able to clarify things. Thanks :]

>> ^smooman:

paratroopers do jump out the back, and no, there arent any entanglements or anything like that from doin a tailgate jump and you use the same cable to hook your static line to on a door jump as you do a tailgate jump. You still go one at a time, your static line is just 2 seconds longer. But typically door jumps are made, especially in the 82nd and especially with c17/130
oh this brings back memories =)

>> ^Gamble:

We do jump out of the tailgate at times, but usually not C17/130. The static line (the yellow cable attached to the cable in the plane that deploys the parachute) has a greater chance of getting wrapped around things it doesn't need to be. Like the jumpers.

C17 Air Drop: 4 Humvee's + 50 paratroopers

Gamble says...

We do jump out of the tailgate at times, but usually not C17/130. The static line (the yellow cable attached to the cable in the plane that deploys the parachute) has a greater chance of getting wrapped around things it doesn't need to be. Like the jumpers.>> ^Seric:

>> ^visionep:
Why don't the paratroopers jump off the back?

I'd imagine it'd be harder to mount the chute cable at the back. Also, if they all jumped at once they might fuck up each other during the decent. May as well use the side door with the cable and the one-at-a-time method.

Oh man. About 6 months ago one of the other units in my brigade had one catch a crazy thermal/gust before something went wrong and it came in too hot. Almost smashed into the road. Was pretty sweet.
>> ^NordlichReiter:

So how do I get them to drop one of those in my drive way?

Jordan's greatest moments in New York recreated in NBA2k10

10 Badassest Jumps in History of Ever

235 Free Indie Games in 10 Minutes.

ant says...

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Obama shootin hoops and talkin smack

KnivesOut says...

>> ^blankfist:

Lavalier mics. Full coverage camera crew. A game of horse?
I want to know the purpose of this. It wasn't some impromptu game, obviously. But I'm curious what it was staged for? Anyone know?

He's a Man of the People? It was staged to show our president as a human being conversing with other human beings?

I don't think it goes much deeper than that. It's not like he called out one of his public policy initiatives every time he hit a jumper.

BOOYA Student Loan Reform IN YOUR FACE

schmawy (Member Profile)

828m BASE Jump off the Burj Khalifa

omnistegan says...


d = vi t + 1/2 a t^2
828 = (0)t + 1/2(9.81)t^2
1656 = 9.81t^2
168.80733945 = t^2
t = 12.992587866

So yes, without drag, it would take about 13 seconds to fall that distance. (

However, BASE jumpers deal with a lot of drag. From :

"On average, a normally clothed average-weighted BASE jumper freefalling from a 500 foot building will impact in about 6 seconds. In this scenario most jumpers I knew would take a "delay" of two or three seconds before opening the parachute.

According to the current unofficial record is a two minute freefall made by Yuri Kuznetsov in the summer of 2005. He used a wingsuit to achieve this incredible feat, I don't know where the jump was or how high the jump started.

The development of the wingsuit (originally intended for skydiving) in the 1990s brought a freefall revolution in BASE jumping. The wingsuit allows jumpers to make incredibly long freefall descents along sloping mountains and cliffs, soaring like birds of prey, falling at half the normal terminal velocity. For reference, consider this: prior to the wingsuit, jumpers making outlaw leaps off of Half Dome could freefall for just under ten seconds before opening very low, near impact, over the rocky, sloping talos. Today, an experienced wingsuit flyer leaping from Half Dome can soar over 50 seconds, maneuvering over the talos and down mountainside itself until reaching the valley below. NOTE: parachuting in Yosemite National Park is strictly illegal and heavily enforced."

Most Epic Marriage Proposal Ever!

blankfist says...

I seriously doubt Panavision would donate cameras and equipment to anyone who wanted to make a proposal video. This guy had to know someone important at Panavision.

Also, did anyone else notice all the cool things they did during the 'life flashing before their eyes' montage? Sure it doesn't cost a lot to go to a baseball game or skydive, but sailing your own boat typically requires some decent cash. And seeing how they're at a 'Dodgers' game, I'm gonna just assume they live in Los Angeles, and docking a boat out here can be expensive. And the wifey-to-be is a 'show jumper' which seems like something privileged hoity-toity people do.

And he hired a production team. And that looks like it was shot on film, or if HD it still looks like it was color-timed and sound mixed which costs big dollars. And did you see the rock on that ring?!

I was completely jealous for about five seconds then realized he's getting married and all felt right in the world again.

On the top of Burj Dubai's Spire - 818 m (2,684 ft)

On the top of Burj Dubai's Spire - 818 m (2,684 ft)

20 Foot Front Flip

cybrbeast says...

Some athletes and physics say that a somersault would increase the max distance of the long jump, however the technique has been banned for safety reasons
Would make the sport a lot more interesting to look at.

Here is an article on it:

July 29, 1974
The Flip That Led To A Flap
The sport's august officialdom is alarmed by a new long-jumping technique that could endanger a few necks—and the 30-foot barrier


In contrast, Ecker points out that the flip enables the jumper to take off from the board almost at full speed and at a more desirable higher angle. When he tucks and rolls into a somersault, wind resistance is cut. And since rotation is working with him rather than against him, his feet will land—assuming correct execution—well ahead of his body, and the latter should follow on through so that he does not fall back in the pit. In practice, the hardest part of the new technique to learn is landing. "Wiping out in the flip," Delamere says painfully, "is coming down butt first." To preclude that dire end, the East Germans reportedly have theorized that a half-twist should be added to the flip so that the jumper lands facing the board.

Few things in sport prove as easy in competition as on paper, and the flip is no exception. While the dynamics of the new technique may satisfy the laws of physics, the danger factor is at least a worrisome possibility.


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