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Cruel Prank Played on Weather Girl Trainee

Passer-by Pushes Suicidal Man From Bridge (no one dies)

evil_disco_man says... (includes photos)

BEIJING (May 23) - Chen Fuchao, a man heavily in debt, had been contemplating suicide on a bridge in southern China for hours when a passer-by came up, shook his hand — and pushed him off the ledge.

Chen fell 26 feet onto a partially inflated emergency air cushion laid out by authorities and survived, suffering spine and elbow injuries, the official Xinhua News Agency said Saturday.

The passer-by, 66-year-old Lai Jiansheng, had been fed up with what he called Chen's "selfish activity," Xinhua said.

Traffic around the Haizhu bridge in the city of Guangzhou had been backed up for five hours and police had cordoned off the area.

"I pushed him off because jumpers like Chen are very selfish. Their action violates a lot of public interest," Lai was quoted as saying by Xinhua. "They do not really dare to kill themselves. Instead, they just want to raise the relevant government authorities' attention to their appeals."

Xinhua said Lai was "taken away by police" but did not elaborate.

A police officer who answered the telephone Saturday at a station close to the bridge confirmed the incident and said it was under investigation. He refused to give any other details and hung up.

According to Xinhua, Chen wanted to kill himself because he had accrued $290,000 in debt from a failed construction project.

On Thursday, he made his way to the Haizhu bridge, where 11 other people have tried to take their lives since April.

Lai volunteered to talk Chen down but was turned away by police, Xinhua said. Lai then broke through the cordon, climbed to where Chen sat, greeted him with a handshake, then pushed.

Photos in the Beijing Morning Post showed Lai, shoeless and in a T-shirt, saluting after Chen fell.

The paper said Lai was released on bail Friday but did not give any details. It said he had been on medication for "a mental illness" for decades and had been on his way to a hospital for his pills.

Chen was recovering in the hospital, Xinhua said.

Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, calls it Torture

KnivesOut says...

The scary thing is, waterboarding is only what the spooks have admitted to. So if this is what our professional liars are willing to let out, what are they not telling us about?

I'm sure once the "enhanced interrogators" get all warmed up and limber, the real tools come out.

Car batteries and jumper cables, tin snips, vice grips, large needles. Sick fucks have been perfecting this practice for decades, so my pedestrian guesses probably aren't even close. Normal humans can't even imagine.

This is why the CIA should be accountable to someone.

Amazing POV cam footage from BASE jumpers in Norway

Mythbusters: Homemade Hi-Def Speakers

dgandhi says...

$10 plug? IIRC this show is shot near SF, which means he could have headed over to 16th/Mission (it's even got a BART station) and picked up stereo-miniplug jumpers (two plugs) for $1 at no fewer than 2 dollar stores that sit at that intersection. So I've got problems with their information to start.

Secondly, this myth is bustable on paper. A cone speaker requires, at minimum, three things: coil, cone, magnet. If we assume that the penny is somehow functioning as a coil (major stretch) and that the foil is acting as a cone (it lacks sufficient rigidity), we still need something for the coil to resist against, and their is nothing else magnetically reactive in the "speaker".

If this was an attempt to "prove" that it didn't work, then they need to pull out an amp (that they don't mind destroying) and run some juice through it, battery powered CD player, not even a real test.

Dayum, this sheep can jump!

Ski flying -- helmet cam @ Planica

kulpims says...

update: although today's final event was again taunted by changing wind, we saw some great jumps in the first series, over 220 and even 230m. but then the jury decided to abort the series with just 5 best jumpers to go and everybody had to start the first round again from a lower starting gate (which means less exit speed). the second series was rather uneventful, with much shorter than average distances. the competition was won by Olli Harri of Finland with 211m from the first and 219.5m in the final series

Feeling Stupid? - Jump Onto A BullAnts Nest In Bare Feet!

jimnms says...

From Wikipedia:

Myrmecia, often called bulldog ants, bull ants, or jack-jumpers (although jack jumper really only describes M. pilosula, and not all species), is a genus of ants. Bull ants can grow to over 40 mm in length, with the smallest species 15 mm long. Almost all of the approximately 90 species are endemic to Australia, with the single exception of Myrmecia apicalis from New Caledonia, where it is rare.[1]

These ants are well-known in Australia for their aggressive behavior and powerful stings. The venom of these ants has the potential to induce anaphylactic shock in allergic sting victims. As with most severe allergic reactions, if left untreated the reaction may be lethal. These large, alert ants have characteristic large eyes and long, slender mandibles. They have superior vision, able to track and even follow intruders from a distance of 1 meter.


It's 4:40 in the morning.... do you know if YOUR car alarm is going off? [MAJOR UPDATE] (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

joedirt says...

You should have smashed the window!

I still am not sure why you couldn't identify the offending car?! Usually the lights flash as well.

Also, why couldn't you use jumper cables? I'm guessing your neighbors hate you too much to offer assistance.

Base Jumping Into A Cave

Base Jumping Into A Cave

kulpims says...

sorry, I'm gonna call this one a *dupeof= although this video has different soundtrack and is edited a bit differently, all the footage is from the other one

Base Jumping (Visually Stunning)

Thylan says...

>> ^shveddy:
Everyone who sees this should feel compelled to sign up for skydiving classes.

I did a tandem freefall 10yrs ago. i had always wanted to. it was great. i jumped with a friend who did it often and had his own shute. he became a base jumper, pushing things more and more. he passed away last year. his shute didnt open. I dont know if he would have had any regrets.

Base Jumping Into A Cave

Base Jumping Into A Cave

Rolling Different Tires Down A Ski Jump Hill

jubuttib says...

Being a Finn I do watch a certain amount of ski jumping, and no, that ramp at the end isn't there when people jump. It's probably just there to "simulate" the jumping motion of a ski jumper (infact, I think they explain that in the video).

I do think rolling resistance does play a part in all this, just not sure how big a part. The F1 tyre is slightly heavier (longer jump), has a slightly smaller radius (longer jump, according to arvana) than the sports car tyre, and jumps the shortest. What I know of F1 tyres is that they are very very sticky and have very poor rolling resistance (that is "lots of it"). Also of course it's way wider and hence has more drag, but that isn't enough to explain the difference. So yeah, I think we need more testing. I live only a few kilometers from the Puijo K-120 hill (also has two smaller ones) and am going to find out what it would take to get them to let me try this. =)

But what we really need is someone trying this on the mother of all ski jumping hills, the Planica (K-185, record 239+m, Ahonen jumped even longer but couldn't stay up) with a sturdy ramp that can take on the 220kg tyre. Also we need rocket boosters to get the speed up and over 200kmh. =)

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