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Dad, we've been through this

bcglorf says...

Semites are a race that includes the Arabs the Nazi's allied with so... not so much Semites that Nazi's were against as Jews.

And, your only defence is to basically insist on a variation of, but your accusations against cops are true and fair, but the Nazi's conveniently mischaracterized the all Jews as Zionists.

Or am I wrong and suddenly your pro-zionist all of a sudden here?

You insist that MOST cops are liars, murderers and supporters of same, to the point that exceptions practically can't exist and from postings in other threads it seems not much short of quitting the force in protest is enough distance to escape the taint.

newtboy said:

Semites are a race. Chosen professions aren't.

But ignoring that as you do....
Did Jewish leaders often come out publicly and explain how it's OK for any Jew to lie to you? No? Then not the same.
Did Jewish leaders stand in a wall to protect clear abusers and murderers from justice? No? Then it's not the same.

Again, professions aren't races, for the reasons listed above.

Calm down and look at it rationally. You people are triggered and being irrational.

Also, thanks for acknowledging you're mistakes and handing me the "win" by invoking Nazis. Conversation over, you threw in the towel.

Dad, we've been through this

newtboy says...

Also, Nazis didn't allow for the possibility that there were some good Jews....I allow for good cops.
They are those who don't murder or stand with murderers, don't lie because it's easier to trick you than be honest, and don't act above the law.
Read better.

bcglorf said:

Following your same arguments:
Religions are NOTHING like race.

Actually, pretty much all the bad things you said about cops are exactly what the nazi's said about Jew's and it wasn't racist because jews aren't a race, and it was as true because they could point at the zionists....

You need to acknowledge your going down a stupidly dark road here man.

Dad, we've been through this

newtboy says...

Semites are a 'race'. Chosen professions aren't.

But ignoring that as you do....
Did Jewish leaders often come out publicly and explain how it's OK for any Jew to lie to Germans? No? Then not the same.
Did Jewish leaders stand in a wall to protect clear abusers and murderers from justice? No? Then it's not the same.

Again, professions aren't races, for the reasons listed above.

Calm down and look at it rationally. You people are triggered and being irrational.

Also, thanks for acknowledging you're mistakes and lack of reasoned points, and handing me the debate "win" by invoking Nazis. Conversation over, you threw in the towel.

bcglorf said:

Following your same arguments:
Religions are NOTHING like race.

Actually, pretty much all the bad things you said about cops are exactly what the nazi's said about Jew's and it wasn't racist because jews aren't a race, and it was as true because they could point at the zionists....

You need to acknowledge your going down a stupidly dark road here man.

Dad, we've been through this

bcglorf says...

Following your same arguments:
Religions are NOTHING like race.

Actually, pretty much all the bad things you said about cops are exactly what the nazi's said about Jew's and it wasn't racist because jews aren't a race, and it was as true because they could point at the zionists....

You need to acknowledge your going down a stupidly dark road here man.

newtboy said:

"Races" aren't chosen, don't have tests to be sure you have the same psyche as them to become a certain race, and don't insist on a unified front against the world standing with murderers, abusers, thieves, and liars no matter what.
I've never heard of races having clearly defined leaders that make the rules and speak for everyone.
Most important, I've never heard of a race that repeatedly and proudly declares it's OK for them to lie to get what they want.
Professions are NOTHING like race.

And fools, I was intentionally (mis)quoting a famous racist quote.
You triggered people would be funny if it weren't so sad.

Dear Satan

shinyblurry says...

Jesus did make claims to divinity. Here are a few examples;

John 8:58

Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am

In this scripture He claims to pre-exist Abraham and the wording He is using in the greek means basically that He had always existed, that He was eternal. Only God is eternal.

Here is another scripture where He is making Himself equal with God:

John 5:16-18

For this reason the Jews were persecuting Jesus, because He was doing these things on the Sabbath. 17But He answered them, “My Father is working until now, and I Myself am working.”

18For this reason therefore the Jews were seeking all the more to kill Him, because He not only was breaking the Sabbath, but also was calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God.

In this scripture He is claiming to be God:

John 10:27-33

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. 29My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than allc ; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. 30I and the Father are one.”

31Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him, 32but Jesus said to them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?”

33“We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”

newtboy said:

There's a great reason to believe in fsm, it's fun!
Not being a biblical scholar, I may be wrong, but I was under the impression they Jesus himself never claimed divinity, that came from his apostles, no?

The Truth About Jerusalem

bcglorf says...


I do think the 'arab world' has legitimate complaints

Gonna stop you there, I never said anything about validity or number of complaints or grievances anyone had. In a better world things like that would matter, in a military conflict though they don't change the outcome.

I see no chance for a single state (where non Jews are sub-citizens with no vote or power) or an Israeli designed two state...

You misunderstand me. I said nothing about the chances of those outcomes working for Palestinians or even being better for them. I stated that whether we like it or not, Israel has more than the required military might to do so and whichever moment they decide the cost of implementing one of those options is better than the status quo they are gonna do it. Do you really see 'no chance' of that happening?

I don't think propaganda is that important to them that they actually prefer their allies suffering to reasonable resolutions, but I don't think that any reasonable resolutions are being offered or even discussed.

Then on this we vehemently disagree. Israel wasn't the only one that expanded their borders in the war in 1948. The Arab Palestinians allies snatched up parcels of land as well. They haven't even considered ceding that land back to facilitate a Palestinian state. In fact, Israel's very existence is pretty widely accepted as being due to the fact that each neighbouring Arab state went to war with the intent of securing sections of Palestine fro themselves and thus each fought independently giving Israel a chance to survive facing off against each of them rather than facing a united coalition in a co-ordinated strike. That they all mobilized their forces and sent them in the second they could to try and get the most land allowed Israel to fight them, with the exception of Jordan whom Israel cut a deal with by agreeing to not fight for the land Jordan wanted so jordan just silently took that part of Palestine for themselves.

In short, the neighbouring Arab states are not true allies to Arab Palestinians.

The Truth About Jerusalem

newtboy says...

I doubt that. ;-)

Except for territory they hold, I agree, Palestinian suffering is their only influence, and that's not much.

I agree, because we back them, Israel does as it pleases. I do think the 'arab world' has legitimate complaints beyond Palestinian suffering, like constantly expanding borders and expulsion from historical holy sites.

I see no chance for a single state (where non Jews are sub-citizens with no vote or power) or an Israeli designed two state (where only barren desert is Palestinian with all water and access controlled by Israel, shut off at any hint of complaint).

The Palestinians do want a two state solution, just not one where any land worth having is Israel and the leftovers are Palestine.

Israel gains nothing from negotiating when they can get what they want, like recognition of another land grab (Jerusalem) without negotiating. That's why this move is horrendous, it gives them incentives to not negotiate and just act unilaterally.

I don't think propaganda is that important to them that they actually prefer their allies suffering to reasonable resolutions, but I don't think that any reasonable resolutions are being offered or even discussed. Given that, what's the option? Outright war? With us backing Israel, that's a no go.

I think, if given a solution that didn't give everything to Israel, the Palestinians would jump at it (maybe not Hamas, but the people). Being offered second class citizenship after having all their land and possessions taken is not workable, and it's what they seem to get.

If N Korea sells Iran a nuke, I hope we can we go back to negotiations instead of genocidal one sided dictations.

bcglorf said:

I think I see things more jadedly than you do.

Here's what I see of the situation. On a nation state level, nobody cares about the Palestinians. The Palestinians only influence on the chess board is their suffering. All of their 'allies' like Syria, Egypt and Iran don't care about the Palestinians for anything more than making sure that they suffer, the greater and the more public that suffering the better propaganda it makes. Israel and it's allies only care about the Palestinians in so far as that same suffering makes them look bad and sways public opinion as well. The threat from the Palestinians is a police and humanitarian matter, not a military one.

So everybody with boots on the ground doesn't care about the Palestinians. The Israeli side will take what they want as long as public opinion isn't too onerous on it. The Arab nations will actively arm, encite and push the Palestinians from peace to violence at ever turn because it ensures they serve their 'purpose' of public suffering better.

I count exactly zero hope for a two state solution reached between Palestinian and Israeli's as equals. A future of the region where the Palestinian people are afforded a better future either in a province of Israel, or their own state created under terms dictated to it by Israel I see as at least an existent possibility. I honestly believe seeking something more is simply not a possibility because NOBODY wants it. The Israeli's don't, the Palestinians allies don't, even the Palestinians themselves don't.

You seem to think maybe the parties can be made to change their minds on that, but it runs contrary to their self interests.

Israel gains nothing by backing down and negotiating as equals for a two state solution.

Palestine's 'allies' actually lose out greatly in any resolution to the status quo because it currently ties down Israel and makes for great propaganda. They'd lose that and gain nothing in return but less suffering for the Palestinians whom they don't care about.

Palestinians themselves might be persuaded to change their minds, but the only ones swaying their public opinion are their 'allies' with a vested interested in making sure they continue to fight forever for all of Palestine and not settle for two states. Additionally, for all intents and purposes their opinions don't matter anyways because they lack the power to make a meaningful difference.

None of the above is my opinion on how I would like things to be, nor how I think they should be, but rather how I see it actually looking. Nation state actions can usually be stripped down to narrow self interest and naught else. The exceptions are failures of the state representation, like say a dictator choosing their personal interest over a national one, or a buffoon blundering off into idiotic random actions...

The Game that is pissing off the Alt Right

Mordhaus jokingly says...

As a lifetime gamer, I can say with a clear conscience and a decisive tone that there is really no better feeling than to kill me a large swath of digital Nazis.

Nazi ain't got no humanity. They were the foot soldiers of a Jew-hatin', mass murderin' maniac and they need to be dee-stroyed.

Bill Maher - Punching Nazis

dannym3141 says...

Yet it is how they were ultimately defeated.

I don't mind swimming against the stream on this one; i think it's fine to punch nazis.

When you express your support for nazis, you're not just saying you have an alternative viewpoint. You are saying that you support the ideals of the old nazi party, you support Hitler & his goals, you want to see people exterminated in a genocidal system and you celebrate that such a system existed. You are actively pursuing a course of action that, if successful, will result in the deaths of millions of people. Your goal is to kill people.

I don't think there's any comparison to the same kind of treatment of the Phelps family. They celebrate death, misery and hate, but they never killed millions of Jews and other 'undesirables.' They are unconscionable bastards, but that's it. Your end goal in supporting them is not violence & genocide.

I can justify breaking the law to punch a nazi in the same way i can justify breaking the law to protest a fascist government. Laws aren't divine or sacrosanct, and they certainly aren't constant. Our oligarchs meddle with them on a daily basis. The right thing to do may not always be the legal thing to do, and you should not rely on your government to decide right and wrong for you (that's what nazi germany thrived on - 'i was only obeying orders'). The "law" argument will never convince me.

But i might be convinced for other reasons.

ChaosEngine said:

it's not how you ultimately defeat them.

Sargon of Akkad - This Week in Stupid (13/08/2017)

newtboy says...

The statues are part of our history...the part where racist whites quickly erected statues to celebrate a racist past in response to civil rights movements..."to remind the darkies of their place" to quote a relative.

He seems totally ignorant of the fact that these are not new groups of racists....of course, admitting they've existed for over 150 years in some cases destroys his claims that the far left has created this monster, so he can't.

It's funny how he says the left's actions naturally created this grouping of hate, but can't apply the same logic when the hate groups actions create a climate where statues are removed....and removing the statues does not verify the fear behind shouting "Jew will not replace us".

Gave him 10 minutes...9 1/2 too long.

This is what a coward looks like

Fairbs says...

I think he's the same guy that was yelling the n word and saying how Jews are the enemy; I almost get the feeling he's reconsidering his position after getting beat down by the real world; much easier to hate and act like a tough guy from behind a keyboard

spawnflagger said:

Is this the same douche from the Vice video?
I'm sure he'll claim he's not crying, but rather he was just pepper sprayed by communists.

Trump Disavows Racists Over and Over Again - Media silent

Fairbs says...

the narrative that this rally wasn't about an uprising that trump created falls apart when the organizers are throwing around the N word and calling out Jews. Another organizer the racist david duke strongly praises trump all of the time; if you're marching next to the klan and nazis, you're part of it; you either say you're against it or you're for it; you don't get to waffle; the alt left (which I'm not sure is actually a thing other than a way to equivocate them as being as bad as the alt right) is fighting against nazis and the kkk and I support them pretty fully

bobknight33 said:

Unlike you I approve of no such behavior.

The Alt Left and Alt Right are way the fuck out of line.

We can thank Obama for the rise of the Alt Left which forces the Alt Right to spring into the spotlight to counter.

This is what a coward looks like

JustSaying says...

This is great!
So, there's this superior snowflake who complains he can't peacefully protest in favour of the Endlösung and ethnic cleansing of the US. He proclaims how law-abiding he is while hiding from the police and trying to negotiate terms of surrender. Then he tells us he's not a violent person but is armed and ready to use his gun before things begin to get out of hand. All this while he is trying to fight back tears (transbullies are really mean, you guys) and making sure his pants match the color of his ideological shirt.
Totally made my day.
I have a final solution for his problems: just tell the cops you're too supreme to be arrested. After watching this video they'll surely agree and refrain from withholding your personal freedom and our unintended internet comedy.
Quick, superior snowflake, fly away before the Jew melts you to drink your tears!

VICE covers Charlottesville. Excellent

Jinx says...


I think of Megan Phelps-Roper, once prominent member of WBC, now "reformed". She was the sort of "Social Media Manager" for the WBC. She used twitter to further spread their message but, ofc, the world of twitter stares also into you. She began to engage in a sort of dialogue with those that responded to her hate filled tweets and over time the WBC grip on her was chipped away. In the end I think she actually married one of those that engaged with her on twitter. Cool Story. Bro.

Anyhoo. So it can be done but it doesn't happen on the picket line or in protests. I mean, with some of these people you can't even agree on the definition of "human"... I really strongly doubt the value of allowing such groups to have a voice for the sake of having an opportunity to denounce (ostracise?) them further. It takes carefully considered, long term, personal debate.

My feeling is that his is happening not because we have suppressed such ideas for too long and now they are boiling over...they are boiling over because where once discontented individuals were alone with their prejudices and fears now they can find in minutes a group online to agree with. The suppression of these fringe ideologies wasn't the cause, the cause is that the internet seems to have rendered such suppression ineffectual. How we now challenge these festering online dens I'm not sure...

Also, and I hate to go all reducto ad hitlerum here but if there was ever a time, discussing neo-nazis must surely be it.... Hitler spoke and spoke and spoke and his bad ideas didn't fall into the shitter fast enough to save the lives of all the millions of Jews and those that fought against them.

enoch said:

the alt right are a vile,vulgar and grotesque display of racist ignorance all gussied up as "patriots",as "white nationalists" whose only concern is the safety and prosperity of america.

pffffft../fart noise.

so would you PLEASE for the love of fucking CHRIST allow these nimrods to hold their little rallies,their little marches.let them speak and speak and speak.....

because,like anything..bad ideas have a way of falling into the shitter when those ideas are shoved into the open.

there is a REASON why we haven't heard from these shitbags for almost 35 years,and it ain't because somebody threw a punch,sprayed some mace,or drowned out their voice.

it is simply because we gave them a mic.
that's it..we let them talk,let them march,let them hand out their literature.

this ain't rocket science people.

Trump Disavows Racists Over and Over Again - Media silent

newtboy says...

Oh Bob...
You know this is schlock. It's not that he never said the words, it's that he only says it when forced, and never sincerely or without qualifications, and cannot seem to do it without reading a prepared script he obviously didn't write. Whenever he speaks from the heart, he's condoning, excusing, and encouraging the hate groups.
He rejected Duke after getting a week of negative press and sliding in the polls during the campaign for not rejecting him, and tried to pretend he didn't know who David Duke was.
This time it's about not being able to single out actual murderous Nazis without lumping blm and similar groups in with them.
He has never said he doesn't want their vote, and they still say he's with them and is just saying what he has to right now to placate the liberal Jew media, and actions speak louder than words, and he's not taking action and is backing off his stern words.
Pretty sad when the president of the United States can't denounce Nazis without waiting days for the whole story (or even after getting it) or without spreading the blame for their attacks to his political enemies, but he can denounce, deride, and debase anyone that slights him personally in an instant even if he imagined the slight.

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