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White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

Briguy1960 says...

I would disagree on your description of the news media as it stands today.
I refuse to call it unbiased when I see an agenda,
an obvious agenda to discredit Trump at most anything he does.
CNN isn't the only trashy one.
I stick Fox in there as well but both have moments of clarity when they do simply report the news without adding their own bias to it or even editing out certain parts to make it look worse.
As an example I used to hate that Gutfield character on Fox News but anymore I find I agree with him on the insanity going on.
He has made several jabs at Trump as well.
How can you not call CNN fake news when the majority of their programming is all about Trump in a negative light?
The day of the mass shooting of Jews CNN said one minute they needed to try to cool things off with Trump etc and the next I knew they were right back bashing him.
I'd say about half an hour tops they held off the bashing.
If you are insanely jealous of Trumps winning ways than I can see how you may think CNN is legit.
Acosta wasn't even close to being civil.
Watch the original clip again and see how long he grandstanded for.
He does this far too often.
If you are that dense you need Jim Acosta to harass the President to show you what's up then I feel bad for you.
He could be much more effective if he was more professional and probably a much greater thorn in Trumps side.

mentality said:

A journalist's job isn't just to sit there and passively report what Trump says to you - that would be no different than any official party propaganda. Move to North Korea if that's what you want from your reporters. The media IS the conscience of any democracy, and it is their job to hold Trump accountable for his brazen lies.

That is why the first thing any fascist, communist, and/or dictatorship does to consolidate power is to attack the media and end free press. Trump is doing the same, lying to gullible people like you to discredit any news source that doesn't work in his favor. His lies seems to have worked on you because somehow you think CNN is the "trashiest", when there are things like Fox, Sinclair, and Breitbart, which are no longer news but have moved fully into the realm of blatant propaganda.

And it's laughable that Trump supporters are now crying for respect, when they showed no such thing to Obama. Just your every day Republican hypocrisy.

Steve Schmidt on Trump 'Stoking And Inciting' Worst Among Us

newtboy says...

How could anyone possibly connect Dumb Donald's continuing public accusations against numerous prominent Jews that they are paying refugees (rapists and murderers), gang members (murderers), and Islamic terrorists (murderers) to "invade America" with the right wing terrorist, Bowers, who authored a social media post before the shooting accusing the organization HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, of bringing "invaders in that kill our people."
There's clearly no connection at all. Just because right wing terrorists are attacking the exact targets Trump continues to designate as the enemy (like calling CNN "the enemy of the people" between when the second and third bomb addressed to them was discovered), and are using his arguments and tweets in their manifestos and internet ramblings doesn't mean they've ever even heard of Trump, no connection.

bobknight33 said:

Such Bull crap. Trump has nothing to do with the shooting.

Dog whistle for the left.

The Day Liberty Died

StukaFox says...

It's an offensive against Jewish people around the world that anti-Zionist somehow came to equal anti-Semitic. You can be against a political policies of a nation without being against the citizens who people her.

As a side note, it never ceases to amaze me that a literal century later, we're still paying for the sins of World War 1.

(I mention WW1 specifically because of the Balfour Declaration, which laid the seeds for the founding of modern-day Israel. It was signed during the Great War in order to influence Jews to rally to the Allies against the Central Powers, and other geopolitical reasons around the Suez Canal.)

Michael Jackson - Billie Jean ( cover by Donald Trump )

newtboy says...

Really? Jimmy Carter said that?!

Seriously, please quote where in the bible Jesus said any such thing. I think you're misquoting the holiness code for Jews from Leviticus and attributing them to Jesus. Those same rules disallow cotton poly blends and shellfish, but you probably never considered boycotting Red Lobster or the Gap, and allow slaves from neighboring countries but you probably don't have a Canadian house slave. Learn about the difference between Christian and Jewish laws don't just watch fake news. ;-)

Really, Bob, you want to say banging kids is liberal after Republicans supported Roy Moore?! Lol. *facepalm
Looting and other crime is not a liberal idea, that's nonsense. Bat shit crazy, hyper partisan nonsense. Some liberals want it to be so easy to cross borders legally that illegal immigrants would cease to exist, I've never heard a sane one support illegal immigration, only illegal immigrants.
Crime could more reasonably be said to be a religious thing, atheists are vastly underrepresented in prison populations. You might say atheists are statistically far less likely to be missing out on life.

No actual science has ever pointed to a creator God....or any god. Anyone telling you different is lying to you about what science is. The closest science ever comes to saying " there must be a God" is when it says "we don't know" to a question, often followed by unraveling the mystery and never by finding God hiding behind a corner.

Christians have a much longer and more storied history of ruthless torture and murder in the name of faith than Muslims. Their motto is also convert or die. Learn about them before attempting to make comparisons, maybe?

Obedience to the law like the recently pardoned terrorist group, the Bundys, practiced? Obedience to the law like the bakers allowed by law to display their intolerance against whomever they deem unclean? Obedience to the law like Trump, who's been found guilty of multiple frauds....admitted them in fact? Obedience to the law only when it's convenient or self serving, intolerance whenever it can be gotten away with is what the right practices today.
Maybe you're still a kid who has yet to take critical thinking classes? ;-)

bobknight33 said:

JC also said man should no lay with another man. I don't make the rules, he does. Yes we all brake them. I am as guilty as the gay.

You closed mind is full of hate. I just have a different point of view. Wrong is Wrong. I don't hate. Are you from an abused / broken family? Join a good church and give you problems over to GOD.

But to your point of anything goes.. Anything? banging a 12 year old? Looting, crossing countries illegally? These are all Liberal ideas. Are these ok?

Atheist ? sound like you missing out in live. Science points towards a higher power with every new discovery.

Muslims are murderers by faith. Their moto is convert or die. Learn about them don't just watch fake news.

You POV of African Americans is BS.. Conservative want ALL people to succeed. Democrat policies have done more harm to the black than any other thing. Democrat want blacks to stay in their place for their vote. #walkaway.

Intolerance and obedience to the law are two different things.
Maybe you should have stayed in school and not on the pipe.
Maybe your still a kid who yet to realize truth yet.

Michael Jackson - Billie Jean ( cover by Donald Trump )

StukaFox says...

You really don't know the history of your own religion, do you?

"Hey, Protestants, convert or die!" says the French Catholic.
"Hey, Catholics, convert or die!" says the Austrian Protestant.
"Hey, Jews, convert or die! Uh, but lend us money first -- we need to kill those false Christians over there!" says both the French Catholic and the Austrian Protestant.

You know Christians waged wars on each other over whether the Bible should be in common vernacular or not, right?

Also, you have no fucking clue about Islam. Learn about them? I've gone to a mosque (Sunni); I've watched them pray; I've talked to an Imam. Which of any of the above three have YOU done, O Scholar of Islam?

bobknight33 said:

Muslims are murderers by faith. Their moto is convert or die. Learn about them don't just watch fake news.

Of Course I'm Trying To Indoctrinate You In My Beliefs

newtboy says...

Bullshit. Christians can and do wear religious iconography in jewelry, tattoos, clothing, and display stupid slogans, posters, statues, etc at workplaces.
They can't hold prayer services in some workplaces, and can in others. But why would you want that anyway? To be fair and legal, we would have to allow anyone and everyone to do the same. Do you want Satanists, minions of Mot, Soldiers for Shiva, Pagans, Norse, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindu, Pastafarians, Rastafarians, Wikans, Jedi, etc to all spend the day praying with a legal right to ignore work to do so?
This is about as rational as claiming there's a "war on Christmas" because some people don't say Merry Christmas reflexively two dozen times a day all December.

Really? Trumpeteers get beaten up for hat wearing? I seriously doubt it, please post the video.

Insulted, well, calling people in MAGA hats (not MEGA, can't even get your own slogan's acronym right) idiots, ignorant, or just brain dead morons isn't pure insult when it's so often just statement of fact. I've never met one willing to wear the hat in public with an IQ greater than 100 (paid talking heads don't count, since they so often turn on Trump as soon as he stops paying them), and I know plenty with an IQ seemingly well below 80 that won't leave the house without it.

Compared to those wearing an Obama or Clinton hat/shirt in the south over the last 9 years, MAGA morons are treated like princes and princesses.

bobknight33 said:

Liberals have been marching loudly past 30 years not tip towing.
So much so a Christian can not show faith at work, they are shamed in public. One could argue the opposite, Its time for Christian to stand up.

Also same to politics. Trump supporters get beaten up, insulted in public. One can't wear MEGA hat to events ( except Trumps) , or Starbucks.. That's not Liberals tip toeing around its full on frontal assault.

The Hamilton Mixtape: Immigrants (We Get The Job Done)

StukaFox says...

I have an honest question for you: would you have turned away the Jews escaping the Holocaust because, according to quotas on Jews at the time, their entry into the US would have been considered illegal?

bobknight33 said:

Immigrants and illegal immigrant are 2 different things. No one is against immigrants just the illegal ones.

The illegal ones. break the law. Build a wall had have less people breaking the law.

This is not a Racists thing as you say. Its people ignoring the law.

This issue has been going on for decades. No political official had the balls to fix this mess. Now there is some one trying and taking arrows for it.

The Day Jesus Returns

shinyblurry says...

Hi Sagemind,

I'm not offended by your questions or statements. I am guessing you didn't watch much of the video or else you wouldn't be saying all of these prophecies are based on an eclipse. It doesn't a do whole lot for your argument when you skim the video and then mischaracterize the content. This is the atheist MO; come to a premature conclusion based on incomplete information in a rush to falsify the data. Having only a superficial understanding of the subject matter, how would you expect to convince anyone of your position?

The sun being darkened is one of literally dozens (maybe hundreds) of signs that indicate the Day of the Lord, which this video covers. The Jews, and Christians aren't just looking for an eclipse, they are looking at world events, cultural conditions, and a myriad of other things which confirm these prophecies. Without the dozens of other accompanying signs, a simple eclipse wouldn't have any weight in fulfilling these prophecies. The Jewish culture knew about eclipses, that isn't what this is talking about.

This is a very indepth subject. For example, Sir Issac Newton wrote on bible prophecy extensively and said that he considered his work on prophecy more important than his work on mathematics. Based on his studies he corrected predicted when the Jews would return to their homeland. Do you think he just guessed? Read his writings. There is something there a little deeper than atheist talking points.

You've also mischaracterized my faith. I don't believe in God because I was scared and I needed something to lean on. I believe in God because of personal revelation; God revealed Himself to me and showed me that Jesus is the Messiah and the bible is His book. I was content to be a secular agnostic and I wasn't afraid of my death. God wasn't content with that and I responded to His call.

Your oversimplication of faith proves that you don't know a lot about it, or why Christians believe what they believe. I don't think that is very intelligent to dismiss something that you really don't understand. I think your rejection of my faith is mostly based on cherry picking information which has been spoonfed to you by atheist sources instead of a sincere investigation which weighed both sides instead of just one. I would love for you to prove me wrong here.

Have you ever considered giving the claims of Christianity a chance by asking Jesus Christ to reveal Himself to you? Either He is alive and can hear you, or He isn't. If He did give you a sign, would you be willing to follow it?

The 99% Is a Myth—Here's How It Really Breaks Down

Rachel Maddow breaks down .. report on 'tender age' shelters

Drachen_Jager says...

Let's call them what they are.

Concentration camps.

The first stages of Ethnic Cleansing.

I'd like to point to the following article via

"As one of the few journalists permitted to tour the government’s new internment camp, about 40 miles from the southern border, the New York Times correspondent tried to be scrupulously fair. Forcing civilians to live behind barbed wire and armed guards was surely inhumane, and there was little shelter from the blazing summer heat. But on the other hand, the barracks were “clean as a whistle.” Detainees lazed in the grass, played chess, and swam in a makeshift pool. There were even workshops for arts and crafts, where good work could earn an “extra allotment of bread.” True, there had been some clashes in the camp’s first days—and officials, the reporter noted, had not allowed him to visit the disciplinary cells. But all in all, the correspondent noted in his July 1933 article, life at Dachau, the first concentration camp in Nazi Germany, had “settled into the organized routine of any penal institution.” "

Yes... he did it. If there were any doubts left, this should remove them. Trump officially put the United States on the same path as Nazi Germany.

What are you going to do about it?


"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."


John Oliver - Mike Pence

newtboy says...

Thanks to asshats abusing their religious privileges, that's where we are today. Many places do require businesses offering a service to not discriminate based on personal preference.

If that Muslim baker makes Buddha cakes and Jesus cakes on request, he should limit his creativity across the board or not at all....or work in his mosque bakery.

If they make made to order pro choice cakes, yes, they should make made to order anti choice cakes.

If they make on request cakes for other notable figures, no....but I would expect Hitler to look pretty horrible.

Easy solution here, stop doing made to order cakes. Offer only what you're comfortable making, not requests, not personalized...have a catalog. Once you offer to make what the customer requests, you give up your right to be offended by it, for cash.

Edit: Keep in mind, this is often about being offended not by what they're asked to make, but who the customer is. Not rainbow wedding cakes with leather clad grooms and cocks everywhere, but fancy white cakes with flowers for a gay wedding.
Side note, Jews can't refuse service in their public establishments to any German, can they, and they have a much better reason to do so.

bcglorf said:

Do you mean no, you believe by force of law if your business is making cakes, you must print any and all messages requested by customers?

A Muslim baker should be required by law to produce a cake depicting the prophet?

Pro-Choice bakers should be required by law to produce cakes with graphic imagery of aborted fetuses?

Jewish bakers shouldn't be allowed to refuse to make a birthday cake for Hitler's birthday?

I get that right to refuse to do certain kinds of business can be touchy, but IMO it's even more dangerous to start demanding business owners lose the freedom to decline business that although legal goes against their own values.

John Oliver - Mike Pence

newtboy says...

Short answer, no, not if they make cakes with messages.

Because there's no way to tell if it's really a firmly held belief or just douchbaggery, and it's far more likely to be the latter (examples of that above), no. The next step might be no cakes for blacks, because they're unclean descendants of Cain, or Jews because they don't serve Jesus, or people wearing blended fabrics because they should be stoned to death, and certainly no cake for atheists.

If you have a public business, serve the public, otherwise partner with your church and limit your customers to like minded people instead of singling out certain groups to publicly deny service....or move to a religiously intolerant country where your intolerance is allowed and not antithetical to the national morals.

bcglorf said:

Alright, let me rephrase the question.

Would a group/church that takes the stance of homosexuality isn't 'Kosher' and treated it as such be considered sufficiently tolerant to you?

I know the real example had other issues, but should a baker with that belief be allowed to refuse to make a cake with a non 'Kosher' message on it?

John Oliver - Mike Pence

newtboy says...

My 2 cents....
It might be, but that's not their position.

Religiously, as I read it, it's not much different from wearing a cotton poly blend or working on Sunday, also immoral according to the bible, but realistically the bible is just used as an excuse for them to attack things they don't like.
No American has been murdered or even ostracized by evangelicals for wearing blended fabrics or mowing on Sunday even though it's incontrovertible that the bible says they should be, but many have been murdered for being gay, and millions ostracized. Proof enough to me that it's not about what the bible says, that's just an excuse to attack what they hate or fear.

Compared to greed, the love of money, homosexuality seems barely mentioned, yet there's no outrage about the elevation of greed in our culture, it's celebrated.
Same for idolatry, forbidden by direct commandment from God not some interpreter, so if you've ever worshipped at a church with statues of any kind, including the cross or stained glass, God hates you far more than gays and demands we stone you to death.

Jews don't try to legally outlaw pork for everyone, not even other Jews. Christians have made homosexuality illegal for everyone, repeatedly.

bcglorf said:

Quick poll of the mostly left leaning sift.

The evangelical christian belief that homosexuality is immoral isn't going to disappear, it's being listed in both old and new testaments as sinful makes that a lock. However, that's no different than the Judaic list of foods that are sinful to eat, which orthodox Jews still observe.

So the question is, if the evangelical christian position is simply that homosexuality isn't "Kosher", no different than the Jewish belief that eating pork isn't "Kosher", is that an agreeable live and let live position?

John Oliver - Mike Pence

bcglorf says...

Quick poll of the mostly left leaning sift.

The evangelical christian belief that homosexuality is immoral isn't going to disappear, it's being listed in both old and new testaments as sinful makes that a lock. However, that's no different than the Judaic list of foods that are sinful to eat, which orthodox Jews still observe.

So the question is, if the evangelical christian position is simply that homosexuality isn't "Kosher", no different than the Jewish belief that eating pork isn't "Kosher", is that an agreeable live and let live position?

Dad, we've been through this

newtboy says...

You've already lost this discussion. Admit it to yourself and move on.

Yeah, that's why being anti Jew is called anti semitism. Duh. In the 40's, there weren't many non Semitic jews in Germany....or as far as I know, many non Jewish Semites.

My defense has indisputable fact, codified law, and honest statistics to back it up, Nazis didn't.

No, you insist I said that, but I didn't. Learn to read better without adding in your triggered bias. I insisted I haven't met one that wasn't a liar, many are criminals, and that those who stand in protection of criminals are criminals.
Standing up for the law, not your fellow lawman is all it takes, and some do that...far more need to. Because so few live up to that fairly low standard, they no longer get the benefit of my doubt and have to demonstrate their honesty and civility.

Kind of like you saying it's wrong to assume a heroin junkie will steal from you if you let them stay in your house...Will they all steal, no, should you just say they're certainly thieves, no, do you trust them with your house keys because they might not, Fuck no.

Have a nice day, I'm tired of responding to your misrepresentations....I'll take my Godwin's Law win and leave now.

bcglorf said:

Semites are a race that includes the Arabs the Nazi's allied with so... not so much Semites that Nazi's were against as Jews.

And, your only defence is to basically insist on a variation of, but your accusations against cops are true and fair, but the Nazi's conveniently mischaracterized the all Jews as Zionists.

Or am I wrong and suddenly your pro-zionist all of a sudden here?

You insist that MOST cops are liars, murderers and supporters of same, to the point that exceptions practically can't exist and from postings in other threads it seems not much short of quitting the force in protest is enough distance to escape the taint.

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