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Hot Romanian Girl goes second round with Islam

choggie says...

Is this Pat Condell's daughter?-s'rsly, the girl defends herself well- ?

Wait...Thought the issue at hand before the "bash joedirt" back and fourth and the other 2 obamamysamaya mama guys was the shitty title because of gwiz's, "pre-occupation with having some intercourse with a girl for the first time" was on the chopping block??.... Lost ya here, I'm ognna frkna frkna.....mmmmmpphrumph!

On Porn and Other Matters (Sift Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

I like overcast's descriptions:

- Graphic depictions of human masturbation are not allowed.
- Graphic depictions of human sexual intercourse are not allowed.
- Frontal nudity should be limited to comedic, artistic or educational context.

And I am fully on the side of the sift being very strict with this. Yes you can have nudity (National Geographic and educational videos etc.), you can even have sex (The internal view of people having sex comes to mind), but I think it should be a case of... put forward those guidelines, but also it has to come down to a personal decision in some cases, and it's your decision is final, and if you don't like it then go to youporn.

I have no issues with porn per se, I DO have huge issues with the trend of mainstream porn at the moment to degrade women to a huge degree and completely forget the erotic side of sex. So I am completely with you on that front Dag... and, as you say, there are plenty of places to find porn on the web if you want it, so why does it need to be here? I have this site open at work, and so would rather not have to explain some thumbnail on the front page if it's open when my boss comes around.

And trying to suggest that the video in question was ok because a) It wasn't degrading, and b) It was cut such that it was supposed to be funny is missing the point. This is not about whether or not we're prudish, it's merely drawing a line in the sand as to what should go on this site, and a video of women masturbating, and showing the full act, can clearly be blocked for stepping over that line.

On Porn and Other Matters (Sift Talk Post)

xxovercastxx says...

dag, since this is really your rule and since what is and isn't porn varies from person to person, you're ultimately going to have to define this. Here's some suggested language, though.

- Graphic depictions of human masturbation are not allowed.
- Graphic depictions of human sexual intercourse are not allowed.
- Frontal nudity should be limited to comedic, artistic or educational context.

I'd avoid using the word "titillation" since we've got plenty of stuff that could be titillating but is clearly not porn.

Sex Positions

FlowersInHisHair says...

Oh. I was thinking perhaps my homosexuality, and hence my lack of knowledge about women's role in sexual positioning in heterosexual intercourse, was hindering my understanding of the subtle nuances of the variations presented in the video.

Homophobic Christian Whines About Getting Fired

NinjaInHeat says...

I've had a similar experience. In my previous job my boss occasionally brought his dog over to the office. After it happened a few times I asked to talk to him privately and explained that I, personally, perceive dogs as sexual objects, I consider their presence in the workplace promiscuous and offending as I'm often tempted to engage in sexual intercourse with them in the supply closet. Imagine my surprise when he laughed at me. I wasn't fired but decided to quit in favor of my current position as a vet's assistant.

Dan Savage on the Rights of Sex Workers

yourhydra says...

did a presentation in my high school law on this so here's a lil breakdown for ya'll-

Prostitution is a legitimate business and it needs to be legalized to stop unnecessary crime and spread of disease in the community and to enforce the human right of fornication to its extent.

Why Legalize?

When you make something illegal, whether it is drugs, guns or Prostitution, it goes into the underground. Circuits of black market trade and illegal activity are formed. Plainly, when something is illegal, it becomes dangerous instantly for anyone in contact with it. The reason that prostitution does spread disease and murder is only because it illegal.

1. When prostitution is illegal, there is no way of controlling the spread of HIV, AIDS and STDS. Prostitution only accounts for the spreading of 3-5% of STDs while 30-35% is teen-related. Making Prostitution illegal increases the number of the disease’s victims. If a prostitute is infected with AIDS, and she does have 868 partners that year, without a condom that is 868 new cases of AIDS, only further to be spread. Although this is very unlikely since most prostitutes use condoms. The issue of pregnancy also occurs, since AIDS will be passed on directly. With the legalization of prostitution this problem will be wiped out entirely and the number of HIV, AIDS and STDS will go down significantly. All brothels mandatory check their clients monthly, sometimes weekly, and mandate the use of condoms.

2. Again, making prostitution illegal makes it extremely dangerous for prostitutes to work. Prostitutes are the most targeted female group for violence. If a prostitute is raped or violently abused, she cannot go to the police. Prostitution fatality rates are extremely high and the homicide rate for female prostitutes was estimated to be 204 per 100,000. Perpetrators include violent clients, pimps, and corrupt law-enforcement officers. Serial killers also target prostitutes since the authorities will show less effort to solve the case as apposed to the murder of a schoolteacher or secretary. Jack the Ripper is said to have killed at least five prostitutes in London in 1888. In a recent US study of almost 2000 prostitutes followed over a 30-year period, by far the most common causes of death were homicide. The homicide rate among active female prostitutes was 17 times higher than that of the age-matched general female population.

3.Will eliminate all other illegal infusion such as drugs, gun crime and violence.

4. Will eliminate pimping completely

5. Will help stop the underground child sex slave trade and sex trafficking.

6. The fear of being prosecuted will not exist. This will not prevent prostitutes to go to authorities when needed. Men whose intention is violence or a combination of sex and violence can then be stopped.

7. Most women who prostitute have no previous work experience and live in poverty. Legalizing prostitution will provide prostitutes with a safe work environment and a legal, beneficial job. In result, poverty rates will drop.

8. Less accidental pregnancies causing women to go onto further poverty taking that child down with them.

9.”It costs $2,000 per case to arrest, court, and jail a prostitute. Cities spend from $1 million to $23 million dollars, for an average of $7.5 million dollars, on prostitution-control. Despite the expenses made trying to prevent prostitution, it hasn't been prevented, but only driven underground to places where prostitutes are in the greatest danger of having their rights violated by pimps, clients, and cops. Instead of spending an average of $7.5 million trying to prevent prostitution and arresting prostitutes, cities should spend that money preventing rights-violations against prostitutes, and punishing those who commit crimes against prostitutes.


Prostitutes have existed in every human civilization knows to date. It is only recently that a 180 was done in its regard. Throughout 1910 and 1915 the Woman’s Christian Temptation Union strongly influenced the ban of Prostitution. This was the same time as the alcohol prohibition. In 1949 The United Nation released an act that stated that prostitution is against human morals and should be abolished. Since then it has been, in many countries, especially the U.S, which is supposed to be the land of the free.
Prostitution is said to be the oldest female profession. It was one of the only way for females to do gain money throughout most of history, since they were greatly oppressed by men. Mind you male prostitutes did exist and still exist. In Greek and Japanese societies, prostitutes were held on a higher level then most other women. They had an excellent income, were respected and influential figures and admired throughout the community. They were called Hetaeras and Geishas. Although Religion is the main reason prostitution is currently illegal, it was actually a main supplier and benefited of prostitution throughout history. Cyprus and Corinth temples were in charge on thousands of prostitutes. The bible also contains prostitution. King David’s grandmother was one. In the middle ages, the Catholic Church was the main supporter of brothels and gained more wealth and power from it. Augustine of Hippo claimed that Prostitution is a necessary thing, in order to stop greater sins such as masturbation, rape and sodomy.

World Prostitution and Criminal Code

Muslim Countries- Death Penalty
Thailand-prostitution is illegal
New South Wales, Australia- any person over the age of 18 may offer to provide sexual services in return for money.
Victoria, Australia- a person who wishes to run a prostitution business must have a license. Prostitutes working for themselves in their own business, as prostitutes in the business, must be registered. Individual sex workers are not required to be registered.
Germany, Switzerland, New Zealand, Netherlands- prostitutes are tax-paying and unionized professionals and brothels are legal
Bulgaria and Sweden- outlawed pimping, legal prostitution
Japan- vaginal prostitution is against the law and fellatio prostitution is legal
Turkey- street prostitution is illegal. There are government-run brothels in most cities, which house sex workers. Private brothels must have a license.
Brazil and Costa Rica- prostitution per se is legal, but taking advantage or profit from others' prostitution is illegal
United Kingdom-prostitution is not formally illegal, but several activities surrounding it are outlawed such as pimping, brothels, street and car prostitution
America- Nevada and Rhode Island have legalized prostitution. In all other states it is illegal. A Prostitute can be sentenced up to 15 years in prison.
Canada-prostitution itself is legal, but most other activities around it are not. Pimping is illegal and it is illegal to negotiate a sex-for-money deal in a public place. Section 213 of the Criminal Code states that communicating for the purpose of prostitution is a summary conviction offence. Summary offenses are considered "less serious", carrying a maximum six-month jail term, a $2,000 fine, or both.


One prostitute may have 868 partners a year. This is knows as a under reported number.
16% of 18-59 year old men have paid for sex (arguably also under reported)
Per a hundred thousand people, 23% are Prostitutes.
1 in 3 women in jails re arrested for prostitution
15% of all suicide victims are prostitutes, 59% of prostitutes have thought of committing suicide, compared to 61% of non-prostitutes.
77.8% of arrests are women, 22.2% men. In larger cities, 20-30% of prostitutes are male

There is a president place for the US constitution to support prostitution.

In 1965 the Supreme Court in Griswold vs. Connecticut found a right of privacy that covered the right for couples to use birth control.
1973 that right of privacy was extended to abortion in Roe vs. Wade, which later extended to Laurence very Texas to same sex conduct.

Based on this principle Prostitution should therefore logically extend to encompass the right of consenting adult to procure fornication part of a monetary transaction. The hidden agenda is social control.

It is a human right to have sexual intercourse whether it is free or paid for
Prostitution is said to victimize. If a woman willingly provides sexual services to a man who is willing to pay money for it, there is no violation of human rights.
Catholic and Christian group’s word cannot hold a strong meaning since their religions have been the top benefactors of prostitution throughout history
It is hypocritical for the government to say they are banning prostitution with people’s well being in mind when it is the ban that provokes thousands of deaths related to prostitution.

If Legalized

Brothels would be completely legal with guidelines of monthly health checks and security.

Private prostitution would be legalized with a license. A mandatory course would be required for education on health risks, contraception, prostitute rights, smart and careful choice of customers and advertising recommendations.

Street prostitution would not be made legal because 80% of prostitutes are killed on the street and although with legalization this number will improve, I consider it still dangerous. A 1500$ penalty and community hours will be enforced instead of imprisonment.

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^Psychologic:
Would slander laws be included under government censorship of free speech?
Would laws prohibiting intercourse in public places be considered a law regarding sex between consenting adults?

Yes. Though, I think it was aimed more towards gay marriage, hard to say. It also doesn't really draw a difference between levels of government. I scored 100% assuming it was all federal.

Also, your ideals there seem a bit distant from history Jigga

^1. Why weren't any dot-coms bailed out back in the day? Because they didn't have powerful lobbies. Corporate welfare encourages corporate interference in government, as some have called it, a corpocracy. Where the rich write the laws for their benefit at the cost of every other competing business. It also encourages coercion and collusion in government against the good of the people. Why do Americans pay twice as much as the rest of the world for sugar? Because sugar lobbies have successfully "protected" themselves from compeating in the world market, at the tune of 6 billion a year. There is no logical limit to bailing out one company vs another either. It is completely arbitrary. To contine with the original idea of the dot-coms, we are doing fine again even without the bail out that didn't happen. You don't need free money to make things work, in fact, it was the easy free money that make the dot-com bubble in the first place...easy money is bad money usually.

^2. You don't seem to understand exchange rates or trends in labor vs cost when it comes to trade. Either that, or you are purposefully being inflammatory, I can't figure out which. When money goes out of a country and into another, that foreign money becomes more valuable over time. In due course it becomes more costly to buy overseas goods than domestic goods, jobs that fled overseas come back. In my industry, we are seeing that happen right now; all the phone desk jobs went overseas, now jobs are coming back in droves because of the weak dollar. Some would say that because places like japan subsidies things like cars, then we should tariff them so our cars can compete. But, if the government of japan wants to buy every American part of a car, then over time the dollar will become stronger and it will not be cost effective for them to do so for long. Things shift in this model, from country to country until things more of less reach an equilibrium. Protectionism encourages those gaps that you would seek to rectify. Your heart is in the right place my friend, we just need to move your head there as well.

^3. I don't think you understand the circumstances of SS. You are trying to spin it like Bush did the war. First it was about one thing, now another. It was about weapons, now it is about freeing Iraq and terrorism. SS was about the great depression. You had peoples savings wiped out in what was arguably a government caused financial catastrophe (a failure of the fabled fed, lender of last resort who didn't lend as a last resort...oops). Once the mistake had been made, and the bank system collapsed, large portions of savings of American's were wiped out instantly. SS was created to solve this problem. So it is not that people can't and didn't save, but they did and now it is gone. If you want to spin SS, then realize that is what you are doing. But the great depression is over, and so should SS.

^4. Are you saying you don't think organizations like the red cross exist? Are you saying that you can't have a charity that isn't faith based? If that is so, then you are free to make one, like right now...this very instant. It isn't very hard now with the web, you just need gumption to go and do it...and that is the American way (Gumption I mean, not the internet...although...)!

^5. This isn't really an argument. I might as well say not cutting the budget is naive. An argument needs a real predicate, this is just an attack. You would have to show why it is naive. I could talk about why it is good, but that would be giving this non-argument more credit than it is worth.

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Joke for a promote (Comedy Talk Post)

Ornthoron says...

A guy is stranded on a deserted island with only a sheep and a dog for company. He has a huge libido, and after a couple of days, he gets so horny he is almost delirious. To relieve himself of his agony, he tries to engage the sheep in intercourse. But his efforts are thwarted by the dog, who protects the sheep by pushing him away. He tries again the next day and the day after that, but the dog is always there to stop him.

A week later, he suddenly hears screams for help from the ocean. A woman is struggling to stay afloat about 50 meters from the shore, entangled as she is in the remains of an old fishing net. He quickly jumps in the water, swims out, cuts her loose with his pocket knife, and pulls her in to the shore. Her clothes are in tatters, leaving her almost completely naked, and she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. "Oh thank you, you have saved my life!", she exclaims. "I'll do anything for you in return!".

"Great!", he answers. "Could you hold the dog, please?"

Is It A Bird? A Plane? No - It's Super President!

The Town of Fucking in Austria

WTF! Fox News Guest Makes Really Odd Face!

Mitchell and Webb - God asks for sacrifice

westy says...

If you have been circumcised you are at a disadvantage to non circomsized when it comes to sexual function.

1) the for skin behaves rather like lubrication once the penis is within the vagina the 4 skin allows the penis to move freely , Manny women only get wet at the beginning of intercourse and cannot maintain the required amount of lubrication to stop potentially harmful rubbing,

2) men are designed to ejaculate when the skin withdraws and exposes the glans within the vagina, men with a 4 skin have a larger likely hood of being able to control the point of climax as they can contole whether the glans are fully exposed or not during intercourse.

3) there is a good argument that the glans become desensitized after circumcision due to the glands abnormally being exposed to rubbing on clothes and that the body becomes used to the sensation of the glans being exposed.

4) with a normal penis when you masturbate you do not need to use lubricant , there is a good reason why the guy i live with who has Jewish parents has 3 bottles of baby oil in his room.

The only time sum one should be circumcised is if they suffer from Phimosis or Paraphimosis. Interestingly Paraphimosis can be caused by circumcision as well as infection and the fact that anny sergery that is not required is a bad idea as all sergary has risks associated with it.

The only rational argument i have heard for circumcision is the cleanliness argument. however this only stands if the male is incapable of washing themselves a minimum of once every 4 days or maby has diabetes or a Urinary-tract-infection , has allergies to condoms, wants to use lubricant bit has allergies to that , has skin conditions, as these can all lead to Balanitis (an inflammation of the end of the penis)

In the end its better to have a for skin , its not the end of the world to not have one , but its definatly better to have one ,

Think of it as a car with a convertible roof verses the same car with a solid top.

WTF! Fox News Guest Makes Really Odd Face!

EDD says...

>> ^SaNdMaN:
What the fuck is the guy even asking? I've listened to the question a few times, but I'm still confused. (maybe I'm stupid)

Let me rephrase in somewhat more logical terms:

A is 91% of X
A+B is 92% of X

does A constitute less of X than A+B?

A is intercourse with multiple partners
B is lying about it to one of them
and X is a measure of how morally unacceptable an action is

While it does depend on how much logic one can actually utilize when talking about 'morals', the answer should still be a 'YES'.

Tourist demonstrates how not to feed birds

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