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Stephen Fry Confesses 2012 Suicide Attempt

artician says...

But he didn't kill himself. He's discussing what causes one to pursue such a thing. He knows it's a despicable weakness in human nature, and admits to succumbing to it himself.

If he were truly a weak person, he'd be dead. A strong person understands their shortcomings, failures and weaknesses, and can discuss them openly without feeling vulnerable or insecure.

An insecure or weak person will attest to having no weakness or flaws, and often dismiss or disrespect those who do because they feel better about themselves.

The especially insecure often do that on public discussion forums where they're safely anonymous.

cluhlenbrauck said:

oh noez.
this guy is smart. Goes on record saying self pity is the worst thing in the world. Then he tries to kill himself. Like enough is enough.
This guy seriously sounds like a 16 year old that forgot to hand in his project on time cause the sparkly glue was still drying.

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

VoodooV says...


you honestly think this shitstorm of a "discussion" is a good example of debate and discourse? It started off nice enough but the @shinyblurry web-bot detected the word atheist in its search algorithms and ran its "scripture_dump_#647.bat" script and then insecure @chingalera heard the commotion and decided that enough people weren't paying enough attention to him so he had to enter the fray.

and of course the people who just haven't been around long enough to know how those two operate unwittingly took their bait and assumed that these people were actually genuine and engaged them and viola! instant shitstorm

This has nothing to do with taking offense. You honestly think we ignore people merely because we disagree with them? Fuck that and fuck you for thinking so. We ignore people because we don't think they add anything to the discussion and their posts eventually become noise and distraction.

This has everything to do with people who have no actual interest in the community here and are just here to push an agenda or they're here to agitate people in a non-constructive way.

there is NO debate in this thread, there is NO discourse here. just brick walls and trolling.

@messenger this is EXACTLY why moderation is needed because this thread demonstrates exactly how there is NO self-moderation going on. Things are blowing up now until the next time someone falls for the chigalera/shinyblurry trap and we do this all over again lather rinse repeat and zero progress.

This sift keeps naively assuming that everyone wants to contribute constructively. Not everyone does. Some people are just attention whores. Dissent and offense is fine as long as it can be done constructively and you can at least make a decent argument to back it up. Most of us do that here, but non-insignificant number of us don't And sometimes you have to pull out the weeds.

Not every opinion is equal. You want debate and discourse here? Well there are rules and a structure to that. If you can't back your shit up or you commit blatant logical fallacies or are non-constructive, expect to get your ass kicked. That isn't squashing dissent, that's enforcing a standard.

Boston Explosion at Marathon Finish Line

VoodooV says...

I'm just pissed more than anything. I'm sick and tired of how this will make people even more scared and insecure and drive people to do even more stupid things.

I'm sick of how social media is blowing up right now. Every fucking celebrity and business rushing to make their false sympathy status updates and tweets. Guess what. the victims and their family/loved ones don't give a shit if Company X or Celebrity Y sends out their thoughts and prayers. They're too busy dealing with *real* things right now.

Not even an hour after the explosions and I'm already seeing the black ribbon pictures and all these logos designed to associate an image with this event. Seriously..who does that? "Ut oh, some people got killed. Time to make a new black ribbon logo or iconic image to represent the tragedy!!"

Every fucking tragedy that's been going on lately it just feels like we're going through the motions. It's like fucking routine now. It seems like we're used to it.

I've got tragedy fatigue.

How to Justify Science (Richard Dawkins)

Quboid says...

@shinyblurry, I don't care about scripture. I don't believe in it. I don't believe it was written by God, directly or through man. I believe it was written by man, alone, and has been translated, manipulated, and copied for centuries so even if it had any truth, it would be long, long gone. The scripture you quote is all about trying to fool yourself anyway. God could prove his existence in a millionth of a second, why is he so insecure that he needs to play games with us?

I used to pray, but I have never ever heard of one single prayer actually having any supernatural effect. It always comes down to confirmation bias or the placebo effect. Not once has a single prayer done a damn thing, yet people fool themselves into not only believing that it works, but that it always works.

Again, I have considered this at great length. I was Christian, I was probably baptised, I believed in God and I tried to talk to him. But I grew out of having invisible friends.

Everything, every possible set of circumstances, is "consistent with the bible", because your interpretation morphs to fit whatever reality you can't manage to pretend doesn't exist. When childish nonsense like "God works in mysterious ways" is considered a valid argument, absolutely anything will confirm your belief that the Bible says God is true and that's reliable because God says the Bible is true and that's reliable because the Bible says God is true and that's reliable because God says ...

NFL Cheerleader assaults 12 year old

krelokk jokingly says...

Sorry I can't help you with the football, as someone of my supreme godlike infinite intellect, someone that isn't offended to acknowledge your species is far less than perfect, I don't find pleasure in watching 'sports' designed to appease the savages bloodlust for war. I also am not so insecure about myself or my own species that get offended and make failed attempts to mock others who believe we can be better than we are. As you noted yourself, your weakness and insolence is laughably typical of humans, so it is no surprise that you have neither the greatness nor the wisdom to identify that humanity could use immense improvement. Instead you simply choose to be among those that need improving. Now go grab a beer and watch some fellow savages, who make far more money than you do, beat the shit out of each other.

chingalera said:

Oh Krelokk, great and wise-Help our species to free ourselves from the curse of our own human weakness and insolence...and will the Titans have a chance next season since they signed Shonn Greene??

Gerard Butler is a Spartan while Greeting fans in Hollywood.

Deano says...

I think I can understand it. They're projecting a lot onto that person and need a response that validates the emotional investment.
They need to believe in something and the celebrity is a convenient focus. So an actor can't just be appreciated for their work, they are "nice", "down-to-earth", "appreciative of their fans" etc.

I've never, ever been susceptible to this behaviour (ok when i was about 10 I got the autograph of a magician) and it's something that most people grow out of - the age range of these fans must be around teens to late twenties.

While the scribbles may be just that, having the star pay any kind of attention to them is probably very powerful.

For the star, this kind of adulation might be tiresome, but these people watch your films. If no one showed up that would be a bad sign.

BTW every little snippet I've read up to now suggested that Butler was an insecure dick. But his charm offensive for this Die Hard clone has been well received - see his reddit AMA and the gushing posts.

A10anis said:

I guess I must be missing something. I've never understood "celebrity" adulation. And to queue in the hope of getting a scribbled autograph is demeaning, embarrassing, and utterly pointless.

Adam Hills destroys Joan Rivers (Adele comments)

Bane Cartman

Bane Cartman

That's some shit I really really need!

eric3579 says...

I got a long list of needs gotta satisfy 'em all
And the first on the list is a bag of Tylenol
Cause I'm stressed out thinking I don't have the time at all
To get my shopping done, let me start here, on the top at one

First, I need to check my e-mail
Oh shit, yahoo front page news, another celebrity female
That had a wedding recently, the marriage epicly failed
I need to click the link because I need to get the details

Soon as I click it I'm hit with a little ad
That reminds me of a need that I already had
It's an absolute must have need it really bad
Before I read the story I be rushing out of my pad

Now I'm in my car speeding cause I'm itching to find
A Mickey D's drive through so I can sit in the line
Gotta get in it in time, can't waste a minute of time
The McRib's only there for a limited time

And then I'm hit with a sign, that makes a switch in my mind
Reminding me of a need of a different kind
A brightly colored advertisement on a bus bench
Makes me head to Target to pick up tents

Cause tomorrow they're coming out with Call of Duty 84
And it's a necessity I camp out at the store
You never know they might never fucking make any more
I'm gonna rush to the front when they open the door
And trample over any people that fall down on the floor
This ain't a game, this is war
If you produce it I'll consume it if you shove it down my freaking throat
Everybody else got it, I don't wanna miss the boat

[Hook x2]
It's a lot of shit I really really need
And I need to get all of it at a really fast speed
I'm aware I'm a puppet of another man's greed
I don't care, I'm in love with all this shit I really need

[Verse 2]

My duffle bag is packed
With my phone, and my pod, my shuffle, pad, and mac
Got all of my i's dotted, if they made it I got it
And I'mma open my wallet for the next iProduct

Gotta try to give them all that I can bruh
Cause every phone that I own needs to have multiple cameras
And my last one only had one
How can I be seen from boths sides of the screen, I mean

If I don't desperately plead and request for my upgrade
I'll definitely bleed to death or die of AIDS
I need better resolution, more gigs!
Angry birds is old, I need war pigs!

I need to tell the landlord as far as what is concerned
I gave Apple every cent that I earned
So I'mma be late, now I need a Tecate
To deflate this stress caused by not letting my needs wait


"God damn man I just need to relax, watch some late night TV
Aw infomercials... Aw fuck I need all this shit too!"

[Verse 3]

I got a lot of insecurities, use 'em to attack me
I'm going bald, getting fat, plus I got acne
I'm looking like a combination of all the before pics
Please pretty please let me make you more rich

Cause I need to get over whatever it is that I'm sick from
List some symptoms, I bet I could pick one
Yeah I got the fifth one, out of 45
Stomach aches, surely I need that particular drug to take

The terrorists got me scared as shit
Time to buy a terror kit, with a mask for air in it
God bless my soul, I need to invest in gold
The economy as we know it is about to fucking fold

And we're all gonna die if I don't fucking buy
All the oil's running dry, asteroids from the sky
Who am I, where am I, what am I, I just need to fucking find
The nearest Wal-Mart that's got a gun to buy

Straight Men Respond to: "Gay Men Will Marry Your Girlfriend

South Park S16E10 (Insecurity): All Bane Clips

Things You Can Be On Halloween Besides Naked!!!

enoch says...

you totally misunderstood my comment.
my point is that it is the ATTENTION that is the main focus,not the penis.

let me try this another way.

what if the girl was lesbian?
would male attention be her focus?

this attention seeking behavior usually starts young,when a young girl is unsure,insecure and vulnerable.(just like every other teen).
maybe they were the first girl in class to sprout boobs.
maybe she was a late bloomer and was nerdy and gangly all through high school.

in any scenario you wish to portray there will always be the common denominator that at one point she began to receive attention and that attention validated her as desirable,sexy even.
this may have led to dressing more "sexy" to garner even more attention.

the danger here is that the beauty of youth is always results in entropy and if a woman finds validation solely in the form of attention,she will find it harder and harder to get the validation she has become accustomed to receiving.
this may lead to even more dramatic practices i.e:higher degree of provocative dress.bargaining flirtations for sexual promiscuity.actively seeking attention by way of nightclubs,bars and other venues where a source of attention may congregated.

we all wish to be desirable in one way or another and attention can be a powerful validation that we are desirable.the problem arises when the girl/guy is unaware of their own motivations to be validated and in the process allows themselves to become objects rather than human beings.

attention=validation *no penis required

men can be just as vulnerable to this validation seeking but our culture does not impose the same amount of pressure that young women have to endure and ultimately over-come.

what i believe you are saying,and its a point i agree that young women should be more self-aware and be comfortable with who they are rather than what society thinks they should be.

the fact that i am male should not automatically disqualify me from expressing an opinion on female matters.i may fall short due to not owning a uterus but i feel my point is valid

Things You Can Be On Halloween Besides Naked!!!

Sagemind says...

Yes, Yes, you are correct
I don't no why I wrote all that - I just had a moment of rebelling against political correctness.

The truth is, other than on TV, I've never seen anyone dress up as the sexy whatever costume - at least not to extreme (outside of maybe at night clubs aka. the bars). Most people I know are fun and reserved and not at all pretentious and actually come up with some very original costumes..

The best costumes are the scary ones where you can't even tell who is wearing the costume.
"Sexy" as a costume - IS NOT A COSTUME. I don't even know why women would bother with them. I assume it's because they are too cool and are too insecure to let anyone see them except at their best - even when "Best" is artificial and shallow.

(Disclaimer: I don't even know if this makes any sense, Sorry, I'm tired and my kids are all in room blasting Youtube videos - on two different computers, across the room - making it hard for me to think or form any coherent sentences.)

My real opinion is that from all the videos I've seen this year - people are over-thinking their costumes and Halloween. The truth is, the costume doesn't matter - It's how much fun you have that counts.

Also: A knife in a box of cereal does not make it a serial killer costume

>> ^bareboards2:

@Sagemind -- I think you are missing the point.
Or maybe -- rather -- Your second line is exactly the point. "Did you ever stop to think that maybe guys like the whole sexy look?" Good lord, as women we can't get away from what guys want. It should ONLY be what the women want to do.
It is about giving a different message to young women. Right now, they get inundated with one message only. This is what guys want. In magazines. In the movies. On television. (And yes, men are starting to be pressured in a similar way, but I don't see that as progress. I see that as the disease is spreading.)
I live in a town where "dressing up" everyday is frowned upon. Lots of "dressing down" here. When Halloween hits, the Sexy Everything shows up in spades. Men and women both. Then the next day, they go back to six layers and flannel. It's a great release, it's great fun.
You aren't the target audience, dear Sage. The target audience is young women who have never thought about being Louis CK. The target audience is young women who perhaps have never considered having their own fun with a costume, having their own self expression, rather than yet one more iteration of "this is what guys want."
What do THE YOUNG WOMEN want?
They choose sexy? Fine. They choose to be a paunchy balding ginger? What a hoot!

400 Pictures of a Transsexual Male To Female Transition

Reefie says...

>> ^Payback:

I know it's the caveman part of me, but I just couldn't accept her. Nothing to do with religion. Almost nothing to do with insecurities. Just something that smacks me in the back of the head, "NO." Friends, sure. Married a friend/family member? Whatever to each their own. Intimate relationship? Nope. It's not her, it's me.

If you never knew would it ever bother you?

I hear you despite my provocative question. I was talking to a friend recently about the women she finds attractive, and I actually asked the question - would you date a woman who was previously a guy? Flat-out "No way!" was the answer, and the speed with which it was uttered took me by surprise. I pondered the question in my own time and came to a similar conclusion - I don't think I'd be comfortable dating a woman who was previously male. My only reassurance at the guilt I felt when I came to that conclusion was that what I don't know won't hurt me.

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