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It's hard to be a girl in a country song

Jerykk says...


So you genuinely believe that make-up has nothing to do with sexuality? Make-up makes women look more attractive to men. That's why it exists. There is no distinction between "attractive" and "sexually attractive." They are one and the same. Society tells women that without make-up, they are unattractive. It's also a double-standard, as men are not expected to wear make-up (unless they're on TV).

And basic hygiene is not a valid analogy. Hygiene is a matter of practicality. If you didn't bathe or wear deodorant, you would stink and annoy those around you, increasing friction and reducing productivity in the workplace. Make-up, on the other hand, is purely cosmetic. It serves no purpose other than making yourself more sexually appealing. It's the same reason why women are expected to shave their legs and armpits and have slim but curvy bodies. It's the same reason why they wear high heels.

Idealized gender representations exist solely for the sake of increasing your sexual appeal. If you don't live up to these representations, society looks down upon you and makes you feel like shit. Women wear make-up because they are insecure about their appearance. They're insecure because society has created notions of beauty that are unattainable through natural means.

Law Student Prevails Over State Robot Thug

bremnet says...

Thanks for the intro. Let me know when you contribute some "intelligent banter". All I see is belligerent narcissistic bullshit from an insecure little boy. (if you don't watch television, how do you know what the McDonald's jingle is? Someone's fibbing again... you silly boy).

chingalera said:

Bit about myself, newbie @bremnet
Don't watch television, haven't owned one for over 25 years
Recognize the ilk who make comments like yourself as robotic apes regurgitating their keeper's script like public school children singing the McDonald's jingle-

We take offense at wholesale assumptions and editorializing-without-information and recognize it for what it is: The most formidable defense of all chumps and cowards.

This site gives license to all-comers to speak their mind, offer intelligent banter on a variety of subjects, and oh....there's a special car on this train for folks like yourself to masturbate publicly in between the rabble and bar cars...

@hamsteralliance-Sound, sane, and sobering truth in yours, one of the only reasonable comments in this thread. Agree whole-heartedly.

Law Student Prevails Over State Robot Thug

artician says...

Yeah, but this is one of those jackasses who parades around public with a fucking firearm on their hip. I'm honestly not sure which one is the robot in these scenarios.

I completely understand both sides of the pro/anti-gun standpoint. I could make valid arguments for either side, but in the end I'm relatively certain everyone wants to live in safety.

Walking around with your insecurity-compensation-unit out is simply stating "I can't find any other way to make a point than make everyone around me feel incredibly uncomfortable." I would much rather have it that people were allowed to carry concealed weapons.

Awesome, Unique Design Makes this Lock Un-Pickable

rich_magnet says...

Yeah, picking locks is not the greatest threat. Cutting with an angle grinder and overhang (breaking with a hammer, and this lock has huge overhang) are the greater threats. The greatest threat to bike theft, in my experience, is locking to insecure anchors. This innovative design addresses none of these big three risks.

newtboy (Member Profile)

chingalera says...

No sir, what is happening is that YOU seem to misunderstand that YOU continually misinterpret and take PERSONALLY almost every comment I make and you emotionally respond with personal insult and with faulty profiling with a view to seeing what makes you feel insecure simply go the fuck away....a fucking asterix MEANS one of two two things here: either someone fucked-up while entering a comment and rather than re-writing they simply place a character to avoid a blank space (the system code's unintuitive design disallows simply deleting the entire comment) and some people are confuses when they see a blank space).

What is truly sad is the manner in which you and your cohort doing the same shit (cutting and pasting my comments on mine and their own profile continually) take everything I have to write as a personal fucking attack (WHEN IT IS NOT) as the result of their insecurities and inability to process information or intent. You know VERY little of my history here as it has been filtered through whomever you've talked to and the very limited exchanges you have had with me in which you fail to communicate rather, you fucking assume what you will of my character then validate those feelings with more of your own confabulation......It's social dysfunction....impolite, uncivil, and wholly subjective, and your motivated by your own ignorance of my intent and fueled by an unwillingess to process information that does not suit your particular brand of social dysfunction.

Experienced this's what makes YOU the hater, YOU the problem, and can either be an inroad to understanding or my demise, since I chose to engage certain problems or challenges rather than to simply ignore them.

Now as far as this particular exchange we are still in my estimation, having a conversation exchanging opinions, observations and ideas.....Should you once again try and turn it into some misinterpreted personal attack then justify a response similar to most of yours in the past, which quickly digress into personal attacks on my character and retarded assumptions well.....I'm going to either pound the admins until they respond appropriately or bring this shit out in the open forum in a sift talk post because quite frankly.....I will not have my account suspended because of someone's lack of
critical-thinking skills combined personal hatred for people, concepts, or opinions they find confusing or emotionally trying....

Comprehension is an issue for some my ass, you have a hard to see me fry and are willing to go the fucking distance to see it happen.....well fuck THAT and since you can;t seem to wrap your head around the concept, fuck privacy....The goddamn community-at-large needs to see what you are up to...

newtboy said:

I quoted you. Try reading what you wrote. I'll even copy it for you. Sure seemed directed at me, especially since you quoted my comment in the thread to tell me " * "...sure seemed like you needed me to read your comment, but then later thought better of what you wrote and tried to erase it (but couldn't make the contact go away completely).
It's funny and sad that the one who's been repeatedly banned and corrected with 'probations', and that get's in over the top verbal fights daily doesn't understand that they're the real problem. Comprehension is an issue for some.

chingalera said:


and then said

Popularity be damned and at pennies on the dollar, the site has once again been wrested by a cabal of regular back-and-forthers, none particularly clever or interesting, whose banal commentary could fill a modest tome printed on onion skins, bound with viscous expectorates, and disposed of at one's next convenient expurgate repose the lucky hoarder having been thankful to have kept it for a fresher feeling behind after schnapps.

Michael Sam Gets Drafted Into NFL - Reaction

Januari says...

Ahhhh yeah. Those players aren't going to validate stereotypes for the insecure when they don't have memorable careers. You can bet every mistake he makes, even mediocrity will justify many individuals bigotry.

non_sequitur_per_se said:

LOL, as opposed to straight players that don't "kick ass" and are not remembered AT ALL?

Drag Queen Gives Impassioned Speech About Homophobia

VoodooV says...

hahahhahah! that's hilarious that you think I'm attacking you by saying that you're in the closet.

I'm trying to help you. Nothing worse than denying who you are friend.

To give you an example. I don't like sifts of cute pets as I think they just cater to the "aww" factor. So guess what? I don't comment on those sifts...I don't vote on those sifts...I avoid those kinds of sifts. If I don't like something...I avoid it.

You on the other hand, seem to make a point of visiting virtually every sift involving things you hate. Blacks, Atheists, and especially homosexuals. You're on record as saying:

"I'm not afraid of homosexuals unless I'm in a prison where I can't defend myself from being raped by one."

which is really fucking oddball considering 1) how many people think about being in prison unless they've got a guilty conscience and 2) how many "supposedly straight" people think about being raped by homosexuals unless they're completely insecure.

you make a point of following a topic you claim to dislike, so I'm only observing your behavior and saying hrm...that's strange for someone who is always proclaiming how "normal" and how "not-minority" he is..

you doth protest too much sir. It's textbook projection

if you really dislike them so much....go away. It's a win win for all of us

or stay, and eventually be banned because it's only a matter of time before we catch you saying something racist or hateful again.

Seriously...think about your own actions for once instead of obsessing over what strangers do.

lantern53 said:

I love how the worst thing you can call me is the thing you are trying to defend.

Now where did that racism video go...I had a great point to make there...oh wait, I guess that means I want to secretly be a minority.


"I will survive" - Nerd Revenge in VH1 Anti-Bully ad

ghark says...

Fair points I guess its confusing for me because they've made it into a fun vid, with good production, so I can't understand why they didn't talk to someone who knew about bullying, it wouldn't have cost them much more.

A couple of interesting things about bullying - firstly, many bullies who bully because of insecurities, depression, loneliness or anxiety are actually people who have been bullied themselves at some point. This begs the question, instead of labeling all bullies as 'bad' people, should we look at ways of getting them psychological help to help break the pattern of poor behaviour they have gotten themselves into?

Also, there are bullies classified as 'pure' bullies, these are people who likely haven't been bullied themselves and also don't suffer from many of the social and emotional problems of other bullies. They can be "skilled social strategists" and bully to enhance their status. They do well academically, socially and emotionally, the main thing they seem to lack is the ability to empathize as well as others.

So really, this is just another example of the problem of stereotyping - with some bullies doing very well for themselves (which kind of debunks the point of this vid), and other bullies bullying because they themselves have been bullied, I think it's not right to just label them all as bad, they may (and probably do) need help too.

Lots of that research is available from this link:

Anyway, just food for thought, thanks for the post!

oritteropo said:

In the Adfreak article I linked in the description, David Gianatasio makes similar points, that although the ad is expertly staged and boasting a great cast, and represents great wish fulfillment for the repressed, it ultimately falls flat for failing to actually discourage the bullying behaviour

Ricky Gervais' Guilty Pleasures

Fairbs says...

What I know of him, incredible intellect seems like a long shot, but it's arguable so agree to disagree on that point. What I don't like about him is that he's always taking shots at people which makes him seem insecure. It's not just one or two people, it's everyone. And the second thing that drives me nuts about him and is more to the point of my original comment can be seen at 2:15. He's laughing hysterically at a joke that is barely funny and it's not him having a laugh with a crowd he's entertaining, it's a laugh to make himself feel that he's clever and funny. I don't think he is.

alien_concept said:

Honestly? He has an incredible intellect, like all great comedians. He just masks it a lot with his admitted childish behaviour.

Insufferable brunch

entr0py says...

It was a fine theory, but I don't think the reverse psychology of saying it's gay to insult gays actually works on homophobes. And teasing them about potentially being gay seems to validate their childish attitude.

As the culture moves away from homophobia being accepted, I almost think those insecure macho men will be relieved. It's got be be exhausting to be that paranoid.

artician said:

That was pretty awesome. This is the best way to cure the world of homophobia; make every macho showing representative of repressed homosexuality. Awesome.

Milton Friedman puts a young Michael Moore in his place

coolhund says...

Why am I reminded of the Chewbacca defense, when I hear Friedman trying to talk his ass out of this?
It only felt for some people like he is "winning" because Moore is very insecure and as I would have been, was overwhelmed by such unbelievable audacity and stupidity.

Africans Don't Like African-Americans

poolcleaner says...

I have a friend that claims Jamaican American but everyone just laughs at him or rolls their eyes like "mother fucker thinks he's special". So Africans hate African Americans and African Americans hate Jamaican Americans. Who do Jamaican Americans hate? Themselves?

I just refer to him as black. I'm white. He's black. Fuck all that see that as negative.

Life can be rough and if you believe you're above racism then all you really need to do is laugh at race issues, because it's all stupid shit. Whether you ARE a racist, or an insecure person unable to deal with racism towards you, or an insecure white person feeling the loss of white right, or an OCD know-it-all that likes to point out the flaws on either side of the racial fence -- it's all stupid, and you're stupid.

All I can do is laugh nowadays. I used to get mad, because occasionally, being in a permanent (marriage) interracial relationship, I'd get blasted by other white people as a "race traitor" or frowned at by people of my woman's race, but now I just laugh it off, or give a polite smile, if I'm feeling the burn.

So, without further ado -- Hahaha! Laughter is the best FUCK YOU in the racial playbook.

chingalera said:

Indeed Yogi, the term African American should refer to anyone who can claim total or partial ancestry from any of the native populations of Sub-Saharan Africa. I believe there's already terminology which everybody can feel comfortable with, with which to refer to, 'everyone'.

If you wanna blame someone for for having to hear the term, blame Jesse Fucking Jackson. You wanna blame someone for the word nigger or negro, it's time to start pointing fingers at the fucking Spaniards, and we have only pussies and assholes to blame for political correctness.

Yoga Pants Prank

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

VoodooV says...

Wow...calling Dr. Freud. You just keep digging yourself into a deeper hole.

first you're obsessed with your lesbian friend, now you're fantasizing about being raped in prison. I can't believe you went there. I mean the whole being raped is one thing...but is going to prison a real possibility for you to think about yourself in that scenario???

nevermind the whole hyper-inflated ego that seems to make insecure people such as yourself think that gay people just won't be able to resist themselves and rape you the first chance they get.

You just seem to be thinking about the activities of homosexuals...

...a lot.

I think you've got some serious soul searching to do.

I knew a guy like you. constantly defensive. most often heard words out of his mouth were gay jokes, Constantly bringing up what the gay people at work were doing even though no one cared. constantly accusing them of being attention whores..yet he was the one who made the biggest fuss about it...He was constantly talking about this other guy who had quit years ago as someone found out that he had a sex change. No one cared. Or if they did, they kept it to themselves for the most part. Except for this guy...

All I can say is that you have to be honest with yourself dude.

For someone who doesn't care, you're having a real hard time walking away.

lantern53 said:

I'm not afraid of homosexuals unless I'm in a prison where I can't defend myself from being raped by one.

I'm more irritated by homosexuals who apparently can't function unless they are featured on the front page of every newspaper.

They seem to be attention whores, always the first ones to get married if the state/city makes it legal.

Whenever it becomes thoroughly accepted, they'll have to think of something else to draw everyone's attention.

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

ChaosEngine says...

Wow, so much ignorance in one post.

First up, you've just made @Yogi's point. Classical music was invented by humans, i.e. it does not naturally occur in the wild, unlike homosexuality, which does.

One: So fucking what? I have no desire to watch or participate in male homosexual behaviour. Because I'm not gay. Why would I have a problem with those that do?

Two: Eh??? What the hell does "priests" have to do with this topic?

Three: for the last time, homosexuality is not pedophilia. In fact, the majority of child sexual abuse is carried out by heterosexuals.

Four: Again, so fucking what? If you don't like gay men wearing codpieces or dog collars, stop searching google for those images.

Five: Man, you keep some strange fucking company. I've never heard of that before. Maybe it's a thing, maybe (and far more likely) you made it up or exaggerated a few incidents of people acting like assholes. Again, so fucking what? Straight people do terrible things do.

Six: I repeat, so fucking what? Are you that insecure that you can't handle a few queers acting effeminate? If you don't like that kind of person, don't associate with them.

It all comes down to this. No-one is forcing you to be gay or participate in "gay" activities. You have a choice.

Seriously, stop going to gay bars. Stop searching the internet for gay porn. Stop watching TV shows about home decorating. Stop looking for things to be outraged about.

But don't expect other people to conform to your narrow little viewpoint. You don't have the right not to be offended.

lantern53 said:

Homophobia exists in one species.

Ok, so does classical music.

Why do people dislike homosexuals?

Let's have an honest conversation about homosexuality.

One: it's a repellent thought for most men to think of one man fucking another man or sucking his dick.

Two: Priests

Three: homosexual child predators (I know there are hetero predators too...they are also disliked)

Four: Images of gay men parading down the street with red codpieces, dog collars, etc

Five: gay men flinging semen out of 2nd story windows (you can google for the pics if you have the stomach for it)

Six: gay men act strange, limp wristed etc

Now, I'm not even going to cover gay women. I don't think most men care much about gay women except the butch ones. The lipstick lesbians are a big part of straight porn, so...

Also I realize that there are many gay men who are responsible and don't engage in obnoxious gay behavior, and I know there are hetero men who engage in obnoxious behavior.

But the bottom line is, to most straight men, gay behavior is offensive. Keep it in your bedroom and to yourself.

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