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alien_concept (Member Profile)

radx says...

The coroner said that when David Clapson died he had no food in his stomach. Clapson’s benefits had been stopped as a result of missing one meeting at the jobcentre. He was diabetic, and without the £71.70 a week from his jobseeker’s allowance he couldn’t afford to eat or put credit on his electricity card to keep the fridge where he kept his insulin working. Three weeks later Clapson died from diabetic ketoacidosis, caused by a severe lack of insulin. A pile of CVs was found next to his body.

Some people -- looking at Iain Duncan Smith here -- are so utterly inhumane that I would consider it animal cruelty to feed their corpses to the pigs.

God loving parents give gay son a choice

MilkmanDan says...

Sometimes I mentally compare being bullied / picked on as a kid to growing up gay. ...But at least a kid that gets bullied probably has parents who want to support and help them through that.

I feel very sorry for this guy. That comes first, but I guess my second reaction is dismay at how fucking inhuman his parents/family are. No "reasons" can justify that. Just tragic all around, I hope he extricates himself from that whole mess as cleanly as possible and with as much of a positive outlook on life as possible.


RIP-Robin Williams :(

Asmo says...

There's a nasty type of irony to a person who thinks they are advancing humanity by being inhumane...

And just think, all those seconds wasted posting bitchy cunt comments, you could have been helping someone else, perhaps giving them a ride on your high horse... Given that roughly 150,000 people die globally every day, you don't really have time to waste if you're going to fret over them equally...

bremnet said:

Yeah, it is pretty sad... that some mourn for people who have more oppotunities than most, money, fame, talent and a legacy known around the world, but that isn't enough, or they can't handle it and decide that suicide is the way to go. Why don't you sift about the 20 or so military combat vets (not just US vets either) that commit suicide every day, men and women who decided that their day at work could mean dying for you, me, and a belief - you know, if you really are sick of sifting this kind of idolizing bullshit.

Snake Plays Dead

TYT - Israel's devastation of Gaza

newtboy says...

Not so in any meaningful way.

Israelis are the expansionists....aggressors.
Israel bombed first this (and many other) round(s)....aggressors.
Israel has many other less harmful methods of obtaining their 'stated' goals but prefer indiscriminately bombing civilian populations and shelters, then lying about it and blaming the victims....aggressors and liars.
Israel is safe as long as the iron dome system works, and it's working fine against the fireworks, but they still claim their offensive military campaign is defensive....aggressors, liars, and assholes.
Israel has done to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to them, namely force them into ghettos, then a giant concentration camp where they are randomly killed, but Israel still thinks they somehow hold the high moral ground (in large part because of people like you who will tell them so, in the face of all evidence to the contrary)....evil, history forgetting aggressors.
I think that's enough to say you are dead wrong in the first part of your statement....but they are getting their butts kicked. To me, that's a statement about the inhuman willingness of Israel to repeatedly and viciously attack a defenseless, imprisoned population rather than a slight against Palestinians.

bobknight33 said:

Palestinians and Hamas are the aggressors and now they are getting their buts kicked.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Nuclear Weapons

SDGundamX says...

There is a pretty large worldwide anti-nuclear movement out there, particularly in Japan, but it apparently doesn't have much traction in the U.S. In fact in 2013 the UN General Assembly 125 countries issued a joint statement calling the use of nuclear weapons inhuman and for total disarmament.

I think people in the U.S. have kind of forgotten about them since the cold war ended. I don't think anyone seriously believes we'll use them. "Deterrence" is really the only reason we still stockpile them, but it's a ludicrous notion. If someone is crazy enough to intentionally use nukes, they're crazy enough not to care what the repercussions to their own country will be both politically or militarily.

Israeli crowd cheers with joy as missile hits Gaza on CNN

newtboy says...

There's no such thing as an Israeli civilian. They are all, 100% of them, in the military or reservists.
If we were slowly taking over Mexico and corralling the Mexicans into smaller and smaller ghettos while stealing their land, and killing tens of thousands of them, I would not support deadly, broad, unfocused 'retaliation' against teenagers shooting 'fireworks' at all. If you would, you are inhumanly evil.

ShakaUVM said:

The rockets have killed "Mostly civilians". And wounded thousands.

If Mexico was launching four thousand rockets at America, there would be no way in hell we'd just sit back and give them the limited response that Israel was meting out.

Lethal Injection Replaced with New Head-Ripping-Off Machine

chingalera says...

Oh America (the private dinner party for which an inhuman few have placards and a place setting reserved at the bloodfeast for) knows exactly what it's doing: Creating the problem and providing a pathetic solution by orchestrating an ever-burgeoning and increasingly violent criminal element in the general population, then providing the solution: Institutionalization through an exclusive prison/enforcement/business/slavery model.

Capital punishment should be meted-out to the individual at the time of the witnessed infraction, legalize homicide. Begin with the perpetrators and complicit thugs who created the machine described above.

Drachen_Jager said:

What do you mean zero progress? France has been against the death penalty for years!

Oh, you mean zero progress in America?

That's a bit of a dog bites man story, isn't it?

Emily's Abortion Video

BoneRemake says...

You people are all believers in euthanasia, aren't you

and euthanasia in what case ??

if you are terminal and are of somewhat age to understand what is going on why not ?? you seem to lump in the definition to killing children based on a parents response. that is just ludicrous an you know it.

people who get to a point where they want to die based on whatever personal troubles that I can not adaquatly list here, they should have that option. I would assume that you belive suicides go to hell. .. . that is their decision, if a mortal body that is conscious and wants to die but can not do it by their own means, should have that option. it is inhuman not to allow that in my opintion.

really all I have been responding to is the other side of the fences argument, which seems to trickles through the fence as ideology/bible/jesus/god/ that sort.

How can you justify your position, you seem to have one but you never actually list any scripture, so is it all based on bible or was this how you are raised ? people do not just come into that style or sort of belief. You want answers from others, I would not mind understanding you a bit more, I am somewhat confused now.

In my eyes you deny people, in my understanding you see them as not worthy of second though or rights.. but based on what ?

Most Shocking Second a Day Video

chingalera says...

Again and again, your repeated statements reflect only your assumptions of my motivations based on the written words. If you'd like to know who and what I am you have but to inquire. I'll let you in on a little secret if you'd like a clue:

These are the absolute best of times to be alive in on planet now. If you want my opinion of the manner in which you and others of similar ilk conduct themselves on this site and others concerning a dissenting opinion or alternatives to run-of-the-mill editorials concerning world affairs anchored in parroting party-line opinions, you may crawl up my ass to find the answers for yourself.

As for anarchy well, you may look to geopolitics as reflected in the current paradigm, and perhaps you'll see that us common-folk haven't really got a clue of the debauch enjoyed by those involved in that sort of inhumanity.

A10anis said:

Don't need to "Edumacate" myself thanks. As for arguing a point? Well, with certain closed minded conspiracy theorists it is pointless. Especially with someone who sees ALL the problems wrapped neatly up in a capitalist plot. Their answer? they have none other than "overthrow those in control." Well, you don't need to look far to see what anarchy brings. Or should I spell it out for you? It brings exactly that; Anarchy, in fighting, tribalism, persecution and pain. You stick to your childish revolutionary talk and I will, with all its flaws, stick to the best there is at the minute ie, capitalism and democracy (such as it is).

Man Escapes 5 Yr Sentence After Dash Cam Footage Clears Him

chingalera says...

And back @ lantern53: "You people??" Fuckng sounds like a cop, distancing themselves form the rabble to justify their own criminal association and feelings of guilt when faced with the inhumanity of the arcane institution they align themselves with. Now show your humanity how about it, and exhibit some remorse or empathy for the common citizenry? Try that on for size please?

I just hope yer not a cop anywhere near my own city...After my recent experience with them, I understand fully the implications of pissing-off some hind-brained adrenaline junkie with a goddamned badge and a court who has the back of their enforcers FIRST and foremost in their interpretation of their 'law'.

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

Chaucer says...

Again, you are making this out as they are being treated inhumane. In my example of the bakery. They couple that owned it didnt have any problems with the people. They just didnt want to be associated with a gay wedding due to their beliefs. LGBT in turn, ran them out of business because they didnt believe in their lifestyle.

The LBGT is nothing but a mafia type organization. Eventually they will be exposed for what they are.

I also dont want this topic to be about me vs the gay community. I could care less if some dude wants to suck another dudes dick or two ladies scissoring. If gays want to get married, godspeed. However, dont you dare tell me what I should or should not think about that. To me, the bigotry within the gay community is running rampage. They SHOUT that they arent being treated fairly but yet they do most of the persecuting.

StukaFox said:

If they say someone is a second-class citizen because of how they were born, then yes, the belief is invalid trash and should be treated as such. Not accepted, but outright rejected.

Hiding bigotry behind religion is still bigotry.

Giraffe Copenhagen Zoo chief: 'I like animals'

Payback says...

I bet the giraffe, if we were able to ask, would be ok with a quick bullet to the head instead of being ripped apart, most likely suffocating to death as one or more lions crushed it's neck.

The death of the giraffe would be far more "inhumane" in the wild, but would still have the same outcome, and the lions are also protected from possible complications from eating a raw carcass.

I also upvoted shatterdrose's bringing the whole burger idea into this. What's the difference between the cattle that are normally slaughtered for the lions and the giraffe? Beyond your opinion on the meat that is.

A10anis said:

...I would be happier if the lions had hunted it down in the wild, as nature intended, rather than it being handed to them...

TYT - A Great Way To Save USPS, But Will It Happen?

HenningKO says...

I don't get you chinga... payday loan places are legal, technically, but we all despise them because the fees are so inhumane, predatory, sick... as you say. Now USPS would get in on that market and drive those fees down, making the market less exploitative, taking money out of the hands of rich predatory assholes, putting it in the hands of working poor where it belonged in the first place, and saving an institution in one fell swoop... and you're.... against it? Or...?
I can understand being skeptical because it's not in front of your face working right now... but so far you haven't said why you don't think it would work. (If that's even your point... seems more like you're just plain agin'it.)

Police, Lies, Videoptape - Unlawful Arrest of Protester

chingalera says...

...and still he had to be humiliated, dragged into the system after standing too close to their meat-grinder.... fines, fees, and missed work and then, that special list, a record of his past 'offenses' reserved for these evil cunt's justification for continued harassment and suspicion and inhumane treatment at some future date, when he and everyone on that list is rounded-up first, to be used as a shining example of what NOT to do, if you don't want to end-up like him.

Uniforms should be worn by party-goers, and politicians and police should wear clown costumes and mime make-up. Much easier that way to discern the thugs from humans.

doogle said:

"Dr Steven Peers, who was filming the demonstration at Barton Moss in Salford, was arrested for refusing a breath test after the policeman accused him of driving to the site drunk.

He was later charged but the case fell apart at court when prosecutors offered no evidence."

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