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Russia probe and FISA abuse is an DNC / FBI Setup

newtboy says...

So full of misrepresentation and outright lies.
Apparently anyone who doesn't wear a MAGA hat daily is now to be barred from doing their job in the justice department and should be tried for treason if the try, and absolutely cannot be telling the truth.
What nonsensical drivel.
...and now they're trying to rewrite history again and claim Republicans didn't draft the Steele dossier. *facepalm

What they ignore is the investigation was well under way before summer 2016, so any info given them in late 2016 couldn't possibly be the impetus.
What they also ignore (and hope you will too) are all the guilty pleas....argue all you want that you don't trust the evidence or investigation, but remember that most involved have ADMITTED their guilt in these matters and agreed to supply evidence about other people's guilt, one other person in particular.

The Alt-Right Playbook: The Death of a Euphemism

Mordhaus says...

I disagree that there is net benefit from illegal immigrants.

Yes, they do pay taxes. They do not collect retirement benefits.

They also tend to not pay for medical insurance and their jobs do not provide it (for the most part). Generally when they have medical issue, they either go to a free clinic that is there for poor people or they go to a non private hospital emergency room. They cannot be turned away. This cost gets passed on to people paying for their insurance and hospital costs because Hospitals hike up insurance costs to make up the difference. It also causes massive delays at the ER, making it harder for them to deal with people really needing emergency care.

They do utilize public schooling without paying similar amounts of costs. For example, here in Austin, most of the areas that are predominantly Hispanic do not have to pay the same level of property and school taxes as I do. I don't even have kids, but if I lived in East Austin, my taxes would be significantly lower. It has led to East Austin starting to have a Gentrification problem as people/businesses move their to exploit the lower taxes.

Many illegal immigrants carry the minimum or no insurance. My wife's car was totaled some years ago, almost killing her, by an illegal immigrant who had no insurance. We had to use our insurance for her treatment and for the replacement of her vehicle. The man who hit her disappeared.

They utilize fake id and ssid to get welfare benefits. They do get caught now and then, but they flee the area and get new info.

They also do get married to citizens and then, if they get divorced, they flee to avoid child support/alimony. I know of at least 3 friends/acquaintances that had this happen in the last 10 years.

I don't think they are more likely to commit crime than anyone else, but they are more likely to flee the country if caught.

The money they do earn is, in many cases, spent at local ethnic shops that usually are also owned by illegal immigrants. It has become so prevalent that many local stores have tried to modify how they are setup to attract illegal immigrants.

It has been shown that they save and send money out of the US, many times doing their best to avoid any custom duties that would be attached to larger sums.

Because they are violating the law and crossing the border, we spend a massive fuckton of money trying to stop them. This is probably the largest outlay of cost and the one everyone feels, even people living outside of a state affected by illegal immigration.

To be fair, maybe I am getting a skewed picture as I live in a city that has basically said "Fuck the laws, ya'll c'mon in and live here!"

Honestly, if we aren't going to stop them or deport them, then just fucking give them legal status so they are treated like everyone else. At least then they can be hounded by bill collectors too.

'I can think of nothing more American': Beto O’Rourke

newtboy says...

Sorry, wrong again.
He's a well known, constant liar and convicted fraud. Reasonable people simply don't listen to known liars and frauds.
The >50% approval number was another Trump lie, and was actually his DISAPPROVAL number, his number only exceeds 50% if you only count those still willing to identify as Republicans, a fast shrinking group. Most polls show below 40% approval, he's never approached 50%, unlike most others. Among Democrats he rates around 10%.

That sentence is not English. Try again.

Um....I critically digest information from dozens of reputable sources and take time to verify what they claim and often post my sources, you get "info" from Trump (a well known liar), Rush (known liar, propagandist, and opioid addict/anti drug spokesman), Dore (a naive internet comedian), and Q (absolute insane retardedness only also insane ignorant idiots would consider believing), but you claim I'm being taken for a ride? LMFAHS!
I'll be worried when you don't think so, because what you believe is just bat shit insane and has zero basis in reality and is served up by known, admitted, practiced liars, a fact you just excuse or blindly ignore every time you're forced to face it.

The New York Times Just Hired a Racist

zamnight says...

Hold on. I'm working on my diatribe for youtube comprised of cherry picked info; completely stripped of context.

I can definitively prove that Sarah is Psyduck.

Websites, Apps Drain User CPU to Mine Cryptocurrency

newtboy says...

From OAN, so we can safely assume it's not true.

I expect they'll soon explain to their audience that it's happening almost entirely non conservative news outlets and any liberal leaning sites, so you better avoid them and stick with OAN, Breitbart, Reddit, and Info Wars.

Sorry, no way I can upvote an OAN story.

The Day Jesus Returns

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...
"On or about December 29, 2016, FLYNN called a senior official of the Presidential Transition Team ("PTT official"), who was with other senior ·members of the Presidential Transition Team at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, to discuss what, if anything, to communicate to the Russian Ambassador about the U.S. Sanctions. On that call, FLYNN and 2 Case 1:17-cr-00232-RC Document 4 Filed 12/01/17 Page 2 of 6 the PTT official discussed the U.S. Sanctions, including the potential impact of those sanctions on the incoming administration's foreign policy goals. The PIT official and FLYNN also discussed that the members of the Presidential Transition Team at Mar-a-Lago did not want Russia to escalate the situation. "

^The Trump campaign knew about him breaking the law conducting affairs with a foreign adversary but still kept him in the White House until it was clear he was going to be indited.

Also, Flynn and Kushner (again this is prior to swearing in, aka illegal)


I can go through the rest, but see for yourself
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^All the indictments hosted on the justice department's website.

I could go through all of them like I did Flynn above, but thankfully, people are already compiling a list of contacts and the denials associated with said contacts:


And last but not least, those denials about contact that were made to the investigators arguably constitute obstruction of justice, the thing Nixon and Bill Clinton were impeached for.

Here's a quote from Nixon's first article of impeachment:
"The means used to implement this course of conduct or plan included one or more of the following:

making false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;

withholding relevant and material evidence or information from lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;

approving, condoning, acquiescing in, and counselling witnesses with respect to the giving of false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States and false or misleading testimony in duly instituted judicial and congressional proceedings;

interfering or endeavouring to interfere with the conduct of investigations by the Department of Justice of the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the office of Watergate Special Prosecution Force, and Congressional Committees;"

Honestly now, has Trump made any false or misleading statements about his team's contact with Russia? Has he withheld any relevant evidence?

Did he endevor to interfere with the conduct of an investigation?

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
^ iframe not working


So did he collude with Russia? who cares, no one is being charged or investigated with collusion.

Did he obstruct justice by misleading any US official or interefere with said investigation? That's debateable, and we'll have to see all that Meuller is going to put in the public record before anyone can make a clear decision. But it sure as hell looks bad, and it's very much NOT "Still no crime Still ZERO ZIP NADA"

If you look at the timeline for Nixon or Bill Clinton's impeachment, a lot of staffers (human shields) went down before the investigators got to the top.

bobknight33 said:

So what is the connection with Trump?

Mueller has caught up some folks for past deeds, which is good. What connections are there with the election?

The psychology of post-traumatic stress disorder

Unarmed child shot in the back while running from police

newtboy says...

By that logic, anyone running away should be shot to death because they MIGHT get a gun and worse, and anyone not running should be shot to death because they MIGHT be posturing to fight.

At the time of the shooting, the police didn't know there were guns or bullet holes in the car, which could be old holes. The driver was released, which indicates to me it WASN'T used in a drive by at all, or he would be an accomplice and would have been arrested. You disagree? Those guns might be his legal guns and unfired, there's little actual info.

No, if he was running away unarmed, no rational person would ask why they didn't shoot, that's moronic. Any person can be a potential danger. We don't give cops the right to be judge, jury, and executioner on the street based on their assumptions and guesses as you suggest we should. This is America, not the Philippines.

transmorpher said:

Let him run away to get a bigger gun, to get a hostage, or to harm someone else?

Given that they were in a car with weapons and bullet holes, all of those things were likely to occur. The officer did the right thing to protect the public.

Can you imagine if they didn't shoot, and an innocent bystander got killed? Everyone would be asking why they didn't shoot when they had the chance. It's a tough gig to be a cop.

The kid played with fire and got burnt.

A Closer Look: Trump Meets Kim Jong-un

SaNdMaN says...

I don't understand how you can made definitive blanket statements like that, based on the limited info we have.

All we have right now is one lying sack of shit talking to another lying sack of shit about some vague agreements.

NK has promised to denuclearize, on multiple occasions, since the early 1990s.

Please don't be naive.

Spacedog79 said:

Well I'd say nuclear war is off the table so that's a good start. Again, credit where it's due.

How a 1929 Silent Film Created the Countdown to Launch

BSR says...

Before the space shuttle would launch, the main engine would ignite first. After six seconds the two solid rocket boosters would ignite and the shuttle would launch.

The six second delay was necessary because the main engine ignition would rock the "stack" or the entire assembly of the shuttle, fuel tank and boosters forward. It took 6 seconds for the stack to return to the upright position.

This 6 second period of sway was referred to as "twang."

Figured I'd pass that little bit of info on to you in case you're ever asked about twang on a radio quiz show.

eric3579 said:

Today i learned the water used during a launch is used to dampen sound waves.

Is the Trump presidency a religious cult?

newtboy says...

Cults of personality are rarely about religion.
Are you saying evangelicals aren't real Americans, or that they're just all hypocritical liars disingenuously hiding behind religion?

If it was the economy. stupid, the Republican party would have disbanded in 2008 after they utterly destroyed it, and you would be a Democrat.

It's tribalism. It's all about 'my team's right, yours is wrong,' that's why fiscally responsible anti war moralists so easily turned into deficit and debt exploding pro war immoral long as they wear the right color tie, absolutely nothing else matters to you.

You admit Trump's a consummate liar, but you naively continue to believe his cheerleading fluff that comes with far less actual info than Clinton offered and changes daily as he is forced to face reality and indisputable facts. Why?

bobknight33 said:

This guy misses the mark by a country mile. This guy probably was one of those who that Hillary was going to make history.

Trump presidency has very little to do with religion.
Religion is about 1% of the reason real Americans voted for Trump.

Its the economy stupid.

8 years of Obama's slow growth and Hillary not giving much info on her plan and Trump laying it out in Black and White that he would bring jobs back and MAGA are the main reasons why he got elected.

Is the Trump presidency a religious cult?

bobknight33 says...

This guy misses the mark by a country mile. This guy probably was one of those who that Hillary was going to make history.

Trump presidency has very little to do with religion.
Religion is about 1% of the reason real Americans voted for Trump.

Its the economy stupid.

8 years of Obama's slow growth and Hillary not giving much info on her plan and Trump laying it out in Black and White that he would bring jobs back and MAGA are the main reasons why he got elected.

This is a giant ball of fire ants

Sagemind says...

Does anyone know the original video these clips were pilfered from? You know, the one that actually talks and give us the real info behind the film clips.
I hate these types of filtered videos.

Lifefaker- Profile Perfection For Pennies

newtboy says...

Come on people, this is hilarious....and educational.
It's not real, it links to info about the harms of social website addiction.
No points left to self *promote.

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