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Remembering Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

bobknight33 says...

230-page book called Sex Bias in the U.S. Code, published in 1977 by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

Called for the sex-integration of prisons and reformatories so that conditions of imprisonment, security and housing could be equal. She explained, “If the grand design of such institutions is to prepare inmates for return to the community as persons equipped to benefit from and contribute to civil society, then perpetuation of single-sex institutions should be rejected.” (Page 101)

>Called for reducing the age of consent for sexual acts to people who are “less than 12 years old.” (Page 102)

>Asserted that laws against “bigamists, persons cohabiting with more than one woman, and women cohabiting with a bigamist” are unconstitutional. (Page 195)

>Objected to laws against prostitution because “prostitution, as a consensual act between adults, is arguably within the zone of privacy protected by recent constitutional decisions.” (Page 97)
>Ginsburg wrote that the Mann Act (which punishes those who engage in interstate sex traffic of women and girls) is “offensive.” Such acts should be considered “within the zone of privacy.” (Page 98)

>Demanded that we “firmly reject draft or combat exemption for women,” stating “women must be subject to the draft if men are.” But, she added, “the need for affirmative action and for transition measures is particularly strong in the uniformed services.” (Page 218)

>An indefatigable censor, Ginsburg listed hundreds of “sexist” words that must be eliminated from all statutes. Among words she found offensive were: man, woman, manmade, mankind, husband, wife, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, serviceman, longshoreman, postmaster, watchman, seamanship, and “to man” (a vessel). (Pages 15-16)

>Wanted he, she, him, her, his, and hers to be dropped down the memory hole. They must be replaced by he/she, her/him, and hers/his, and federal statutes must use the bad grammar of “plural constructions to avoid third person singular pronouns.” (Page 52-53)

>Condemned the Supreme Court’s ruling in Harris v. McRae and claimed that taxpayer-funded abortions should be a constitutional right.

Doc Rivers

newtboy says...

Yes, but not all. I just can't convince my brother in Texas to forego his symbolic libertarian vote this year in favor of saving the country, but my lifelong Republican mother in California is voting for Biden.

Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. Guaranteed this will be the dirtiest, most dishonest, most interfered with by foreign powers, most unfounded October surprises, most rigged election in living memory.
Nothing's guaranteed.
For example, Imagine if some early ballots are found with white powder in them, slowing deliveries further, and 95% of mail in ballots never get delivered....Trump likely wins and blames Antifa. Expect nothing less.

Imo, there are two simple things people can do to help keep mail in ballots from overwhelming the usps....1) don't order packages for delivery after Oct 14 or earlier, and 2) hand deliver your ballot to an official drop box or polling place, making certain to sign wherever necessary.

surfingyt said:

There's also a number of 3rd-party voters that will be voting "the lessor of two evils" this election. These videos help ease their minds too.

When Trump loses this election by a very wide margin it will send a huge message to those in charge and those who lost.

Toots & the Maytals sing Take Me Home, Country Roads

Ku Klux Klan Member interview-Chris

newtboy says...

You stupid stupid dishonest stupid man. He renounced them for decades before the photo with Biden ('08?), starting in the 40's when he left the KKK after a few years in. Trump is currently being supported by the active KKK membership and leaders as well as multiple racist hate groups. He has not renounced them or said he doesn't want their votes, instead he claims he doesn't know who David Duke is despite having discussed him at length in prior interviews and calls them good people, his tough guys. Democrats have renounced the KKK and racists publicly for decades. Derp.

If Biden is the racist, why do open racists all support Trump?


Robert Byrd served as U.S. Representative for the state of West Virginia from 1953 to 1959, and as a U.S. Senator from 1959, until his death in 2010 ( here ).

Byrd was not a Grand Wizard or leader of the Klan. He was, however, a former organizer and member of the KKK. A Washington Post article reviewing Byrd’s memoir explains these years in more detail. Byrd later renounced his membership to the organization, although his early record in Congress on race and civil rights was mixed. For example, Byrd partook in a lengthy filibuster effort against the 1964 Civil Rights Act, but supported the 1968 civil rights act . A Democrat but conservative in values, Byrd decades later also criticized President Bill Clinton’s decision to push for the legalization of gay marriage.

In a 2006 CNN interview, Byrd expressed regret for the filibuster and called his time in the Klan the greatest mistake of his life.
In 2005, Byrd commented on his past membership of the Klan in his memoir and in an interview with the Washington Post said, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times … and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."

During the 2008 presidential race, Byrd endorsed Barack Obama.

At the time of his death, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a leading civil rights organization formed in 1909 for the advancement of racial equality and elimination of racial discrimination, issued a statement mourning his passing. The NAACP’s President and CEO remarked: "Senator Byrd reflects the transformative power of this nation. Senator Byrd went from being an active member of the KKK to a being a stalwart supporter of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and many other pieces of seminal legislation that advanced the civil rights and liberties of our country”. ( ) Then-President Obama eulogized Byrd.

McConnell, the Republican Senate leader, also spoke at Byrd’s memorial service — and other Republicans issued statements remembering Byrd. Texas Sen. John Cornyn said that Byrd was “a tireless public servant” and that the “Senate has lost a great champion, he will be missed greatly.”

Now go scourge yourself until I tell you to stop, you liar and fool. Trump made you look stupid again with another misrepresentation you regurgitated.

bobknight33 said:


Star Trek - First Contact (1996) [no money]

WmGn says...

Picard's final statement seems straight out of Hume, who (if second-hand memory serves) felt that, as societies became wealthier, people would spend more of their time in contemplation.

Even so, I can't see getting around at least a unit of account: at some point, Starfleet will have to make a decision about commissioning a new space ship. To do that, they'll need to know what they could be doing with those resources if they didn't build a new ship. Thus, they'll need to know what it would cost them in foregone opportunities. To answer this, it's a convenient to have a single metric.

Is Success Luck or Hard Work? | Veritasium

newtboy says...

So that's another way luck out preformed hard work for me.

I'm just proving that it's not an absolute. Some people find pure luck with zero effort. On average, you do best with both, but there are exceptions.

For a certain few, yes, waiting for luck can be the best method, not for most.

That's certainly the intelligent method, but no, you don't HAVE to prepare yourself, sometimes success just falls in your lap.
For example; It took zero preparation to be prepared to inherit money, not one whit, pretty damn lucky if you ask me.
Second example; most people require preparation to be successful at tests. I took the GED 1 1/2 years after quitting school to work, I didn't prepare one minute, I scored 98 percentile on every test in the pack. That's not from hard work, it's from being lucky enough to have a functional brain and decent memory...I didn't work hard in school, I always claimed to learn by osmosis, I was in AP classes when I left to go work.
Third and most obvious example; Through pure luck, I was born white. I find that to be incredibly lucky considering the roadblocks being any other race puts up, especially in America, especially in the deep south where I was raised, even more so in recent years but it's always been true. I certainly didn't work hard to achieve whiteness, I've worked hard to not take advantage of it at other's expense, probably unsuccessfully.

Some people don't even NEED preparation to succeed during disasters, you often just need to be flexible and quick to adapt, that a might be from preparing, or might be natural traits you're born with.

vil said:

Not all of them, only the ones that are able to take advantage of the situation, to adapt. Many live and die miserable anyway.

I was thinking more in the line of what does one do to be successful? If luck is so important is the most effective path to just wait for luck? Obviously not.

You have to prepare yourself to be able to take advantage of opportunities in life and/or adapt to disasters.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Er mer gerd....wasn't that somewhere on my profile page? So long ago....
I think you might have to abandon any current channel you manage to create least it looks that way. @lucky760 , does that spark a memory?

Mordhaus said:

I'll look into it. I think the last channel created was motorsports by @newtboy. Maybe he knows?


newtboy says...

That leaves Trump out of the running on all counts.
(He's a disgusting man, a lecherous father, and disastrous and deadly "leader".)

Projection will get you nowhere. I think you is starting to you memory loss and you needs to sit this one out.

bobknight33 said:

Americans are going to vote for a leader not a dad.

Joe may be a good man and dad but his is no leader.

Most important of all Joe is starting to his memory loss.
Joe is past his prime and need to sit this one out.


bobknight33 says...

Americans are going to vote for a leader not a dad.

Joe may be a good man and dad but his is no leader.

Most important of all Joe is starting to his memory loss.
Joe is past his prime and need to sit this one out.

Pee-Wee's Big Adventure in 9 Minutes

BSR says...

My father had that same exact radio at the 2:24 mark. I remember listening to the "Thrilla in Manila" fight live between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier.

Up vote for the memory.


luxintenebris says...

have read a number of Lee descendants were okay w/removing his statues, too. by now, i'd hope, most folks know R.E.L. said statues weren't gonna be helpful.

“I think it wiser, not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered.”

of course, he was talking about a gettysburg memorial, so maybe he was reluctant to have a memorial at the site of his gravest error.

but the issue is like most things: complicated. like the lincoln emancipation memorial. get how the couchant slave is a downer, but the fact former slaves paid for its erection, the model for the slave was t.s. eliott grandpa's gardener, a former escaped slave, and is mohammed ali's direct ancestor - is kinda cool. maybe worth having around just to explain all the details around its history.

newtboy said:

Actually it is my history. I was born and raised in Houston, and have blood ties to Lee.
I probably have some family that helped install the statues too.
I can't change that.

That doesn't mean in order to remember the war of Southern Secession (see what I did there?) I must celebrate it. Statues are for heros, the back pages of history books are for traitors.

Lucky Catch for 57 Dollars!

Joe Biden's Crime Bill In his own words.

newtboy says...

The way it's presented here, yes, his own words are edited and selected with other words/statements omitted to create right wing propaganda. Where are the parts where he admits he was wrong and apologized over and over?

How about Trump's own words, and Trump's own position then. He said the Clinton/Biden crime bill was way too soft and lenient. Here's a taste from Trump's book....

"The perpetrator is never a victim. He’s nothing more than a predator. (pages 93-94).

A life is a life, and if you criminally take an innocent life, you’d better be prepared to forfeit your own. My only complaint is that lethal injection is too comfortable a way to go. (pages 102-103).

Criminals are often returned to society because of forgiving judges. This has to stop. We need to hold judges more accountable… The rest of us need to rethink prisons and punishment. The next time you hear someone saying there are too many people in prison, ask them how many thugs they’re willing to relocate to their neighborhood. The answer: None. (pages 106-107)."

If that doesn’t sound like support for mass incarceration and the death penalty with little chance for criminal justice reform in sentencing, I’m not sure what does.

How about the Central Park 5? Trump paid for adds calling for the death penalty for these wrongly accused boys. Despite DNA evidence and a confession by the real rapist and restitution from the state in the $40000000 range Trump STILL insists they're guilty of something (he doesn't know what they did, but they're definitely guilty) and deserve the death penalty.....clearly forgetting he's bragged about doing what they were wrongly accused of....sexual assault.

Biden has admitted his position was wrong, and repeatedly apologized. Trump has NEVER done that, even about calling for the death penalty for the proven innocent.

*facepalm. You still don't understand that some people have a longer memory than a gnat, and we can recall that no matter the topic, Trump's position was worse than Democrats at the time, and his current position is worse than their current position.

bobknight33 said:

Blind Tools like you I don't car about.

These are his own words, not mine.

So Joe words are right wring propaganda? Well isn't that a MF switch. Joe gone full right wing. So Trump can dump Pence and pick up Finger banging Joe as VP?

Newt - give it up you a troll for the hardest of the leftest. Radical Anti cop, ANTIFA friend. Take that chip off you shoulder and you might just see America IS great.

This Week

luxintenebris says...

good one, bob. always good for dark humor.

i won't insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said. (borrowed that from bill buckley)

tho' bk, will match your morbid bit with this...

...the candles, dad's hat, dim lighting? gives off a memorial vibe. like the big screen will be used to show the father's life in pictures. he's talking from a funeral home, then saying the other party is politicizing the 90K deaths?


bobknight33 said:

We were told that there will be 1 to 2 million deaths over next few months if we dong flatten the curve. Steps taken by POTUS admin and and states and now we are looking at 90,000 deaths.

Sounds like a God Damn success.

MEGA 2020

"My first day playing Doom"

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