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School Hamas is STILL using Schools to launch rocket attacks

10768 says...

Here ya go my Pugnacious little Roogy Pal:
(Who thinks 9/11 was an inside job, and that the Joos should just shutup and die quiet.)

Tel Aviv - The United Nations suspended all activities in the Gaza Strip Thursday, accusing Israeli soldiers of firing on a marked UN vehicle during a three-hour humanitarian cease-fire initiated by Israel.

Don't be a boob. It's well known now that Hamas is using UN-flagged ambulances as troop carriers

Of course, Israel will deny that, or come up with some plausible excuse, and of course, we all better believe them or else we're just racists.

While no one has a monopoly on truth, you hear a lot more from the IDF than from the psychotic Islamofascist warlords of Hamas. You do sound racist in your comments quite often, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, for now.

Let's not forget that relief boat that they rammed, then denied ramming.

Oh yes, Moonbat Love Boat. Give me an F-ing break! If Israel let every two-bit terrorist sympathizer through Gaza would be even more awash in weapons. For trying to break a legal military blockade; ramming them was kid glove treatment. They could be sleeping with Davey Jones.

According to many sources, a lot of people were killed in those schools and none of them were militants.

Ya, according to many of the same sources, The Joos are descended from Pigs and Monkeys too.

But if Israel says they are, well then, who the fuck are we to disagree?

Just a bunch of racists, right?

I prefer to regard you as what Lenin referred to as a "Useful Idiot". Just try not to pass it on socially or genetically

I'm sorry, man. I know there's two sides to the story, but this is just bullshit and everybody in the world can see it.

No, there are plenty of people outside your echochamber who see the truth, and the perversion thereof which the Islamofascists and their sympathizers have foisted on Europe, The Media, and Left Wing Intelligentia in general.

Israel, and I'm talking about the political body of the country, has one plan for the Palestinians: complete eradication.

Even if Hamas was out of the picture and the Gazans were doing everything by the book, they would still get pushed around and bombed and blockaded until somebody snapped and gave the IDF another reason to bomb the holy hell out of everything.

Gaza would be at peace without the armed terrorist resistance of Hamas. There would be no blockade or checkpoints. There would be jobs and plenty for all. Hamas and their fuckwit apologists have gotten us where we are. Israel has no interest than to be left in peace. Try supporting that.

School Hamas is STILL using Schools to launch rocket attacks

10768 says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
Videos selected and posted by the IDF or US Military forces media divisions are selected for the sole reason of justifying and illuminating the conflicts in favorable light. You will notice that the IDF nor any other military force never posted blue on blue incidents or civilian deaths, the US bombing of friendly UK forces was only revealed post video leak.
Media management of the military has been institutionalized ever since the media coverage of the Vietnam war. That's why the IDF does not allow any foreign media into GAZA and is actively restricting access to the war zone, the same way the US tried to do with Gulf War 2 with it's media embeds.
God you're so fucking stupid.

Farhead - Of course they release videos which show themselves in a justifying light. This is frequently necessatated by the Pallywood productions showing fake corpses, dead or wounded "civilians" or "children" (when both are actually participating combatants).

The internet has made information available as never before, and the military must release it there too. The public demands it. And it's not all official. Citizen/soldiers now blog and post their own pics and video.

Quite living in your stone-age paradigm and accept reality.

And your ad hominim attacks, "God you're so fucking stupid", detract from your entire attempt at a logical statement, making you seem instead like a blustering asshat. Try to belay that talk, and help to raise the quality of discourse around here.

School Hamas is STILL using Schools to launch rocket attacks

Farhad2000 says...

Videos selected and posted by the IDF or US Military forces media divisions are selected for the sole reason of justifying and illuminating the conflicts in favorable light. You will notice that the IDF nor any other military force never posted blue on blue incidents or civilian deaths, the US bombing of friendly UK forces was only revealed post video leak.

Media management of the military has been institutionalized ever since the media coverage of the Vietnam war. That's why the IDF does not allow any foreign media into GAZA and is actively restricting access to the war zone, the same way the US tried to do with Gulf War 2 with it's media embeds.

God you're so fucking stupid.

10768 (Member Profile)

rougy says...

Keep your asinine, myopic, bullshit to your post page.

Anybody who uses the phrase "Islamofascist" reveals more about himself than he realizes.

Is that clear?

I don't need ugly people like you dirtying up my profile page with your one-sided hogwash.

I stay off your profile page, you stay off mine.

In reply to this comment by mharvey42:
In reply to this comment by rougy:
Tel Aviv - The United Nations suspended all activities in the Gaza Strip Thursday, accusing Israeli soldiers of firing on a marked UN vehicle during a three-hour humanitarian cease-fire initiated by Israel.
Don't be a boob. It's well known now that Hamas is using UN-flagged ambulances as troop carriers

Of course, Israel will deny that, or come up with some plausible excuse, and of course, we all better believe them or else we're just racists.

While no one has a monopoly on truth, you hear a lot more from the IDF than from the psychotic Islamofascist warlords of Hamas. You do sound racist in your comments quite often, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, for now.

Let's not forget that relief boat that they rammed, then denied ramming.

Oh yes, Moonbat Love Boat. Give me an F-ing break! If Israel let every two-bit terrorist sympathizer through Gaza would be even more awash in weapons. For trying to break a legal military blockade; ramming them was kid glove treatment. They could be sleeping with Davey Jones.

According to many sources, a lot of people were killed in those schools and none of them were militants.

Ya, according to many of the same sources, The Joos are descended from Pigs and Monkeys too.

But if Israel says they are, well then, who the fuck are we to disagree?

Just a bunch of racists, right?

I prefer to regard you as what Lenin referred to as a "Useful Idiot". Just try not to pass it on socially or genetically

I'm sorry, man. I know there's two sides to the story, but this is just bullshit and everybody in the world can see it.

No, there are plenty of people outside your echochamber who see the truth, and the perversion thereof which the Islamofascists and their sympathizers have foisted on Europe, The Media, and Left Wing Intelligentia in general.

Israel, and I'm talking about the political body of the country, has one plan for the Palestinians: complete eradication.

Even if Hamas was out of the picture and the Gazans were doing everything by the book, they would still get pushed around and bombed and blockaded until somebody snapped and gave the IDF another reason to bomb the holy hell out of everything.

Gaza would be at peace without the armed terrorist resistance of Hamas. There would be no blockade or checkpoints. There would be jobs and plenty for all. Hamas and their fuckwit apologists have gotten us where we are. Israel has no interest than to be left in peace. Try supporting that.

More Gaza Carnage - Footage From The Guardian

10768 says...

How sad! It's obvious that Hamas has no regard for human life or dignity, using these peoples houses and neighborhoods as weapon-launching pads.

They are so fortunate that the IDF holds to a higher standard of humanity, and gives them warning to evacuate before the buildings are to be destroyed.

They are right to fear massing in the schools. Hamas continues to violate the neutrality of those areas also (in spite of the tragic bombing)

One would think that at last they would rise against the murderous gang which claims to fight on their behalf. With Hamas gone there would be no barrier to peace in Gaza. Blockades and checkpoints and shortages would be memories.

School Hamas is STILL using Schools to launch rocket attacks

10768 says...

>> ^joedirt:
You really can't fathom the difference between war coverage, and a military entity putting up their own YT videos?

Militaries have Always released information (selectively). This is a new medium, not a new phenomenon.

Do you see a difference between the IDF/YT vidoes, and the Pentagon's bomb-view videoes from Gulf War One?

Hamas in their own Voices

10317 says...

well said theintelligentsia,
religious dogma and rhetoric may be the TOOL,but this is about ethnic cleansing,
and genocide.
for thirty years the UN has put together a treaty to return to the sovereign borders made in 1967,the ONLY dissenters,EVERY year this has been proposed has been the U.S and isreal.
can someone tell me WHY?
because while some in the world look the other way,and others look upon this situation with horror.BOTH sides of this conflict seem to rationlize the brutality,torture and murder of the innocent,be they plaestinian or jew.
returning to 1967 agreed upon borders would bring some form of stabilization to the average citizenry,and make the inflammatory words we see in this video would also strip the IDF from any reason to enter palestinian townships.
while not perfect,it seems to me that at least the average citizen would enjoy a modecum of peace not seen in decades.
i teach comparative religions.
what i see in this video is a total perversion of the words written in the quran.fundamentalists tend to do that,pervert and corrupt the words of scripture to justify their own desires.
i also have been following this story,quite closely,and each time i come to a wall of "why"?
why would they NOT go along with the accord set in 1967?
can someone help me understand this?
because if you take radical,fundamentalism out of the equation,for both sides,most people prefer peace.
so....why is isreal,along with america not agreeing to the original agreement?
help me understand.

School Hamas is STILL using Schools to launch rocket attacks

10768 says...

>> ^joedirt:
Screw that, since when should we be using YT videos...

Welcome to 2009 Dirt. The terrorists have no problem using the new media to publicize real or faux scenes of causualties (or mujahadeen decapitation sessions a' la A.Q. in Iraq did for a while). The good guys (US and IDF) need to be in this arena as well.

War coverage changes with the times:
US Civil War - Telegraph
WWI - Radio
WWII - Film
Viet Nam - TV

TV and especially Newspapers are a dying medium. Here is where it's at. And this allows interested citizens (like you and I) a voice. And while we disagree, I appreciate being able to hear yours.

School Hamas is STILL using Schools to launch rocket attacks

joedirt says...

Screw that, since when should we be using YT videos from the IDF psyops division???!!!??!

WHat kind of military has a YT page, let alone rabid followers trying to disseminate it far and wide. Go back to their twitter feed.

This is disgusting.

School Hamas is STILL using Schools to launch rocket attacks

rougy says...

Yeah, Israeli footage proves it all.

Reminds me of, oh, I don't know, all of those weapons Colin Powel told us about in Iraq.

Or this:

Tel Aviv - The United Nations suspended all activities in the Gaza Strip Thursday, accusing Israeli soldiers of firing on a marked UN vehicle during a three-hour humanitarian cease-fire initiated by Israel.

Of course, Israel will deny that, or come up with some plausible excuse, and of course, we all better believe them or else we're just racists.

Let's not forget that relief boat that they rammed, then denied ramming.

According to many sources, a lot of people were killed in those schools and none of them were militants.

But if Israel says they are, well then, who the fuck are we to disagree?

Just a bunch of racists, right?

I'm sorry, man. I know there's two sides to the story, but this is just bullshit and everybody in the world can see it.

Israel, and I'm talking about the political body of the country, has one plan for the Palestinians: complete eradication.

Even if Hamas was out of the picture and the Gazans were doing everything by the book, they would still get pushed around and bombed and blockaded until somebody snapped and gave the IDF another reason to bomb the holy hell out of everything.

Hamas - Human Shield Confession

bcglorf says...

>> ^joedirt:
Why post this now? This has no bearing on the current conflict and the video comes from a horrible propaganda YT acct.
WTF is going on with IDF twitter and YT and other propaganda sources??

It's the same thing that's going on with the invasion. Both Hamas and Israel are trying to make the most out of the PR from it. Both are the bad guys in all this, but neither wants to come off looking like they are guilty, so supporters of both sides are running PR and propaganda rallies.

Hamas - Human Shield Confession

joedirt says...

Why post this now? This has no bearing on the current conflict and the video comes from a horrible propaganda YT acct.

WTF is going on with IDF twitter and YT and other propaganda sources??

Israel and international law

conan says...

I don't see the problem here. We all know that when the IDF kills "civilians", it's only because they are targeting armed combatants and after they are dead their weapons mysteriously vanish.


Hamas firing mortars froma school (drone video)

bcglorf says...

>> ^Kerotan:
Dirty trick yes, but in what is for all purposes, a hostage situation, you simply can't justify blowing both the hostage and terrorist away, it kinda misses the point of counter-terrorism, the job in hand is to stop people blowing up innocent people, not do it for them.

The IDF isn't as interested in saving Palestinian lives as Israeli lives. Because of public pressure(mostly internal but some foreign as well) Israel doesn't want excessive civilian casualties to result from their strikes. That said, they are not discriminate enough in many cases and it goes beyond isolated cases and higher up than poor discipline among grunts. But, there is still an attempt to target militant targets and the occasions where a purely civilian target is hit is met with an investigation at the demand of the Israeli population. Contrast that with Hamas deliberate targeting of civilians and joyous celebration of civilian deaths. Israel is doing bad things, but Hamas is worse. This video clearly shows Hamas hiding under cover of a school, making use of their strongest weapon, martyring their own people.

Hamas firing mortars froma school (drone video)

Farhad2000 says...


You guys are ridiculous, you think the IDF bombing Gaza will eliminate Hamas? Did the Lebanon war eliminate Hezbollah? Both these entities came forth from Israel aggression and injustice in dealing with Palestine. Jewish people themselves resent the Zionist actions of the military forces knowing full well that everything that is wrought now will back fire in new groups, new individuals and new suicide bombers.

But you know maybe it will! Who knows! It definitely has worked in Afghanistan and Iraq! Not COIN or hearts and minds but simply we have to bomb Gaza to save it!

Gaza has been under blockade for 2 years, continuous apartheid has been in effect for far longer, its economical, socially and politically been coerced into fighting in any means it can, the Israelis have gone into the West Bank and Gaza countless times to seek out terrorists only to see them rise again like hydra heads because the essential underlining policy of achieving peace is flawed in design to propagate continuous hostility and conflict with the Palestinian people. You know so Israel can claim victim, build walls all over, sniper towers while pushing settlements out and claim a bit more land.

Zionism wants Israel to occupy West Bank and Gaza with no Palestinian state, so in effect Hamas wants the elimination of Israel. The two policies are mirrors of one another.

The Palestinian areas have hand every building bombed, bulldozed and blown through so many times and you guys are saying Hamas should act like uniformed forces against the IDF. It's asymmetrical warfare, the same kind the Fedayeen employed against US forces after seeing how the Taliban got bombed to shit in Tora Bora.

That's just plain military tactics, its unfortunate they use suicide bombing and rocket attacks but hey you know they don't have obligatory military service, Merkava Tanks, F-16s, Apaches or a steady supply of Military Aid from the US.

The US achieved peace with a hostile enemy by employed the methodology of COIN and hearts and minds to allow Iraqis to govern themselves, though years late cooperation and dialog in parts of Iraq have shown that soft contact with the local populace has meant that Iraqis actively gave up insurgents themselves.

Contrast this methodology with Israel hostile stance against all Palestinian people and you quickly realize that peace is not what Israel is striving for. It's a political process of land acquisition through the guise of fighting terrorism.

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