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Just your everyday harassment, courtesy of the NYPD

lantern53 says...

I don't recall saying that, Genji, so if you could show me, I'd appreciate it. But I'm quite sure I never said racism is over...I do recall saying that until you get over your massive butthurt from what racism that does exist, that you will never succeed in life.

Is there sound on this video, because I think that is important.

In my experience, most perps won't just say 'yeah, i'm the one you're looking for', so you have to use some aggressive policing because people don't respond to the British method, not being British and all...

these cops are very brave to go into these projects and take out the criminals, who prey on old ladies, women, and other non-warrior types because they are a bunch of cowards....
here's another:
another (believe these are all from NYC)

also, these cops are there to protect people from these cowards, so I think they deserve everyone's respect and support.

But if you support the criminal element, go ahead and try and brand cops as racist, bullies, liars, etc. It's good that people know where you stand.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Paid Family Leave

bobknight33 says...

WE as is "That's not the country we have decided we want to live in" Who is WE??

I don't agree with the WE. So there is no WE.


After reading you response it appears that you premise is this:

People are too inferior to make reasonable and logical decisions to succeeded in life so we need a benevolent government to provide for its people.

----------------Such a defeatist position.-------------------------

I believe that it is a basic instinct to want to succeed. That one naturally raises to the occasion and overcomes adversity. I believe in ones ability to rise to the occasion. To get knocked down and get back up. I believe in the human spirit.

AS for "How about we just remove all corporate welfare" Yep I agree and also get rid of mortgage deductions and all other government cheese.

newtboy said:

In a perfect world, perhaps. This world is not perfect, and many people don't have the ability to 'plan', either financially or sexually. Your plan leaves anyone who does not plan perfectly for an unknown future on the streets and destitute. That's not the country we have decided we want to live in. If you do, there's always Somalia.
Your plan leaves us with millions of destitute elderly on the streets. Bad plan, that would NEVER work. Again, you expect people to plan for their future perfectly, and if they don't, fuck em. That's terrible, uncaring, non-thinking planning. They don't just disappear if they planned badly and are homeless, foodless, and hopeless, they show up on your driveway with a knife.
How about we just remove all corporate welfare, cut our military by 5%, and actually extend benefits for PEOPLE? The reduced costs in your plan would not even be noticed in the federal budget, not a single percent change, mine would be noticed. I think you believe that 'welfare' (social programs) is a major cost to the fed, it's simply NOT. On the other hand, it does save us billions by not having to deal with sick desperate homeless people by the millions. It's proven time and time again that taking care of them humanely costs far less than ignoring them until you can no longer ignore them.

Herman Cain on Occupy Wall Street

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

What do they want?

There you go.

9/9/9 plan … followers are too stupid to realize he's talking about raising taxes.

No – his plan is a staged plan moving towards a fair tax with 9/9/9 as a starting point. Everyone is aware of what it is because it clear, simple, and down on paper. This is in stark contrast to Democrats who want to raise taxes on the middle class but are saying they only want to tax 'millionaires and billionaires’ as with the Obama tax scheme that he calls a ‘jobs bill’.

starting today, the media will go back to ignoring them, on the grounds that now they're just a front for Unions and Democratic political organizations. In other words, at the first signs that this protest might align with a broader liberal agenda, they'll go back to dismissing them

This is just one of those areas where you are going to have to admit you are completely off target Net. The presence of union & other radical leftists REINFORCES the image of these whackos in the minds of the media. You said the media would ignore the protestors 'starting today'. This morning on the news I saw no fewer than FIVE different stories on three networks about the protests ‘ratcheting up’, ‘spreading’, et al. The media coverage isn’t decreasing. It is increasing.

There is no secret about why this is the case. It is because the majority of the media is dominated by leftist sympathizers, and so they naturally gravitate towards these other leftists. For the media, the ‘occupiers’ are a romantic throwback to their own liberal college days. They love these schmucks.

Consider how they treat them. In almost every story the occupiers are given actual SERIOUS consideration. The reporters do not challenge them or their ideas. The reporters slant the stories so that the protestors are shown in a sympathetic light. The media hides away their crazy signs, their lunatic fringes, their violent chants, their anti-american Marxist speakers, their illegal street and sidewalk blockings, and all the other bad things they do or say. But they broadcast ad-nauseum the vids of the cops arresting them as they wail and cry about how they are ‘peaceful’… There are puff peice stories about them needing blankets, and food. Boo hoo hoo.

Now think back again and recall how the very same media treats the Tea Party. From the beginning, the media has tagged the Tea Party as astroturf, racist, hate-fuelled, radical, fringe purveyors of violence. They’ve gone out of their way to paint the Tea Partiers as crazy, evil dupes of the vast Right Wing Conspiracy. Interviews with TP members routinely come from a position of antagonism or outright hostility. Media goes out of their way to find ignore huge crowds of rational, everyday normal folks and thier simple message of fiscal responsibility. But if there's ONE bozo at a rally acting like an @$$hole with a "Obama is Hitler" sign then the media will devote whole news segments to that guy and try to make it look like he is the rule rather than the exception.

Two different protest groups. Two completely different styles of media treatment. And all because the news media is dominated by an east-coast knee-jerk position of leftist philosophy. They say they are unbiased - but talk is cheap. When talk ISN'T cheap, they prove they are biased. Almost 90% of all news media donations to political candidates in 2008 were to Democrats. When was the last time you were in ANY population that was so lopsided? In any normal population, you'll have like 40% GOP, 40% Democrat, and 20% 'other'. The news media is so slanted to the left that it is hard to find any other group quite as radically lopsided and not officially a 'cult'.

As far as Cain goes - he's 100% right. These bozos are attacking the wrong target. If you want to succeed in life you don't go about it by blaming others. You do it by rolling up your sleeves and going to work. The bulk of these protesters are lily-white college doofuses who have never had a real job. Maybe they should try it before they go hatin' on it.

Sorry Net – but you’re wrong on this and today’s media treatment alone proves it.

Sam Harris: Science can answer moral questions

Lodurr says...

>> ^Trancecoach:
^I don't think he was regarding religion as the origin of corporal punishment. Rather, he is suggesting that suffering is not necessary for learning, as is frequently & unfortunately indicated by religion.

At 7:00 he says, "The rationale for this behavior is explicitly religious," regarding corporal punishment for school children. He's either suggesting that religion caused this behavior, or that to defend the behavior, advocates point to religion. I think neither of these are true. I've talked to several conservatives about spanking children and their rationale is that without it their children wouldn't be disciplined enough to succeed in life. I don't agree with them, but it's certainly different than saying "The bible says so."

It seems like he's talking about inventing a new culture with solid moral rules, a transition from "anything goes" secularism to a rules-based secularism. However, culture exists to prepare us for our environment, and there are incompatibilities between certain cultures and certain environments. I would rather we look at it solely based on environment, because that's guaranteed to yield results. When rural or impoverished areas of the Middle East are economically stable and politically stable, it's guaranteed that their Dark Age practices will diminish and disappear in a relatively short amount of time.

Doesn't this talk go against the idea that you don't need a moral rulebook to be morally just? Sam Harris isn't the first guy in the world to get the great idea of making a morality rulebook for everyone to follow. I still think morality is relative, and any attempt to pin it down will be thwarted by time and changes to our environment. It's always worked out that way in the past.

Al Franken Calmly Discusses Healthcare With Teabaggers

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Statists like Fraken don't believe in individual liberty and the required risks that real freedom entails.
But you knew that when this never-funny clown stole the election.

Yeah heaven forbid that everyone be given the opportunities to succeed in life without being constantly terrified of getting sick and losing everything they've worked for.

Funny how Franken stole his election, but Bush won fair and square. Did you suffer a massive head trauma when you were young or were you born this stupid?

>> ^gtjwkq
Your definition of a "just society" seems mostly based on one person being forced to provide for another against their will.

That statement is exactly what's wrong with the teabaggers and conservative in general. You all seem to think that it's a one for one exchange, you get screwed because you're getting someone else's bills. Here's a simple analogy so you can understand the concept without straining too hard.

You have ten people going out to lunch. Lunch costs 5$. Occasionally someone forgets their wallet or is short, so the rest of the group pools their money, and picks up lunch for that person. So while everyone is out 60 cents extra, they can safely know that if they're short one day they'll get their lunch taken care of by the rest of the group.

Conservatives are happy to receive the free lunch as long as they don't have to pay the pittance to give someone else a meal.

The goals of a society should be betterment of the whole, through group effort; not individual accumulation of wealth. Conservatives need to get over their greed.

$1000 Dollars To Any Atheist Who Can Prove A Negative

vairetube says...

as it has been pointed out, he had mental problems and is now dead. i would wish there was a god if i was him too.

for postertity and conveinence, i'll paste his e-mail that got him fired:

The Original Email
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 2:11 PM
Subject: you suck
Well, as of this afternoon, I was planning on ruining your career by making phone calls to all of my parents friends and have you blackballed from the workplace as well as every prestigous law school in the country, but then (lucky for you) I decided not to do that because you are a sad sad person and I will just let your life self destruct right before my eyes....

NAME_WITHHELD I am sorry, I don't care how big of sadistic fucked up crush you have on me but people like me simple don't date people like you. You are too competitive with me and you just simply will never be better than me. I will always have more friends than you just because I don't care about beating people and lying to get to the top. (You are an absolute hipocrit in everything that you do, I am not going to go into details why you are because that would be a waste of my time and yours but I can assure you if you were to ever meet yourself you would hate your twin) I have told most all of the staff about our situation now and they already knew you were really messed you. They said when you were talking to them about me, they all told me you had "serious issues" and that every word you said sounded scripted and they knew without a doubt that you were lying. I have noticed that people who you think are your good friends actually really dislike you but unlike me, they will not tell you to your face because they would rather be fake nice to you than be your enemy. ....

Now talking about how I am obsessed with money, I simply am not. You are. You always are trying to impress me by how much money you have and I don't care. The difference is though I talk about it but it is never about bragging and it is never directly about money, it is always directly about the conversation.

For instance, someone will ask, what are you doing for july 4rth. And then I will say I am going to aspen. It is a simple fact that I am but since you don't have a house in aspen, you get offended because of your competitive nature. When you talk about money you will say something like UT's tuition is 5% of your family's income, thus my tuition would be 125,000. Yea,

NAME_WITHHELD you are right, I brag too much about what I have.... Well I am just going to stop writing because you are just absolutely beneath me. I have heard that you try to undermine people all t! he time that are better than you and every single time it does not work because people can see through such shallowness and that is why as I have heard so many times, Most "everyone at UT absolutely hates you." For instance even the people that you thought were your friends FRIENDSNAMEWITHHELD or that girl you met at espn, they hate you, they just never say anything. Everyone knows you are a pathetic social climber who will go to any discusting means to move up the ladder.

But guess what NAME_WITHHELD, you will never move up the ladder because I am at the top and people like me hate people like you. You might be able to trick people like me for maybe a month or so but your true personality comes through after a while and it is vile, if that. You have sooooo many people that absolutely hate you and you will never know it because they will never say anything to your face. You will not succeed in life and even the staff thinks that also, after I told them about the things that you do. You suck!

and good luck being miserable for the rest of your life. I do not even know why I wasted my time typing this for suck slime. Everyone tells me that you are so beneath me (which you are) and I should not get worked up over suck trifles.

By the end of the day if I wanted to, I could make a phone call and have your life absolutely ruined but there is no need because you are falling fast enough towards failure without me. In the end, all I can say is that people love me and people hate you. You should observe me and take a few notes on how to make real friends. Other than you tieing this one other person, I have never had such little respect for a human being in my life. I don't even have to tell you why because in my very accurate analysis that most everyone else agrees with, if you were to agree with my analysis that most everyone else agrees with, if you were to agree with my analyis about your character than my whole entire analysis would be wrong.

Your inflamed ego has left you so blind and so impotent that you can nto even recognize the most obvious flaws in yourself. All your old roommates absolutely hated you and you still think the problem is with them, not you. Well I talked to your roommates and I thought they nice normal girls. So naturally, you would not fit in with them because you are so intellectually above them all. Right? You suck at life and you need to figure out why or you will be miserable for the rest of your life.

Once again from your intellectual, moral, social, and emotional superior,
Paul Kelly Tripplehorn, Jr.

Olbermann Analysis of Palin/Gibson Interview

charliem says...

This is what you get folks, when your society is centered around raising to the top those who have done nothing to succeed in life but be beautiful or play sports well, and consider anyone with half a brain to be socially inadequate, a geek, a nerd, someone too pathetic to even take a seccond glance at "cause they iz smart".

This is a social issue, you reap what you sew, and now, its flowing through to your "elite" politicians.

Build a society where you raise up morons, your gonna get morons for leaders.

Dawkins tells a kid that there is no Santa Claus (2 min)

quantumushroom says...

Dawkins thinks he's scores when he points out, "If you'd been born in X, you'd be worshipping X's God and not Jesus." SO? If you were born in Russia, you'd speak Russian. If you were born in LA you'd speak Spanish. The universal concept of communication is not overly hindered by differences in language. So it goes with religions.

There are many religions that don't claim to be the sole pathway to God, and many of the "biggies" with time, have learned to be tolerant enough to get along with other faiths.

Even atheists have to get their morality from somewhere. Distilled delusions are still delusions.

I ask no one in particular: do you think you're "better" than that man of faith? Non-belief in deities doesn't grant one any extra IQ points, nor does it make one a more efficient thinker. Religious filtering or not, you're as subject to the laws of physics as he is. So where has Dawkins succeeded at life where the questioner has failed?

Ella Fitzgerald - Summertime (Berlin, 1968)

Please explain to me (Election Talk Post)

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