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The Oregon Standoff, Explained In 3 Minutes

enoch (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Pennies

In China A Bridge Retrofit Takes 43 hrs Instead Of 2 Months

Enzoblue says...

When I was in Shanghai for Formula one, I rode a bike to the buses that went to the track every day. One night I got lost on the bike ride back to the hotel. The next day I realized it was because they repaved one mile of road that was on my route within the time I was at the race, (maybe 9hrs) and it threw me off. Would have taken a week here minimum.

iaui (Member Profile)

PlayhousePals says...

I didn't love or hate the first episode. Found it a bit overly bloody and there was too much weird, unnecessary sex for my taste ... I'm no prude, but come on now I liked the second episode better, so it IS growing on me. The show appears to run well over an hour and my DVR seems to have cut both episodes short so far [I've extended the recording time even more]. I need to see if I can find them online to catch what I missed [hate it when that happens!]

The only season I couldn't watch was Asylum. Maybe I'll give it another try one day. Just couldn't get past the first two or three episodes.

Hey ... Wanted to congratulate you on your pathetic elevator chime hitting number one!!! I absolutely loved that one. I've worked at a hotel and stayed in many over the years, so it's a particular subject matter near and dear to my heart.

Enjoy the rest of whatever time of day/night it is for you iaui

iaui said:


I haven't seen it. Worth watching?

World's Most Pathetic Elevator Chime

PlayhousePals says...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! Impeccable time to see this. I just finished watching American Horror Story: Hotel [or as much as my DVR recorded ... grrrr] *quality capper to top off my 'night'

lurgee (Member Profile)

Hotel California - Cubanos Acapella

Bill Maher - Ahmed's Clock Block

Drachen_Jager says...

Hmm, let's see... Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a quarter of a million people murdered (to no end, the war was already effectively over).

Americans have killed more than that in subsequent years (in fact, some estimates place a higher death toll of Iraqi civilians alone at American feet). I remember during the invasion of Iraq, American forces shot heavy ordinance (M1 Tank main gun, I believe) at a hotel full of journalists.

As the man says, "I'm afraid of Americans...."

Yeah... it's Muslims who blow shit up around the world.

How Secure Do You Think Your Hotel Room Safe Is?

Don't Trust Your Hotel Room Safe

How Secure Do You Think Your Hotel Room Safe Is?

How Secure Do You Think Your Hotel Room Safe Is?

Undocumented Immigrant Who Works in a Trump Hotel Speaks Out

eric3579 says...

NYTimes article that gives lots of info

"He described himself as an undocumented immigrant who came here at age 14. But in the video he did not say that he has documents that enable him to remain in the country legally. He was part of a wave of immigrants who came to the United States as children who have been granted deportation deferrals and work permits under a 2012 program."


Asked why he defined himself as undocumented in the video, Mr. Aca explained his legal uncertainty.

“I’m in the deferred action program, which I have to renew every two years,” he said. “I consider myself an undocumented immigrant still because it could just be taken away from me at any time.”

bareboards2 said:

I hope so. He does say at the beginning that he "is" an undocumented alien, not "was."

Please oh please let that be true. That he and his family are safe.

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