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"YOU are WORTHLESS" -the economy

kevingrr says...

New jobs have been created in the last six years but the economy started at such a low point it has taken a long time to recover. Presidents and politicians, republican or democrat, have only limited control over local, national, and international economies.


In regard to degree majors students just need to have realistic expectations of what each degree prepares them for career and earnings wise. Even though majoring in education does not return the highest income it is still valuable and important that people study it. Similarly all the majors you list are important, but they may not have a great return on investment. However of the majors you listed Animal Science, Psychology, and Hotel Management all easily transition into either real jobs or graduate work that leads to real jobs. You seem to have picked majors at random.

On a more anecdotal note I am seeing more "Hiring" signs in local shops and restaurants than I have in the past five years.

"YOU are WORTHLESS" -the economy

bobknight33 says...

Your not worthless just not needed.

No real jobs have been created in 6 years, just part time temp with out benefits.

The government does not create jobs but sure could create policies ( or cut) to stimulate job growth.

With all the jobs lost to overseas over the last 40 years you better get used to lower standard of living. Better get a real degree, not Woman Studies and other useless degrees such as Hotel management, Art History , African studies, Psychology or Animal Science.

Drummers on Ringo Starr

A10anis says...

In the early 1980s I conned my way into a London chauffeur's job. I figured I could slowly learn my around. To my utter horror, my first job was to pick up Mr Starkey(Ringo) and his beautiful actress wife Barbara Bach from the Dorchester Hotel. I had no clue where the Fk I was going. He soon realised but he could not have been nicer or more understanding. Leaning forward and telling me which way to steer the Rolls, he put me totally at ease. He never told my boss, for which I was even more grateful than the substantial tip (which he would not let me refuse). I know it's a minor anecdote, but it gives a small insight into his decency.

The Investigators: ALEC - The Backroom Where Laws Are Born

Mordhaus says...

We need separation of corporate and state asap. This is ludicrous.

"I'm a paying guest of this hotel"

"We'll take care of that" off duty cop that shouldn't even be allowed to wear the fucking uniform.

Truck Trials-Who Knew This Was A Thing?

SFOGuy says...

Have totally sat, back in the bad old days before the Internet, was fast and everywhere, in a hotel in Seville, hiding from the midday heat, watching truck trials---in German.
I don't speak German.


Chicken Lady: Homecoming - Kids in the Hall

poolcleaner says...

Kids in the Hall sketches are also more thought provoking than SNL. SNL is more of a contemporary pop culture reference machine like Mad magazine and Family Guy.

The pop cultural references in KitH are to things of higher value like early cinema classics (Citizen Kane), Nietzsche, Morrison Hotel, surrealism, film noir; and with heavy pro LGBT, pro environmental (the beaver!) and anti corporate themes; displaying the frivolity of office politics, and the HARDCORE Canadian law enforcement.

What does SNL give but a couple'a chuckles, eh?

Fairbs said:

I think Kids did recurring characters better than SNL. SNL beats them to death and the sketches are WAY too long.

Passenger - Travelling Alone

Zawash says...

australian man
scandinavian tan
kicking stones round a square
he sat for a while
and carved out a smile
as if someone would care

said I’m a long way from the gold coast
furthest I’ve ever known
oh and this just ain’t my home
it was my wife’s idea
but she’s no longer here
she left me travelling alone

I’ve never heard silence
ring out like a bell
I’ve never heard silence
like last night in my expensive hotel
well I’m loving a shadow
and trying to catch the rain
but I never heard silence
'til I heard it today

well she walked out of the hotel
I could still smell the smoke
of a burning heart left inside
she said men are all arseholes
and life’s a bad joke
she laughed and started to cry

see ten years with this man
and a lifetime of plans
oh and I loved him to his bones
but now I’ve lines on my skin
and he’s traded me in
and left me travelling alone

well I never felt silence
hit me like a train
I never felt silence
like blood course through my veins
well I’m loving a shadow
and trying to catch the rain
I never heard silence
'til I heard it today
I never felt silence
'til I felt it today

Child Prodigy Tanishq Abraham's Hilarious Science Jokes

Dolbs says...

My favorite remains:

A photon walks into a hotel and checks in. "Do you want a hand with your luggage?" asks the receptionist. "No thanks", replies the photon, "I'm travelling light".

Why Tipping Should Be Banned

sirex says...

to be honest, i've never noticed that. i used to live in the uk, and now in nz. It's been better here for me, if anything.

People say "if you cant afford the tip don't go out", but I should prolly have said that last time i was in usa was on business. I didn't really want to go out dining but the hotel had no restaurant. That tip would come out my own pocket (as far as i know, anyhow). This is every meal, every night for a week or more. It really adds up if you're tipping $15 each time.

ChaosEngine said:

I agree with you that wait staff can't rescue a bad meal, but I'm talking about really basic stuff here.

I've had plenty of meals in NZ where we get dumped at a table, no-one comes to take a drinks order for ages, then you're left even longer waiting to order food, and FSM help you if you'd like to see a dessert menu.

It's gotten better, but it's still a common complaint about NZ.

Why Tipping Should Be Banned

MrFisk says...

I've worked the back of the house (dish washer, prep cook, pantry cook, line cook), and the front of the house (bartender, server).

I never got tipped in the back of the house, but I worked harder and utilized more skills. I got paid hourly, and would therefore milk the clock as much as possible to help buy booze and pay the rent.

As a bartender, I've worked at night clubs, dive bars, martini bars, hotel bars, house parties and I was paid a decent hourly, which was essential for those slow and lonely Monday night shifts. But I made good money on the weekends. However, it usually takes time to work your way to those lucrative spots.

As a server, I get paid a little more than $2 an hour plus tips. But the tips are so impossible to calculate because of a myriad of factors -- how many servers are on, how many tables are reserved, how many parties, what's going on at the Arena, what's going on at the Lied, is it snowing, is it raining, is there a sporting event going on, are they splitting the bill, have they worked in the industry, are they from a country unfamiliar with tipping, was the food good, was the food cold, was the drink stiff, was the wine paired well, was the host pretty, was the bathroom out of paper towels, ad nausea -- that budgeting is impossible. I don't auto grat (gratuity of 18 percent of the bill for parties of seven or more) unless it's a sorority party, Mormons, or New Year's Eve, and that's only because I've been burned so badly by these groups.

What most diners don't realize is that it's really a matter of real estate -- and on a busy weekend night one server may be lucky to 'have' four to six tables with a variable of two and four seats. Dinner is generally served between the hours of 5-11. So, this gives the server a set number of data points for the evening (side note, so for the love God don't linger at a table if you're not ordering anything! When a server is forced to refill your water at $2 an hour, it's rude and disrespectful. That's what bars are for). In addition, most servers 'tip out' the host and bartender staff. On a weekend night, I typically tipped out 22 percent, and I never knew if I'd make $30 or $130.

So I know the business fairly well (I even studied hospitality in Vegas for a minute), and as a server I can make your experience remarkable. Ironically, the best tippers are younger college-era students working in the industry.

I think if anything is going to eliminate tipping in the service industry, it'll be some sort of computerized experiment where you sit at a table and punch in what you want. Till then, be conscientious and considerate when you wine and dine.

Why Tipping Should Be Banned

sirex says...

last time i was in usa yeah, its freaking everywhere. I ordered a beer in a bar and the woman wants $4 for the beer and $1 more for... what, opening it ? fuck that.

Outcome was i ended up ordering 5 beers and tipping once, then going to liquor store and getting rest to have back at hotel. ugh.

enoch said:

is it really that big of an issue?

The 2015 Golden Globes - Fey and Poehler Opening

dannym3141 says...

It's no Gervais. Really nice on Bill Cosby, possibly wanted more on civil rights movement with all the insanely racist stuff going on though.

That Grand Budapest Hotel was brilliant though - it could have so easily been a disaster with the pacing and the atmosphere and style.. Ralph Fiennes gets huge, huge kudos from me.. Daniel Day-Lewis level stuff.

U2 - "The Fly"

ulysses1904 says...

U2 at their peak. I was in a hotel in Albany when I first saw this video and I hated the music, sounded like INXS "Devil Inside". It grew on me and "Achtung Baby" now ranks as one of my favorite CDs ever. Seeing them on this tour inspired me to get into animation/multimedia.

Shell Station Toilet- 5 Michelin Stars

LooiXIV jokingly says...

(Pushes up Glasses, nasal tone): Well actually Michelin stars are on a 3 star basis, and only rate restaurants and hotels, so I'm afraid gas stations aren't covered. 1 star means: a very good restaurant, 2 stars a good restaurant worth a detour, 3 stars worth a separate trip just to visit this restaurant.

Given this rating system, I would give this toilet 2 stars, definitely worth detour.

Cher calls David Letterman an a%%hole on his show

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