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[PSA] Hot Dog Acid Trip

Women in Martial Arts, an homage

jmzero says...

There are kicks and then there are kicks. If you can kick that high in slow motion and/or repeatedly like these women can, then you can kick fast and hard at those heights once.

Well, not really. The techniques are very different. One might as well say that if they have this much flexibility, and can do something this hard, that they would be great at kicking field goals. It doesn't matter which is harder or that they both involve moving your foot around - it's completely different skills with completely different goals and measures.

Look at what their hips are doing. Look at what their arms are doing. It's all wrong - they're generating no power (and - to be fair - they can't, because to do so without hitting something would mean they couldn't balance and obviously you need a lot of balance to do these gymnastic runs). But, in the end, the only commonality between a proper martial arts kick and what they're doing is that their foot ends up moving from one place to another.

Could these people also be capable of kicking something hard in a martial arts way? Of course. In fact, I'm sure most of them are pretty good at it. But it's two very different skills and the skill they're demonstrating here is gymnastics.

Just because they only showcase a portion of their skill doesn't mean that they can't kick faster, harder and better than cro cop

Well, yes. Just because they can do this stuff doesn't mean they can't kick faster, harder and better than Crocop. Similarly, my excellent Videosift posting skills do not prove I'm not the world's best hot dog eater. Odds are I'm not though. Regardless of odds (and we pretty much just dealing with odds, because the skills they're showing here are just not that relevant), in this case, we do have other relevant evidence that these women aren't kicking harder than Crocop. Again, regardless of their horrible mechanics (which can be excused by the techniques they're executing), just look at their legs. These women are not capable, just in sheer muscular presence, of generating the same force Crocop does.

I'm sure you have an interesting treatise on how muscle mass doesn't correlate with the force that can be generated by that muscle. If you post something like that, please do not feel insulted when I do not respond to it.

The Bar Your Desk Could Look Like - Full Circle Bar

Quebec story on The young turks,Muslims stirring up trouble

Matthu says...

I find this to be a truly interesting debate.

Now, I'd like to mention I find this to be a really weak piece by TyT. I don't like the dude in this vid, he's clearly a douche. He spends over 1:30 talking about the French lady when she doesn't have anything to do with the issue. I like the other guy that appears in TyT vids and woud've liked to get his take. But w/e. I also find that for such a divisive, complicated and debatable issue they really seem to be chewing around the fat.

I am from and live in Montreal, btw I'm not French Canadian don't downvote so quick , and this issue seems to arise a lot over here. I'd like to know the rules and the reactions to muslims' very different cultural and religious traditions in the rest of North America.

For me I really think we can put aside issues of social and religious tolerance. We can put aside our(mostly) collective disdain for religious fundamentalists. Let's also put aside our apprehensiveness of archaic, outdated, and even sometimes absurd traditions. We can even put aside the fact that the government ought not have any say in it's citizens' dress.

At the end of the day I truly believe it should be my right, and an institutions right, to refuse service to any individual who refuses to show me their face.

Unless I'm running a hot dog stand on St. Catherine in the middle of winter and it's -30°c It's still Canada...


thinker247 says...

Is this the roast? It's more like a vegetarian barbecue, complete with soy hot dogs. Or as blankfist calls them, "edible sex toys." That's not mayo, folks.

Sigh. This is lamer than Michael J. Fox shaking hands with Muhammad Ali while Stephen Hawking does the fox trot.

Hello, is this thing on?

These roasts are becoming so tired, I feel like I'm watching a Ben Stein documentary during a gas leak. Someone light a match and end this suffering.

I guess I should say something about Kulpims, since it's his party, right? Sure.

Kulpims is a foreigner, and I distrust all foreigners. I also distrust Foreigner, because they sing "I Want to Know What Love Is." Which is a song about Ike Turner, I believe. I can't remember. I'm baked off my ass right now. What was I talking about? Oh yeah, fuck Foreigner. and Fuck foreigners. But not Kulpims, because he probably has AIDS or gonorrhea or scurvy, like a pirate. Speaking of pirates, have you seen that one movie where the guy is all like, AAARGH! That shit was hella awesome. But anyway, Kulpims is...uh...Eritrean, right? Or is he Scandinavian? I forget. He's one of those white dudes who rides his bicycle in circles and shoots documentaries about evolution. Or was that Bob Crane? Yeah, that's it. Kulpims is the guy who shoots bondage film and whacks off while hitting himself with a flagellation stick. What was I talking about? Oh yeah:

Fuck Foreigner.

Anybody got any French Onion Dip?

David Letterman- Dave's Advice To NBC

David Letterman- Dave's Advice To NBC

Lodurr says...

It's not Leno that wants the old timeslot back; the NBC execs are moving him because his 10pm show was getting complaints from affiliates that there wasn't enough of a lead-in audience for their crappy local news. I think part of the reason is that when there's crappy crime drama before the crappy local news, people watch until the very end to see the conclusion to the crappy plot, and then might continue watching that station when the news comes on. Whereas Leno's show, like most talk shows, gets all the good material out in the first half and the second half is skippable. They tried to take care of that problem before it started by moving Jay's better segments to the end of the show--Headlines, Jaywalking--but that resulted in low ratings overall for the show and so they moved it back to the beginning.

I think the problem here is the local news programs. The whole situation is like a stadium changing their game schedule because the hot dog vendors weren't happy. The local news needs to make a better product and trim the fat on their budget to make it through some lean times. Right now they're addicted to a free ride.

United Steelworkers of Montreal "Shot Tower"

calvados says...

Google-fu suggests there are no lyrics for this puppy on the intertubes. This is what I've cobbled together so far. It'd be cool if you lot (i.e., my adoring public) weighed in with your own comments as to what certain words or phrases might be, since as you'll see there's plenty of holes left when the song goes fast:

I've been workin' on a watchtower
Been haulin' up that molten lead
[Blue] fingernails 'n bleedin' gums for me

I've lost my hair and I've lost it all
Watchin' those lead drops fall
No bigger paycheques and some ... you see

Twelve toxic years in this bump and grind
The seventy-five feet I leave behind
Cursin' dreams and lead and ... and ...

If it wasn't me, it'd be my son
If it wasn't him, it'd be someone
His life wouldn't be any brighter than mine

Been working on a shot tower
Been haulin' up that molten lead


Twelve years ... from Griffintown
... me all around
... put me down

Tried to talk...

Seventy-five plus...
... bring me down

Brother was a constable, he ... he was a priest

My sister was conscripted for


Been working on a watchtower
Been haulin' up that molten lead
It's blue fingernails and bleedin' gums for me

Let's dance with the angel of death on this earth
Let's dance ...
Let's dance ...
Let's drink to the boys that we all left behind
Let's raise another bucket of death up the vertical line

... heard a sound

... near the hot-dog stand

... clean up all that mess

No sovereignty or work for you this year

... rushin' home

Let's dance with the angel of death on this earth
Let's dance...
Let's dance...
Let's drink to the boys that we all left behind
Let's raise another bucket of death up the vertical line

Let's dance, let's dance, let's drink
Let's raise another bucket of death up the vertical line

... from Montreal, I've never seen those lead drops fall
But it's blue fingernails and bleedin' gums for me

You can lick me, "Just don't lick me there"

carrot says...

I like all these reserved comments, but feel it is my duty to add a more well-adjusted contribution:


Also, might I take a moment to bring your attention to the following awful pun:

Mmmm...I love hot dogs.

Tori Amos - Silent All These Years - Live

Enzoblue says...

Don't fall for this. Tori does one thing: she puts high end stuff, (devil, god, jesus, murder, love, etc), into mundane situations, (kitchen is a fave, eating a hot dog, riding a ten speed, on a downtown bus, whatever). I swear 90% of her songs are all variations of this one cheap writing trick. I find it nauseating.

What to Do When You're Up 38-0 vs the Raiders

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Mark Sanchez, NY Jets, Oakland Raiders, NFL, CBS, Hotdog, Wiener, Discrete, Nom' to 'Mark Sanchez, NY Jets, Oakland Raiders, NFL, CBS, Hotdog, Hot Dog, Wiener, Discrete, Nom' - edited by SlipperyPete

Arcing Powerlines Cause Tree Fire & Explosion

Nat King Cole - Calypso Blues (1955)

EndAll says...

Wa-oo-oo, wa-oo-oo,
Wa-oo wa-oo wa-oo wa-ay...
Wa-oo-oo, wa-oo-oo,
Wa-oo wa-oo wa-oo wa-ay...

Sittin' by de ocean
Me heart, she feel so sad,
Sittin' by de ocean,
Me heart, she feel so sad...
Don't got de money
To take me back to Trinidad.

Fine calypso woman,
She cook me shrimp and rice,
Fine calypso woman,
She cook me shrimp and rice...
Dese yankee hot dogs
Don't treat me stomach very nice.

In Trinidad, one dollar buy
Papaya juice, banana pie,
Six coconut, one female goat,
An' plenty fish to fill de boat.

One bushel bread, one barrel wine,
An' all de town, she come to dine.
But here is bad, one dollar buy
Cup of coffee, ham on rye.

Me throat she sick from necktie,
Me feet she hurt from shoes.
Me pocket full of empty,
I got Calypso blues.

(conga solo)

Dese yankee girl give me big scare,
Is black de root, is blonde de hair.
Her eyelash false, her face is paint,
And pads are where de girl she ain't!

She jitterbug when she should waltz,
I even think her name is false.
But calypso girl is good a lot,
Is what you see, is what she got.

Sittin' by de ocean
Me heart, she feel so sad,
Don't got de money
To take me back to Trinidad.

Wa-oo-oo, wa-oo-oo,
Wa-oo wa-oo wa-oo wa-ay...
Wa-oo-oo, wa-oo-oo,
Wa-oo wa-oo wa-oo wa-ay...

(Repeat chant to fade)

Girls with violins rock out Toxicity - System of a Down

Worst guitar solo in the history of the Universe

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