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President Obama Reads Mean Tweets

lantern53 says...

Everybody slams W but he's the only President with a master's in business (from Harvard), and he flew an F-102, which was not an easy aircraft to fly.

He's also the author of a biography of his father, and never once did he throw his grandmother under the bus for being a typical white woman.

He certainly came across as a dunce, but it's obvious to anyone with a brain that he was and is pretty sharp.

Obama, on the other hand...

Health care in Canada

Mordhaus says...

I can't speak to Canada's system, but I can weigh in on Medicare quality of care. My Grandmother, the woman who raised me, was diagnosed with lung cancer in her early 70's. Since I was helping to take care of her at the time, I got to see what I have to look forward to in my later life.

Consistently we had to wait for treatments to be approved and she was often delayed for patients that were not on Medicare. Additionally, every single therapy or quality of life aid was scrutinized beyond belief.

As an example, the doctor gave her a prescription for an oxygen tank and delivery system after they removed part of her lung that was not responding to chemo. Medicare refused to cover it without an 'oxygen saturation level test'. This 'test' was horrible. She had to try to breathe without the machine for multiple minutes, struggling and gasping for air. It was fucking brutal to watch, but the people that Medicare sent to verify didn't give a shit. They basically told me that if her saturation wasn't low enough after 15 minutes, she couldn't be covered for the machine. I couldn't take it, so I told them to fuck off out of her house and paid out of my own pocket for the rental.

These are just some examples, there were others before she died that made it quite clear that Medicare is not quality care. It's basically the bare minimum they have to give you to keep you alive. So this video comparing Canada's care to Medicare doesn't reassure me in the slightest and it's almost certainly an unfair comparison to their system. I can tell you I am dreading making the swap to Medicare in 20-25 years, let alone being forced into something similar sooner. As far as ACA, I don't really care. It's probably good for people who don't have good jobs or who are unemployed, but I will be more than happy to hang onto my extremely good insurance provided through my employment.

'Friends' in Less Than 3 Minutes | TL;DW

lucky760 says...

Monica explained in one episode that they could only afford the apartment because it was rent controlled and was actually her grandmother's apartment.

The guys who made this video forfeited all credibility saying on the show they never go to the bathroom or clean up. The show definitely had people using the bathroom on several occasions and Monica was always cleaning up.

And they weren't from old money. Phoebe and Joey were poor.

This seems like it was written by someone who only ever watched a couple of episodes.

MONSTER Energy drinks are the work of SATAN!!!

newtboy says...

My grandmother used to say the same thing...angels have wings...and claimed the quadruple bypass scars on her back were where she had her wings removed...but I realized something else had wings....BATS!!! From then on we just called her an old bat.

TheGenk said:

Well @eric3579, Red Bull gives you wings, and what else has wings? Angles! Q.E.D.

Gino's hilarious comeback to Holly's recipe comparison

FlowersInHisHair says...

Yep. He just accidentally insinuated that his grandmother was promiscuous, and that's why Phil nearly choked to death. Because otherwise it's not that funny a comeback.

EMPIRE said:

wait... do you mean as in town bike?

Israeli crowd cheers with joy as missile hits Gaza on CNN

Asmo says...

More philosophical wank citing junk analogies (lol, blowing up peoples houses with them still inside = drunken manslaughter in a bar fight?) to justify a position directly contradicted by people who should know...

"The late Tommy Lapid, justice minister in Ariel Sharon’s government, caused an uproar in 2004 when he said that images of an elderly Palestinian woman in Gaza “crouching on all fours, searching for her medicines in the ruins of her house” demolished by the Israeli army reminded him of his own grandmother who perished at Auschwitz. Lapid compared the Israeli army’s writing of numbers on the arms and foreheads of Palestinian prisoners to the Nazi practice of tattooing concentration camp inmates. “As a refugee from the Holocaust I find such an act insufferable,” he said in 2002."

"Lapid, who was chairman of Yad Vashem, Israel’s official Holocaust memorial, also likened the routine harassment of Palestinians by Israeli settlers in the West Bank city of Hebron to the anti-Semitism of pre-World War II Europe. “It was not crematoria or pogroms that made our life in the diaspora bitter before they began to kill us,” he said in 2007, “but persecution, harassment, stone-throwing, damage to livelihood, intimidation, spitting and scorn.” Lapid did not live long enough to see Hebron settlers attempt to burn down a house with a large Palestinian family trapped inside, an act witnessed on 4 December by Avi Issacharoff, reporter for the Israeli daily Haaretz, who called it “a pogrom in the worst sense of the word.”

or perhaps:

"Sir Gerald, who was brought up as an orthodox Jew and Zionist, said: "My grandmother was ill in bed when the Nazis came to her home town a German soldier shot her dead in her bed.

"My grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian grandmothers in Gaza. The present Israeli government ruthlessly and cynically exploits the continuing guilt from gentiles over the slaughter of Jews in the Holocaust as justification for their murder of Palestinians."

He said the claim that many of the Palestinian victims were militants "was the reply of the Nazi" and added: "I suppose the Jews fighting for their lives in the Warsaw ghetto could have been dismissed as militants."

I'll take the word of people who lived through the Holocaust and the formation of Israel over you... = P

shveddy said:

I do understand that the purpose of Godwin's law is to reduce the worst kinds of hyperbole, and that's exactly what I'm trying to do.

Whatever you think about Israel's policies regarding the Palestinians, referring to it as extermination only shows that you haven't taken the time to understand anything about the current conflict and you are just reacting emotionally to the terrible horror of war. Extermination is the total elimination of a certain population by killing, and such an action is so far beyond the state of oppression we see in Gaza today that I just can't take your comparison seriously.

The only way you bother to support these outlandish statements is by telling me that death is death - no matter what the cause - as if that mindless tautology is enough to render two wildly different sets of circumstances and tactics equivalent.

Should we also call all murders murders and not bother to make distinctions between first degree, second degree, involuntary manslaughter, etc? Should we treat the serial killer the same as the drunken brawler who hit someone too hard in a bar fight?

Of course not. As thinking people we analyze factors such as intent, quantity, severity, remorse, and perhaps most importantly, we consider what measures can possibly be taken to correct the underlying cause. All of these elements are wildly different in the different degrees of murders, and having an honest grasp of these differences helps us understand how we as a society should react to each degree, both in terms of punishment and rehabilitation.

To similar ends, it is very important that we consider analogous distinctions in the different degrees of atrocities between nations or ethnic groups. The fact that it is obvious that I would much rather be in Gaza today than a concentration camp in 1943 is very much so relevant to this sort of analysis. The fact that there is no Israeli intent to exterminate the Palestinians is also relevant.

But if you want to leave the depth of your understanding at "dead is dead" then I guess that's your choice.

SquidCap (Member Profile)

Fairbs says...

I checked with my mom and it was Alanen.

Thanks for the detailed Schuko info. By the way, I'm part Finn on my Grandmother's side. I think the family name was Alanin or Alaninin. Something like that. I'd love to make it to the Scandinavian countries some day.

SquidCap said:

Finland, my previous profession for many years was touring as audio technician and a roadie so i've connected different electrical sockets in my time. Schuko is by far the best solution for general single phase 220V systems (multiphases in the world are far better standardized anyway and they are equally brilliant..).

A Cube Within A Cube (Woodworking Project)

Vagina Cake, Uterus Pinata and a Vagician!

JustSaying says...

OK, a few things.
First of all, how can you hate this? They even had a vagician!
Still cracks me up.

Second, look, I'm not a female so I'm probably not the best person to comment on this but...
I've seen "Carrie" and even read the book (which obviously makes me an expert), so I wouldn't compare the first period with random erections. I don't know about you but I had them way before I knew what they truly meant. When girls get their first period, they are at least capable of understanding it (depending on their sexual education more or less well). And it is a bigger deal. Not like making you an awkward, homicidal X-Men big but noteworthy when it happens the first time.
Just from a stigmata perspective (not even talking the maintenance side of things) it's a quite different thing. How many boner jokes did you see and hear on average in movies or TV last year? How many menstruation jokes? See where this is going? It's still very much a taboo subject. You're more likely to find videos here about fucking children than menstruation. That's how comfortable our western culture is with the subject.

Third, the only stupid thing about this is that there is a country that is super rich and wealthy and still somebody feels the need to sell a menstruation starter kit to the parents living there. And that commercial is not aimed at single fathers (who'd probably really love such a kit), no, it's aimed at the moms. You know, the women who menstruated for (hopefully) at least a decade or two before their little girls start as well. Just like their grandmothers and great-grandmothers. They are supposed to buy that shit. Welcome to the country of vajazzling!
Still, hilarious video! Exactly the shit I'd pull on my kids if I had any (and the exact reason I shouldn't have kids).

artician said:

People need to start marking their submissions as "Commercial" more often.
Also: that was really fucking stupid.
It's not like men have a "first morning wood" celebration. And they shouldn't.

Confronting racism face-to-face

artician says...

This was interesting. Was her grandmother really SS? I can't appreciate all that it means, and I'm too skeptical to take it at face value, but assuming this is as true to it's message as it seems, this is definitely the way to change human beliefs, ignorance, and prejudice.
Kindness, love and education.
If this is all true (I'm always devils' advocate) I am humbled by this woman's strength.

Cool experiments with Trimethylaluminum

AeroMechanical says...

It's probably not as economical and convenient as white phosphorous.

My father was a physicist, and he told me a story (mind you, a great deal of his stories were apocryphal and he died before they could be sorted out--which is why I feel justified in claiming my great grandmother was Irish royalty and my great grandfather was an armless gypsy horse acrobat... but I digress). Anyways, he claimed that for a time in Spain there was a company marketing cigarette lighters that used white phosphorous so that you could merely flip the lid open, exposing a small amount to the air igniting it, and very suavely light a ladies cigarette for her. Unfortunately, sometimes the seals would fail while in a man's trouser pocket, which is where the slang "willy peter" comes from.

College Humor: Engagement Rings Are A Bullshit Scam

I Am a Ukrainian

chingalera says...

Ex-wife's grandmother was a Ukrainian Jew, fled the bullshit-Got several American revolutionary war patriots from my mother's side, most-likely destined to be another front-line protester of political and police state bullshit in this lifetime-

ALL politicians and their complicit enforcers need be rendered into history's forgotten ranks-

Chris Hayes takes on Obama's addiction to oil (Keystone XL)

radx says...

Actually, I'm an atheist because my local pastor was a cool guy who used to play table football and billiards at my grandmother's pub. And when he realized that many of us couldn't take the stories of the Bible seriously, he never pushed any of his beliefs onto us. So you might say it never took root with me.

The humanistic education of a German gymnasium did the rest. When the internet came along at the turn of the century, with its ready access to the likes of Bertrand Russell and, much later, Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris, deGrasse Tyson, it merely pushed my attitude from not caring about organized religion into open confrontation with it. Though to be honest, I prefer not to bring up religion in a discussion, ever. It has the uncanny tendency to derail any conversation.

That said, science, specifically my training as a computer scientist, had no part in it. I was a passive atheist long before I took any of my education seriously, aka university.

lantern53 said:

I'll bet radx is an atheist because the religious types can't prove there's a God.

What Your Favorite Cocktail Says About You

My_design says...

I drink old fashions because my 88 year old grandmother drinks old fashions and she's fucking cool. Plus they just taste great if they are made correctly. Up until Mad Men came out everyone made them like shit unless you were in Wisconsin.

brycewi19 said:

Yeahhh, so I've been in to Mad Men for a while now.

Guess what I drink too much of.

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