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woman destroys third wave feminism in 3 minutes

Babymech says...

There are BLM activists who make inflammatory comments about white people (oh no whatever shall we do) and there are feminists who make inflammatory comments about men (oh no whatever shall we do). I posit, for your reasoned consideration:

  • 1) We can pretty much take it; we as a group already have most of the money, most of the privilege, and most of the presidents. We don't need a safe space.
  • 2) In neither case are we talking about the 'majority' of either movement, and the instances where people are horrible shits do not invalidate the justice and relevance of their respective movements.
  • 3) My list is doubly convincing because it's got bullet points and numbers.

  • Also, please don't say that men suffer from most or all of the opression that women suffer, as much or to a greater degree, without sources. I'll give you some examples of what you could have done:

  • Women suffer from a gender pay gap compared with men. (Example source: a crazy feminist blog called the US department of Labor, "Highlights of women's earnings in 2013")
  • Women suffer from a political power gap compared with men. (Example source: a scurrilous lesbian twitter account called the World Economic Forum, "Annual Global Gender Gap Report 2015")
  • Women suffer from sexual violence at much greater rates than men (Example source: some man-hating bull dyke known as the CDC, "Sexual violence facts at a glance, 2012")

  • See, that's what you could have done.

    Given the actual facts I have a hard time seeing how anyone has 'destroyed' feminism.

    newtboy said:

    Well, if a majority of the 'black lives matter' people normally chanted 'death to whitey', 'all white people are rapists', 'Anyone who's skin is not brown is evil', etc, especially if they then used their group to harass and quash any dissent, I don't think they would get much support either.
    So the fact that men suffer from most, if not all of the issues 'feminists' claim are forced on them solely BY men, almost to the same extent, or to GREATER extents while being completely ignored and actually blamed IS a reasonable argument against today's brand of anti male 'feminism'.
    It is not a reasonable argument against equality...but that's no longer what 'feminism' is about.

    Old Timey Organ - Smooth Criminal

    How to subdue a machete-wielding man without killing him

    bremnet says...

    Yes, because online videos of policing practices are representative of the whole. Excellent comparison, your degree in statistics serves you well. If the civilian standing in his doorway at 0:15 becomes the target for some reason, and this lunatic goes after him with his knife, then is it ok to shoot him? If this lunatic was in the middle of a mall or on a busy street and pulled this shit, I would hope that they would shoot him instead of trying to wrangle him to the ground with shields and batons... to serve and protect and all that. If he sliced up a civilian during this kinder gentler policing, the populace would be screaming for heads and at the police for more assertive action. Give them a taser, give them some non lethal rounds, give them a fine Calvary Sabre but control the situation immediately and remove the threat. The fact is the cops weren't in control at all.

    artician said:

    The only difference here seems to be a lack of ego. These guys aren't acting like they're constantly under threat of looking stupid, or need to maintain control via threat of physical violence. They're controlling the guy by letting him think he's in control, while everyone's still safe. Reflecting on what we see of the american police force online, it really makes them look like a one-note cannon when it comes to local civic diplomacy.

    The Wendelstein 7-X fusion reactor is insane

    kceaton1 says...

    As others have mentioned there are indeed still major issues to solve. But, they are slowly crawling to the answer (for some reason the US has just a "little bit" of interest in this--though if they go ahead and name their scientists as the sole awesomeness that thought how to make this a reality one day... I will truly hate my government for sure...

    Hopefully, this reactor can give us some good data (and also hopefully was built with new processes across the board; again giving the scientists more data) on what's working better and what's failing either worse or @the same rate... There are about three main issues that need to be solved before we can call it "somewhat quits" (but, even after that, this would be a machine that needs a careful eye and constant monitoring).

    I'm looking forward to the International Committee's Fusion Reactor in 2019~, called: ITER. It'll kind of be the "LHC" of the fusion world... They probably will figure out the issue with radiation destroying/eating away the guards/shields on the insides for the plasma.

    These things are definitely awesome to see...

    Bill Maher: Richard Dawkins – Regressive Leftists

    Barbar says...

    Nice to see a lack of verbal abuse in a discussion like this. I appreciate it as I know I'm probably treading on thin ice in a lot of minds.

    I disagree that texts are devoid of meaning until we give them some. The text itself if a collection of ideas and some of those ideas are horrendous. It generally is not an individual's qualities that determine the violence of the religion as much as the history of that religion's practice in the area they were raised. A peaceful and loving Aztec that was faithful would still have supported sacrificing slaves for all the same reasons, because they would have believed the underlying superstitions that made it a rational act given the premises.

    I'm not sure Maher & co. view is as a strictly religious phenomenon. You really have to do a case by case analysis. Some make no sense but for religion, while other are very easy for my to sympathize with, even as an atheist. I have to admit I'm more familiar with Harris' views than Maher's, mind you, as I find Maher's presentation of his ideas can at times be half baked.

    The reason why they specifically strap bombs to their chests is largely religious. Everyone else prefers living to kill another day. There's a religious reason why they are willing to sacrifice their children in this way. The reason that they behead people instead of other forms of killing them is because that form of murder is enshrined in their texts. All of these religious justifications lower the barrier for action. They make it that much easier for someone to accept that it's a reasonable course of action. And that's because of specific words in specific books.

    I agree that is smells like apologist BS when Harris talks about western intervention having good intentions. I don't think the west has good intentions most of the time. However you have to acknowledge that there is something less reprehensible about trying to kill even a likely dangerous person (with the likelihood of innocent collateral damage) as compared with deliberately targeting exclusively innocent people. Yes the wedding party massacre was horrible. That was the worst case possible from our point of view, and some efforts will be made to avoid it happening again. If think that is morally significant. If you don't think intentions are relevant to morality, we will simply disagree.

    enoch said:

    what a fantastic discussion.
    i would just like to add a few points:
    1.religious texts are inert.they are neutral.
    WE give them meaning.
    so if you are a violent person,your religion will be violent.
    if you are a peaceful and loving person,your religion will be peaceful and loving.
    2.religion,along with nationalism,are the two greatest devices used by the state/tyrant/despot/king to instigate a populace to war/violence. @Barbar noted.islam is in serious need of reformation,much like the christian church experienced centuries ago.see:the end of the dark ages. of my problems with maher,harris and to a lesser extent dawkins,is that they view this strictly as a religious problem and ignore the cultural and social implications of the wests interventionism in the middle east.this is a dynamic and complicated situation,which goes back decades and to simply say that this is a problem with islam is just intellectually lazy.

    there is a reason why these communities strap bombs to their chest.there is a reason why they behead people on youtube.there is a reason why salafism and wahabism are becoming more entrenched and communities are becoming more radicalized.

    islam is NOT the reason.
    islam is the justification.

    the reason why liberals lose absofuckingalways,is because they not only feel they are,as @gorillaman pointed out,"good" but that they are somehow "better" than the rest of us.

    sam harris is a supreme offender in this regard.that somehow the secular west has "better" or "good" intentions when we interfere with the middle east.that when a US drone strike wipes out a wedding party of 80 people is somehow less barbaric than the beheading of charlie hedbo.

    yet BOTH are barbaric.

    and BOTH utilize a device that justifies their actions.
    one uses national security and/or some altruistic feelgood propaganda and the other uses islam.

    yet only one is being occupied,oppressed,bombed and murdered.

    this is basic.
    there really is no controversy.
    this is in our own history.
    what is the only response when faced with an overwhelming and deadly military force,when your force is substantially weaker?
    guerrilla warfare.

    so the tactic of suicide bomber becomes more understandable when put in this context.
    it is an act of desperation in the face of overwhelming military might to instill fear and terror upon those who wish to dominate and oppress.

    and islam is the device used to justify these acts of terror.
    just as nationalism and patriotism are used to justify OUR acts of terror.

    thats my 2c anyways.
    carry on peoples.

    police officer body slams teen in cuffs

    Asmo says...

    This girl could have landed a kick square in his balls and his response would still not be proportionate or appropriate. Charge her with assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest and give her some time in a cell, done. That's the punishment for doing something as stupid as kicking at a police officer after she was arrested. Picking her up and slamming her teeth first in to the ground was in no way appropriate.

    But I get what you're saying. It's like being in a small boat with a large shark circling under it. You don't do anything to provoke it because if you do, it will end you.

    lucky760 said:

    The only thing I'll say is: Hey, stupid people. Don't even feign a strike in a police officer's direction. You're very likely going to get your shit fucked up because the officer has all the power and is probably not able to wield that power as anything more than a lowly animal.

    Such officers so incapable of restraining their superiority/god complex should not be in a position of total physical control over suspected criminals who, by virtue of the fact that they've been taken into custody, may be likely to be disobedient little shits.

    You scurvy sailor dog, you're an actual dog...

    Today on C.G.W.-Cop Goes Into GTA Mode And Runs Down Suspect

    release us-a short film on police brutality by charles shaw

    lantern53 says...

    500 innocent Americans killed is total bullshit anyway. I want to see names, not just some strawman argument. 11 million people are arrested every year, and many of these 'American citizens' are mental cases, gang members, hardcore criminals, drug addicts etc.

    The video states that 'the DOJ estimates that 500 innocent Americans are killed every year'. I would love to see where the DOJ determines their 'innocence'. I want to see the document on that one.

    And if one example (Trayvon martin) doesn't invalidate their argument, how can a handful of other examples (as seen in the video) validate it?

    If 'a black man is murdered every 28 hours', then ask yourself why so many black men are resisting arrest or engaging in conduct that leads to them getting killed.

    You can listen to a police scanner in any major city and the majority of calls will involve police calls for assistance regarding a black man or men engaged in violent criminal behavior. Go ahead and listen, you might learn something. And these calls are generally coming from other black people who want to be protected from the criminals who live amongst them.

    The video also states that police officers always get off scott free after killing people. Give me some names. The DOJ went after Darren Wilson with everything they had and eventually had to admit that he acted properly and within the law.

    'This ain't a war zone!' the man cries. Did he search everyone in that crowd? How does he know they are unarmed?

    The video also concerns an Australian police action. What does that have to do with American police, which is the subject of the video?

    Furthermore, the police acting improperly on the video...what is the story behind each officer? Was he/she reprimanded, suspended, fired? There is no followup, it is just assumed that they all got away with improper behavior.

    The whole system is racist, says the sign. Tell it to Eric Holder, the black attorney general! lol give me a fucking break

    Where is the attention given to black on black crime? You don't hear about it. 2500 people shot in Chicago last year, look it up.

    Charles Shaw, you are a fraud.

    Flow Hive - Honey directly on tap from your beehive

    BicycleRepairMan says...

    By the way, this kickstarter is going fast! Yesterday there was about 1000 out of 5000 full $600 packages sold, today its 2000+ sold. So if you want a cube , I suggest you get going within the next 7 days.. I ordered mine yesterday. Too bad their estimated shipping is december, but I guess that gives me some time to prepare for next spring/summer!

    A New Level Of Archery Skills

    kceaton1 says...

    This is obviously a very great skill and at the same time it has its faults. It's also obvious to anyone with common sense that he IS a "trick" shooter. I mean almost every demonstration in the video IS a "trick" shot of some kind. Would any of these things come in handy in war... Certainly, many of those "tricks" would put him at an extreme advantage--especially if he could do this extremely well on horseback (and you must be a GOOD horseback rider, motorcycles don't count--a horse is a whole different story; especially if you plan to do some of the *feats* I'll mention below, while in combat). He would be even better if he had mastery over the shorter bow(s) he uses in this and also a longbow for long targets and heavily armored enemies.

    As for him penetrating chainmail, that is a good question and I do believe he could quite possibly end up penetrating the chainmail in some situations while (possibly still getting through the chainmail) being stopped in others (he shows being able to penetrate mail with an under armor of some type, but we don't get a lot of details about that situation to be honest). It depends on how his bow is made, the string it has, the type of arrow he is using (or the tip, to be honest), and his draw strength (along with this is range). On the chainmail side it depends on what type of chainmail the enemy is using and then whether they have an under armor of some kind--and again, range.

    The problem in this video--except for a few shots--is that he does shoot very close in many of the cases; within 30-20 feet. In a close combat experience--which wasn't necessarily unusual for archers in the past (especially as I mentioned mounted ones--of course you'd be nuts to not be mounted at these ranges--or at the least be a swordsman as well...which was even more rare) he would terrorize opponents... Unless they are wearing plate or other heavy types of armors, then he is in a bit of trouble. But if he really does have great accuracy, then even many of these armors types wouldn't necessarily help you--and could eventually lead to your own death.

    I say we give this some time and see if Lars gives us more answers (like "records", competition, types of bows and arrows, chainmail used, etc...).

    How stoned? Cone of Shame stoned...

    "Stupidity of American Voter," critical to passing Obamacare

    shinyblurry says...

    I will note though that I find it amazing this video isn't getting more attention here. I hear a lot here from people who hate the government, yet here is the smoking gun for everything they say is wrong with the government and you actually have 6 downvotes and it may not even get sifted. That is kind of incredible in my opinion and reveals a bias. This guy is someone deeply involved in the political process at the highest levels talking openly about a calculated deception pulled on the American people and some here want to bury it. I would encourage those who do to look past your particular political ideology and give it some unbiased consideration.

    Creepy Text Theater With Sasha Grey

    Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - I Don't Wanna Pray

    RFlagg says...

    @eric3579 and any others:

    I think the lyrics of what the band members sing are improvised on the spot. The official lyrics are at and lots of the stuff I can make out are clearly not in that version, though it matches the video in my one comment, save the improvised bit the one band member does.

    So my best guess based on listening to it many times (time stamps of improvised bits in {}):

    I love my god, god made love
    I love my god, god made love
    I love my god, god made good
    I love my god, god made hate
    I love my god, god made bad
    I love my god, god made me

    I don't wanna pray to my maker
    [whoa]I just wanna be what I see
    Not just who I am, but the pink in golden land
    And that wide wild sky over me
    Help me to the sun, hey I'm looking everywhere

    Pardon god and mom, if what I'm sayin' isn't fair
    Hey I'm looking to become, not the prayer but the prayer
    And now I don't want to pray
    [No] I say I don't wanna pray
    [No] I don't wanna pray
    Who don't wanna pray

    (but still)
    I love my god, god made love
    I love my god, god made love
    I love my god, god made good
    I love my god, god made hate
    I love my god, god made bad
    I love my god, god made me

    (but still)
    I don't wanna pray to my maker
    [No] I just wanna be feelin' free
    Not like in a book, or the leaves of trees that shook
    From a word that means only not a thing

    Pardon god and mom, if what I'm sayin' isn't fair
    Hey I'm looking to become, not the prayer but the prayer
    And now I don't want to pray
    [No] I say I don't wanna pray
    [No] I don't wanna pray
    Who don't wanna pray

    {2:21}(alright Seth)
    God ain't some man way high above me
    [No] I think god is in the earth and in the land
    I love by what I do
    So for me I think that its true
    That's its hard to worship when I'm on my knees

    Pardon god and mom, if what I'm sayin' isn't fair
    Hey I'm looking to become, not the prayer but the prayer
    And now I don't want to pray
    [No] I say I don't wanna pray
    [No] I don't wanna pray
    Who don't wanna pray

    When I was a boy my daddy made me
    [Whoa] Read a story to him every night
    Took me 'till it hurt, that stupid shirt shit don't work
    [garbled] tell me to try

    Pardon god and mom, if what I'm sayin' isn't fair
    Hey I'm looking to become, not the prayer but the prayer
    And now I don't want to pray
    [No] I say I don't wanna pray
    [No] I don't wanna pray
    Who don't wanna pray

    {3:48}(now Sash(?))
    I don't wanna pray to my maker
    [No] [Don't let me be a servant?] won't you please
    Not like greasy crook or those thevin smiley looks
    I just want to be of helpin' if you need

    Pardon god and mom, if what I'm sayin' isn't fair
    Hey I'm looking to become, not the prayer but the prayer
    And now I don't want to pray
    [No] I say I don't wanna pray
    [No] I don't wanna pray
    Who don't wanna pray

    {4:35}Now I've seen her in the shadow
    I have seen her in the tree
    I don't even need to get down on my knees
    [garbled followed by laugh]

    Pardon god and mom, if what I'm sayin' isn't fair
    Hey I'm looking to become, not the prayer but the prayer
    And now I don't want to pray
    [No] I say I don't wanna pray
    [No] I don't wanna pray
    Who don't wanna pray

    {5:20 slight improv of the normal lines}Well it's alright to talk, long as you are walkin'
    And it's alright to take, long as you give
    But some say we forgiven and forgotten of our sins
    Either way I know for sure, that we all will live again

    Pardon god and mom, if what I'm sayin' isn't fair
    Hey I'm looking to become, not the prayer but the prayer
    And now I don't want to pray
    [No] I say I don't wanna pray
    [No] I don't wanna pray
    Who don't wanna pray

    (but still)
    I love my god, god made love
    I love my god, god made love
    I love my god, god made good
    I love my god, god made hate
    I love my god, god made bad
    I love my god, god made me

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