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Future Weapons: The Dillon Gatling gun firing tracer rounds

8422 says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
>> ^Aemaeth:
Call me ignorant, but I can't imagine anything we need to fire 3000 RPM at instead of 2000 RPM. At what point is it just ridiculous?

Because its 1000 more dead terrorists per minute...

i don't think this gun will see many terrorists..

Future Weapons: The Dillon Gatling gun firing tracer rounds

Future Weapons: The Dillon Gatling gun firing tracer rounds

30 mm mini-gun-(A-10 Warthog)-Test Fire

choggie says...

Armaments available to the Warthog:
* Guns: 1× 30 mm (1.18 in) GAU-8/A Avenger gatling gun with 1174 rounds
* Hardpoints: 8× under-wing and 3× under-fuselage pylon stations holding up to 16,000 lb (7,200 kg) and accommodating:
o Mark 82, Mark 83, and Mark 84 general-purpose bombs or
o Mk 77 incendiary bombs or
o BLU-1, BLU-27/B Rockeye II, Mk20, BL-755[27] and CBU-52/58/71/87/89/97 cluster bombs or
o Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (A-10C) or
o GBU-10 Paveway II, GBU-12 Paveway II, GBU-16 Paveway II and GBU-24 Paveway III laser-guided bombs or
o Joint Direct Attack Munition (A-10C)[28] or
o AGM-65 Maverick air-to-surface missiles and AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles or
o LAU-68 Hydra 70 mm (2.76 in) and 127 mm (5.0 in) rocket pods or
o Illumination flares, ECM and chaff pods or
o ALQ-131/ALQ-184 ECM pod or
o LITENING AT/Sniper XR targeting pods (A-10C)

Goalkeeper CIWS Naval Defense System

Farhad2000 says...

Goalkeeper uses the same GAU-8 Avenger 30 mm Gatling gun that is used on the A-10 Thunderbolt II.

Using a search radar it identifies, tracks and prioritizes incoming projectiles by order of threat, switching over to engagement radar it tracks and traverses the system to track the threat, then fires at 4200 rounds per minute to obliterate or detonate the warhead with sheer kinetic force.

Marine plays with Iraqi kids

MarineGunrock says...

@raven: No offense taken.
@raven and twiddles:
I never meant that to be insensitive, but more of a "how-does-living-in-a-bad-house-give-you-cancer" sort of way. Unless I missed something (I'm not big on aircraft ordinance) but I thought a bunker buster was steel and explosives. How does that give you cancer?
Also, since when were the living conditions great before we got there?

The only depleted uranium in use that I know of is in the large-caliber Gatling guns that don't really see much use. And rougy, I never said our presence isn't what caused those deaths. But once again, thanks for the personal attacks. Those always make a mature conversation so much fun.

Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan raid Taliban stronghold

NordlichReiter says...

Watch closer, i saw an M4, the M16 M203 grenade launcher, and my mistake on the M249 it looked like a G3a3 with the way the camera cut the handle seemed to be part of the scope. Ok no scar either my mistake on both, their version of the M16 sounds a lot more dangerous than the U.S. version. I would rather see the Canadian variant in U.S. use because the M16 is not the most faithful of weapons. Now the SAW thats a good weapon, first called the mini, commonly confused with the Gatling gun, put into use in Vietnam but not noted do to the M60s prowess.

Personally they need to switch over to Kalashnikov's, now thats a very durable cheap weapon.

Sorry i made a mistake, but those boys did a helluva job.

MINE 2 (Hilaroious BF2 Comedy) Part 3 of 3

deathcow says...

i love this game... we play the hell out of it.. besides war game its the best flight simulator ever. SURE maybe not for instrument flying in clouds but play a bit of Flight Simulator 2004/5/6 whatever and then fly the helicopters and jets in this game. I have two computers about 6 feet apart, each with GeForce 7900gtx in them, my friend on one, me on the other. I fly the helicopter and he runs the front gatling gun and large missile, GOD it's awesome. We're shouting "Tank! 3 o'clock!" and either he's got the gatling ripping em up or I've got the copter spinning to get his TV guided missiles lined up. We're deadly!

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