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Do you have to be an asshole to make great stuff? (Blog Entry by dag)

JiggaJonson says...

Reading this blog made me remember reading this Wired story from way back when I thought Wired was a good magazine (GO Maximum PC!) and the quote that really caught my eye was "Everyone has their Steve-Jobs-the-asshole story." I think it stood out because, on TV at least, he seemed nice enough, but mostly I wanted ammunition for arguments with my Mac fanboy friends.

More recently I remember reading about Apple pulling an entire e-book collection from one publisher after said publisher produced an unauthorized biography with the double entendre title "iCon: Steve Jobs" which is a move that I consider a far cry from "Do no evil."

Even Steve Wozniak openly said: "I couldn't treat people the way he does"

But do geniuses need to be assholes?

I would say that there is a fine line between tough love and devaluing the people around you. That fence dance can make a C feel like an A; but it makes the kid who fails feel all the more hopeless.

Inside 9/11: Who controlled the planes?

marbles says...

>> ^Stormsinger:

How about wacko?
You really think it's a difficult or meaningful question to ask, "How could they conduct key hijacking events simultaneously all within 10 minutes?" See, we have these cute little gadgets called can even get small ones to wear on your wrist. They tell the time, so you can agree on when to do things.
Get a grip man. Or at least a clue.

So what happens when your plane gets delayed?

Coordinated attacks require coordination. How did the hijackers know what time their planes would be entering radar gaps?

Inside 9/11: Who controlled the planes?

Stormsinger says...

How about *wacko?

You really think it's a difficult or meaningful question to ask, "How could they conduct key hijacking events simultaneously all within 10 minutes?" See, we have these cute little gadgets called can even get small ones to wear on your wrist. They tell the time, so you can agree on when to do things.

Get a grip man. Or at least a clue.

What George Orwell got wrong

ZappaDanMan says...

>> ^marbles:

He's mischaracterizing George Orwell's views on technology.
George Orwell gives no evidence anywhere against his aversion to technology that he has discussed in his novel. On the contrary, his opinion is presumably neutral throughout the narration of 1984. However, his imaginations (not everything is his imagination!) portend not a very socially desirable use of technology. It is not even neutral technology. The telescreen is best being used as a propaganda machine. The microphones are used to pry upon personal conversations. There are other sophisticated gadgets to put an end to individual freedom. Since Oceania is always on war against some state or the other, such a society will make a feverish innovation in technologies.

That's an interesting read, thanks for that. I'm always looking for new perspectives on 1984; I've read it so many times.

Anyone else notice that in 1984, there is no mention of religion? Apparently that form of mind control is obsolete
Now let's all drink some victory gin and kill some proles.

What George Orwell got wrong

marbles says...

He's mischaracterizing George Orwell's views on technology.
George Orwell gives no evidence anywhere against his aversion to technology that he has discussed in his novel. On the contrary, his opinion is presumably neutral throughout the narration of 1984. However, his imaginations (not everything is his imagination!) portend not a very socially desirable use of technology. It is not even neutral technology. The telescreen is best being used as a propaganda machine. The microphones are used to pry upon personal conversations. There are other sophisticated gadgets to put an end to individual freedom. Since Oceania is always on war against some state or the other, such a society will make a feverish innovation in technologies.

Bill Gates on iPad and Microsofts pad/touchscreen leadership

robbersdog49 says...

>> ^spoco2:

As far as I'm concerned (And I have three tablets in my desk at work, an iPad1, and iPad2 and a Xoom, and I write apps for them), they're all useless lumps really. I have zero desire to have one. My thoughts are pretty much exactly as per this Engadget article

And here's the thing. When the iPad came out, all the tech reviews and tech bloggers and the people who write about these things said it was rubbish. What they menat was that it wasn't a device they would want. What apple is great at doing is ignoring the tech guys, who are the niche market, and getting the normal, everyday people a product that works for them. My iPad is the most used gadget I have, by a long way. This is because it does the few things I want it to do and it does them well.

The iPad is just too successful for it to be a bad product. It's giving the majority what they want and ignoring the tech guys. Apple seem to be one of the few companies to realise where the money really is in computing, and it's not with people who know a lot about computers.

Bill Gates on iPad and Microsofts pad/touchscreen leadership

kuertee says...

Actually, the Gateses are two of the most generous philanthropists. While the practices at factories that support Apple show that they may be ignoring "the good" of their workers for the benefit of their consumers.

I don't like judging those in the public eye because we don't really know them. But what's irked me in the recent years is the blind, almost religious, adoration of Jobs. I admit, however, that he can be an inspiration.

Has Steve Jobs ever given to charity?
Gates v Jobs (Wired article):

Destroying your faith in humanity: the iRenew bracelet

albrite30 says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

Well firstly, the pope is a type of antichrist. The catholic religion is not Christian, which may suprise you. It suprised me too because before I became a Christian I didn't know the difference. It is a pagan religion which derives from Christianity but is in every way is antithetical to biblical teaching.
Second, I am saying the magic bracelet isn't completely fake. I am saying it will appear to grant the properties and characteristics expected by the wearer. This is due to spiritual deception by Satan. It isn't that it is wrong for people to have strength and balance, it is the source they are trying to get it, not God.
If you take a piece of wood and worship it, a demon will assigned to it to receive that worship. Whenever you're calling upon something other than God, Satan can and does use it to mislead and corrupt. These things always have spiritual connotations. Even the flying spaghetti monster has become a false idol, and receives worship.
I did in fact say this isn't a new deception, just an old one in new packaging. Pagans have been using this kind of spiritual systems for thousands of years, impuing objects with special powers and using them to manipulate reality. This is sorcery for the masses.

>> ^albrite30:
>> ^shinyblurry:
It's a satanic deception. This is simply new age mysticism, and people enmasse are being trained to embrace and accept it. The principles of it stem from occult practices which have been practiced for a milennia. It is quite simply magic, or the attempt to gain power over reality by human willpower and directed intention. Since you are blind you don't see the spiritual consequences of these things, but they are plainly obvious . People are being taught to rely on mysticism and esoteric knowledge rather than God, to believe that they themselves can be gods, just as the serpent promised in the garden. There is nothing new under the sun; this is a very old deception. Satan doesn't have any new tricks, and he doesn't need any, because the old ones keep paying off.
>> ^KnivesOut:
Lol you're just as deluded as the idiots who buy this crap thinking it will change their life for the better.
Pro-tip: its an inert piece of plastic, not a fucking magic talisman.>> ^shinyblurry:
This is a spiritual issue. Anyone wearing this bracelet is engaging in sorcery, because this is basically magic. This leaves them open to deception from the enemy. The wearers of these bracelet may well be perceiving a tangible benefit because of this spiritual deception. It is just one of the tacts the enemy uses in spiritual warfare, getting people to rely on themselves or magic devices, or things like "the secret".

I don't see the difference between "new age mysticism" and old age mysticism. What the message seems to be in this video is that some object can bring about strength, endurance, and balance. Why is that so wrong to you shinny? What do you think the holy trinity is other than a mass propagated symbol of strength, endurance, and balance. The value of the message is a universal desire for that kind of thing in a person's life. People are NOT being trained these days to accept new deception, rather they have been trained for thousands of years to accept the same deception from various faiths in existence today. Seems to me that if you are losing members of your flock to gadgets such as these, it may be time to get a more charismatic preacher. Maybe if the pope signed off on the iRenew you would be singing a different tune.

Who should I speak to about getting my piece of wood assigned a demon? I pity your insanity.

Destroying your faith in humanity: the iRenew bracelet

shinyblurry says...

Well firstly, the pope is a type of antichrist. The catholic religion is not Christian, which may suprise you. It suprised me too because before I became a Christian I didn't know the difference. It is a pagan religion which derives from Christianity but is in every way is antithetical to biblical teaching.

Second, I am saying the magic bracelet isn't completely fake. I am saying it will appear to grant the properties and characteristics expected by the wearer. This is due to spiritual deception by Satan. It isn't that it is wrong for people to have strength and balance, it is the source they are trying to get it, not God.

If you take a piece of wood and worship it, a demon will assigned to it to receive that worship. Whenever you're calling upon something other than God, Satan can and does use it to mislead and corrupt. These things always have spiritual connotations. Even the flying spaghetti monster has become a false idol, and receives worship.

I did in fact say this isn't a new deception, just an old one in new packaging. Pagans have been using this kind of spiritual systems for thousands of years, impuing objects with special powers and using them to manipulate reality. This is sorcery for the masses.

>> ^albrite30:
>> ^shinyblurry:
It's a satanic deception. This is simply new age mysticism, and people enmasse are being trained to embrace and accept it. The principles of it stem from occult practices which have been practiced for a milennia. It is quite simply magic, or the attempt to gain power over reality by human willpower and directed intention. Since you are blind you don't see the spiritual consequences of these things, but they are plainly obvious . People are being taught to rely on mysticism and esoteric knowledge rather than God, to believe that they themselves can be gods, just as the serpent promised in the garden. There is nothing new under the sun; this is a very old deception. Satan doesn't have any new tricks, and he doesn't need any, because the old ones keep paying off.
>> ^KnivesOut:
Lol you're just as deluded as the idiots who buy this crap thinking it will change their life for the better.
Pro-tip: its an inert piece of plastic, not a fucking magic talisman.>> ^shinyblurry:
This is a spiritual issue. Anyone wearing this bracelet is engaging in sorcery, because this is basically magic. This leaves them open to deception from the enemy. The wearers of these bracelet may well be perceiving a tangible benefit because of this spiritual deception. It is just one of the tacts the enemy uses in spiritual warfare, getting people to rely on themselves or magic devices, or things like "the secret".

I don't see the difference between "new age mysticism" and old age mysticism. What the message seems to be in this video is that some object can bring about strength, endurance, and balance. Why is that so wrong to you shinny? What do you think the holy trinity is other than a mass propagated symbol of strength, endurance, and balance. The value of the message is a universal desire for that kind of thing in a person's life. People are NOT being trained these days to accept new deception, rather they have been trained for thousands of years to accept the same deception from various faiths in existence today. Seems to me that if you are losing members of your flock to gadgets such as these, it may be time to get a more charismatic preacher. Maybe if the pope signed off on the iRenew you would be singing a different tune.

Destroying your faith in humanity: the iRenew bracelet

albrite30 says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

It's a satanic deception. This is simply new age mysticism, and people enmasse are being trained to embrace and accept it. The principles of it stem from occult practices which have been practiced for a milennia. It is quite simply magic, or the attempt to gain power over reality by human willpower and directed intention. Since you are blind you don't see the spiritual consequences of these things, but they are plainly obvious . People are being taught to rely on mysticism and esoteric knowledge rather than God, to believe that they themselves can be gods, just as the serpent promised in the garden. There is nothing new under the sun; this is a very old deception. Satan doesn't have any new tricks, and he doesn't need any, because the old ones keep paying off.

>> ^KnivesOut:
Lol you're just as deluded as the idiots who buy this crap thinking it will change their life for the better.
Pro-tip: its an inert piece of plastic, not a fucking magic talisman.>> ^shinyblurry:
This is a spiritual issue. Anyone wearing this bracelet is engaging in sorcery, because this is basically magic. This leaves them open to deception from the enemy. The wearers of these bracelet may well be perceiving a tangible benefit because of this spiritual deception. It is just one of the tacts the enemy uses in spiritual warfare, getting people to rely on themselves or magic devices, or things like "the secret".

I don't see the difference between "new age mysticism" and old age mysticism. What the message seems to be in this video is that some object can bring about strength, endurance, and balance. Why is that so wrong to you shinny? What do you think the holy trinity is other than a mass propagated symbol of strength, endurance, and balance. The value of the message is a universal desire for that kind of thing in a person's life. People are NOT being trained these days to accept new deception, rather they have been trained for thousands of years to accept the same deception from various faiths in existence today. Seems to me that if you are losing members of your flock to gadgets such as these, it may be time to get a more charismatic preacher. Maybe if the pope signed off on the iRenew you would be singing a different tune.

Catwoman revealed - Dark Knight Rises (Cinema Talk Post)

EDD says...

It's worth mentioning that Warner Bros. are marketing the character as Selina Kyle rather than Catwoman, at least at this point, so I'll wager a guess that her part in DKR will be little more than a Catwoman-origins story. Also I see how her getting paws on Bruce's equipment is more in line with Nolan's realistic approach to Batman on the big screen, but assuming she only "becomes" Catwoman with the help of some gadgets, it's quite a departure from comic-book canon, isn't it?

Other than that.. Meh. Granted, I'm not THAT familiar with Anne Hathaway's filmography, but I haven't seen a single role in which her performance was anything more than barely decent. Also, she's "hot", apparently, which is something I just don't see at all, probably because she reminds me of Julie Roberts too much.

Would You Give Up The Internet For 1 Million Dollars?

lavoll says...

wow, so like rich people are like totally good for the rest of us. we need more rich people, lets cut some taxes. who needs infrastructure when we have rich people around to make gadgets available to us. yaay.

Hit and run caught on dashcam, driver chased, denies it.

Crosswords says...

>> ^longde:

In my town, we have an crosswalk that is frenquented by kids going to a park. This cross walk has yellow lights embedded in the road and on street signs for crossing pedestrians. And still you have assholes gunning past people who activate the lights.
I think drivers should absolutely always yield the right of way. I get annoyed too at slow walkers, but I figure I will get to where I'm going alot faster than they will half the time.
>> ^sixshot:
>> ^chilaxe:
She needs a new brain, but so does the pedestrian. A rationalist could never get hit by a car like that.

The bitch swapped lanes (or was that she went into incoming traffic lane to pass), which lead to hitting that elderly man. Sure the old guy should have looked one last time but that's besides the point. Reckless driving inevitably leads to shit like that.
I've seen assholes behind the wheel out on the roads all the time. And they do the most dumbest shit out there. Though I have yet to witness the result of their stupidity, it's only a matter of time when they get what they deserve.
At the same time, people who cross the street frequently needs to be more goddamn courteous. I've seen people who cross the street with no fucking regards to themselves or to whether or not it is even safe to cross. And that alone pisses me off as a driver and makes me hate the pedestrian law we have in America (whereas any vehicular hit to a pedestrian results in the driver being at fault 99% of the time). People like that makes me want to run 'em over Grand Theft Auto style. And in today's day and age of techno-gadgets, people are more prone to getting hurt due to not being attentive enough to their surroundings.

Yeah but if you give them a little push with your car they'll get to where they're going faster too, its win win!

Hit and run caught on dashcam, driver chased, denies it.

rottenseed says...

I don't EVER cross at those shady blinking-yellow-lights crosswalks. Seen too many near misses involving mothers with strollers. Don't use them...they shouldn't even exist because they give a false sense of security. Just spend the money on a pedestrian bridge.

edit: I realize this is riddled with sentence fragments>> ^longde:

In my town, we have an crosswalk that is frenquented by kids going to a park. This cross walk has yellow lights embedded in the road and on street signs for crossing pedestrians. And still you have assholes gunning past people who activate the lights.
I think drivers should absolutely always yield the right of way. I get annoyed too at slow walkers, but I figure I will get to where I'm going alot faster than they will half the time.
>> ^sixshot:
>> ^chilaxe:
She needs a new brain, but so does the pedestrian. A rationalist could never get hit by a car like that.

The bitch swapped lanes (or was that she went into incoming traffic lane to pass), which lead to hitting that elderly man. Sure the old guy should have looked one last time but that's besides the point. Reckless driving inevitably leads to shit like that.
I've seen assholes behind the wheel out on the roads all the time. And they do the most dumbest shit out there. Though I have yet to witness the result of their stupidity, it's only a matter of time when they get what they deserve.
At the same time, people who cross the street frequently needs to be more goddamn courteous. I've seen people who cross the street with no fucking regards to themselves or to whether or not it is even safe to cross. And that alone pisses me off as a driver and makes me hate the pedestrian law we have in America (whereas any vehicular hit to a pedestrian results in the driver being at fault 99% of the time). People like that makes me want to run 'em over Grand Theft Auto style. And in today's day and age of techno-gadgets, people are more prone to getting hurt due to not being attentive enough to their surroundings.

Hit and run caught on dashcam, driver chased, denies it.

longde says...

In my town, we have an crosswalk that is frenquented by kids going to a park. This cross walk has yellow lights embedded in the road and on street signs for crossing pedestrians. And still you have assholes gunning past people who activate the lights.

I think drivers should absolutely always yield the right of way. I get annoyed too at slow walkers, but I figure I will get to where I'm going alot faster than they will half the time.

>> ^sixshot:
>> ^chilaxe:
She needs a new brain, but so does the pedestrian. A rationalist could never get hit by a car like that.

The bitch swapped lanes (or was that she went into incoming traffic lane to pass), which lead to hitting that elderly man. Sure the old guy should have looked one last time but that's besides the point. Reckless driving inevitably leads to shit like that.
I've seen assholes behind the wheel out on the roads all the time. And they do the most dumbest shit out there. Though I have yet to witness the result of their stupidity, it's only a matter of time when they get what they deserve.
At the same time, people who cross the street frequently needs to be more goddamn courteous. I've seen people who cross the street with no fucking regards to themselves or to whether or not it is even safe to cross. And that alone pisses me off as a driver and makes me hate the pedestrian law we have in America (whereas any vehicular hit to a pedestrian results in the driver being at fault 99% of the time). People like that makes me want to run 'em over Grand Theft Auto style. And in today's day and age of techno-gadgets, people are more prone to getting hurt due to not being attentive enough to their surroundings.

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