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I Believe I can Fly ( flight of the frenchies)

legacy0100 says...

OMG.... Balls...RETRACTING....

Funny thing is that the free falling scenes did nothing for me, but when they were on the tight rope and only relying on the safety harness... goddanm!!! That's scary!!!

This makes me beyond uncomfortable...

Deano says...

Going up that high in Crackdown (videogame) and jumping off made my stomach do funny things. Whenever I see people do it for real (apart from the jumping off bit) I shudder.

Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl clip AKA More WTF Japan

legacy0100 says...

There's a growing minority in Japan worshiping every aspects of African-American culture, especially in the music scene like hip-hop or jazz. The funny thing is that even though they're doing it out of love, their method of respect for African-American culture come off as incredibly racist and demonstrate a very shallow understanding of its people.

The Japanese have their own theory of what 'being black' is and it is purely based on western media. They keep the same stereotype that exists throughout North America that all blacks are athletic, good at music, dance, and not very interested in academia. But because being black makes everything about you cool, all the stereotypes and racist biases become cool as well. So not doing your homework or putting on a black-face make up is okay now, because Africans don't do homework and their skin is black. The youth of Japan especially identify with these traits (even though they're all savagely politically incorrect from a western point of view) because they identify with dancing and not doing homework more than they do with strict Japanese social etiquette, so they celebrate all the biased and want to imitate them, without understanding how these racist ideas about blacks really came about.

It's weird and ironic and hilarious and wrong in this twisted, fastidious way in all aspects. It's fucking amazing.

Revolution - Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

and while I'm at it, Chevy Chase sucks!

actually, no, I can't say that. He's awesome on Community

>> ^Fletch:

>> ^ChaosEngine:
>> ^Fletch:
>> ^Engels:
Oh look, formulaic drek leaping in to exploit the hunger games mania! Yay!

Requisite nonsensical contrarian vomitus. I'm guessing SNL hasn't been funny since the seventies, either.

IMHO, SNL was never funny. It had funny people, some of whom went on to do funny things, but the show itself was always mediocre.


Revolution - Trailer

Fletch says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^Fletch:
>> ^Engels:
Oh look, formulaic drek leaping in to exploit the hunger games mania! Yay!

Requisite nonsensical contrarian vomitus. I'm guessing SNL hasn't been funny since the seventies, either.

IMHO, SNL was never funny. It had funny people, some of whom went on to do funny things, but the show itself was always mediocre.


Revolution - Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^Fletch:

>> ^Engels:
Oh look, formulaic drek leaping in to exploit the hunger games mania! Yay!

Requisite nonsensical contrarian vomitus. I'm guessing SNL hasn't been funny since the seventies, either.

IMHO, SNL was never funny. It had funny people, some of whom went on to do funny things, but the show itself was always mediocre.

Unban choggie, blankfist and dft. (User Poll by MrFisk)

rougy says...

That's too bad about Blankie.

He had a lot of funny things to say. We rarely saw eye-to-eye, but I usually enjoyed his posts.

Choggie...while he never personally attacked me, he did pull some pretty stupid stunts.

DFT has always been one of my faves, and hope to see him around again.

This is a beautiful site. I don't hang out here like I used to, but it is a unique place to share videos and viewpoints.

Police Video: No Blood, Bruises On George Zimmerman

Lawdeedaw says...

It is definitely racism here underscored by thoughts that people have the right to "protect" themselves, even if that protection is provoking another and responding with force--even if that protection is an overreaction(I punch you, you shoot me.)

Now, the question is does it matter if he is bleeding or not by law? The defense doesn't have to prove any injuries on Zimmerman in the first place, but the police report would probably be tossed from court if they can't explain this video (Like for example, they may have cleaned up Zimmerman before booking him.)

All this seems to me is minority on minority violence. Funny thing is, since I live close by, I hear about this shit all the times. Hispanics hate blacks and vice versa, the acrimony is insane. One said to not trust the spics but to deal with the white man because he is more the honest businessman...?

>> ^NetRunner:

I think this is part of the issue. The left's position isn't "off with Zimmerman's head!" it's "we demand a real criminal investigation!"
The people we're most mad at are the Florida police for looking the other way. I don't know if Zimmerman is guilty of a crime or not, but I'm pretty fucking sure that him shooting and killing an unarmed kid warranted more action from the police than what happened.
I don't understand why that isn't everyone's reaction. Why is the right fighting all? Why has this turned into another partisan political spat?
Do you guys think killing people isn't a big deal?
>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
But you've all tried Zimmerman, convicted him, and are demanding his head on a platter based on jack-squat except a bunch of what can only be described as OPINION PIECES.

Ruin - Post-Apocalyptic Short CGI Film

coolhund says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

He probably also had cybernetic eyes to see in the tunnel.

>> ^Ryjkyj:
>> ^Enzoblue:
>> ^Darkhand:
Had me until he accelerated with his hand off the throttle!

And went into a pitch black tunnel with no headlight. Little things like that take me out of this. Foliage in the high rises was major overkill,(full trees? Seriously?) the chaser plane and even the seeker missiles it dropped had apocalyptic rust on them...

You guys didn't get that he was some kind of cyborg that controlled technology with his hands? And yes, given enough time, trees will grow anywhere.
I would be more skeptical of a skinny hipster surviving the apocalypse, along with his own suicidal style of motorcycle riding.

Exactly. Or he simply could see because of the bright light of the drones!

The real funny thing was, that his bike had perfect traction on a road with decades of dirt, plants and potholes created by the plants - with tires that seemed to be at least 40 years old.

Going Negative: Lincoln is a Traitor, sez Major Newspapers!

Trancecoach says...

"Aggression" probably in that it all happened on Southern land. Speaking as a Yankee there.

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

The funny thing is that there has been a huge uptick in anti Lincoln rhetoric from some of the neo-confederate libertarians this election cycle. They use the term 'war of northern aggression' which is strange considering the south started the war.

Going Negative: Lincoln is a Traitor, sez Major Newspapers!

dystopianfuturetoday says...

The funny thing is that there has been a huge uptick in anti Lincoln rhetoric from some of the neo-confederate libertarians this election cycle. They use the term 'war of northern aggression' which is strange considering the south started the war.

The Spider Trap Prank

RUSSIA - The greatest country in the world

RUSSIA - The greatest country in the world

Rick Santorum Eloquently Debunks "The Science"

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