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Tough Mudder - A Run Like No Other

Yogi says...

>> ^garmachi:

promote for a worthy cause
Here's a link if you'd like to support Wounded Warriors. (I profit in no way from any donations, and if any sifter feels that I'm violating any Sift rule by asking here, I'll gladly remove the link.)

I want you to remove the link because you're helping people. Also...move to France you anti-american scum!

Tough Mudder - A Run Like No Other

The CBC has been sold to a US wrestling promotor!*

Sagemind says...

Almost every day, Conservative MPs rise in the House of Commons calling for the de-funding of our national public broadcaster. Some are sponsoring petitions and trumped up “polls” on their websites to attack the CBC. Currently, Rob Anders, the Conservative MP for Calgary West, is circulating an online petition to the House of Commons calling on the Conservative government to "end public funding of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation".

And, the fundraising wing of the Conservative Party has also launched a loaded survey which asks financial supporters "In recent years, CBC funding has exceeded a billion dollars per year. Do you think taxpayers receive good value or bad value from the CBC?" The fundraising pitch goes on to say that "This survey is very, very important to our legislative planning".

Conservative MPs have not stopped there. With the head of SUN Media cheering from the sidelines, the Conservatives have also launched offensives against the CBC at two Parliamentary Committees.

Stupid in America (Blog Entry by blankfist)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Dude, enough of the creepy ex-girlfriend routine. So I booted you from my Facebook account. Who cares? Get a life.

>> ^blankfist:

"In addition to 'teaching', an educator also needs to be a leader, a negotiator, a salesman, a disciplinarian, a politician, an administrator, a motivator, a receptionist, an advocate, a librarian, a manager, a public relations agent, a psychologist, an entertainer, an accountant, and for some students, a parent. If you are a music teacher, you get even more hats - arranger, copyist, bus scheduler, event planner, fund raiser, critic, graphic designer, contractor etc. (Running a high school band is like running a business, complete with a board, fundraiser income, expenses, employees, audits, etc.)"

Stupid in America (Blog Entry by blankfist)

blankfist says...

"In addition to 'teaching', an educator also needs to be a leader, a negotiator, a salesman, a disciplinarian, a politician, an administrator, a motivator, a receptionist, an advocate, a librarian, a manager, a public relations agent, a psychologist, an entertainer, an accountant, and for some students, a parent. If you are a music teacher, you get even more hats - arranger, copyist, bus scheduler, event planner, fund raiser, critic, graphic designer, contractor etc. (Running a high school band is like running a business, complete with a board, fundraiser income, expenses, employees, audits, etc.)"


Hastur (Member Profile)

Matt Damon defending teachers

blankfist says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

In addition to 'teaching', an educator also needs to be a leader, a negotiator, a salesman, a disciplinarian, a politician, an administrator, a motivator, a receptionist, an advocate, a librarian, a manager, a public relations agent, a psychologist, an entertainer, an accountant, and for some students, a parent. If you are a music teacher, you get even more hats - arranger, copyist, bus scheduler, event planner, fund raiser, critic, graphic designer, contractor etc. (Running a high school band is like running a business, complete with a board, fundraiser income, expenses, employees, audits, etc.)

And yet I wonder why these super geniuses settle for teaching instead of using just some of the myriad of skills you listed and become the next big inventor, or the next great physicist, or the next big whatever. Yet instead, even with those over-qualifications (if we're to take your word for it), they choose to work so much harder for fewer rewards (again if we're to take your word).

Sounds totally legit.

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

I know you grew up in a region of the country that does not have high educational standards (and cruel stereotypes that reinforce these low standards), so I don't doubt that you've had more than your fair share of bad teachers.

Emphasis mine. Trolololo. Actually this is classic elitism. To you my geographical location, specifically that I grew up in the South, makes me inferior in every respect to people like you who grew up near richer Metropolitan areas. I know you're trying to goad me, but I also think you really believe some of that. It's the priggish nature of the elitist.

You can try to disassociate yourself from the Southern school system because of how people like you look down on them, but at the end of the day that system is still a product of your ideal one-size-fits-all Prussian school model no matter the location. To mock any part of it is to mock all of it.

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

I grew up in middle class Southern California, with teachers that were paid fairly, schools that were well funded and parents that involved themselves in the academic lives of their children. (3 of the biggest factors in student achievement). Out of the 40+ teachers I had from K-12, I can think of two that were bad.

Still, here in Los Angeles the charter schools and/or private schools tend to perform the best. Even with all the unions and heavy spending that goes on, the public schools just cannot outperform the charters/private schools. That's got to sting a bit for those in support of public schools and teacher unions.

Matt Damon defending teachers

dystopianfuturetoday says...

How hard could it be? You show up and communicate information within your field of expertise. The students take it all in. Job done.

It's not that simple.

You would have a very different perspective if you ever tried teaching yourself.

If you were responsible for educating 200 - 300 students with different learning styles, different motivating factors, different attention levels, different levels of discipline, different levels of comprehension, different types of psychology, different levels of intelligence, different levels of interest, different levels of sanity, different stages of physiological development (AKA puberty), etc. you'd get it.

In addition to 'teaching', an educator also needs to be a leader, a negotiator, a salesman, a disciplinarian, a politician, an administrator, a motivator, a receptionist, an advocate, a librarian, a manager, a public relations agent, a psychologist, an entertainer, an accountant, and for some students, a parent. If you are a music teacher, you get even more hats - arranger, copyist, bus scheduler, event planner, fund raiser, critic, graphic designer, contractor etc. (Running a high school band is like running a business, complete with a board, fundraiser income, expenses, employees, audits, etc.)

The 'teaching' part is the easiest part of the job. If there weren't so many responsibilities outside of the actual 'teaching', you and chilaxe would have a point. And, I haven't even mentioned dealing with administrators and parents, which is an art in and of itself.

I know you grew up in a region of the country that does not have high educational standards (and cruel stereotypes that reinforce these low standards), so I don't doubt that you've had more than your fair share of bad teachers. If anything, I think you have first hand experience of what happens when public education is neglected and underfunded. If you get the cuts you want in education, you will be saddling future generations with the same substandard education you experienced growing up. Is that really what you want?

I grew up in middle class Southern California, with teachers that were paid fairly, schools that were well funded and parents that involved themselves in the academic lives of their children. (3 of the biggest factors in student achievement). Out of the 40+ teachers I had from K-12, I can think of two that were bad (one was a morbidly obese right wing history teacher that spent as much time praising Reagan and Capitalism as he did teaching history, the other was a self-loathing Science teacher who seemed to fear any kind of social interaction). I can think of 14 that were exceptional teachers and human beings - I'm still in touch with a few of them. The rest were competent at their jobs, if not particularly memorable.

I got good grades and received a half scholarship to a prominent west coast university (fight on). Since then I've had the luxury of being able to play music for a living (and occasionally teach or compose). Public education did me a solid.

PS: I like when you share stories from your life with me. I find it much more moving and persuasive than being called a statist idiot.

Rachel Maddow: Republican Fundraiser

lampishthing says...

I thought it was interesting. Besides, haven't seen Maddow on here in the longest time. I'd post some clips but the embed codes from msnbc don't work (despite pleads to lucky and dag) so I have to rely on third party reuploads on youtube. It's more of a pain in the ass than it's worth.>> ^marinara:

actually i thought i would see maddow in this video. Instead it's just republicans. NO thank you

How a Christian Minnesotan pronounces "Chutzpah"

Mikus_Aurelius says...

She seems to have the same Palin disease of not knowing what she's talking about and instead making shit up. This we don't need to raise the debt ceiling rhetoric is blatant political maneuvering without any serious thought to the long term consequences. They've just read a poll that says 69% of Americans don't want the ceiling raised, so they go on TV and tell us they oppose raising it.

You know that if the ceiling doesn't get raised and we default or stop paying our military, they'll be on TV saying how rotten the president is for not paying the bills. If there's a deal without budget cuts they'll moan we're spending ourselves to oblivion. If there are cuts, they'll complain about what all the federal layoffs do to the unemployment rate.

The fundamental problem is politicians who care more about winning than governing. I've had students who tell me "I don't really read," and I think these politicians are in the same mold. They go to fundraisers, they talk to their political advisers. Who has time to actually figure out what effect various policies will have? Mitch my-top-legislative-priority-is-winning-an-election-4-years-from-now McConnell was the old poster child of this camp, but Palin and Bachmann have supplanted him.

This is how someone who actually wants to solve problems sounds:

Unhappy that negotiators remained at approximately $1.7 trillion in cuts, Cantor pressed again for a shorter deal or for negotiators to find their way to $2.5 trillion. The president, growing more agitated, argued that attendees were simply looking for ways to say no.

"Talk about arbitrary," he said of Cantor's figure, according to a Democratic attendee. "I am totally willing to do the hard stuff to get well above what you need and you won't do it because you can't put one penny of revenue on the table."

"At least Mitch McConnell, to his credit, was willing to work for a solution," the president added, acknowledging the proposal by the Senate Minority Leader to, essentially, give him the authority to lift the debt ceiling without passing commensurate cuts.

"I have reached the point where I say enough," Obama concluded, according to Reuters. "Would Ronald Reagan be sitting here? I've reached my limit. This may bring my presidency down, but I will not yield on this."

I return bottles/cans for $ refund (User Poll by BoneRemake)

Lawrence Lessig: Your Broadband Milked For Profit, Not Speed

packo says...

its sandbagging it to say the level of corruption, when comparing passing around brown bags of money and focusing on policy based on financial fundraising for campaigns; aren't exactly the same

the same with being offered consulting jobs after government service ends

its no different than an escort having someone else take the money for the service of her company, and then "two consenting adults deciding to have fun on their own"

its all whoring

Obama releases full birth certificate, now STFU idiots. PLZ?

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

That a real American President likes only America, and no other countries?

No – a real American President can like other countries, but has to like America more.

and what about all that fanatical secrecy in hiding his past

All the Bush stuff does nothing but prove my point. There was enough shady stuff in Bush’s past for conspiracy theorists to hang a hat on. Obama is 10X worse. So when conspiracy theorists come along, the average person may not believe the extremes – but there’s more than enough flesh on the skeleton to make them have enough doubts to not dismiss it entirely.

But let's get real. It isn't just the GOP here that is driving this story. The issue here is that Obama's numbers are plummeting across the ENTIRE spectrum. Obama has been hemhorraging Independants, Moderates, and even DEMOCRATS for months. His policies are complete failures. His objectives are counter-intuitive disasters. The people gave him a chance, and he blew it. So they're dumping this epic-fail and in response he's getting desperate.

I'm 100% certain he was sitting on his birth cert and WAITING for just ONE serious GOP contender to start carping about it. None of them ever did. I'm also 100% sure that Trump has no intention of really running. But when he started trending up in the polls, Obama decided to pull the trigger. It wasn't what Obama wanted, but it woudl have to do because clearly all the REAL opponents were not taking the bait.

Then Obama gives a stupid speech about the birth certificate where he is literally WHINING like a moronic jackass about how he's got "important stuff to do". But for two WEEKS he's been doing nothing but going out and FUNDRAISING for his re-election. Total hypocrite. So whatever good will he thought he was going to get just went right out the window. And his poll numbers tanked again. No surprise there.

Tell me what magical wand Obama will wield to bring down gas prices.

The magic wand is a SENSIBLE multi-pronged energy policy. For decades the US policy on domestic energy production has been one of constriction, restriction, and eviction. Permits are denied. Lawsuits are constant. The cost of doing business is so high that companies go overseas, leaving domestic energy production hanging by its fingertips and with very little wiggle room when events start causing uncertainty in the market. A sensible policy would support aggressive domestic production of ALL energy sources – fossil, nuclear, bio, hydro, geo, solar & wind – not just one or two of them. ANY policy would be better than Obama's. His plan is to cram everyone in $50,000 golf carts.

Joy Behar Interviews Jesse Ventura (Fun)

bareboards2 says...

I was tempted not to upvote because of that stupid 9/11 clip. So irresponsible and stupid.

I have had the same idea about term limits though. Mine is slightly different -- double the length of all current terms, with no possibility of re-election. It is a complicated job, it takes time to learn it. But since you would spend zero time on fundraising, you would have more time to actually govern. And since you can't get reelected, you can't get "bought".

And also, you don't have to worry about polls. You can vote your conscience, instead of pandering to the least common denominator of your district.

And you can always recall if there is egregious bad behavior.

"Share The Air" : Investors wanted, apply within

Zonbie says...

From youtube
share the air brand promotion pitch pitching discussion environment health medicine venture capital new age fund raising fundraising sell selling sales marketing business jar jars club silicon spiral hippy professional vcfc valley moon director directed dan carlson hdslr vslr canon audience nitrogen water serious crystals science hippies everest oxygen atlantis presentation energy

I notice in particular the "serious" tag.
Either Tragic - or Trolling.
this company is linked to this Youtube post as well

I really hope she is trolling - this is worse than bottled water - jar of air. Only interested if I can get the air from...An Airhead.

oh shit, might be real.
Then again, Spiralmoon is a marketing company so it could be a phony attempt at going viral

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