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UsesProzac (Member Profile)

Creationism Vs Evolution - American Poll -- TYT

shinyblurry says...

I'm sure this poll is a shock to many of you. Growing up in the secular world, where all of the media you consume is geared towards secular interests, and when all of the people you hang around have those same interests, you might get the idea that Christians just constitute some fringe part of society. At least, that's what I used to think. I was fairly shocked to find out that this country is predominantly Christian. Or that 1/3 of the worlds population is Christian.

I am also in the more unique position of having once been a die hard believer in evolution and the old age of the Earth, and being convinced otherwise by the evidence, or lack there of. To note, I was perfectly willing to accept these two ideas, even as a Christian. I had been fully indoctrinated and so I had naturally expected to find a preponderance of strong evidence for them, case closed. It was only after investigating the data (and not just the conclusions) that I was *extremely* shocked to find that it took a greater leap of faith to believe in those theories than it did to believe Genesis.

For those of you unafraid to challenge your preconceived notions, and challenge you it will, I recommend this book:

World's Greatest Super Friends

Sagemind says...

The best thing I remember about this series was watching to see which heroes were going to be featured "this week". There was always the promise of new or rare characters but they seldom delivered. And yes, Too much Superman, not enough fringe characters.

This must be why, many years later, when the X-men cartoons came out, they were so great for me. Core characters and always new fringe heroes and villains which always kept you coming back for more in the next episode.

Revolution - Trailer

Porksandwich says...

What about Americans afraid of aliens?!?!?! and bears?

Looks like it could be a good show. Wondering what the reason will be, stopping chemical reactions in non-living things or virus permeating non-living things (I really hate virus story lines, especially inanimate affecting strains).

Don't think nature would take over the world so much in just 15 years as they show in a few of those clips, especially urban paved areas. Nor would a car be a complete rust bucket in that same amount of time.

If it ends up being good, it will be canceled. Sci-Fi and non-family oriented comedies don't make it past season 1 much anymore, or spend the rest of their seasons continually being threatened and budget cut until they suck enough to take off the air.


Im with dag on this though, I like these types of topics. But I don't hold much hope for television anymore to produce sci-fi or fantasy shows that aren't kid oriented. They were bound and determined to end Fringe, I am shocked it got one more season. Game of Thrones....just waiting to see what they do to ruin it.

Blatant BLACKOUT of Ron Paul on CSPAN

newtboy jokingly says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
The Republican party would never allow an unpopular fringe candidate to use bureaucratic loopholes to subvert the will of Republican voters. It would be political suicide. Doesn't this anti-democratic vote-rigging campaign tactic go against his whole "I'm an outsider here to clean up Washington" angle?

...You mean like the GOP and GW did with the entire republicans would never do anything underhanded like that. Never!

Blatant BLACKOUT of Ron Paul on CSPAN

dystopianfuturetoday says...

The Republican party would never allow an unpopular fringe candidate to use bureaucratic loopholes to subvert the will of Republican voters. It would be political suicide. Doesn't this anti-democratic vote-rigging campaign tactic go against his whole "I'm an outsider here to clean up Washington" angle?

Maddow: Obama's Legacy on Gay Rights

kceaton1 says...

And the truth is, is that these Congressmen and Senators will sooner or later find out that the only people they actually agree with are themselves and their co-workers back at their individual Houses of Representation.

So, the real problem here is: Who in the hell keeps voting these apparent superficial and moreover possibly sociopathic to psychopathic sounding boards of disgrace, fringe notions, biased and prejudiced, myopic, centrifuges of idiocy, spoiled brats? They almost all have the same calling card, it's so abundantly true, we all know it. It's ridiculous, but somehow the denizens of the deep who are still registered "non-brain" using voters, that vote for the same thing every time, whether that be a R. or a D. or perhaps just a name--but, we all know were the majority of concern is coming from, it's the Republicans. Every concern in this piece came from them or their Tea Party: Republicans, since they can't run as the Tea Party because no one would drink their kool-aid, but they must run so they hide behind the almighty R. for the Republicans... I should know they do it here in Utah as well and they all think it's a grand sport; meanwhile, once in power they put stakes through the hearts of old-fashioned republicans and take full-power of the party in name as well.

There seems to be a large outbreak of near sociopathic (or anything matching its psychological destructiveness) mentality amongst many politicians; I don't know where they are learning it, but don't try to tell me it doesn't seem that way. They constantly lie, take money, vote whichever way they want--not which way their constituents would want, they are literally acting out of their minds... And for some reason that I cannot fathom it seems to me like very few people care, or even notice the behavior. Now, that it's landing on each individual's states doorstep as well--maybe that will ignite a fire from the bottom up. Even in Utah this year they tried passing laws that pissed off Utahans?!? To me that says you've gone way too far.

Ridiculous. When can we vote "no confidence" again? Basically, the reset button.
As to the rest and Obama. I'm more proud of Obama in many ways more than of many presidents in our modern times. I TRULY do believe he wants to help our country at every turn, even when we don't quite succeed. This is exactly what I mean by that, he took it upon himself to change the rights and privileges of those that did not once have them. In contrast to the men I speak about above, Obama isn't even in the same building as them, in fact those above will NEVER know what it means to think the way Obama truly does as I think he does indeed have only good intentions for us. His actions speak volumes and his words back them up. Most of the reasons we haven't been helped although Obama has tried to help us has been at the hands of the people I talk about above. That is also why I will not vote for a Republican right now; I literally think it's too dangerous.

/a little corny, but it's true...

Woman: Obama Guilty of Treason; Romney: Silence

Laser marks balloons for death then executes

Porksandwich says...

Now they just need to do it with human heads...and decrease the time it takes to target.

Can see it now, someone gets a tripod mounted one. Goes into a movie theater and sits in the back. Marks all the heads and POP, POP, POP, POP......

Then leaves out the back entrance.

Next Season on Fringe.

Dan Savage on the bible at High School Journalism convention

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Let's see...

A bunch of students were invited to a seminar that described as being about "bullying". They are instead exposed to anti-religious bigotry and sexual innuendo. Rather than sit and listen to insults directed at their belief system, they decided to leave. As they leave, the speaker taunts them further and uses profanities. Oh - yeah - that's not bullying. :eyeroll: This guy is a class-A hypocrite and a jack@$$.

Let's change the parameters slightly. A bunch of journalism students are invited to a speech about Community Service, and the speaker is an Iraq War veteran who starts calling the Koran a bunch of bullcrap, and talking about how much he likes to dress up his lover in a burqa (wink wink). 100 or so Muslim students are offended and get up to leave, and the guy calls the audience's attention to them and starts calling them a bunch of pansy-@$$ cowards. Ha ha ha. Still "not bullying"?

I feel sorry for the kids, but frankly I hope this slimeball keeps doing stuff like this. It proves to everyone (except for the radical, leftist fringe lunatic crowd) just what a sleaze he is. He's a bigot just as bad as the bigots he claims to condemn. He isn't against bigotry and hate. He's just against any bigotry and hate of which he hasn't personally approved. That makes him a demagogue, and his audience is simply other bigots... Bigots like this...

"Can we just hurry up and make it a high crime to be religious already?"

Classic anti-religious hate and bigotry on parade. Savage of course is constantly going around fomenting such sad, unfortunate, hate-filled suckers. Amazing that these same zealots can mourn the difficulty of achieving a 'peaceful society', and yet fail to see that the primary reason for all this violence is staring at them every time they look in the mirror.

Presidents Reagan and Obama support Buffett Rule

VoodooV says...

>> ^Darkhand:

>> ^Boise_Lib:
Now if I could just get my relatives to watch this.

It doesn't matter. I showed this to some people I know are conservative and they've all had the same reaction.
I can't understand why people wouldnt' want to just change everything back tax wise to how it was under the Clinton Administration. The economy WORKED back then you know?
It's like, if I'm wearing a size 9 shoe, and then I switch to a size 8 because they didn't have any size 9's and this shoe is REALLY AWESOME so I'm going to try it! After about a year I'm going to be in agony I'd just go back to only buying size 9!
Why does everyone (conservative) want to re-invent the whole wheel?

We've reached that level of divisiveness and partisanship that it doesn't matter how good things were under Clinton, there is always going to be a large amount of mental gymnastics and false rationalization for some people that will allow them to be "convinced" that things were really quite horrible under his administration.

We're already seeing it now. The only way the republicans are going to get the white house is if they convince enough people of the doom and gloom. It doesn't matter how much good he does. He could single handedly bring down North Korea and Iran and the right will still try to argue that he's the worst president ever. All throughout Bush's presidency, all we heard about was Bin Laden this, Bin Laden that. A Democrat Administration gets him, and the first thing we hear is "pshaw....we don't care about him. He's not important." It's completely insane.

We could have time travel and actually witness Obama being born in Hawaii and it just won't matter, the birthers will still find some "rationalization" of their shit.

Speaking of which, I see that the latest "proof" that the birth certificate is fake hasn't gained any traction.

Hell, we had a sift here recently about a group of people who still think the world is flat and it's all just a huge conspiracy that the world is round. It's fucking 2012 and we have people who think the world is flat.

Part of it is the media's fault, they continue to insist that almost every issue could go either way. so that they can sell the conflict and turn it into ratings. It's one thing to have people who honestly believe that Obama wasn't born here, but it's quite another to have a media that gives them legitimacy for the sake of ratings.

The point is, we really gotta stop worrying about the fringe thinks. We live in a era of where we apparently don't care about what the majority wants anymore. We seem to only pay attention to the vocal minorities. Over half the US is ok with Gay Marriage, but yet it's still this wedge issue, 60-some percent were in favor of Medicare for all...yet we still can't make it happen. Most people ARE in favor of higher taxes for the rich...yet it still hasn't materialized yet. Most people have no problem getting along and living and working with people of other ethnicity, yet we still seem to live in a world where race is still an issue. All because we still continue to pay more attention to what the fringes thing than the majority.

Why the Stimulus Failed: A Case Study of Silver Spring, MD

VoodooV says...

More Adam Smith goodness: (from wikipedia)

"The subjects of every state ought to contribute towards the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities; that is, in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state."[118]

Moreover, in this passage Smith goes on to specify progressive, not flat, taxation:

"The rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion"[119]

"Every tax, however, is, to the person who pays it, a badge, not of slavery, but of liberty."[120]

no one except the far left fringe is against capitalism, it's unregulated capitalism that most people have a problem with.

The Fringe Team's Favorite "Walterisms"

Auger8 says...

This is so true John Noble is an acting genius worthy of any award they are allowed to give him period!

Walter in the White House 2012!

>> ^spoco2:

Walter is the heart of this show. John Noble plays him so damn well, and movingly at times. Hurray for the Australian actor (Anna Torv is also Australian, and stunning)

>> ^Samaelsmith:

This show would be nothing without Walter.

The Fringe Team's Favorite "Walterisms"

The 2012 Candidate you may have missed

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