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Deadpool 2: The Final Trailer

newtboy jokingly says...

Dunno....I've never played with black tiles that have white dots. That could freak me out enough to trigger a violent psychotic break.

ChaosEngine said:

I have to admit I don't really know Domino so are you basing this on changing her character (personality, powers, etc) or just her appearance?

Palette swap (pale chick with black eye to black chick with white eye) doesn't really bother me.

Also, this still looks fucking awesome.

Time-Lapse Of Fastest Scaling Of "The Nose" on El Capitan

1911 - Streets of NYC (speed corrected, added sound)

Huge avalanche in Tignes, France

Google is always listening: Live Test

eric3579 says...

These links may interest you. Second link may freak some people out.

How to permanently remove the things Google knows about you.

See all the things Google and Facebook have collected on you personally.

mxxcon said:

But if you want to see what google knows about you in relation to ads, how it's personalizing them and option to turn it off, go to

Cat Reacts to Emergency Warning Alert System

Response to Trump's Video Game Montage - #GameOn

Don't Touch or Talk to Service Dogs

newtboy says...

I would guess this is in part the result of the rash of fake emotional support animals (pets in public).
Since likely 90% of "service animals" are really pets with vests and nothing more, and treated as such, those with actual service animals need to understand that the general public has little idea how to act around actual service dogs and have some extra patience. If his animal is trained well, part of that training is to ignore distractions when working. Sure, there's no need to constantly test that, but also no need to freak out if someone talks to your dog in the store.

That said, you also shouldn't engage someone's pet without permission. It's rude and can be dangerous.

The Invisible Pollution Deafening Cities Worldwide

newtboy says...

My freaking ears!

Noise was definitely a factor in wanting to leave the bay area, but far from the main reason.
Where I live now, it's often so quiet I can hear the ocean from about 9 miles away.


oblio70 says...

LA rain is deeply polluted, agreed? Whereas, they source their water form up North at the Hetch Hetchy (near Silicon Valley) he DOES carefully manicure/pamper his little plot of grass. freak!

Genifer the sweet spider

Engels says...

People with arachnophobia are funny to me, because guys, that spider was objectively cute af, but nooo, you guys see 8 eyes and you lose your minds! Imagine if you will that someone walking down the street freaked the fuck out because of a puppy on a leash, like, climbing the walls and shouting to kill it with fire. That's what it looks like from an arachnophile's perspective.

Mark Hamill : "He's not my Luke Skywalker"

vil says...

AFAIK Lucas had a very rudimentary naive vision of what the original film should be like, and the initial nerdish freak show version was totally rehashed in editing to create an actual story with characters, which the rest of the franchise is based on.

I blame Lucas for all the awkward dialogue and impractical creatures and creations in that whole strange universe that he gets credit for creating.

ChaosEngine said:

...much of what I love about Star Wars comes not from Lucas, but from ...

Death Stranding new trailer 2018

lucky760 says...

That's some hardcore stuff right there.

Freaking wow. I've always considered video game storylines pfft a waste of time, but this I could get into (if I were to ever play video games again, which of course I won't).

HOT DAMN! | Brooklyn Nine-Nine

ulysses1904 says...

Exactly, they ratchet up the dialog so that it's so freakin "clever" that it's painful to watch. So Jake and his buddy babble like freaking idiots. And that dead-pan civilian redhead whats-her-name is everything I despise in a hipster.

LukinStone said:

Agreed. It focuses too much on Amy and Jake - she's bland and his shtick is stale.

Liberal Redneck - On Guns

jwray says...

1. Mass shootings are <1% of the murder rate, and murder is <1% of the death rate. Getting wound up about mass shootings is as dumb as getting wound up about terrorism. They're both very small in relation to how much people freak out.
2. We already have lots of gun control. Especially in places like California, where the killer bought most of his guns legally and passed a background check.

3. Bump stocks were the real problem. Even the NRA is open to restricting bump stocks. Let's do that.

4. Let's not go overboard with the Australian solution. Australia's murder rate almost halved from 1990 to 2015, and people erroneously give the buyback credit for that, but in that same 25 year time span the US murder rate went down even more (from 9.4 to 4.5 per 100,000) The murder rate went down everywhere in that time frame due to banning leaded gasoline that causes brain damage. Also due to some smaller factors (more abortion, better software for predictive policing).

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