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It Came from the Desert (2017) Exclusive Teaser Trailer

Payback says...

Meh, this whole idea was perfected with Eight Legged Freaks. I expect nothing new.

Also, that keg would have snapped that guy's head right off or at least pushed his faced around into his chest, not just give him a boo-boo and a headache.

pigeon (Member Profile)

Helicopter Rescue Accident

Hiker Followed By Bears

Sagemind says...

I had a mother and two cubs move into our back yard for a week.
We had apple trees and they refused to leave until they had stripped all the trees.
The mother always kept the cubs at a distance, but the mother would come right up and stare into our dining room through the glass doors - of course this freaked the dog out.

One option was call wildlife services, and they treat bears like this in one way. Bears that move into housed areas are not afraid of people so they are put down. I decided to wait them out and not call.

In the end we managed to get them to leave by shooting at them with a pellet gun. Of course their hide is too thick for it to harm them. The mother did nothing when we shot at her, but when we decided to shoot at the cubs, (threatening them) the mother screamed at them and then bolted with them, and they didn't come back

Damage done?
No apples, not a real problem.
A scared dog who never wanted to sleep outside again.
Bear Feces - lots of it, cleaned up with shovels, lol.

He was never seen again

Pianist LITERALLY taking the performance below the stage

Liberal Redneck - Transgender Patriots and the GOP

bobknight33 says...

American don't want freaks in the military or anywhere else.

If you want to be a freak -be like everyone else, Step out Friday/Saturday and get your freak on and show up Monday like the rest of , normal.

Neil Young ~ Touch The Night


RANT: 20 Things Your IT Guys Want You to Know

ulysses1904 says...

Damn, sorry to hear that. I could go off on a frothing at the mouth rant at how bad it was, what we went through. To save money our original company, a nationwide US health insurance company, outsourced us right at merit raise time (nice touch, a-holes) to an off-shore company that would probably only ever meet expectations running an assembly line operation for building PCs.

They were out of their league taking over level 1 and 2 operations for a large company, which was already working through the pains of merging with other companies they had acquired. Instead of inspiring the legacy workers to stick around to make the transition work, their attitude was we were lucky the host company insisted we get first crack to reapply for "our" jobs. Like it was all one big assembly line and we could be easily replaced with someone with an A+ cert for $11\hr. The equivalent of pulling up to a storefront and having IT landscapers jump in the back of a pickup truck to work that day. Might work for an assembly line but not for a complex embedded IT infrastructure with 1001 local support quirks. They were completely clueless.

Add insult to injury, their internal processes were so bad, over the course of a year they asked us continually to remind them of the phone# of the iPhone they gave us and the serial# of the laptop they gave us. At least half a dozen times, it was fucking absurd. And when we were offered an incentive to help reduce the ticket log backup, they mailed unsigned money orders to fictional home addresses they had on record for us. With the stamp on the wrong part of the envelope for those lucky enough to receive their unsigned money orders. You had the option of mailing the money order back to get it signed (good luck getting it back) or committing a felony to get the money you legally earned, by not using the first option. Took me 7 months to finally get my money order, who knows where they originally mailed it. Their indifference during this whole mess was staggering, you had to badger management and HR like they were a deadbeat drunk brother-in-law who owes you money.

And they kept putting off the review\raise process until they finally offered us 50 cents an hour for the highest performers. I gave my notice the next day.

Sorry for the rant, it was such a colossal failure on all fronts, except no doubt for the amount the host company saved on IT during that time. But of course nobody is interested in capturing the countless hours of downtime and lost productivity introduced by these IT cost "savings". Last I heard they were putting the contract back out to bid before the scheduled end of the current contract, which doesn't surprise me. What a freaking waste.

I hope you find work soon, Ant.

ant said:

Like me. I will be on my (seven/7)th month tomorrow of being unemployed again.

Waking up with Swaddled Baby!

HCT: Salt Recommendations Don't Line Up with Recent Evidence

jimnms says...

I have low blood pressure too, as well as a low body temp (normal for me is 80/40 and 95°F). I don't get light headed unless something causes it to drop farther (which would probably happen to someone with a "normal" blood pressure). It just "idles" low, but as soon as I become active, it ramps up to 120/60.

It always freaks nurses out when I go to the doctor and they take my blood pressure and temp.

I rarely ever add extra salt to food, but after hearing that low sodium can be bad too, maybe I should see about taking some sort of sodium supplement.

Khufu said:

I have low blood pressure, which at times makes me light-headed, but if I eat a little extra salt, my blood volume increases and everything is cool.

Cop Pepper Spraying Teenage Girl

Sagemind says...

Well, I have to disagree. I hate brutality as much as anyone. This girl however was uncontrollable, and all they were trying to do was ask some questions. She was uncooperative, and wouldn't let them even close the car door. (putting her foot in the door).

She wouldn't give her information, and was refusing on scene medical care while under age.

I can agree maybe they didn't need the spray, but she escalated this, not them. She got herself arrested. The police were calm, and collected through the entire ordeal.

She had no reason to loose it, and to be uncooperative.
But wait, maybe she did..., does it say she was also charged with possession. Could be she was freaked out over what her parents were going to say or do - didn't want to get caught by her parents..., unfortunately it was too late for that - she just made it worse on herself.

Sea Lion Drags Girl off dock

ChaosEngine says...

Yeah, there's a reason they're called sea LIONS and not sea-kittens.

Kudos to the guy that jumped in to rescue her. I was expecting the usual bunch of people standing around freaking out, but this dude just went straight into action like a boss!

Can we clean these comments out somehow? (Wtf Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Looks like Lucky has redacted. Nothing to see here folks, please return to your regular Sifting activities. Unless you're rocking in a corner freaking out about a constitutional crisis with the firing of the director of the FBI. ;-)

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