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ponceleon (Member Profile)

OWS 'Wayward Mom' reacts angrily to NY Post article

enon says...

Come on man, I know you're not just a troll like quantum; but this is just a ridiculous stance to take. The story isn't about how this mother did or did not coordinate going to the protest with her family but how the media is exploiting one person and her family to push their agenda... just like they always do except it's really really blatantly obvious now. Let's be honest, it's none of our business wether or not this woman left her family with their consent or not -- that's between her, her husband and her children; it's pathetic when the media turns it into this jerry spingereque b.s. story -- which they do all the time by either promoting someone to absurd standards or demoting them to subhuman levels, whatever will adequately reinforce the story they're trying to sell.

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

What you are ignoring, however, is how it is implied she is having an affair with a co-OWS.
I'm not entirely sure of the timeline, but at the time of the F&F broadcast there appeared to be rumors that was the case. So it can be said that F&F didn't do the due diligence to get the truth of it before flapping thier yaps. All they knew was this chick 'left' her family to stay in an OWS tent city with a strange man.
"Subject to outbursts"? Are you ting me? She isn't trained in dealing with the media, trained to tamp down a natural response to being attacked like she was
If I wanted to go to some event 'thing' then I would bloody well make sure in advance that my wife, kids, and other close family/friends were aware of what I was up doing. I'd have had a schedule, a map, a budget, a place to stay, money, and supplies. I'd have had a solid 'I'm done' day my spouse was well aware of so she wouldn't worry. And if something came up, I'd ditch the event instantly and go home because that's where parents/spouses belong. To me the most damning thing in this whole story is that Hippie-Chick McProtest is still in NYC. A normal person who isn't an idiot doesn't stay to hang around a bunch of strangers when her family is having a situation.
Because this is how NORMAL people roll. We make sure our spouses are cool before we go anywhere. We don't do stupid things that give the wrong impressions. If someone accuses us of something fishy, the first thing we do is go back to their family to make sure things are OK. It is called common sense. When a NORMAL person gets confronted with a report that they have abandoned thier family they have the truth and facts on thier side to give them everything they need to respond with the trained aplomb of an expert. Something like...
"I deny the false reports and misrepresentations of my behavior. I have not abandoned my family. I planned this event in advance, with my spouse's approval, and I have taken all precautions to care for my family in my temporary absence. Any reports that suggests otherwise are either misinformed or false. I can provide you with the contact information for my spouse, friends, and other individuals who are well aware of my intentions and can verify my statements."
I frankly find it very strange that we have not heard one peep from the husband. Neither have we heard from neighbors, co-workers, or whatever. The only articles I've seen from people that know her say she's a flaky hippie-wannabe. And the "Waiter" sure didn't do her any favors with his stupid response. He might as well have said, "Yeah - she's 'keeping me warm' nights!"

OWS 'Wayward Mom' reacts angrily to NY Post article

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

What you are ignoring, however, is how it is implied she is having an affair with a co-OWS.

I'm not entirely sure of the timeline, but at the time of the F&F broadcast there appeared to be rumors that was the case. So it can be said that F&F didn't do the due diligence to get the truth of it before flapping thier yaps. All they knew was this chick 'left' her family to stay in an OWS tent city with a strange man.

"Subject to outbursts"? Are you ****ting me? She isn't trained in dealing with the media, trained to tamp down a natural response to being attacked like she was

If I wanted to go to some event 'thing' then I would bloody well make sure in advance that my wife, kids, and other close family/friends were aware of what I was up doing. I'd have had a schedule, a map, a budget, a place to stay, money, and supplies. I'd have had a solid 'I'm done' day my spouse was well aware of so she wouldn't worry. And if something came up, I'd ditch the event instantly and go home because that's where parents/spouses belong. To me the most damning thing in this whole story is that Hippie-Chick McProtest is still in NYC. A normal person who isn't an idiot doesn't stay to hang around a bunch of strangers when her family is having a situation.

Because this is how NORMAL people roll. We make sure our spouses are cool before we go anywhere. We don't do stupid things that give the wrong impressions. If someone accuses us of something fishy, the first thing we do is go back to their family to make sure things are OK. It is called common sense. When a NORMAL person gets confronted with a report that they have abandoned thier family they have the truth and facts on thier side to give them everything they need to respond with the trained aplomb of an expert. Something like...

"I deny the false reports and misrepresentations of my behavior. I have not abandoned my family. I planned this event in advance, with my spouse's approval, and I have taken all precautions to care for my family in my temporary absence. Any reports that suggests otherwise are either misinformed or false. I can provide you with the contact information for my spouse, friends, and other individuals who are well aware of my intentions and can verify my statements."

I frankly find it very strange that we have not heard one peep from the husband. Neither have we heard from neighbors, co-workers, or whatever. The only articles I've seen from people that know her say she's a flaky hippie-wannabe. And the "Waiter" sure didn't do her any favors with his stupid response. He might as well have said, "Yeah - she's 'keeping me warm' nights!"

Huge Vagina Tent

I'm ashamed to post this GOP propaganda

quantumushroom says...

Where are the "lies"?

Isn't this "Obama Plan" the same old rubbish?

Another "stimulus"?
Another clarion call to raise taxes on the wealthy?

Conspicuously absent: cutting/slowing government spending, scrapping onerous regulations

"In 1939, ten years after the crash on Wall Street, the Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, Jr., told the House Ways and Means Committee:

We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong…somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises…I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started…And an enormous debt to boot!

You've leapt off this cliff countless times, lefties.
Flapping your arms harder won't slow (y)our plunge.

5 Things Michelle Bachmann Has Said That Will Haunt Her

shagen454 says...

This is the way America operates on all fronts. Probably like many of your District Managers - they just need a mouth that flaps open letting forth some vibrations in order to mysteriously get their jobs.

Dag's song for Zifnab-Moustache,Beef slab,Cat Flap,Head Crab

Dag's song for Zifnab-Moustache,Beef slab,Cat Flap,Head Crab

Dag's song for Zifnab-Moustache,Beef slab,Cat Flap,Head Crab

Dag's song for Zifnab-Moustache,Beef slab,Cat Flap,Head Crab

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Zifnab and Ant Ascend to Galaxy Level (Sift Talk Post)

Dag's Folk Song for Ant

Dag's song for Zifnab-Moustache,Beef slab,Cat Flap,Head Crab

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