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Dag's Folk Song for Ant

Dag's song for Zifnab-Moustache,Beef slab,Cat Flap,Head Crab

Dag's song for Zifnab-Moustache,Beef slab,Cat Flap,Head Crab

Zifnab and Ant Ascend to Galaxy Level (Sift Talk Post)

Zifnab and Ant Ascend to Galaxy Level (Sift Talk Post)

Earthquake at the MLB station.

budzos says...

Look at the dumb motherfucker just keep talking through a GD earthquake. I hate when people are so focussed on their own stupid fucking voice that they don't notice anything else. Like an earthquake.

The one guy is aware of the room shaking from five seconds in. But the other numbskull is going to keep talking and TALKING for ten seconds, even though the room is shaking and his fellow newscasters are displaying obvious signs of alarm in their body language. They're even murmuring and starting to talk over him, a pretty obvious sign that something is WRONG when you're filming a TV show and maybe you should look around and stop droning into the camera. The guy's just gonna keep flapping his stupid fucking lips trying to be "professional" like anyone really gives a shit about baseball.

What am I Reading? (Scifi Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I wasn't a huge fan of Cryptonomicon - I got bogged down in the book, and it seemed to not be going anywhere, lost its way over multiple chapters. After reading the inside flap of Anathem, it sounded like more of the same and decided to give it a pass. I know people love these books though - so I guess it's a very subjective thing. >> ^direpickle:

Stephenson's Anathem was absolutely science fiction. Cryptonomicon is one of my favorite books, though it's not particularly sci-fi-ish except for a couple of things.

Bird doesn't give a flying..

Proof Wrestling is Real, Can't Fake a Slow-Motion Grenade

Fox News Reporter Tased


How to ice fish in Russia

How to ice fish in Russia

Greece Has Talent (In The Shape of a Penis)

I'm not enjoying the trolling on the Sift. (Horrorshow Talk Post)

westy says...

>> ^bareboards2:

And so it begins.
If I were black, would you be ignoring me so completely if I said I was being made extremely uncomfortable by overtly racist vids on the Sift?
Would you insult me by making more denigrating black comments?

>> ^blankfist:
Worst. Vagina. Monologue. EVAR.

If sum-one is retarded to you just point out why they are been retarded directly at them thats all you can do (obvouly don't let yourself be baited by trolls) , I don't get why you feel you need to make this post about it its not like they can do anything to you or Evan know you well for what they say to have a truly deep emotional impact on you . and aside from that if sum one is a total munch to you then all you do is respect them less and pay less atentoin to them.

granted women due to there minority online ( in certain places) get different treatment to men , but other minorities or people that are different get different or disproportional treatment as well and the people that you disagree with are not likely to change how they are by reeding what you just wrote at the top.

People go on about my spelling all the time and its frustrating to have to keep exsplaing the same thing , but in the end it dosen't really matter all i can do is exsplain why it snot important and how they are wrong and then hope they get it if not then they don't.

As for your racism example i would say the exact same thing if sum one is racist then everyone can see that there view is retarded and they can point that out and why.

the only time admin should step in is if sum-one was spamming your account to the existent that you cannot technically use video sift or something along those lines.

everyone should just stick there dick/Munt flaps out the window and let them flap around in the wind following that they should chill the fuck out.

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