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newtboy (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy says... the XFL game. The NFL games are still in the planning stages, and there are dozens.
This was definitely the 'not ready for prime time' players game, far more flash and flair than scrimmage.

BSR said:

Pahlese... This isn't the end. It's only half time.

Alien: Covenant | Official Trailer

poolcleaner says...

I am a fan of Alien Rez, not because of Joss Whedon's patchwork script, but because at least it had the familiar comedic elements of Jean-Pierre Jeunet and his usual returning ensemble cast (Ron Pearlamn, Dominique Pinon), as well as Sigorney Weaver being a badass mother.

Just my opinion. I love all of Jeunet's films; as wild and varied as the genres, his film style and character driven stories transcend the genre. City of Lost Child, Amelie, Delcatessen, Micmacs -- really excellent track record. Cool bit of science fiction in all of his films, even if just sort of a chaotic sense of fate and surrealism.

Ridley Scott is hit or miss -- but then again, Ridley Scott has far more a prolific film career so it's like arguing the planetary distances versus the intergalactic distances, we can't fully comprehend the multitude of influences involved in making a film and the secret to making it a good film, so what does it matter if it's 1 astronomical unit, 2 light years, or 26 billion light years, it's all beautiful art.

My kindness aside, his last 5 films: Robin Hood, Prometheus, The Counselor, Exodus, The Martian -- typical and BORING blockbustery movies. 1492 and everything after have been epic suck fests. Even Hannibal was a let down. They're all movies you're sort of excited about, if it weren't for the fact that he drags them out and adds little element of noticeable flair. Like Spielberg, hidden in realism. I want the stylistic elements of Alien and Blade Runner and Legend that PULLED YOU OUT of the movie experience to say loudly: This is art.

The soundtracks especially -- Ridley Scott replaced the original scoring of his movie Legend, which was a dazzling score by Tangerine Dream -- he replaced it with Jerry Goldsmith in rerelease... which sort of makes it all come full circle when you listen to the awful, typically EPIC score of Prometheus, minus all the atmosphere that the original soundtrack provided.

Payback said:

Ridley Scott seems to be heading down typical slasher movie plot lines. I mean, alien and aliens were awesome movies with different plots and feel. The latest ones seem afraid to risk anything. Say what you will about #3 and #4, they at least attempted to be fresh.

I think I'll wait for home viewing on this one. I'll be more interested in Blomkamp's.

Whole New Worlds: An Aladdin History of Exoplanets

eric3579 says...

Wasn't easy being a planet hunter back in the day *promote

I'm looking for
1 tug
The pull of a planet
1 tell
A wobbling sun
I've searched for years
Haven't found a one
But they're out there

1 jump
In radial redshift
1 slip
Of spectral lines
They'll see if I can show them the sines

Pish tosh
Green men
Take five
Take ten

Just a little cash guys

Budget's tight
Don't fund this trash guys

I can take a hint
Better face the facts
Second-hand'll have to do

All you planet hunters at the bottom
You've got fact & fantasy entwined
Finding planets except they haven't got one

Well they gotta be forming readily
When you think about it given we've got nine

1 jump
A blip in the spectrum
1 shift of meters per second
1 graph of period power
They laugh but I'm not sour

Here goes
18 months of data
Cross & correlate it
All I gotta do is run

Pish tosh
Green men
Ah don't mind them
If only they'd look closer
Would they see a pure void
No sirree
They'd find out
There's worlds galore
To see

Make way for Pegasi
51 Pegasi

First was a world
Round an old pulsar
That's true
But the news
Is a sun-like star
With wobble
Too quick & precise
To be designed
No fluke not a spot
If you like it hot
You're gonna love this find

Pegasi 51b
Planet discovered
Orbit traced
Every 4 days
Hot as can be
Its order-Jupiter size
Was something of a surprise
Especially given its star's proximity

Pegasi 51b
It's a new era
To detect
Soon there'll be three
As planet pulls on its Sun
It shifts the stellar spectrum
That's how we found 51b Pegasi

How'd a planet get so close in orbit
Cause I thought you needed ice to form it
Did it later undergo some strange migration
Star too small to be so long-pulsating
And too old to be so quick rotating
Is there any other good interpretation

This will certainly help with our funding

We got your funding
We got your funding

Got a surface of 1200 C

It's treacherous
So treacherous

If in time this new breakthrough feels mundane
Planets are common

That's proof
Of the truth
I've been telling you
This is no mean anomaly

Pegasi 51b
Planet uncovered
Round a far
Main sequence star
Spectral type G
We know its mass to be high
Half Jupiter by sine i

It's 15.61 pc from home
And it shakes our faith in how planets are formed
And its star is in Pegasus
Give it an A and thus
Label the planet as b
51 Pegasi

Plotting Doppler shifts is glacial-pace
And that astrometry never prevails
But baby you're in luck cause
Up in space
You got a planet-finder never fails

You got the power of statistics now
You got a view without an atmosphere
So no more nights spent locked up in your tower
All you gotta do is wait right here
And I say

Kepler the planet-searcher
Got a dip, no 2, no 3
We just measure brightness
Plot it out & that's transiting photometry

When your stars do this
And your curves displace
Then your star's got this
Transiting its face

Then you hit compute
And lookie here

You get good diameter data
From that dip
And orbit distance from the length of year

Well now we need this tale supported by
A ground observer with a good Échelle
We got 2000 planets certified
2000 more that only time will tell

But let's take em all, plot em out
And find out if we're really all alone
Is there a rocky world we've found no doubt
That orbits in the habitable zone
Like home?

Kepler the planet searcher
Got an Earth 452b
Part of a throng
40 billion strong

There ain't never been a field
Clever as the field
There ain't never been a field
Better than the field they call

I can show you a world
A shining shimmering planet
Found concealed in the band-shifts
Of the closest star in sight

I've found hope in the skies
And facing wonder I wonder
Could the sine wave discovered be
A planet fit for life

A whole new world
A new fantastic point of blue
Placed in that narrow zone
Where water flows
Midway tween cold & steaming

A whole new world
Its sun a faint, reddish hue
Could there be waiting here
A biosphere
Evolving in this whole new world to view

Fathoming a whole new world to view

Unbelievable find
Indescribable feeling
Earthlings someday revealing
Through directly captured light
A whole new world

Don't just stare from a far

Though nigh impossible to see

Wouldn't close up be bolder

Next to its parent's flair
If life is there
We'll know through atmosphere spectroscopy

A whole new world

Block the glare of the star

A laser starshot to pursue

With a star-shaped occulter

Chasing that crazy dream
That's always been
Of walking in a whole new world with you

a whole new world
That's where we'll be
A thrilling chase
A home in space
For you and me

Bill Maher - Milo Yiannopoulos Interview

enoch says...

i see a ton of my right leaning friends post milo..milo...milo..
as if he is some bastion of brilliant conservative thinking.

the man is a professional troll.
his ability to make those on the extreme left absolutely LOSE their shit is practically an artform.

milo is smart,very smart and when he argues free speech,and the philosophical inconsistencies that bubble up from the ultra left,he is have to give him that,but at the end of the day...

milo is simply an entertainer,and to give him any higher of a status other than entertainer is simply being dishonest.

he pokes the hornets nest,and does so with flair,wit and an almost scalpel like accuracy.

but he is by no means an intellectual powerhouse.

and the fact that so many of my friends kneel at the altar of milo is a tad disconcerting.

Eroding Electoral Confidence | Full Frontal with Samantha Be

enoch says...

you realize chaos is from new zealand right?
so while the democratic party may be a disgrace,unless the party is GLOBAL,it certainly is not HIS party.

i truly do not understand your (or anybodies for that matter) continued loyalty to this broken,dysfunctional and utterly corrupt two party dictatorship.

i have no issue with you pointing out the rot that has been bleeding out the democratic parties metaphorical ass.during this election cycle the DNC was caught with their hand in the cookie jar.they were exposed as the rotten and corrupt institution we all had suspected,but couldn't prove,rigging the primaries,changing the rules of application to keep people off the primary ballot (laurence lessig),and crushing one of the most promising,and politically energized campaigns by bernie sanders.(who,just like ron paul,raised his war chest on small donations).

hell,even the recent jill stein voter recount exposed even MORE DNC voter manipulations and fraud!

but are you SERIOUSLY going to sit there,and with a straight face,attempt to make the case the republicans are better?

that they are NOT just as vile,rapacious and corrupt as the democrats?

you think the democrats are the ONLY half of this two party duopoly that engages in voter fraud?
or crushes any politician that does not tow the party line?
see:ron paul

can you REALLY,without any sense of irony or sarcasm,tell me that the republican party represents YOU?

the one thing that has given me hope during this past presidential election is that my fellow americans seem to finally be getting it,finally understanding that neither the democratic party nor the republican party represent "we the people".

they represent:wall street,big banks,the military industrial complex and multi-national corporations.

and of course....their own continued power and political domination.

binary politics does not work anymore.
this false left/right dichotomy does not work anymore.
this "lesser of two evils" is no longer acceptable..any...more.

but i gather it still works for you bob.
what a waste..
you seem a decent sort,but to continue to identify with a party that has thrown you overboard decades just sad.

and i guess you will be just like those obama voters who became disturbingly silent while obama:expanded executive powers,NDAA of 2012,zero indictments to the criminals on wall street,prosecuting more whistleblowers than any other president combined,obamacare(the biggest gimme to the health insurance industry and big pharma),assasination programs,kill lists,expanding military operations into 6 other sovereign countries,regime change in libya...

those little pussies became good little apologists,and it appears YOU ...
will become a good little pussy and do your partisan duty,and turn into a dutiful little apologist for trump and the inevitable atrocities that are most certainly heading our way.

you know,i do not always agree with chaos,but at least he has BALLS.he stands for something.
you are just rooting for a certain team,might as well be rooting for the packers.
it is just so tired and WEAK...

eh..maybe you are just messing with chaos,but if that is the case,could you bring a little more flair and energy?
your technique is a tad..stale.

so step it up BOB!
your putting the audience to sleep.

Quake: Champions

w1ndex says...

Supposed to have classes, so it's looking like it will have some Overwatch tones to it, but with the Quake/id Software flair. And I believe there will be a "classic" mode with balanced characters as well.

The Danish School Where Children Play With Knives

Lukio says...

There are some schools like this in Germany as well. Usually children that have issues like attention deficit disorder or do not fit into a normal school (problem child) will attend to such a "Forest school" (Waldschule). There are studies that it benefits development as the change in scenery from the busy city life helps the children adjust. It is definitely not very common and children still need to attend regular classes.

To say it has a flair of "anti science" is a bit far fetched as these schools often teach a lot about the local flora and fauna, do stuff like looking at water samples under a microscope or take earth probes. Sure it is not super scientific, it probably compares to what most kids would do as boy scouts - except it's part of the school's education program. For some kids this approach is better at fueling their scientific curiosity than in a regular school environment where they have many other issues to deal with.

SDGundamX said:


People who disagree with science generally don't come out so well in the end--see anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers, etc. I'd change my mind about these kindergartens if there were solid science behind them.

Had No Idea 'Car Wrapping' Was A Thing

RFlagg says...

I'd think if I was getting a wrap, I'd want something more exciting than a plain color, some sort of graphical design.
I'm actually surprised more car companies don't offer wraps at the dealerships or with dealership partners to add more custom options to their cars. Perhaps not full wraps, but some additional graphical flair. Like the pinstripes of old...

Incredibly Fantastic Motorcycle Accident

Wingsuiters Chase Skiiers Down a Mountain, One Almost Dies

TheFreak says...

Quick research reveals some stuff about wingsuit flying over snow.

Those wingsuit skydivers are probably traveling about 60-100 mph. During that near miss, when the one skydiver flairs his suit, he probably dropped down to as little as 40 mph.

Ski racers can travel around 50-100 mph. We see crashes at those speeds all the time in snow and the skiier is generally uninjured.

The fastest skiiers, in the aerodynamic suits, are travelling 120-150 mph. Those crashes are obivously survivable, although catastrophic injury happens.

So, it stands to reason that a serious accident involving a wingsuit flyer over snow is very survivable. With some time to flare, there's no reason they couldn't walk away with little more than bruises. In fact, I suspect it's only a matter of time before we finally see a wingsuit pilot land without a parachute. Maybe over snow first, eventually over water and ultimately...why shouldn't we see someone with the skill to land on solid ground. With appropriate advances in equipment.

Ruin Your Day

chingalera says...

Yes Thumper, and we'd remind shatterdrose that while averting one's fixation from a woman's breasts may be some torturing social anomaly adopted through repressed sexuality with a Dickensian flair, women that become insulted when a man happens to regard her breasts with appreciation are usually pretty dull and bitchy while the ones who draw attention to them with the wonderful variety of devices and lures, are generally more fun to be around and more likely to want to breed, hence keeping the species intact and prolific.

Smoke 'em if ya got' em ladies!

Obamacre Navigators Exposed Coaching Applicants to Lie

enoch says...

@lantern53 @bobknight33

just saying. @RFlagg is correct.
obamacare is a republican policy,or was initially.

and @lantern53
what is this drivel?:"hey RFlagg, you don't understand insurance, or business, or economics...all you know is what makes a utopia, and like all progressives, you don't know how to go about it, so you just make up rules, and devise policies, none of which work, but you have awesome intentions and the world would be a perfect place if only you were in charge.".

you peered into @RFlagg 's soul and discerned his innermost philosophies and all you could come up with is some one dimensional,vapid blather about "utopia"?

what special tool did you use to discern his most intimate visions and philosophies?
crystal ball?
are you a mystic?
did you fall into a vat of nuclear waste and survived only to find out you had superpowers to peer into a mans soul?

come on man.
what you posted in not only intellectually dishonest,it lacks imagination.
if you had shown some flair at least i could appreciate your comment for its creativity.
but its just the usual boring clever monkey flinging poop.

same animal.
i thought most people had come to terms that we were all being manipulated by those who wish to dominate and oppress in order to retain their silver crown.

you have more in common with Rflagg than you do with the very people fucking you and your family in the ass.
doesnt matter which team they play for.

disagree with him all you want but stop buying into this "republican versus democrat" bullshit line.
they are in a small club.
you aint in will never be in it.
they dont like you..they will never like you.
the political class serves their own interests.
you? you can go fuck yourself.

or continue bickering with people you have more in common with while the elite class (that are holding all the cards) ass-rapes your kids future.

they like serves their interests.
a tool.
for the slave masters.

Crazy Martial Arts "Tricking" Competition

The First Sugar Hill Race

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