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Slavoj Zizek: PC is a more dangerous form of totalitarianism

ChaosEngine says...

"The idea is that if you smoke during the flight e-cigarette you publicly display your addiction and that is not a good pedagogical example for others and so on and so on."

Or (far more likely) the airline realised that other passengers don't like people smoking around them in a confined space. You want to vape at home or outside? Knock yourself out. But kindly refrain from doing so in my cramped airspace. Otherwise, we'll test the old adage about how my right to swing my fist ends at your face.

He hasn't really presented any kind of decent argument here. Ok, the Carmen thing is stupid, but if you actually read the story behind that, it's because the Opera house was sponsored by a health company. Essentially they bowed to commercial pressure. Nothing to do with PC.

Even if WAS a "PC" decision, on what planet is that "a more dangerous form of totalitarianism"?

Someone decided they didn't want to stage an opera because there's smoking in it... oh no! Save us from opera-hitler!

Did the government step in and force them to do this? Nope, they made the decision themselves.

Lewis Black reads a new ex-Mormon's rant

bareboards2 says...


Just like with religion, there is no point in trying to get a point across to someone who doesn't want to hear..

I think I am listening to you. You think you are listening to me.

I KNOW you aren't listening to me.

I'm not that interested anymore in attempting to get my point across to you, dear Chaos. You want perfection in the world, which is a zealot's point of view. I can live with the horrible imperfection of humanity -- because I have no other choice. I have all of human history as support for my point of view.

The suffering of the idealist. I know it well. I have it in certain areas of my life. I can't stand seeing office systems that can be improved but human need for fiefdom's block efforts to make things better. I suffer and suffer and rail and shake my fist as I know in my ideal world things can run more smoothly. I've been in the same office for 30 years and have made some progress, but I am finally realizing I have to stop and just let it be. As an idealist, it drives me crazy.

But it's all good.

This. Is. The. Human. Condition.

Lewis Black reads a new ex-Mormon's rant

ChaosEngine says...

OK, you're clearly not reading anything I write.

My point is NOT that "they shouldn't be in a church you don't approve of".

My issue is with your assertion that some people NEED the church. It's not cherry picking, it's the central point.

And I never used the word "shouldn't".

Once again, I have no problem calling out someone for belonging to an awful organisation, anymore than I would for a clan member or boko haram.

And clearly, at least 1500 people decided they don't "need" the church any more.

Just because people like a thing, doesn't mean they "need" it and it doesn't mean it isn't bad for them.

As for it being none of my business, well, you posted the video, I'm entitled to comment. And when the religions stop forcing their bullshit on everyone else and actively harming others, then it'll stop being my business.

In the meantime, you're goddamn right I will shake my fist at "millions of people" and tell them they're wrong. So what? Millions of people believe in creationism. Millions of people still think women are second class citizens. Millions of people are dying because some fucking morons told them not to use a condom.

Millions of people are wrong.

bareboards2 said:


I'm not missing your point. Your point is that you think they shouldn't be in a church you don't approve of. I say it is none of your business.

You can cherry pick a word or two out of what I say. Doesn't change the fact that you say they "shouldn't" be in a church you don't approve of.

It is judgement coming from you about someone else's life choice. And that is what religious people do towards others.

Bottom line -- humans aren't 100% rational beings. Including yourself, in my opinion.

I look at the facts. And the facts are there are people who "need" religion and there are people who don't. How do I know these are the facts? Because the world is full of religious and non-religious people, and a multitude of churches, some of whom kill each other over tiny differences. As it has always been, so it shall be, until we stop being human.

And yet, as a purportedly rational person, you shake your fist at millions of people and tell them they are wrong.

Nope. They "need" these religions, or they wouldn't exist.


Lewis Black reads a new ex-Mormon's rant

bareboards2 says...


I'm not missing your point. Your point is that you think they shouldn't be in a church you don't approve of. I say it is none of your business.

You can cherry pick a word or two out of what I say. Doesn't change the fact that you say they "shouldn't" be in a church you don't approve of.

It is judgement coming from you about someone else's life choice. And that is what religious people do towards others.

Bottom line -- humans aren't 100% rational beings. Including yourself, in my opinion.

I look at the facts. And the facts are there are people who "need" religion and there are people who don't. How do I know these are the facts? Because the world is full of religious and non-religious people, and a multitude of churches, some of whom kill each other over tiny differences. As it has always been, so it shall be, until we stop being human.

And yet, as a purportedly rational person, you shake your fist at millions of people and tell them they are wrong.

Nope. They "need" these religions, or they wouldn't exist.


Starbucks Took All The Christ(mas) Out Of Their Coffee Cups

newtboy says...

A big old spikey gloved fist up the anus to ANYONE pushing X-mas in November. It's the 12 DAYS of X-mas, not the 12 WEEKS of X-mas.
You can't really take the 'Christ' out of X-mas, he was never really in it. If you must insist it's a 'god's' birthday, that god would be Mithra (AKA. Mithras), not Christ. The whole idea that Dec. 25 was Christ's birthday was a political ploy of the Romans, not a religious (and in no way a historical) idea.

Cop Flips and Throws Kid Out of Desk Inside Classroom

lucky760 says...

Below is purportedly part 2 where another officer engages in a fist-fight with a teenager in the classroom (though it's hard to tell if this is the same event; it does seem to be a different kid):

Completely Erase Entire Comments from People You're Ignoring (Sift Talk Post)

newtboy says...

There is absolutely no suppression.
It's not analogous to 'banning books', it's more like not checking out and reading certain books, or certain authors. No author has the right to force their 'work' on others. Your right to swing your fist ends at my nose.
You simply don't have a right to 'be acknowledged'. That is not a right. EDIT: Freedom of speech is not the freedom to force others to listen.
You absolutely SHOULD be able to remove someone from your personal existence. As you said, there are even laws to do it in real life, which actually effects the actions of the other party, unlike this, which is more like blocking their phone number and emails at best. Do you think it should not be possible to block phone calls and emails?
How do you find that offensive? Why do you feel that a person's right to force their views on another person outweighs that other person's right to NOT have a person's views forced on them?
Again, NO ONE IS SILENCED. How do you not get that? To censor, you must hide the work from OTHERS, not simply not look at it.
I clearly explained the reasons I asked for it, you just don't get it for some reason.
The behavior you described is exactly what was happening, but was done in such a way that the moderators said it didn't rise to the level of banning or even hobbling them (although I still can't understand how, since at least one of them was repeatedly using the N word, others using the C word to describe any woman, others making nasty personal insults, etc.) Since ban and hobble weren't happening (now ban, THAT's censorship...but for cause), something else was needed, this was it.

poolcleaner said:

@lucky760 @newtboy

Censorship according to the internet: "the practice of officially examining books, movies, etc., and suppressing unacceptable parts."

I see public internet communication as a constantly published work of the human intellect, therefore all digitally published and public communication is media and therefore subject to censorship -- and Videosift now offers a form of individual censorship to its members, not simply the acceptable ignore feature which allows you to check the communication if you so desire.

It bothers me that people would completely block out other people's published work -- and not just their published work but their very existence -- for the same reason that it bothers me that people ban books I don't read at libraries. Mein Kampf is still a book, a poorly written book which glorifies hatred, but still an important part of human literature.

You can choose not to read it, but you can't censor it's existence from reality. Not without burning every copy and then erasing every digital copy. Though perhaps in the future an algorithm will be available which does something similar on an account wide level, visually removing all unfavorable literature and blocking people's facial features, making it so that that person and their communication might as well not exist. But I wouldn't want it to be nullified from my vision while walking through a library, anymore than I would want to nullify a person's existence who offends me; and by extension I believe the freedom to exist and to be acknowledged is an important freedom that we take for granted. You should NOT be able to remove someone from your personal existence. Yes, there are laws in place to do this, but they require criminal abuse to come into effect.

There are greater implications of this type of censorship, that perhaps do not apply directly to the Sift in it's short temporal existence and small community. But it's still an offence to my sense of justice in the realm of communication that such a thing is possible. Even the < ahref="">troll algorithm isn't intended to ban or censor trolls outright, but rather to detect problematic people and find a way to limit the harm they do to a community without removing them from a community.

I think it's one thing if you want to prevent someone from posting on your profile -- which is what should actually be an option (if it isn't already) -- but to silence their voice in video comments is a high form of censorship that I fundamentally stand against. I quite enjoyed some of what Chilngalera had to say; not always and often he offended me -- but not enough to desire to remove him from my existence. I don't think anyone except violent/sexual offenders deserve that. If he vocalizedd violence and sexual threats, why would he still be in the community at all? And if he's banned, why do you need to have an option to block out people's existence?

I was employed for many years to police several massive online roleplaying games, and an ignore feature was a widely accepted form of preventing harassment -- but when it came to erasing the person's avatar or their character's physical body from the game, we always voted against such outright blotting out of a human being. Our rational was and is to this day that if the person cannot communicate to you via explicit words, their presence is an acceptable form of nonverbal communication and a reminder that they are a human being in the community, even if verbally hobbled -- because at that point they have no means of articulating hurtful words.

But to erase that person's presence is a greater act against both the human spirit and human expression as to be a reprehensible act in an of itself. Unless they commit such atrocious behavior in the form of real life physical threats of violence, constant racial/sexual slurs (in a bucket system of soft banning leading up to a permanent ban) or other forms of insidiousness, preserving their humanity is more important to a community than erasing another human being.

Hero Defends a Defenseless Blind Kid

Asmo says...

Possibly, and I'm not familiar with US law, but I know in Australia there are laws that allow proportionate responses when either defending oneself or acting in the defense of another.

The guy was attacking a helpless person with a closed fist. He got hit (and is far more able to defend himself) with, at most, a closed fist. Proportionate. That he might die as a result of the blow could be foreseen by a reasonable person (ie. manslaughter) but the fact that he is attacking someone so incapable of defending themselves, in my mind, means that someone leaping to the defense of the blind guy has considerable latitude to remove the threat to him.

At least insofar as Aus law is concerned, might be completely different in the US, but I suspect any jury would take a very dim view (no pun intended) of someone bullying a blind kid.


A10anis says...

I did the spider thing with my wife, only I stuck it above her head on the kitchen ceiling. After I had calmed her out of her panic attack, I had to just stand there whilst she pounded me with her fists.

Dads React to Their Daughters Getting Catcalled

Payback says...

"I think there would be a fist fist there..."

No... I think a baseball bat would be involved and he's toning it down because his daughter and cameras are present.

"Some of the guys aren't even remotely smiling" Amy rocks it

Asmo says...

You seem to be offended that Ulysses spoke up that he didn't find her funny, and have taken it to the nth degree (really, analogies re: anal fisting?), but a big part of Amy's speech/performance was the idea that she has always been a bit unique and saw no reason to change herself to conform to others ideas of what she should do or be.

So why do people who do not find her funny suddenly owe you an explanation as to why? Why is it even a point of analysis? If the hypothesis is that if you're not a feminist, you're more likely to not find her funny, is it not also possible that feminists are more likely to find her funny because they subjectively want her to be funny? Aka confirmation bias.

Amy doesn't seem to mind that some people don't find her funny, so I don't see why it seems to irk you so much.

ps. Tina Fey is hilarious in ways Schumer has never managed imo, as is Amy Poehler. Similarly, I find Eddie Murphy funny but never really got much of a laugh out of Richard Prior or Bill Cosby. That doesn't say anything about my values or attitudes towards women and black men, it's just a subjective opinion based on what they say or do.

bareboards2 said:

My question really is -- IF YOU ARE A FEMINIST, are you more likely to find Amy funny? IF YOU ARE AWARE OF THE BODY AND SEXUALITY ISSUES OF WOMEN, are you more likely to find Amy funny?


I'm just curious who "you" is and if it might have a bearing on whether or not Amy is funny to you.

Tina Fey thinks she is funny. Tina Fey is a feminist. All the people I know who like her are feminists.

"Some of the guys aren't even remotely smiling" Amy rocks it

bareboards2 says...

Yeah, but it is complicated on my end. Hence I find her brilliant.

I love that you picked that particular "joke". I didn't like it at first -- I thought it was crude and I was instantly uncomfortable. And in the very next moment, I got it. I got what she was doing. She was taking a woman's body and the way it works AND TAKING THE SHAME OUT OF IT.

Now, if you aren't a person who is in touch with the shame that most women have about how their bodies work, that is just a crude nothing of a nothing.

But I am a woman who carries that shame. She exploded it. She made it on par with the tired old joke of men and their skid mark underwear. She turned it into NOTHING.

It isn't a very good joke. I agree with you.

And it is brilliant for what it achieves.

And that is why I love her. She does this over and over and over again. She is de-shaming women about their bodies and their sexuality and their mistakes. Guys are really good at making fun of themselves. It is one thing I really admire about men, and as I get older, even before Amy came along, I have thought we should emulate that characteristic. Amy is doing that for us. Bless her, really really bless her.

But I don't think you get the joke. Many women don't get the joke -- they are stuck in the shame and think she is just crude.

It's okay. You don't have to get the joke. You also don't have to enjoy anal fisting. Ha.

ulysses1904 said:

No, don't overthink it. It's not some deep complicated reaction to artificial gender\comedy\social issues you read about in blogs, it's just stale humor to me. I'm sure many find her deadpan delivery of facial cream-pie queef soiled panty jokes to be ground-breaking. If Eisenhower was in the White House I'm sure I would think so too but it's been done a billion times.

If you don't laugh at the "why did the chicken cross the road" joke does that make you an animal rights activist?

"Some of the guys aren't even remotely smiling" Amy rocks it

eric3579 jokingly says...

Comedy is weird that way. To each his own I guess.

It's become apparent to me recently not everyone appreciates getting fisted in the ass. Who knew?

ulysses1904 said:

I must be getting old as I don't get her at all. Only started to see her clips in the past few months and I don't think I have laughed once.

How to high five a bee

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