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firefly (Member Profile)

Issykitty (Member Profile)

Pennsylvania Predictions? (Election Talk Post)

Sarzy says...

I too am a canuck, and I too am keeping my fingers crossed for Obama. May he be the next prime minister of your glorious country! What? What do you mean you don't have a prime minister?

Now where was I? Oh yeah: stay outta my booze!

Pennsylvania Predictions? (Election Talk Post)

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

blankfist says...

This Hulk film is an outcry to fix what Ang broke in the last one. What a horrible movie that was. Ang Lee should refrain from doing superhero movies ever again. He rocked the crap out of Brokeback, but Hulk? Nope. Total garbage.

I have faith this may be a top notch Hulk movie. I have my fingers crossed.

Martin Luther King's message compared to Ron Pauls

seltar says...

My mom got mad at me for liking a republican, until I showed her one video..
The only problem is that Ron Paul is, here in Norway at least, known as youtube's presidential candidate.. Nobody has really heard of him outside internet, and they think that he will lose.
I still have my fingers crossed. But in this election, all that really matters to me is change. Doesn't matter to me if it is Obama, or Paul. They're the ones I can see changing USA for the better, and keep their integrity along the way.

Common People - Pulp

Voyage to Avalon

Fox News Reports on Cronyism

rougy says...

I can hardly believe my ears. Fox and Malkin criticizing the criminal Bush Administration. Maybe they really are in deep shit after all (fingers crossed).

Iraq Vets Against the War protest Stop Loss policy

theaceofclubz says...

When I joined up, no one said shit about a stop loss rule (it was pre-9/11). Now I've got 8 months left and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I don't get pulled for another tour, I just want to concentrate on school. As far as I'm concerned, I signed up for 8 yrs, thats it. I didn't sign up for 8 yrs. and then maybe some more depending on how desperate the military is. I just wanna get it done and over with.

George Bush is "Crazy"

Dignant_Pink says...

idk what it is, im kinda sick of people rippin on george bush. idk, its like an old worn out joke. we voted him in and we regret it. im not saying i support the war (i support our troops), but he'll be gone soon anyway. now he's in too deep to really do anything. if we pull out of iraq [and this is strictly what I think] the civil wars in iraq will tear it apart. we should pull out, but only a little at a time. im sure the first thing the next president does is going to be pull out the troops. *fingers crossed*

Creationism Museum

Dignant_Pink says...

only if he dies, giger *fingers crossed*. i think my favorite part was the "these are the kind of dinosaurs you would see in universal studios"...except they suck as robots.

Japanese Goldfish Living In A Deep-Fat Fryer

SuperSize Me

9/11 Mysteries-Fine Art of Structural Demolitions

SaNdMaN says...

"The problem here is that you don't believe the government would do such a thing."

Of course they wouldn't. Whatever they wanted to achieve could've been achieved much more simply and with much less risk. They could've exploded a truck bomb in the Lincoln Tunnel, for example. Or maybe the Washington Bridge. Maybe both. Hell, exploding a bomb in every tunnel and on every bridge to NYC would've been easier than what they did. How do you think the conversation between the accomplices went?

- We need to create panic. How can we do that?
- Let's explode a bomb somewhere in NYC? Maybe 2 or 3 bombs?
- No, we need something much much more complicated.
- Ok, let's take down a couple of planes.
- No, not complicated enough.
- Ok, 4 planes.
- No, still not enough.
- Ok, we'll fly them into the White House, the Pentagon, and the Twin Towers.
- That's still not enough. What if the planes don't damage the towers enough?
- Ok, so let's also secretly plant explosives all over the two tallest skyscrapers in New York without ANYONE figuring it out. Then we'll execute all the parts of the plan at the same time. And we'll just keep our fingers crossed that none of the hundreds of people that will have to be involved in this plan will talk.
- Ah, now THAT's a good plan! This is totally doable and totally necessary!

Seriously imstallar28, put down the crack pipe.

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