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Watchmen - International Trailer

Tony Blair wins Obama-style, then fucks up country (1997)

rougy says...

Aye, the difference being that most of the American lefties that put Obama into office aren't going to sit around and make excuses for him.

Unless they're Democratic loyalists saying "just wait and be patient." Yeah, that's always worked....

But here we are criticizing the poor lad and he's not even in office yet.

And you forget, Great Britain, we are a land of guns.

If no white-supremacist, CIA/Mossad patsy doesn't off the dear man in the mean time, I still hope he holds true to the populace in the face of the Council on Foreign Relations.

He was the "Non-Bush" candidate for many of us.

But I feel like the Titanic has veered a few degrees from the iceberg.

I think he'll prove true. Fingers crossed with hope.


Krupo says...

Perhaps, but if anyone can now turn around and say, "alright - see this hole we're in? We have to fill it with some higher taxes" and do it in a way that doesn't incite bloody mutiny, it's Mr. Rhetoric. Fingers crossed they don't make it all go pants.

Also, I've tolerated a lot of stupid posts that don't add much comedy. Our Bill'O character is amusing. Our other gadfly-parody on the other hand is finally hitting the point of "screw, it hit ignore comments".

Obama on Religion

What the hell is going on here? (Blog Entry by NetRunner)

Krupo says...

So in case you didn't hear, my car was vandalized during CANADA'S federal election - it happend two weeks ago. I forgive everyone who doesn't know about our election - it had one of Canada's lowest voter turnouts and was completely pointless (almost no change in who's in charge).

Everyone who supported my candidate's party was targetted - 30 cars in Toronto were attacked - we were identified by our lawns signs.

In addition to having "L's" CARVED into my paint, they CUT MY BRAKE LINES

They also went after our phone and cable lines and spray painted peoples' houses. Ironically many of my friend said, 'wow, this is like something I would expect in the US, not here."

I offer my sympathy to this poor guy for getting his car damaged. At least there was no risk of crashing his car into people/other stuff though.

The police are investigating what happened in Toronto. I was furious and shocked. And it cost me money too of course which is a GIANT friggin' pain. Hopefully the political party will pay me back the non-insurance-reimbursed portion of my costs. Fingers crossed.

World's Most Powerful Lasers

Paul Newman - RIP (Cinema Talk Post)

Deano says...

Great actor who gave some truly mesmerising performances. Fingers crossed that some decent films will now get shown. I could watch the Color of Money again, even if it does have that twit Cruise in it.

Anyone able to encode/upload? (Blog Entry by Thylan)

kronosposeidon says...

I downloaded it from Megavideo, and then I tried uploading it three times this evening: Twice to Dailymotion and once to YouTube, and each time the upload froze up, and then I lost my internet connection. I had to unplug my router for a minute to reset my connection each time.

In other words, I had no luck. I don't know if it's my internet connection to blame or not, but something's not right. I'll try again tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed.

God Only SEEMS Nonexistent!

aspartam says...

>> ^BicycleRepairMan:
I'm flagging this nsfw because of the baby pictures.

Is there a no baby pictures policy where you work? Oh, no handicapped baby pictures policy, I get it. Sorry, I don't really get office politics/policies: I don't have a "job" per se. Never have, and never will [Fingers crossed] Excuse my ignorance as I look at whatever the fuck my broke ass wants to.

Vancouver Olympic Sea to Sky Highway closed by rockslide

Krupo says...

This narrow highway's vulnerability was one of the factors that the IOC was seriously questioning during the bid process.

Still, compared to the crazy Beijing smog, a wee little rockslide doesn't seem as bad... though isolating the two venues (the alternate route is like a 6 to 8 hour drive in a big detour/loop along a poorly maintained road) would definitely but a hamper on things.

Fingers crossed everything holds steady for 2010.

Krupo (Member Profile)

Zifnab (Member Profile)

fissionchips (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

I'll take your word for it then. What's the worse that could happen if I upvote and we're wrong?

Well, because I'm an American the President could unilaterally declare me an "enemy combatant" and send my ass to Gitmo, so a LOT could possibly go wrong. Let's just keep our fingers crossed.

In reply to this comment by fissionchips:
In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
I was going to upvote this because I saw the movie on DVD a while back, but it doesn't appear to be working. Dead? I tried viewing it on both Firefox and Opera, but no go.

Try again later? It's the usual google video embed and it's working fine for me.

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

gwiz665 says...

I do hope I didn't have a hand in scaring him off, because it was never my intent. In any case, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the valiant return of our time-god.

Hurricane Sunset (Timelapse) Film Of Hurricane Passing Over

uhohzombies says...

Ah, good ol' hurricanes. I've been through countless numbers in my lifetime, the worst of which was Andrew in '92. Frances didn't really bother us much here in Miami, though. We only got the southernmost edge of the storm as it passed over central Florida. Plus, she was a Category 2 storm, compared to Andrew which was a Category 5. I actually quite enjoy the low-strength hurricanes when they hit us; not only do I get a day or two off work, but the rain and winds are great to mess around in. My buddy and I used to go skateboarding when the winds were high as your body would act almost like a sail and propel you around. It's hurricane season now too, so I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for one more Cat 1 or 2 storm to pass by before I leave South Florida forever in the late fall.

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