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TV Host loses it when a name in a quiz question is revealed

Kofi says...

Ok, granted. But the reason it was so funny to the presenter, and therefore funny to us, that is it means "vag smeller" which is infinitely more funny than "butt smeller".

Americans can be such parochial solipsistic homunculai.

>> ^xxovercastxx:

>> ^Kofi:
Because the show was made in Britain. Context does matter.
>> ^xxovercastxx:
>> ^Asmo:
>> ^Jinx:
Or Butt Smeller if you happen to be American

Incorrect, fanny (in the UK and Australia) is a euphimism for vagina as correctly noted by bareboards2.
It's why we colonials get such a laugh out of yanks and their fanny packs. ; )

So how is Jinx incorrect? In the US, fanny is a kid-friendly word for butt, exactly as he/she said.

"Fanny means butt to Americans" remains true no matter where this video was made.

TV Host loses it when a name in a quiz question is revealed

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^Kofi:

Because the show was made in Britain. Context does matter.
>> ^xxovercastxx:
>> ^Asmo:
>> ^Jinx:
Or Butt Smeller if you happen to be American

Incorrect, fanny (in the UK and Australia) is a euphimism for vagina as correctly noted by bareboards2.
It's why we colonials get such a laugh out of yanks and their fanny packs. ; )

So how is Jinx incorrect? In the US, fanny is a kid-friendly word for butt, exactly as he/she said.

"Fanny means butt to Americans" remains true no matter where this video was made.

TV Host loses it when a name in a quiz question is revealed

Kofi says...

Because the show was made in Britain. Context does matter.
>> ^xxovercastxx:

>> ^Asmo:
>> ^Jinx:
Or Butt Smeller if you happen to be American

Incorrect, fanny (in the UK and Australia) is a euphimism for vagina as correctly noted by bareboards2.
It's why we colonials get such a laugh out of yanks and their fanny packs. ; )

So how is Jinx incorrect? In the US, fanny is a kid-friendly word for butt, exactly as he/she said.

TV Host loses it when a name in a quiz question is revealed

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^Asmo:

>> ^Jinx:
Or Butt Smeller if you happen to be American

Incorrect, fanny (in the UK and Australia) is a euphimism for vagina as correctly noted by bareboards2.
It's why we colonials get such a laugh out of yanks and their fanny packs. ; )

So how is Jinx incorrect? In the US, fanny is a kid-friendly word for butt, exactly as he/she said.

TV Host loses it when a name in a quiz question is revealed

Asmo says...

>> ^Jinx:

Or Butt Smeller if you happen to be American

Incorrect, fanny (in the UK and Australia) is a euphimism for vagina as correctly noted by bareboards2.

It's why we colonials get such a laugh out of yanks and their fanny packs. ; )

TV Host loses it when a name in a quiz question is revealed

bamdrew says...

'Bryn? ... I guess that's kind of funny... like 'Brine' or something... ooooooooh Fanny Chmelar,... yes, I'm with you now.'

my brain is a little slow tonight.

Grayson takes on Douchey O'Rourke re: Occupy Wall St

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

The government forced them to create CDO's? to bundle up non-AAA holdings and sell them as AAA? to extend themselves beyond their ability to cover their loses?

In a word - yes - the government forced the issue. Before the government interfered, lenders had actuarial tables and KNEW with 100% certainty who could and couldn't afford a loan the second they walked in the door. Mortgage rates were in the 8% to 10% range. Banks 'made' money on loans with the interest. People who earned less than 30K a year had a tough time getting into a house because (DUH!) they didn't really earn enough money. It was common sense. People that were POOR couldn't just go out and buy houses willy-nilly.

Then the government came along. They wanted people to get loans cheaper and more often and entirely for political reasons. But banks aren't charities and if they can't make the money on the interest (which you can't with sub-prime) then how do you make money? Hmmm... Oh yeah - let's get rid of this little thing called "Glass Steagall"! Now let's use the Fed to jack around interest rates until they are below 5%. Now you banks are commanded by government to make your profits by bundling the loans as derivatives. Now it is almost impossible to survive as a lending institution without doing what we tell you. Oh yeah, you banks? When it all blows up down the road it is YOUR fault... There you go banks!

That was government meddling with the market. They changed the rules so Barney Frank could tell voters that they had "UFFODUBBLE HOW-SING!". It was true left-wing, neolib stupidity on parade and it screwed up the entire planet. They were the ones that changed the laws. The private sector had no choice but to react to the rules that government barfed up.

The system that GOVERNMENT established turned the housing market within a very short time from a staid system of "moderate loans paid off by interest" into a crazed gold-rush of "cheap loans for everyone paid off by bundling". Banks had no choice to play that game because that was playing field that GOVERNMENT created. Any bank offering a SANE loan at an 8% interest rate and making its profits over 30 years was getting clobbered by lenders handing out loans at 2.5% ARMs that were making a bundle on the back end. Banks knew it was crazy, but those were the rules that GOVERNMENT set up and they didn't have any choice but to operate within that rubric. But government said, "Hey - if the loans blow up don't worry about it! We'll cover those bad loans with Freddie/Fannie and you won't be on the hook for it..." Government.

You see, that's what that happens when government interferes with the market and picks the winners and losers by changing rules, laws, and policy. The whole thing would have been impossible without a corrupt government starting the ball rolling for political purposes.

Everybody on the planet learned after the Great Depression that having an 'environment' where bundling and other such investments could exist was not good. That's why Glass-Stegall was created. It stopped a BAD investment practice and it worked for over 50 years without government being "involved" in a single, bloody thing. That's what !good! government does. It establishes a simple, basic set of rules and then STOPS INTERFERING. The reason for the housing failure was not because government WASN'T regulating the market. It was because the government WAS regulating the market in a terrible way.

Reinstate Glass-Steagall - a common sense law - and then ban the government from EVER interfering with the housing sector again. Things work just fine when you set up a simple, transparent system and then forbid the government from coming within a million miles of it.

Grayson takes on Douchey O'Rourke re: Occupy Wall St

heropsycho says...

Only a dogmatic right winger could say that with a straight face. And in the later sentence you proved it. You're so convinced it couldn't have been the free market, you are willing to accept any explanation for the economic collapse that pinned most of the blame on the government.

And it's categorically absurd. Yes, absolutely, the gov't played a role, but the overwhelming majority of the collapse was due to derivatives and CDOs. The only conceivable explanation for the gov't being the primary root cause is either they didn't regulate as they should have, which actually ends up being the antithesis of your argument because it advocates gov't taking a much more involved role from here on out, or it's because of initiatives by the gov't to increase homeownership by giving loans out to people who had little chance to pay it back. Of the later, the simple fact of the matter is the vast majority of the subprime loans were given out by subprime lenders, not Fannie and Freddie, before Fannie and Freddie entered into that market. Even when considering in the end all subprime loans including Fannie and Freddie, the odds of default on subprime loans were several fold higher with subprime lenders than Fannie/Freddie.

And why did CDOs containing subprime loans get pushed up into investment vehicles that could be purchased by retirement programs like 401k, etc., which fueled their growth? Fannie and Freddie backed loans and non-Fannie/Freddie backed loans were both in funds rated AAA by ratings agencies that were not regulated by the US gov't. Instead, they were paid by the investment houses that gave them the investment funds to rate in the first place. No gov't agency put a gun to their head and made them slap lipstick on those pigs.

Absolutely, Fannie and Freddie helped to legitimize subprime lending, but the simple fact of the matter is Fannie and Freddie were late to the subprime game. They even thought that they almost had to in order to, survey says, COMPETE THE MORTGAGE MARKET! Oh yes, that's right, they were compelled to enter into these dangerous loans because they were losing market share to the Countrywide's of the mortgage industry. While gov't certainly liked the idea of the result in increased home ownership rates this would cause, no gov't agency put a gun to their heads to issue subprime loans specifically. They chose to jump into those waters.

The Great Recession is in the end more about what happens when the free market, particularly the financial sector, isn't regulated effectively. I don't blame the financial industry for inventing derivatives and CDOs. Both instruments can be used to reduce risk for all parties involved, and potentially to the entire system. But they inadvertently created a system that led to its own collapse because no entity watched over the system as a whole. How could the investment banks have known they comprised entities that should any of them fail, they would cause the entire system to collapse because of the intricate web of these CDOs and derivatives? How could they possibly know AIG was overextended on derivatives? They simply aren't equipped or structured to know this. But some entity should have, and the ONLY possible answer is the gov't. I'm even sympathetic to the view the gov't as is cannot possibly do this, but that means we need to fashion a gov't that can. It's the only answer.

>> ^lantern53:

Now Wall St. may have fouled up but it was the US gov't which was holding the gun to it's head. Only a gov't could foul things up this badly.

Naomi Klein: U.S. Politics Give Protesters No Options

dgandhi says...

>> ^Ryjkyj:

NO, seriously. Why is no one on the show refuting this statement? Is there something I don't know? Is this the latest bullshit that we're telling ourselves?

My understanding of the situation is if you take TARP, by itself, not the multi-trillion gift from the FED, and don't account for inflation, then the US government has more cash now than they put in.

It all depends what you mean when you say "the bailout".

We all paid in inflation for the the FED giving money out of thin air before TARP was even proposed, but nobody is even pretending to claim that we go that back, they are just pretending it did not happen.

At the end of the day TARP is a problem because it privileged banks over citizens, not because it cost tax dollars.

Congress could have simply handed $0.25T to Fannie and Freddy instead and told them to buy up all "toxic mortgages" at market rate, and then renegotiated them to keep people in their homes. We could have tippled our money, and gotten the poison off the bank balance sheets, stabilizing the banks, and benefiting the citizenry of the country.

The problem with that plan is that the big fish in the market profit from constructed scarcity, so any scarcity reducing plan like that goes right out the window.

Russell Brand Nails UK Riots In Guardian

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Look at Madoff, people knew for years that he was lying and scheming and stealing and nothing was done until absolutely no one could deny that he was. How do we expect people to act?

Now THAT is a much more fair and logical assessment than Russell's foolish brand of populism, or the typical neolib socialist rah-rah found on the Sift.

You're right. Citizens everywhere are angry when large companies, financial institutions, banks, or whatever other 'capitalist' source you care to name rakes in billions of dollars using shady, unethical tactics - but is able to skate away with only wrist slaps. Who isn't angry about stuff like that? I sure am. Contrary to what the average neolib may think - fiscal conservatives such as myself are not saying that 'big money' should not have to pay their fair share.

The problem is not the companies pulling these kinds of shenanigans though. The PROBLEM is that governments have an incestuous relationship with these big organizations, and are writing the laws (or ignoring them) in such a way as to create this tooth-gnashing dynamic. In the United States, the federal government's JOB (in fact its ONLY job) is to be a place where people can go to redress their grievences. Government is supposed to be the referree that only steps in the game when there is a foul - so to speak.

But that's not what happens in Britain, the US, or any of these other so-called 'social democracies'. What has happened is that the central governments in these nations have BECOME the 'big money' bad guys. The governments are the biggest providers of housing. The biggest providers of food. The biggest providers of money. The biggest providers of health care. The biggest providers of retirement. The biggest financial house. The biggest in just about everything. And yet at the same time they are the ones that write the laws that are supposed to be protecting the citizens from abuses. It is a huge conflict of interest.

The whole housing bubble was created not because banks suddenly came up with the brilliant idea of bundling mortgages into bigger deals to trade. It happened because the government repealed the LAW that prevented financial houses from doing that stuff. But why? Because government (Barney Frank) wanted UFFOWDUBBLE HOWSEING and wanted to use Freddie/Fannie to engineer it. But banks made no money loaning money to folks that couldn't afford a mortgage - so they came up with the whole bundling sceme to make it all work. Well - any idiot knew it couldn't last (except Frank of course) and pop goes the bubble. Where do the citizens go to 'redress their grievences'? The banks? They were ordered to make the bad loans by government? The government? You can't sue them. So the citizens get screwed, the banks have to be bailed out, and the government makes out like a bandit.

The answer is not bigger government and more taxes. The answer is smaller government, with limited powers and fewer responsibilities. And above all - government MUST be removed from the market equation. When government is both IN the market AND ALSO is in charge of picking the winners and losers - it will always pick itself. The perception of 'big money' getting away with crap only increases as government becomes stronger and stronger (as socialist governments always do).

Government must be 100% removed from the marketplace, and THEN it can serve its proper role as a recourse to appeal to for a redress of grievences and enforce proper restrictions on private organizations that engage in shenanigans.

Bill Maher and Eliot Spitzer school ignorant Teabagger

BansheeX says...

>> ^VoodooV:

Sorry, but reality disagrees with you.
Demand for health care is not unlimited, it is finite. Sure it is a large demand, but it is quite finite. You're making a strawman argument because no one is advocating the absurd prolonging of life you're accusing others of.
News flash, we don't exist in a vacuum. We don't live in a universe where our decisions only affect us alone so your Ayn Rand fantasy utopia of everyone taking care of themselves and fuck the other guy doesn't never will.
It benefits everyone to give quality healthcare to all. We are more productive and contribute more when we don't have to bankrupt ourselves paying medical costs. We pay large amounts of money already because people don't have proper health care and don't do anything about it until they show up at the emergency room at death's door. Taxpayers foot that bill when they can't pay. So the question is simple: Do you want to pay for it now while it's cheap and easy to treat, or do you want to pay more later when it's a LOT worse and a hell of a lot more expensive.
Besides, you don't seem to mind spending other people's money and taking their lives when it comes to defense spending and invading other countries. And as the video already pointed out. We don't see Republicans sticking to their conservative "principles" and refusing Medicare/Medicaid when they need it....only when other people need it. So stop being such a hypocrite.

Most of the costs are borne by people who are retired, so I fail to see how borrowing trillions we don't have on life prolongation does anything but doom the future to crushing taxes and inflation for something the present desired but weren't productive enough to pay for. You can't do that, it's not fair, and many young people are waking up to the fact that this essentially a generational ponzi scheme with nothing in it for them. The first SS recipient contributed well below what she received and the final one will have paid in far more than they will receive in benefits. SS and Medicare, by their end, will have impoverished more people than any government programs in the history of mankind. Every naive socialist program is a sentimental black hole that accomplishes the opposite of what it intends. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, for example, made it easier to get a loan, but in doing so increased the price of homes and thus the size of the loan. Because suddenly you've got this "magic bottomless guarantee" to print up a loan, and now you've got damn near everyone seemingly capable of bidding up the prices. Of course, now we realize it wasn't bottomless after all, it just seemed that way for a while.

You've successfully convinced me that you really, really want health care at some future untold person's expense. The populace as a whole is resisting taxes. Their money has been devalued so thoroughly that they can't budget in broad tax increases today, so what makes you think the future can? It's also true that employers are not poor people. We've had nothing but more and more government involvement in this sector and, just like education, the costs have risen with how much the government is able to tax and borrow. I used to work for an online college called Kaplan. Kaplan's price IS what the government takes and loans. Why would they price below that? You just don't seem to understand how markets work. Look at something like LASIK and PRK aren't covered by private or public insurers. It's had nothing but price declines and quality improvements. Look at computers, constant price declines and quality improvements. When people are forced to spend their own money, the fear and greed offset works. When they're spending a pool of forcibly appropriated funds, they lose sight of its true cost to them and the future and become reckless.

Oh, and I'm not a Republican in favor of military adventures. I sympathize less with that nonsense than I do with you. I understand that public roads are of lower quality than toll roads, but I'd rather we bear that cost for the simplicity of not having to dick with toll booths. Everything governmental has that dynamic, but I say the government should be completely disallowed from borrowing in excess of revenue. If you want something now, pay for it now, the end. If you can't raise the revenue, don't cry about it and don't steal from the future.

And yes, demands are infinite. Austrian economics 101. You offer someone everything on earth for $100, they'll probably take it. Problem is, supply ISNT infinite, so the price will never be that low. If you found some way of making planets full of shit cheap and abundant, you'd see that demand is indeed infinite.

The Great Wall of Vulva

5 year old threatens to Cunt Punch shitty teenager. (Kids Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

my kids know their anatomy. probably because my careers have been all about the anatomy. and i'm all about anatomy. i like that they know their anatomy. right now my son is all about saying "butt" everything. we went camping a few weeks ago and he shared a tent with his friend and they were up saying the word "buttcrack" ALL NIGHT. i think it's probably the dirtiest word they know. it's getting pretty annoying though. i've started just ignoring it and hope he grows out of it soon. probably not though. inflatablevagina and i still giggle about buttholes every time we get together. at least we've grown out of picking each others noses. >> ^spoco2:

That's a pretty standard 5 year old thing to say I reckon...
'butthole' is something a lot of them find funny, along with bumhole, bumface, poo breath and the like.
'punch you in your vagina' is pretty much the same as 'hit you in the penis', which I know my kids find funny... although they currently find the word 'doodle' more amusing than penis. Sure we scorn them if they say that to anyone, even in jest, because of just, the whole violence thing as a whole, but it is fairly standard fare.
My kids certainly know it's called a penis and that their sister doesn't have one, but has a vagina. I can't stand kids being taught 'fanny' or 'hoo hoo' or any one of the many ridiculous fill-ins for penis and vagina. That's what they are, it's not rood.
So, yeah, not great that you have such a dick neighbour and that your kid felt angered at him like that, but it's pretty innocuous language really, certainly much more 5 year old than "Shutup asshole before I hit you in your cunt".
I would imagine that the word 'vagina' stopped the other kid in his tracks because his parents think that's a terrible, rude word, rather than just the name of a piece of anatomy.

5 year old threatens to Cunt Punch shitty teenager. (Kids Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

That's a pretty standard 5 year old thing to say I reckon...
'butthole' is something a lot of them find funny, along with bumhole, bumface, poo breath and the like.
'punch you in your vagina' is pretty much the same as 'hit you in the penis', which I know my kids find funny... although they currently find the word 'doodle' more amusing than penis. Sure we scorn them if they say that to anyone, even in jest, because of just, the whole violence thing as a whole, but it is fairly standard fare.

My kids certainly know it's called a penis and that their sister doesn't have one, but has a vagina. I can't stand kids being taught 'fanny' or 'hoo hoo' or any one of the many ridiculous fill-ins for penis and vagina. That's what they are, it's not rood.

So, yeah, not great that you have such a dick neighbour and that your kid felt angered at him like that, but it's pretty innocuous language really, certainly much more 5 year old than "Shutup asshole before I hit you in your cunt".

I would imagine that the word 'vagina' stopped the other kid in his tracks because his parents think that's a terrible, rude word, rather than just the name of a piece of anatomy.

probie (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

Thanks probie for hooking that up. I would love to promote a video of yours, but it seems you don't have any. Anyway, I have a power point at your disposal. Just let me know what to do with it.

In reply to this comment by probie:
Just click through to YouTube, it's right there:

The movie starts, "Sweet Emotion"'s playing in the background,
kids are smoking weed with Slater, man he's such a class clown,
all the cars are full of beer, Bacardi and liquor,
because tonight there is a giant house party at Pickford's,
it's the last day of school, Slater is trippin,
Tony had a weird dream and tells Mike he should listen,
in his dream he had a naked girl her boobies were decent,
but then the naked body's head belonged to Abraham Lincoln, whoa,
Don gives Randal Pink a pledge sheet for football that says
he can't do drugs while Benny's making a paddle,
Jodi begs the guys to not hurt her brother Mitch Kramer
but they still plan to, damn they're such assholes,
they breaking it down, for the football coach, "You have to use a substance?
Randal Pink you better be giving yourself an attitude adjustment,"
so they drive up to the middle school to make a big announcement
Mitchy Mitchty Mitchy do not run don't think about it
Mitch asks the teacher if they can escape through the back
"50 going on a mission, 25 aint coming back,"
school is over but they're gettng chased like fuck it lets be out,
Carl's mom pulls out a gun "but miss there's ruffians about,"
they're smoking weed in Pickford's room,
the beer man brought the kegs too soon,
the party's canceled, ruining the plans that were in store,
cuz if you go to Pickford's house and knock his dad answers the door,
Hitch is at his game hes pitchin and hes terrified
oh holy shit he looks up in the bleachers and right theres the guys
they catch him and the bend him over beat him til his fanny's pink
now he can hardly walk and so he gets a ride from Randy Pink,
they pick him up later like he's a foolish little kid
"you got a joint?" "no i do not," "well it'd be cooler if you did"
alright alright alright, theres Wooderson hes such a crazy fool
they go to the emporium to meet some girls and play some pool
you leave the dance, you can't come back
but fuck it those kids didn't care
they wanna walk around a bit but Herschfelder was "gettin there"
now they're gettin chased and they get licked by O'Bannon
wee wee wee squeeal like a pig oh my god they cannot stand him
now they're breakin mailboxes with cans that's meant for trash
get a gun pulled on em fuck this old man Pickford hit the gas
they get revenge on Obannon,with hardy laughter dude scours,
Wooderson plotted a beerbust, awesome party at the moon tower!
president George Washington was not a homosapien
ain't you ever heard that song? the presidents were aliens
Mitch and Julie hit it off, theyre prolly gonna get it on,
the beer is flowin nicely then abruptly everything went wrong
smells like someone's smokin reefer! i'm the one thats smokin reefer,
push him, sucker punch him, oopsie daisies put him in the sleeper
dominant alpha male mothafucker you fuckin disgust me i hate your guts,
he's kickin his ass hes punchin and kickin and killin him til they break it up
god damn it, he's lucky that he's still alive,
stupid mothafucka had to ruin shit and kill the vibe,
the party's over, keg is tapped, it's get up in the car time
lets go smoke a joint right on the 50 fuckin yard line!
break down! giggling! party in the hot night!
mustve been too loud or something theres a fuckin cop light
cops are talkin shit like they can smell beer and smell smoke
randy floyd is gettin high well wait til i go tell coach!
coach comes, mad as hell, randy pink, let's speak,
ditch your loser friends right now and sign your freakin pledge sheet,
sorry coach i got a speech for you it goes like this,
ya see i might play football in the fall but nope i wont sign this, peace!
mitch and julie making out until the sun rise,
mama grabs him by the ear you'reo ff the hook this one time,
mitchell are you drunk right now? heck no mom,
happy end mitch kramer goes to sleep with headphones on>> ^eric3579:

A promote to the sifter who can track down the lyrics to this song.

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