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Will Ferrell Encounters a Prehistoric Mosquito

Medical Animation - LASIK eye surgery

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'lasik, eye, eww, myopia, nearsightedness' to 'lasik, eye, eww, myopia, nearsightedness, medicine, refractive, surgery, ophthalmology' - edited by mauz15

The Importance of Traditional Marriage

The Attack Of The Subway Wanker!

Creationist robot falters under rationalist onslaught

MaxWilder says...

I wish these scientists would have the REAL smack-downs ready!

Evolution IS up for debate! If you can bring a single shred of hard evidence that contradicts evolutionary theory, any scientist would LOVE to publish that and become instantly famous. The problem is that all the evidence fits into the theory of evolution!

And I would even agree that there is a place in the classroom to teach the gaps in the theory. Like how life first came together, what made those amino acids first begin to form? There are people working on that issue, but there is no consensus yet. And discussing it may just inspire students to become scientists and look for the answer themselves. Discussing gaps in the fossil record may inspire new paleontologists. There are plenty of things science doesn't have nailed yet, and having a logical discussion of those things could inspire people to figure them out.

But telling kids that "God is the reason" does just the opposite. It stifles curiosity and investigative thinking. It could tip the balance for a child from becoming a scientist to becoming a mindless drone who accepts what they are told. And that's where you can see the real agenda here.

Once again, the liars are taking what they do and assigning it to their opposition. They claim scientists are stifling argument, when that is really what religion does best. And now that their brain-drain is finally being pushed out of the classroom, they are pissed! If people start thinking for themselves, who is going to give 10% of their income to the church? That steady supply of fresh altar boys may dry up! They might have to get real jobs and start actually... working, eww!

Obama allows sacking of decorated 18 year fighter pilot

Darkhand says...

#$(%#$*% #$(*%#$% #($%*#$*%*#$% #($*%#($*%#$*%#$*%

This just pisses me off so much it's UGH. WTF I mean that last operation he did he could've just scrapped it and called it a wash considering all the technical problems. That would've been the SMART thing to do. But he put his country before his own life.

He put his COUNTRY before his own LIFE.

If someone stepped infront of me to catch a bullet I don't care if he was gay, transexual, black, asian what the fuck EVER.

The fact that someone could get shot infront of you and then some people out there would be like EWW EWW ITS A GAY!! Makes me SICK.

I fucking hate humanity.

The Butt-Dazzler

ant says...


Remember looking at those white clouds in sky and sometimes their shapes look like something? Well, I took a quick big dump yesterday morning, and noticed one of the brown poos looked like a penis (I still have it attached). Disturbing, eh? Eww.

Urrgh My Chocolate Is Moving!

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

This Creeps me out [Fake babies for Fake Mommies]

Ewwwwww! (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

Rudy Doesn't Take Baths. He Eats Them.

Obama's Final Ad Before the Election!!!

9980 says...

If they're actually going to claim credit for direction, editing, voiceover and writing, then it only seems fair that they'd give credit to the composer, record label, photographers, etc. Eww.

... (NSFW)

Preview for Cirque du Soleil's Zumanity in Vegas

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