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Shopping Cart Filled With Girls Doesn't Necessarily End Well

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

TheFreak (Member Profile)

Shopping Cart Filled With Girls Doesn't Necessarily End Well

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Watch out 4chan, you've been reported to the cyberpolice.

A bridge made of rubber... apparently.

14-Year-Old New Kid Gives 16-Year-Old School Bully a Beating

spoco2 says...

Urgh, I don't find much to be happy about this really.

Look, the kid who won the fight sounds like he should have. Sounds like Cameron and all the dicks around, including the dickhead camera guy are a bunch of arseholes who are your typical bully shits which every school has.

But really... this will probably not end well. There will probably be a followup to this where Scott is ganged up on and nearly, or possibly if the guys are truly small dicked, actually killed.

An outcome where all those around end up seeing what Cameron really is, as an insecure dick, would be much better, and possibly result in Scott getting some respect/kudos. But all I see here is the 'good guy' winning, but the crowd of dicks still being on Cameron's 'side'.

Not great.

Bring Me Home: Taliban Releases Video of Captured US Soldier

Stormsinger says...

I think I mostly agree with you @imstellar28. The war, both wars, are in my view, completely immoral and cannot end well for anyone (except maybe Halliburton). Also like you, I can't see any way I would have ended up in this position. I would never have willingly been a soldier...a decision I first reached when I realized I wasn't far from getting my draft card, and even new contemplations with each war since have never led to a different conclusion.

That said, I'm not willing to condemn this young man yet. I don't know him, I don't know the circumstances that led him to enlist. Without that knowledge, I think condemnation would be jumping to conclusions prematurely. Perhaps I'm being overly generous, but if so it's because I have a nephew over there right now, and I know he's a good kid. But he had a family to support, and I do believe he honestly thought he was serving his country at the same time. I've never had the heart to tell him that I think he was actually serving a different master. I spend far more energy hoping his child will have a chance to remember him than I do worrying about which of us is right.

Girl Pranked During Strange Guessing Game

Buried Alive Prank Does Not End Well

LarsaruS says...

>> ^imstellar28:
Easy Killer.
Hilarious prank. What did he think would happen if he divulged his mortal fears around people he blacks out with? I think he was probably as angry about slamming his face on the ground as waking up in the box. Should have done it on the floor.>> ^LarsaruS:
it is actually possible to die of fright...
Or they can scar you, if I was in that kitchen I would have gotten a knife and stabbed the motherfuckers to death

If he is comfortable enough to blackout and or divulge mortal fears to them that means that he trusts them. To break that trust is a horrible thing to do and is a measure of their complete lack off character and possibly an indicator that they suffer from an empathy-disorder like borderline personality, psychopathy or sociopathy. Alcohol/Drugs are not an excuse to play with other peoples health and well-being. If you OD I don't give a shit, but if you injure someone else I believe that you are a complete idiot and should die to prevent the spread of your stupid DNA and increase the intelligence of the human species.

I do agree that it should have been done on the floor as a fall like that is extremly dangerous. If he had landed wrong (or in this case more wrong as landing on your face can't be seen as right in my book) he could have broken his neck, jaw, arm or leg not to mention the risk of biting his tounge off and then drowning in his own blood... Hilarious... not!

Buried Alive Prank Does Not End Well

imstellar28 says...

Easy Killer.

Hilarious prank. What did he think would happen if he divulged his mortal fears around people he blacks out with? I think he was probably as angry about slamming his face on the ground as waking up in the box. Should have done it on the floor.>> ^LarsaruS:
it is actually possible to die of fright...
Or they can scar you, if I was in that kitchen I would have gotten a knife and stabbed the motherfuckers to death

Neil Patrick Harris Explains the Importance of Suits

callistan says...

>>Genuinely disappointed with the ending.

Well the video cuts out 3 seconds before he makes it perfectly clear that he's lying to get the chick to sleep with him.

Oh, and it's weird, but the video appears to be "flipped" - when he's talking to Marshall, the lettering on the diner behind him is backwards.

Olbermann: Fair and Balanced - Special Victims Unit

Twilight: New Moon in 60 Seconds

1stSingularity says...

I can honestly say I can't wait to see this movie...

But then again, I plan on seeing it the same way I saw the first one: While drinking heavily.
I made a slight miscalculation the first time and didn't drink enough by the time it started and had to suffer for half the movie before I managed to drink enough, but it ended well.

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