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Coming to America - The King Has Entered the Building (1988)

Sarzy says...

Great movie. And yeah, Edward James Olmos is definitely not in it, so not sure about that tag. I guess James Earl Jones and Edward James Olmos are kind of similar names.

Coming to America - The King Has Entered the Building (1988)

John Edwards Was Right

doorworker says...

f*ckin' shame. The guy's particular message/angle as a candidate has only become more and more salient with time...not to say he wasn't a huckster (these folks are always at least part huckster and Edwards was/is clearly an epic BSer, at least in his personal life)...but the particular rhetoric to which a Pres. JE would have been tied is aimed right at the center of what ails this country.

John Edwards Was Right

John Edwards Was Right

notarobot says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

John Edwards said the right things, but then so did Obama.

John Edwards also got caught getting his mistress pregnant while his dying wife underwent cancer treatment, and got caught up in some nasty election fraud allegations/shenanigans during his run for nomination back in 'oh-eight. Unfortunately his mess-ups will overshadow him being right about change being necessary in government.

John Edwards Was Right

radx (Member Profile)

Bill Moyers ~ The Ghost of McCarthyism

Ron Paul signed off on racist newsletters, associates say (Politics Talk Post)

Lawdeedaw says...

Okay, so I had wrote out a response and saved it in MS Word--and it got deleted somehow on my comp before I posted it. Then I gave up...because that took a long time to write out thoughtfully.... But now that have the free time, I will attempt it again. Plus, I have OCD...


1-Haven't we all? And even if he hasn't, I certainly am not the man to judge.
2-I do assume he would be neutral on race. The problem is his convictions, right or wrong, ere on the side of a dogma-like belief system. His ideals of "liberty" (Whatever that means) above all else is neutral; unfortunately America is not neutral and would turn those ideas into racial superiority somehow. (I.e., he is to stupid and would advocate "freedom" that would open the door for employers to be racist and oppressive, I thinks...)
3-I think John Edward's cheating on his cancer-afflicted wife is far worse than manipulating for power. Nearly every single politician has in some manner stoked the race fires--but not all have betrayed those who loved them personally. Look at the Zimmerman bs and the stoking of that fire pit. America is one big stoke factory whether we like it or not...
4-You don't need to forgive me for being racist, and you don't need to forgive Paul if isn't any longer a racist. In fact, in my case where open and malicious racism was instilled in me early--you should thank me for figuring out a better way. I don't need pitied with forgiveness...and I wish America would stop putting so much emphasis on forgiveness and just move on...
5-Nope... Read 5...
6-Its because its one thing to betray the public--its another to betray those who have loved you. In certain countries or the military Edwards would have been punished with severe prison time or even death. Why? Because such a barbaric betrayal is hard to forgive. A different kind of animal. One is psychotic, the other is opportunistic asshole-ism.

And then

1-When you find yourself smiling at your friend who you have hung out with for over a year, thinking to yourself how much lower he is than you because of his skin, then regretting those thoughts--I attribute it to racism. When you think that his pride in his Hispanic background is nasty--racism... When you try but can't care about his plights of racial injustice, when they stir nothing in your heart--racism.

I am trying to work on it, but that's all I can do. Try. That and be the damned nicest guy I can be, and treat him fairly as a human being should be treated...guess that's all I can do.

2-People can change and they change all the time. I used to hate gays, as I have noted, but now I do not. However, that is not saying I am capable of any change. For example, I doubt I will ever be gay. But who knows--it just isn't happening any time soon. I am more Buddhist in my ways of thinking---it will either change or it will not, and we will either live with it or will not. But try to be the best person you can with what you have and make it the best you can.

>> ^NetRunner:

@Lawdeedaw I think there are several problems with that rant:

  1. It assumes Ron Paul has changed
  2. It assumes Ron Paul would be "neutral" on race
  3. It assumes John Edwards cheating on his wife is worse than stoking racial animosity for personal gain
  4. It expects us to forgive Ron Paul's sins, when Paul still denies having made them in the first place
  5. It expects us to forgive Ron Paul's sins, when Paul hasn't really acted as though this sort of thing is something you need to apologize for and be contrite about
  6. It expects us to have not forgiven John Edwards, even though he's publicly confessed, and been both contrite and repentant

And then just for good measure:

  1. I don't presume to know you better than you know yourself, but I don't think you're a racist...
  2. And if I take what you said at face value, it implies that people don't change (i.e. you don't like being racist, but can't help it), and that people can't just purge that from their system and become pure as the driven snow in a short span of time.

And...besides which, Ron Paul signed off on what was written, protected the identity of the author (before it was independently discovered), and has pretty much acted as if this is somehow an unfair thing to criticize him for, and generally not a big deal.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Home (live @ kcrw)

McCain Sr. Advisor Steve Schmidt: "Game Change" was Accurate

longde says...

They were criminally reckless. Her disqualifying lack of knowledge was so extreme, there's no way she could have faked it until after the convention. Unless these other guys were clueless themselves about basic civics/history/world events, which is even sadder, but not hard to believe. They are political hacks, after all.

If you were interviewing a highly experienced engineer, you wouldn't ask him or her something basic like Newton's 3 Laws. But you would talk shop with such a person about issues that depend upon knowledge of the fundamentals. It wouldn't take 5 minutes to uncover an unsophisticated cad. So, I don't believe the book or the movie. They knew they were in trouble the first conversation they had with Palin.

On Edwards, it's not up to me to prove a negative. I don't know one way or the other. The McCain aid certainly can't prove his assertion, which is my point. I never was in the Edwards camp, but the fact that he was a lying philanderer counts for nothing. Wouldn't be the first time we had a president with those two flaws.>> ^shuac:

>> ^longde:
They should have pressed him alot more on why he knowingly put up an unqualified person as a candidate for the VP. He wasn't contrite enough, IMO.
Also, how does he know Edwards was unqualified?

While I agree that he wasn't contrite enough, you can't say he knowingly put up an unqualified candidate. They just did a crappy vetting job of her. And even if they had the time to fully vet her, I think she could've faked her way through it, she being a good politician.
The vetting process probably assumes a great deal about what a candidate knows because when you ascend to becoming somebody's veep pick, it's a safe bet that you know a few things about the world. In other words, they don't ever bother vetting a sophomore high school student because, why would they ever need to unless sophomore high school students is all we had? Yet that is the level of world knowledge Palin seems to have the vetting questions do not start that far back, understand? My point here is that they didn't realize the full extent of her ignorance and instability until well after the convention. I read the book and saw the movie.
But my question for you about Edwards is this: do you believe he was qualified? You think a person with such crucially flawed judgement and character would be okie-dokie as president, is that right? Better than Palin? Probably, but that's not the only hurdle a potential president has to jump, is it?
So tell us why Edwards wasn't unqualified given his public record.

McCain Sr. Advisor Steve Schmidt: "Game Change" was Accurate

shuac says...

>> ^longde:

They should have pressed him alot more on why he knowingly put up an unqualified person as a candidate for the VP. He wasn't contrite enough, IMO.
Also, how does he know Edwards was unqualified?

While I agree that he wasn't contrite enough, you can't say he knowingly put up an unqualified candidate. They just did a crappy vetting job of her. And even if they had the time to fully vet her, I think she could've faked her way through it, she being a good politician.

The vetting process probably assumes a great deal about what a candidate knows because when you ascend to becoming somebody's veep pick, it's a safe bet that you know a few things about the world. In other words, they don't ever bother vetting a sophomore high school student because, why would they ever need to unless sophomore high school students is all we had? Yet that is the level of world knowledge Palin seems to have the vetting questions do not start that far back, understand? My point here is that they didn't realize the full extent of her ignorance and instability until well after the convention. I read the book and saw the movie.

But my question for you about Edwards is this: do you believe he was qualified? You think a person with such crucially flawed judgement and character would be okie-dokie as president, is that right? Better than Palin? Probably, but that's not the only hurdle a potential president has to jump, is it?

So tell us why Edwards wasn't unqualified given his public record.

McCain Sr. Advisor Steve Schmidt: "Game Change" was Accurate

longde says...

They should have pressed him alot more on why he knowingly put up an unqualified person as a candidate for the VP. He wasn't contrite enough, IMO.

Also, how does he know Edwards was unqualified?

Fistful of Silence

westy says...

"Exploring the tension between Surface and Volume.
One gives birth to the other as white lines rise from
black space and give shape to invisible structures that
are driven by sound."


Nice video though "Inspired by the dazzle paintings of Edward Wadsworth" is a totally legitimate and usfull thing to say and would have done fine in explaining , giving extra information about the video. I like demo scene and animated music visuals just a shame this guy was happy to talk utter shit.

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