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Parallel Universes DO Exist. I kid you not.

drattus says...

>> ^coupland:
Stephen Hawking must be rolling over in his grave...

I doubt it, if for no other reason than he's still alive.

The vid didn't bother me any but I don't have to take every point as proved, it's more the possibilities and questions that I love. Years ago when I first discussed nanotech with people most thought it some combination between sci-fi and a scam, these days most take it for granted that it's not only real but coming up on us fast. I still have my doubts about some of the particulars such as them ever letting us have anything like a desktop manufacturer, but in a broad brush sense it was worth the time even for the parts that were wrong. It made us think about the possibilities and get used to the idea.

I'd agree that the vid seemed disjointed and skipped from topic to topic without much explanation, didn't cover any in the depth needed to understand much, but if for no other reason it deserves a home in the science channel for the debate it sparked. Anyone interested now has the Copenhagen interpretation, many-worlds interpretation, quantum entanglement, wave-particle duality suggested by sineral and other suggestions for research from others. We aren't going to solve the worlds problems from here anyway. But if it makes us think and even ask some questions we're doing more than most are with their spare time.

Parallel Universes DO Exist. I kid you not.

sineral says...

Sigh, I had typed up a half a page worth of comment and realized I needed another half page more so decided to just give up. Now I see SDGundamX's comment and wish I had posted mine.

So here's the short version. This video is misleading; in at least one spot it is misleading to the point of spouting hogwash. It mixes together separate phenomena from cosmology, quantum mechanics, and plain probability without clearly labeling them or distinguishing between them. Their "parallel universe theory" is not a theory, but an interpretation, of which there are multiple, of quantum mechanics; it's not even the most widely accepted interpretation. If you're interested in the phenomena they fumble over in this video then google, or just wikipeida, these terms: Copenhagen interpretation, many-worlds intepretation, quantum entanglement, wave-particle duality.

blankfist (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
I cannot be clearer. Don't mess with my videos. You're abusing your powers. If you don't like my videos, you will need to act like every other person on here and downvote them. Do not discard my videos when they're not in violation of any sift rules.

If you dislike the cat fart video, then downvote it. You do not have the right to choose solely what is best for the community by discarding what you think is unfunny. If you think it is a selflink, then discuss it - you are not a one man siftquisition.

Furthermore, how about you leave me alone, and I'll do the same for you from this point on.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
dude, dude, chill baby-I hold no ill-will t'ward you, and everything, i mean EVERYTHING I say or do, I would say or do to myself-
I simply hate toilet humor for the most part, and you my son, like I once did, gravitate towards it-One of my personal peaves, like when you used to bite yer fingernails but don't now, and want everyone to keep their goddamn hands outta their mouths??? I have never come right out and said this, not my way-subtle suggestions are my modus.....unless you are simply a fuckstick, dare I say-JAPR, who cocksucker that he is, and I knew he was from the moment he began commenting inanely on a lot of serious shiet voted up here-I confronted him, but not like this(way less subtle a message for him, of course, he showed his ass and began a rant of passive-aggresive jibber jabber that simply proved I was at least partially right about him(he never stopped blindly hating after that point) A real asshole-

I am happy you have made it up there, believe me, more power to ya, I like the dynamic of active members mouths waggin', hell, I talk way too much to be so misunderstood-I have had quite enough tributes here, thank you, and suffice it to say, that because you now know EXACTLY what I dislike about anal-expulsion-I'd thank you to not cultivate the panty-knot you have concerning a cat fart video, with my handle onnit....M'kay duuuuude???The fucking search engines tell a lot to idiots, about other idiots.

I have NEVER discarded a diamond's post before-yer a first-I'll promise it'll be the last, because i suspect you are a gentleman-But fuck, talk about beating you with a hammer to make you understand a simple point!!! Thank God, now I don't have to vote at all when I see another dog fucking a stuffed animal video, posted by somebody who thinks it is siftworthy......

Problem is, folks from generations other than my own, seem to be a bit slow on the uptake.....bereft from public education's seduction of minds, to breed new generations of folks who can't seem to grasp meaning from the written word-

How do I know this to be true??? I am surrounded by it daily-the country is full of Cali-type, mentally damaged lackeys of the machine, and I am simply a "mean what I say, and say what I mean, motherfucker"-most folks today (mentally divergent) take someone with these sensibilities and attributes to be, like you said, know it alls, and what not. I am no more arrogant or sure of myself than anyone....i simply communicate along non-linear waves, and most folks are stuck in duality-

I apologize if you feel you are being bulllied or that I am on some "Blacklist Blankfist" mission....I ain't-I'm just happy to be able to screamloud and hope someone hears-I like you man, I really do-I approached you very early on regarding something on yer profile page.....yer good people-

Now......what to do about that fear-It's a mind-killer, baby-don't let it rob you of yer joy-I would be happy to go public with any beef you have, and attempt to justify my actions, should you feel the need.....otherwise, no ones gonna miss yer fucking cat fart, I'm sure some folks on youtube have some poignant comments, and a million views.

Love and Crisco, Brian

Quantum Physics Double Slit Experiment - amazing results

National Geographic goes Undercover in North Korea

choggie says...

liberal schmiberal, call a spade a spade
Who wants to control every aspect of yer life there, QM??? ain't no goddamn liberal or conservative

The either/or shit is a diversion....remember your organized sports indoctrination from school?....Duality will be the end of us all.....Mob Rules

Quantum Mechanics - Electrons

Irishman says...

The final part of this video is NOT nonsense and has been taken very seriously since the 1970s.

The preconceived notion has historically been point particles, then wave/particle duality, and in the last 40 odd years electron as standing spherical wave.

Wave theory can indeed give you the correct answers - this is surprising, controversial, not mainstream (although moreso in the last ten years) but does in fact seem to be true in all scenarios. The answers that electron as wave can give you are origin of mass and origin of spin amongst others. It is also mathematically elegant and won't hurt your brain as much as the standard model.

I'll see if I can dig out some electron as wave video worthy of the sift.

delenda est (Sift Talk Post)

MINK says...

^ oh look, QM isn't a total retard. How strange that must be for some of you guys to try to take in!

THAT is the reason why you should go easy on the comment moderation, and why people should realise that online persona does not equal "real" person.

theo I think you are overreacting, this isn't so much a "free speech" thing as a "variety of contribution" thing. You are offended... so what? this isn't a place to shield you from offence, this is a place to expose yourself to it and engage it properly. Nobody here is dissing you or saying they agree with QM. QM never said "fuck all sand niggers" as far as i know. That would be totally different.

QM, you are wrong, and you are offensive to some people, but i have a lot of respect anyway. Respect is not endorsement.

Westerners have their fair share of "us against them" vibe, you know? How can you categorise and denigrate muslims WITHOUT an "us against them" vibe? I don't know how you can avoid seeing that duality.

I respect your standing up for the military, I too support the troops, I've even worn a uniform and saluted the royal family, hence I disagree with sending soldiers into a shitstorm for no reason except profit for rich people.

You won't make "liberals" quiet by trolling, just like you're not going to "solve" the "muslim" "problem" with any kind of violence. Iraq was a secular country before you went in and smashed the place up under a false pretext with no declaration of war. Maybe there could have been a better way to "modernise" their "backward" ways than raining down fire Old Testament style? Were you surprised when the whole "welcomed as liberators" thing went wrong? I wasn't.

We all fear fundamentalist pseusoislamic nutcases destroying our freedoms. That would be bad. However, your brand of "solution" is making things worse, not better. And your country can't afford it. And do you think the oil thing is a coincidence? And you have to destroy freedoms at home, making the whole exercise a laughable contradiction.

Keep on trolling! (well i prefer ranting but that's just me)

Loose Change-Second Edition Recut

choggie says...

With this last bit of advice par, one could be compelled to, to assume or otherwise infer, that there are no others on the list of those, "out to hoodwink and deceive you -- to trick you into accepting a false conclusion that will drastically affect some of the most important aspects of your life" ...just those who propose that the official story reeks something awful-

Some individuals, most, are predictable, and easily led....conditioning-programming
very effective methods and means have been implemented to get us all, jumping through the unnatural hoops we do as humans today.

The very idea, that there are those capable of "pulling" it off, to some, instantly sends up the flags.....Insane.....preposterous......impossible.........crazy........think of some more expressive semantics to describe a predictable, human response to a dramatic set of stimuli.....

Gets some folks riled, simply to imagine there are those capable of believing in something like, taking control of an entire Nation.....Eisenhower was one of these fellows, who knew it could be done, and saw it happening, while standing on the tracks, train rushing at him......he jumped off at the last minute......

9/11 is an open case my fellow meatbots......keep it open, cause we have been, and are being hosed....

yeah-black/white duality does not apply here....the simple answer to the day's events, will most likely, never be made-

The denial dynamic works both ways...If tomorrow, we were all told the absolute truth , there would STILL be those, who would deny that......

fuck all, talk to a structural demolitions person, some pilots, some eyewitnesses, some folks in the building that day, cause that's about as close as you can get to a real answer, without calling the guys who did it....and being able to speak the language of the damned-

Reasons to believe. (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

We could guilt-trip them into coming back to take care of their child??? Auction their collective after a month of inattention? Spam them with e-mails?? I like the 3rd suggestion.
I was once told when I first joined the sift, and noticed the usual, rabid counterpoint to anything remotely conservative, that going up against this type was like "knocking over chess pieces with a water pik" I chuckled at and appreciated the simile, and found this to be an adequate observation when applied to the dynamic between the faithful and faithless, (with regard to spirituality)....I like to look at it this way-
Those most rabid in their derision of religion, (and so-flagged, "conspiracy theories"), are invariably the folks with the most lop-sided, un-actualized and sophomoric world views. They tend to be insect-type personalities, who are satisfied being bound to the available sensory apparati, and have no room in their process for the unexplainable or metagnostic, unless that unknown factor is part of some scientific method or on-going codification or experimentation. This has everthing to do with imprint, experience, and exposure, and most of them will probably say, "Thank Bob, I was not imprinted with, or exposed to that, etc, etc, blahppity, blah blah, so many variations on a theme.

I propose a collective that encompasses the best of both worlds, the mundane and the supernatural. A pit, where the the zealots of both camps can preach, pontificate, and perhaps, proseletyze it, hell, God Vs.Satan, Black Vs. White, Light Vs. Dark...........

As long as the world spins there will be those bound to duality, meditating upon the differences of a single thing
kicking a horse without legs, trying to get the thing to move.......

You Christains can be preachy, lemme say, but those damn God-boppers must have some secret seminary somewhere as well....lioke I have suggested in the past, "Oh ye that have all the answers"....G E T A R O O M !!!!!

Recent Unpleasantness (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

The language, and sentiments, we all share, are individual-
Perception is key, for that is the filter...the sift iffya will...
Unpleasantness. Whatever do you mean? I really hope someone does complain...louder or as obvious as has been done already-
This perhaps, leads to the next iteration of ideas/vortices/-
if the two way out is the only way....? then the duality resides-judge, jury, electroshockthearaputicexecution.

James Joyce said it best in Finnegan's Wake....but who knows what the hell is going on anyhow???

CO-nsider myself flogged as well, good riddance to feddy, and best of wishes to us all.....(leave when I'se good and feddy, dammitt!)

Say no to Drugs

Sift Comments (Sift Talk Post)

James Roe says...

please cross fingers and wait a couple of days, we have something in the pipes that addresses the duality of votes and comments. Something awesome is afoot in testing.

Penn & Teller: Bullshit -- Intelligent Design

Oatmeal says...

Very good point, digitalbombdog, we studied the bible, breifly, along with the teachings of the jewish, muslim, hindu and buhddist faiths, in English class (or social studies). Imagine in science class being taught the hindu version of creation?? As science?? The christian right would go nuts, everyone would go nuts.

And that whole thing about evolution being just a theory? That is not even an arguement because in science, a theory is a very strong, proven method or mechanism by which to explain phenomina. Quantumn theory. Particle duality has been proven, yet the theory part remains... and as theo said, the theory of gravity is pretty rock solid. The theory of evolution might not explain the exact origin of life as a single celled orgainsim, though it looks like the early atmosphere on earth was very condusive to the production of amino acids and phospholipid layers necessary for single celled life, evolution does provide a very logical and observable mechansim for species diversification and specialization. Don't try and tell me that Noah rounded up two of every single of the 8 million or so species of beetle for the ark.

Obama Announces!!! (for real, this time)

choggie says...

Bring on higher taxes, regardless of the savings to come, from
the hobbled military... oh yeah, farhad, this is technically, not, a break with the rules, but slipped it into the sift like cocaine mixed in with cake flour-

But, it iiiss the first black man who may run for high office.....*Visions of spin, of
stepinfetchit and Armstrong, of the same old song and dance....

You must understand, this sifter has lost faith in politics as usual, in the pep rally mentality, the duality, of m"my side against your side"....The process needs a revamp, not the players...But...

Unification, with the collective heads out of asses, may do it....I admire your faith, theo47

war is b*llsh!t - - - - Kasabian's 'Empire' promo

Farhad2000 says...

Interesting duality that is expressed in the video. While it seems clearly anti-war, the video ends with the following line in Latin; "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori" which translates as "It is sweet and honourable to die for one's country".

Animatrix - The Second Renaissance, Part 2

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