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Curb your misunderstanding

CrushBug says...

OMG, this reminds me of the time I accidentally picked up a prostitute.

3 jobs ago, one of my co-workers took the bus along the route I drove each morning. After talking about it, we agreed that I would stop in this parking lot near where she would transfer bus routes and I could give her a ride to work. I would wait a few minutes and if she was there I would give her a ride, otherwise I would just head to work. I ended up giving her a ride about 2 or 3 mornings each week, so that worked out.

One morning, I was stopped in the parking lot and the door opened and this strange woman sat down. I looked at her and she asked me some weird question (don't remember) and I just said that I didn't think I was her ride and that I was waiting for someone else. She apologized and got out. I remember thinking that she was wearing some odd clothing for the fall and how cold it was this morning, but whatever. I dress like an idiot most times, so I am not going to judge someone's high-heels, shorts, ridiculously short jacket, and overly large earrings. My co-worker didn't show that morning, so I drove to work.

It was about 10 minutes later, during the drive, that I realized that I had almost picked up a prostitute that morning.

ABC News: Purity Balls: Lifting the Veil on Special Ceremony

Hollow Hollywood

newtboy says...

So, we finally have a rational statement about Trump from you...mark the date. Note, I'm only going by statements he made himself that were verified by his victims. He may be a rapist, time and the courts will tell, but he's absolutely a sexual abuser of both women and girls, no question, he doesn't deny it himself, he brags about it in interviews repeatedly.

FYI-Don't project your sickness on me.
I've had many opportunities to barge in on naked girls, as have most men. The thought wouldn't ever cross my mind that I should, at least not since I was 14, in fact it's the exact opposite, the thought crosses my mind that I should be absolutely certain I don't come close, even by accident, because that's both pervy and prosecutable sexual abuse (in this specific self reported case where he often barged into pageant dressing rooms when he knew the women/girls were undressed and just hung out because he could, that's repeated sexual abuse of multiple minors...according to him, publicly, and proudly.)

bobknight33 said:

Very good..
If Trump is a sick rapist then out he should go.

FYI - If you had the chance to barge in on naked girls you would too.

Portal Turret | The Attack | D|XP

jmd says...

haha, that things just a tad bit more aggressive. Saddly it looks like someone made a automated gun aiming rig and decided to dress it up by plopping an egg shaped styrofoam mock up in the center of it rather then actually build the guns into the egg shaped object like you are supposed to. They didn't even bother with building the same ai as the robots into the gun firing routine (complete with sound effects beeps). The whole portal thing was a complete afterthought.

Stephen's Crappiest Monologue Ever

Cops Getting Caught On Video Hasn't Led To Convictions

bobknight33 says...

I do go to bed hatting you but then I think of you in that yellow dress then all is well.

Having a clear opportunity to plant evidence is not the same as planting evidence.

When was his body camera on? When was it turn off? You are making a reach that he turned it off to "plant a gun" . If this happened then yes I would have more suspicion towards the cop.

Other than facts you are speculating , pure conjecture of a planting of a gun. That does not hold up in court..


Black guy shoots me - a white drug dealer -- then plants a gun in my car .. but only evidence is a bystander showing the killer messing around in his back seat then goes to my dead body in the car and later a gun is "found" ... But no one see this planting -- DNA of only the black shooter found on the planted gun.

Yes in this case you might be convicted of planting a gun.. Or some other that would suggest that you planted the gun.

..........Only because there is no reason for the killer to be in the car...............

The cop had reason -- to search for weapons/ drugs / paperwork of the car etc. So not quite apples to apples.

newtboy said:

You're so dishonest. You've said clearly that you go to bed hating me. ;-)

In the tape, I see the clear opportunity to plant evidence (with no other explanation for what he was doing retrieving something in his squad car after shooting him but before he's even removed from the car, and sitting in the victims car with his body camera off), which he hides from the cameras in his uniform instead of showing it off to bystanders in his hands, and when tested, the gun only had the officers DNA and fingerprints, and the victim wasn't wearing gloves, the cop was. No explanation given for any of that.
Edit: that's motive, means, and opportunity, and unexplained evidence with no other reasonable explanation.
Case closed.

EDIT: Given the exact same circumstances but a black citizen shooting another citizen, then performing the exact same hyper suspicious actions, you would absolutely, zero question in my mind, say it's incontrovertible that the black man murdered the other man and planted a gun and drugs to get away with it.

Funny, you and your side of the isle has spent at least 8 years in the streets over sour grapes, now you suddenly think you're reasonable and thoughtful....but you don't even understand the words.

If blacks were killing officers at the rate that officers are killing blacks, you would say they've declared open season on law enforcement...oh wait, you've already said that, even though cops actually kill 25 times more citizens than people kill cops, and by far most of those citizens are black.

A human centipede race against the bull

newtboy says...

Fail!?! Why is that a fail? Looked like a win to me.

I have to call b.s. though. Bulls aren't that stupid, clearly that was a ravenous bug blatter beast of Traal dressed up to look like a bull.

Liberal Redneck - Virginia is for Lovers, not Nazis

newtboy jokingly says...

Let me correct that for's OGSOTS.
Jesus, Bob, you can't even get your own acronym right?!
You better start your diet. You need to look good in that dress if this is the level of conversation I can expect on our date.

bobknight33 said:

My Newt, let me bow down to the Oh Great Sage of the Sift.. OGSOTH..

PS: It's ANTIFA, I new you would correct that -- because you are so smug and arrogant....OGSOTH... Where I come from It's short for ANTI First Amendment.

Liberal Redneck - Virginia is for Lovers, not Nazis

newtboy says...

Like the cheeto in chief, you may not even realize you're standing with the Nazis, but make no mistake, they see it and understand.
Edit: if you want them to stand alone, you, and the exalted leader need to do a MUCH better job of both distancing yourselves and being clear they are alone in their levels of evil and bile, not state plainly that they are standing on a morality scale right next to some pc thugs (ugly as they may be, pc thugs don't advocate mass murders/genocides).
The KKK, neonazis, and alt right are absolutely on your Republican team, you can't wash your hands of them now after they voted with you because Trump's plan and statements mirrored theirs.

Edit: I may have misread you. Are you saying the republican "team" isn't on America's side? Because I'm saying the KKK and Nazis are undeniably Trump Republicans.

I refuse to acknowledge that ridiculous term....but I absolutely don't stand with the far left. I've said my entire adult lifetime that I would vote republican if only they would...but republicans today don't resemble the party I would have joined. They turned pro war, anti thought, pro spend, anti tax, pro debt, anti responsibility, pro corporation, anti citizen, pro oil, anti progress....I could go on but why?

Um...duh Bob, then you still had it badly wrong. Anti first amendment is still antifa, not anfta.

Actually, I do have fond memories of Berkeley, because I lived there in the 80's, not because I'm a leftist fascist.

Yes, he disavowed them, and in the same breath defends them and lumps his political enemies in with them, as if they're equally evil.
The media isn't saying he didn't say they're bad, it's saying he clearly didn't mean it.

If anti Nazi, anti fascist is the wrong side, color me proudly wrong.

I want you in that slinky black backless mini dress and a pushup bra please. I can't wait.

bobknight33 said:

My Newt, let me bow down to the Oh Great Sage of the Sift.. OGSOTH..

I stand for neither.

The KKK and the team are NOT on our side. Not on your side either. They stand alone.

But you squarely stand with the alt left. Next time your out protesting, wear your yellow dress so I can pick you out on the YouTube vids. You make your mother proud. Ill be watching.

Believe the bias of the fake news -- keep it up -- You and your ilk are the party of evil and debauchery. These are not American values.

PS: It's ANTIFA, I new you would correct that -- because you are so smug and arrogant....OGSOTH... Where I come from It's short for ANTI First Amendment.

Conservatives can not say a word with out these radicals showing up in masks , (so they don't shame their parents) and clubs .. Can you say Berkley? I bet you only have fond memories-- Bully

Don't kid yourself The left are the radicals of society and bloody its citizens that stand opposed to liberal ideas. Bullies.

Trump has disavows the KKK and its ilk time and time again.

Trump Disavows Racists Over and Over Again - While Media Says Exactly the Opposite

Newt, you are on the wrong side.. I still have hope for you. Heck I'll event take you out for dinner, as long as you wear you yellow dress.

If you want me in a dress just name it. Anything for you newt. BFF

Liberal Redneck - Virginia is for Lovers, not Nazis

bobknight33 says...

My Newt, let me bow down to the Oh Great Sage of the Sift.. OGSOTH..

I stand for neither.

The KKK and the team are NOT on our side. Not on your side either. They stand alone.

But you squarely stand with the alt left. Next time your out protesting, wear your yellow dress so I can pick you out on the YouTube vids. You make your mother proud. Ill be watching.

Believe the bias of the fake news -- keep it up -- You and your ilk are the party of evil and debauchery. These are not American values.

PS: It's ANTIFA, I new you would correct that -- because you are so smug and arrogant....OGSOTH... Where I come from It's short for ANTI First Amendment.

Conservatives can not say a word with out these radicals showing up in masks , (so they don't shame their parents) and clubs .. Can you say Berkley? I bet you only have fond memories-- Bully

Don't kid yourself The left are the radicals of society and bloody its citizens that stand opposed to liberal ideas. Bullies.

Trump has disavows the KKK and its ilk time and time again.

Trump Disavows Racists Over and Over Again - While Media Says Exactly the Opposite

Newt, you are on the wrong side.. I still have hope for you. Heck I'll event take you out for dinner, as long as you wear you yellow dress.

If you want me in a dress just name it. Anything for you newt. BFF

newtboy said:

' (meaning right wing, not the correct). That's not one radical group it's a conglomeration KKK, alt-right, nazi party, white nationalists, and generic right wing racists, all under the banner 'Unite the rightof many, all of which are firmly on your 'team', and the counter protesters were not so organized and were mostly non-affiliated locals protesting a hate march/rally in their town.

Way to stand with the Nazis, Bob. Nice job.

PS: It's ANTIFA, not ANFTA. It's short for ANTIFACIST. Know your enemy.

Counter Protest Attacked In Charlottesville, Va

enoch says...


i think what bcglorf is suggesting,and correct me if i am wrong bc,is that the ideological intolerance that is permeating the far left,and creeping into the current media turning people away from the left and driving them further right.

that how the ultra-left deals with criticism by labeling ALL criticism as an attack,and not a functioning dynamic of dialogue,is counter-productive and again..drives people further right.

so what is a moderate to do?

on the alt-right they have a choice of a grotesque and vulgar racist political philosophy akin to the "aryan supremacy" of the 30's dressed up as nationalism and patriotism.

and on the alt-left they have an equally grotesque group who subvert freedoms and liberties all in the name of "equality" and "tolerance".while single-handedly being the most intolerant of them all.

fascists to the left of me..
fascists to the right..
and here i am..
stuck in the middle...

Liberal Redneck - Virginia is for Lovers, not Nazis

enoch says...


i am trying to unpack your comment.

so you AGREE that attacking people you disagree with ideologically is wrong,but only if they are not self-identified nazis?

because 90 years ago these guys kinda cornered the market in nazism? and well..we don't wanna see a repeat of THAT now do we? so let's punch them in the face....

and that somehow punching them in the face will somehow magically halt any further encroachment of those dirty nazis!!!!

because it was so effective in the 1930's? about this...

how about we daydream about cockpunching these knuckleheads,because it brings a smile to our faces but NOT actually punch them?

instead...we allow these cunts..who came to this gig LOOKING for a bluster and foam at the spew their vile and vulgar message of racism dressed up as nationalistic pride,so EVERYONE can see.

and i bet you dollars to donuts one of them knuckledragging retards,who came all gussied up for a gonna make a mistake...that inbreeder is gonna just HAVE to use his home made mace,or his shiny new gopher poker on someone...

probably one of dem darn "libtards".

and in this age of cell phone vigilantism,this is gonna get caught on video,posted to youtube and KABOOM!

white nationalist racist nazi party is forced back underground.

because you CANNOT fight fascism with a different flavor of fascism.

fascism is fascism yo,just because one flavor may taste better to your buds don't change that very simple truth.

the problem in this setting is you have TWO groups who are addicted to identity politics,and BOTH are convinced of their own righteousness,and BOTH groups suffer from a horrid case of groupthink.

and this ideological stand has them both certain of their righteousness,and this gives them a moral certitude that violence is an acceptable answer.

because they are the righteous.

sound familiar?

you mentioned 100 years ago,
i will match your 100 years and counter with the previous 5,000.

ideology homie..
the cancer of the deluded.
just ask any fundamentalist christian,or muslim,or jew.....

they will be perfectly happy to tell you how RIGHT they are,and how WRONG you are.

and this shit?
^ this psycho shit?
this is just a puss pocket,erupting from the internal corruption feeding on my countries soul.

economic collapse ain't gonna bring my country down.
it is gonna be the polarized politics that finally takes this country out.

i hate this..i seriously hate this...

Free as f*** - The Canadian Centre for Diversity & Inclusion

bcglorf says...

We've always got room to improve though because as a fellow Canadian I don't feel my country men are all similarly free.

Mike Ward, a comedian up here was sued for $35k because of a joke he made on set.

Greg Elliott disagreed with a feminist blogger over twitter and was hit a three year criminal trial over criminal harassment, including a bail condition throughout the trial banning him from internet access. His job relied on that internet access so even though he was cleared of all charges...

You aren't supposed to dress up as Mulan unless you are Asian, or even worse as Pocahantas unless your first nations.

If you run want to run a Women's only naked spa, you still must allow those with male genitals entry or face a human rights commission complaint which is still in progress:

Those a re recent examples easy to mind, but this is pretty frequent.

cloudballoon said:

Fellow Canuck here. Good to live in a land free to tolerate, not discriminate.

comrade nighthawk shows off his AR-15 so he can shoot nazis

newtboy says...

Should we start posting videos of people pretending to be completely brain dead Trump supporters incapable of dressing themselves?
I'm no fan of antifa, but I also am not a fan of dismissive right wing propaganda, especially when it pretends to be reality.

Being generous with no vote...I hate this kind of crap (I don't believe for a second that this is a real, clueless gun owner in California with a new AR-1, not AR-1,5, AR-15's are nearly impossible to get here and must be heavily modified to be owned at all, his total lack of basic knowledge is nearly impossible if he really went throughout the trouble it takes to buy one here).

How to lose weight without exersices

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