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Hurricane Slayer back to fight new nemesis

The Bridge Tongues

The Mueller Investigation Is Not A Witch Hunt

newtboy says...

As usual, you're absolutely wrong on all counts.

Manafort was convicted of repeatedly committing felonious frauds with the express purpose of hiding his massive financial ties to Russia and hide the fact that he is a foreign agent working for them and has been for years if not decades.

Paying out of your pocket to women to not say anything in order to help your campaign for president, which Trump did repeatedly (according to his personal lawyer who has released tapes of them discussing it) without disclosing it as a campaign contribution is absolutely a crime, as is making a personal contribution in those amounts.

Lying about it can also be a crime, which is part of why he cannot testify. He knows he'll also be asked about them and all the other women he's screwed and paid, and he doesn't know what they can prove, so has no idea which lie to tell. He also cannot testify about his finances without admitting many more felonious frauds. No blue dress needed when you're talking about an admitted criminal fraud and consummate liar like Trump, and btw, making a blue dress dirty wasn't a crime either....hiding it and lying about it under oath was....and Trump lies 3 times per sentence. He will never survive any interview under oath....he just isn't capable of honesty.

These are high crimes, felonies, not even misdemeanors. If Clinton had 1/10 the ties to Russia you would call her a Putin stooge and be calling for her head, and you know it. If her administration had 1/10 the convictions you would be frothing at the mouth for impeachment and be irate there was any obstruction to the special council or delay in getting her testimony, and claiming the convictions were absolute proof of her guilt. The smoking gun will be found, that the multiple decades of investigations are over and she's been cleared of any crimes, and there's no accusations of actual criminal activity forthcoming (if you say pizzagate I'm going to assume you're actually mentally deficient and stop talking to you)...NOW the smoking gun will be found. *facepalm

If there's a log of smolder and smoke on the Clintons, there's a blast furnace on Trump. His entire upper echelon is either convicted of high crimes against the state, fired, both, or at odds with him for unpresidential actions and for trying to politicize the justice system like a despot. So much for his "I have the best people" lie, eh?

You are so blatantly hypocritical it would be funny, if only there weren't tens of thousands of you willing to say any kind of ignorant nonsense if you think it distracts from the overtly and undeniably criminal administration you support. That's pretty damn unpatriotic of y'all.

bobknight33 said:

Unrelated to Russian collusion or campaign fiance.

Paying $ out of you own pocket to women to not say anything is not a chime.

Low level stuff of unimportant main stream media drama.

The Mueller Investigation Is Not A Witch Hunt

bobknight33 says...

There is a log of smolder and smoke on the Clintons. Don't worry the smoking gun will be found.

As for Trump Still ZERO proof of Russia collusion. Adam Shiftless shift words do not count.

Don't worry, the order of special council is so broad I'm sure they will find Trump guilty so some some blue dress event. Keep you fingers crossed.

newtboy said:

Right, Trump, only an admitted and convicted criminal fraud, as opposed to Clinton with her multiple convictions for.........oh yeah.

Change Your Leftover Pizza Game Forever

Liberal Redneck - Campaign Ads/Vote for Tristan

New Rule: Conspiracy Weary | Real Time with Bill Maher

bobknight33 says...

You spinning out of control Newt. Your Trolling does not bother me.

The ONLY Russian connection to the election was with the Hillary camp.

" Spy-a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
Informant-a person who shares information." So a Spy and Informant are the same thing/ So there was a spy in the Trump camp.. Thanks for admitting it.

Gowdy is is the only Republican supporting Muller investigation.

Time will tell where the Muller investigation leads, Maybe a blue dress somewhere, but it will have nothing to do with Trump Russian collusion.

newtboy said:

Jesus, Bob, you can't be that't. You repeat debunked conspiracy theories on a video about mentally challenged republican conspiracy theorists?! Why not go on to complain about the illegal alien voters and the fish people infiltrating the intelligence communities too?

Spy-a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
Informant-a person who shares information.

The details gathered from informants were given to Republicans last week, and they left the meeting supporting the Muller investigation, a turn around from before the meeting, but all those republicans must now be liberal Trump haters just lying, right? *facepalm

Plenty of Trump/Russia related information is already public, just not undeniable proof of pure DJT collusion.....yet. (There is enough to prove he is either involved or a brain dead slug of a leader, as only a brain dead slug could possibly not notice every person on the campaign talking and doing business with Russia) Hide and wait.
The Clinton/Whitewater investigation lasted 5+ years and found nothing improper in the deal, you can start whining again in 4 years that it's taking too long to prove his crimes, but absolutely not before.
No one (except the Russians) spied on Trump, but we absolutely should have considering the international ties every person in his campaign had with our enemies that they consistently lied about/hid.
Stop lying, and stop repeating orange Kanye's obvious lies. Asking his people questions is, in no way whatsoever, spying or embedding spies....just didn't happen.
The Fed's DID spy on Clinton, and found no crimes. Odd you aren't outraged by that clear spying on a candidate.....oh wait, you are outraged that they didn't go farther with her.

Conservatives are getting fed up because they can't admit they elected a consummate con man who has destroyed our international standings, our ability to negotiate, the budget, the debt, and civility, and having it shoved in your face makes you mad. You're fed up because he does at least one unpresidential thing daily and it's reported/tweeted.

After >8 years of insane (Kenyan Muslim), ridiculous (pizza gate), non stop (still going on) Obama bashing, you must be incredibly embarrassed that your team can't take 1/4 of what they dish out. Sad little snowflakes.

Beware going to the polls unless you want to be turned gay....and heads up, mail in ballots are impregnated with a virus that turns you into a Muslim.

Here's why socialism sucks!

newtboy says...

@bobknight33, anything on the One America News Network is not news, so putting it in the news channel is bad channel assignment. It's at best uninformed biased opinion, and more often (like this one) it's misleading hyper partisan propaganda and faux outrage. Like Faux and infowars, it's just not news or journalism, it's "entertainment" dressed up as news. There was no honest history here, and no education, but she did spread fear and fail.

If this idiot actually listened to Oliver, he was pretty clear about why it wasn't simply socialism that destroyed Venezuela, in fact it was mostly reliance on oil for nearly all of the countries GDP that tanked them.

I note she didn't disagree when he said that many other socialist countries are doing well, just harped on that this one bad example of dictatorial socialism proves socialism is a failure....I guess Somalia and Haiti doubly prove that capitalism is an utter failure then? *facepalm

Yanny or Laurel

Really the only option available

newtboy says...

Isn't that the coworker dressed as batgirl?

...I guess she would know.

Payback said:

Hmmm... I would have doubled down and asked her, "Do you think these are fake?"

...but I come from a lawless, anarchistic time, when men were men and women were properly oppressed.

Most vocals you hear are fake

criticalthud says...

shiiiit. sure everything is stitched together. that's the modern digital audio workstation (DAW).
What folks don't realize is that Anteres Autotune is THE standard in the studio. Every pop star and song gets their dose.
That, ultra compression on everything and ultra repetition in production, gone are the days of creamy analog bliss by good musicians, performing a well-written song actually written by the artists.
Now everything is done post-production, and Autotune is 'the sound' of today's pop. The writing is done by teams of "producers" who have mastered today's pop sound and format.

And then LAWYERS.
For hip hop, in the 2000's lawyers began suing the shit out of anyone who sampled old stuff. Today, an artist can use samples, but they must PAY quite a bit. So, only artists with labels behind them can AFFORD to sample. Hence, Bruno Mars can sample everything, and steal everything, then autotune the shit out of it. And wha-laa - he's got a super-produced, money-backed hit where his producers just copy the shit out of everyone.
And in the end, Bruno Mars is the P.F. Changs of music - white appropriation all-dressed up, pre-packaged and sold.

Scary Tunnel water park slide at Cascaneia

lucky760 says...

I don't get it.

What's scary about that?

I thought the tunnel'd be completely dark... or someone dressed as a zombie would reach out screaming at you or something.

No Excuses (Dance Video)

The Diversity of Local Independent News

RedSky says...


The instructions for producing and airing the localized versions went into great detail about how the promos "should look and sound," according to another document obtained by CNN.

"Talent should dress in jewel tones -- however they should not look political in their dress or attire," one of the documents says. "Avoid total red, blue and purples dresses and suits. Avoid totally red, blue and purple ties, the goal is to look apolitical, neutral, nonpartisan yet professional. Black or charcoal suits for men...females should wear yellow, gold, magenta, cyan, but avoid red, blue or purple."

At the end of the promo, viewers are encouraged to send in feedback "if you believe our coverage is unfair."

The instructions say that "corporate will monitor the comments and send replies to your audience on your behalf."

In other words, local stations are cut out of the interactions with viewers. Management will handle it instead.

Gents Kurta Design - Glacier Fabrics Latest Collection

FancyKurtaDesignsforMen says...

Buy Latest Designer’s Shalwar Kameez & Kurta in Multiple Colors like White, Black and Blue available at Affordable cost anywhere in Pakistan. We have special Dresses for Dulha for Walima & Wedding Ceremony. [url redacted]

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