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Heard any good jokes lately? (Possibly NSFW) (Comedy Talk Post)

US Navy shoots down Iranian passenger jet

kronosposeidon says...

Fair enough question, qualm.

No, I don't believe in American exceptionalism, nor do I support most of our foreign policy, nor do I think American lives are more valuable than anyone else's.

Quite simply, I was proud to play a small part in defending my home. Virtually every nation on Earth has a military, even the most peaceful ones. Why? If for no other reason, national defense. Now I know the U.S. hasn't used its military in self-defense since World War II. Still, if the United States completely disbanded its military by tomorrow morning, how long would it take for another nation to attack us? Once they determined it wasn't a trick, it would probably take all of 5 seconds. The same thing would happen to any other prosperous nation if they did the same thing. Hell, even the poor nations are at risk. We all know that.

I am proud to have defended my country, my home. The house I live in right now is nice, but it has its problems. I have some weeds in the yard, I need to replace the refrigerator and dishwasher soon, I've got a cracked window in the garage that I need to replace, and a tree that I think is dying so it will need to be cut down some time in the next few years. However, even with all its flaws I'm still happy here, and I wouldn't want someone to take it away from me.

That's the same way I feel about America. It's got a lot of things wrong with it, but I believe they still can be fixed. Also, I have a lot of people here I love, a lot of people I like, a lot of people I don't like, and a LOT of other people whom I don't even know at all. Yet I want to protect them all from those who would bring harm to my country, my home. And I am proud of that.

"Don't forget to feed the pussy."

"Don't forget to feed the pussy."

Eklek says...

Da's Vlaams meneer
That's Flemish sir
-> Dutch.

Text: "Vergeet de poes niet" (Don't forget the cat)
"100 smsjes voor zeven euro met de prepaid kaart van TMF, verkrijgbaar op en in elke payshop"
"a hundred sms messages cost seven euro with the prepaid card of TMF, available at and in every pay shop"

She also puts fruit with a chicken in the oven dishwasher, referring to another misunderstanding.

Fox News doesn't know what plagiarism means

10801 says...

"democrat party hasnt had an original thought since at least..."

as if this is an original attack. i suspect this might be closer to plagiarism than the clip they show. news flash, fascist: there's like 6 billion people in the world - you probably have a better chance of getting struck by lightning than having a thought occur to you that hasn't occurred already to at least one of those people.

they're political parties. they don't exist to create original ideas, it's fucking impossible for more than one person to collectively form an original idea.

too bad we can't have things the way coulter and malkin want them, so we could tie these dumb broads to a dishwasher someplace and beat them until they puke bloody feces-vomit.

Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a __________!

snoozedoctor says...

I use that line on my wife all the time;
Damn it Honey, I'm a doctor, not a dishwasher.
Damn it Honey, I'm a doctor, not a toilet plunger.
Damn it Honey, I'm a doctor, not a........punching bag, Ouch, Ouch, cut it out.

Monsanto's House of The Future

spoco2 says...

What this shows more than anything was that it was never really the 'house of the future' as it was touted, but moreso a whopping big ad for using plastics for everything.

And we now know how environmentally friendly THAT is.

I have to say the few melamine plates and things we have are horrible (kids things)... they can't be washed in the dishwasher, they tend to discolour over time, and all round they're nowhere near as nice to use as china et al.

So to be so effusive over plastic plates, cups, glasses etc. is to miss the point that we as humans actually like the tactile feel and usability of glass, china, wood, etc.

And vinyl floors... mmm, we all know how lovely they are.

The few 'futuristic' things they have demonstrate the view of 'sci fi' things for their sake alone with no thought as to their actual usefulness. The powered cupboards have not surprisingly never taken off due to:
* Who needs another thing to break and be serviced?
* Who wants to stand around and wait for them to sloooowly open?

Doing all your cooking in a microwave has been relegated to only those who have no real taste for actual food.

Ultrasonic dish washing obviously doesn't really work that well (Not that I've looked that up)

Also love the signs of the times like the woman donning her apron, and the husband later offering a smoke to her.

"Ladies Are you doing laundry in the love of god"

persephone says...

I prefer the Buddhist attitude toward domestic work (any work, really) which is that we can approach it as our daily meditation. I don't have a dishwasher, so I usually spend about 20 minutes in the morning and when it's my night, about 45 minutes at night, at the sink, up to my elbows in suds.

It's a perfect opportunity to meditate, because it's repetitive and doesn't require much brain space. It is just as tricky as seated meditation, keeping your mind on what you are doing, without it drifting away to other thoughts.

When I'm feeling sorry for myself, it can feel like torture. When I focus, it can be very satisfying.

Me Machine - Stay at home moms do a video

Great Danes at Feeding Time. 32" Vertical Leap

drattus says...

Looks like they have some money based on the nice house. With regular bathing of the animals, a HEPA air filter and house cleaning it should be workable and I doubt they'd even have to do most of it.

I have four dogs ranging from 50 to 115 pounds, half of them mutts and none worth a dime to anyone but me. Three rodents for my youngest kid, a cat, and have over time taken in anything from broken winged birds to a hedgehog someone didn't know how to take care of as rescues. It's not as difficult as it seems with a little planning and basics such as air filters for the dander, and we don't have half the resources it seems they would.

Mine don't get on the furniture though. They are barrier trained in a similar way, if I tell them 'out of the kitchen' they go past an invisible line between the pantry and dishwasher and stay out. Won't go out an open door, and so on. Used to have one who you could lay a broom or something across the floor and he wouldn't pass it until told he could.

Van Damme beats up...a penguin?!

Deano says...

Isn't it amazing how dangerous kitchens are? First it's the meat slicer, then the oven, a near miss with the oil and finally the guy in the suit is offed by some dishwashing device, from what I can see.

Scooch - Flying The Flag - UK Entry - Eurovision 2007

How to fix a washing machine

Never wash another dish again. Make them fresh instead.

Anthony installs Windows Vista in 2 minutes

koshmar says...

Those are interesting points you both bring up, it's kinda sad that when I visit my family I have to get tutorials on how to run the dishwasher or even the coffee maker. Devices such as these should be simple yet intuitive. My family now owns a microwave which has no numbers on the console, it has a knob that you twist to set the cook time, who decided that buttons with numbers on them weren't simple enough, maybe I wanted to cook my hot pocket for 1:37 seconds.

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