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Times Square Celebration of Osama's Death

luxury_pie says...

Could anybody do a montage including this video and videos of muslim folks chanting and burning flags and this kind of truly patriotic and honorable behaviour? What exactly was the percentage of religulous (p.i.) people in the US again, just asking?!

A minute of silence in honor of the dead people of any race or religion caused by this war against terror / for oil / to show everybody who got the largest stick would have been a MUCH better idea.

And please, this is obviously *terrible

Norwegian Newsflash!!

Divine protection

Woman Viciously Assaults Police Officer

shogunkai says...

>> ^punisher:

She got what she deserved....She's using chemical weapons against that police officer.... he should have put his gas mask on.... I mean, really, what if it had got into his eyes, they would have been all stingy and what not and he may have given up his stern exterior and cried or something..

Think about it though, what if, even by the smallest chance those bubbles had some deadly ass chemical in them, then we would have dead people.

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

kronosposeidon says...

What I'm saying, blankfist, is that a man who calls himself a doctor, yet has outdated knowledge of virology, calls into question his judgment on other issues. It would be like trusting the judgment of a physicist who hasn't bothered to learn about relativity. Trusting someone who is so out of touch with a field that relates to his field of expertise is scary. If his knowledge is so out date in medicine, than what makes him an expert in other fields, like economics?

And GeeSussFreek, Obama may know little about virology, but I'm sure he'd be willing to listen to people who were actual experts, rather than go on his shaky knowledge like Ron Paul does.
The unshakable faith that some people place in market forces rivals the faith that born-again Christians place in a deity that allegedly walked on water and raised the dead. That might be helpful, if that deity could raise the dead people killed by Typhoid Mary. But by God, do NOT restrict her liberty! Market forces will save the day!

Gaza Flotilla Choir presents: We Con the World

Hot Girl Backstabbing in TF2

Psychologic says...

>> ^Raaagh:

haha I used to do this in CS 1.4-1.5

I made a spray back in CS of a crouching terrorist (and ct if needed). From a decent distance there was no distinguishable difference between it and a real player.

Man, I got cussed at majorly for that spray... usually by dead people.

Dad Ruins Christmas Tree Setup

Boy Suspended For Drawing Jesus On Cross

westy says...

its blatent that the kid was just dawing it becuse its what u sell all over the place in a christain socity.

but still dead guy on a cross is quite cultish , I mean what if he drew dead people hanging from trees, or witches burning , or a guy getting head cut off with a gulatine.

ether way you cannot be ignorant of the idoitic cultral context that most people were probably christain in that country , so you should just explain to the kid how others might think its weard , but also accept that kids will draw pictures of what they see or are told about. (Blog Entry by lucky760)

lucky760 says...

Dead people definitely have to be included. There's no question about that. Yes, he's decomposing, but his body is still aging.

I was also going to create artist renderings of what the dead celebrities might look like today, but wasn't sure if I should do that or just leave it up to the audience's imagination. I'd appreciate thoughts on the subject.

Oh, and yes cancer still seems to be doing a good job, but wait until it goes up again AIDS. Not sure which of those will take the gold, but I think H1N1 will be lucky if it even comes close to either.

Obama's Message To American Indians

KnivesOut says...

>> ^blankfist @KnivesOut. You're so smart. You have a firm grasp on "logical" things. I marvel at your mental prowess. Reparations for dead people is EXACTLY like disaster relief for the living. You nailed it. Bravo.

Hey Blankfist, let's watch the personal attacks.

Disaster relief does relate, because we're talking about people who have been put into a disadvantaged position through no fault of their own. Maybe it was our ancestors, maybe it was god, but something has happened that's now holding these people back from reaching their potential, and as a civilized society, we should help them.

But I totally agree with you, we shouldn't give any money to dead people. We should give it to their living ancestors.


Obama's Message To American Indians

blankfist says...

I'm 1/8th Cherokee. You have to be 1/16th or greater for the Federal government to recognize you, so I could be taking some of those sweet, sweet gub'ment handouts if I could prove it, which I cannot because when my great grandmother married a white man she was removed from the Cherokee register. I seriously am about as Native American as I am an astronaut, so it would be silly for me to take any Federal money.

@Payback. It's not Quebec. I'm pretty sure their tribal band is near Edmonton, Alberta Canada.

@KnivesOut. You're so smart. You have a firm grasp on "logical" things. I marvel at your mental prowess. Reparations for dead people is EXACTLY like disaster relief for the living. You nailed it. Bravo.

David Mitchell's Soapbox - Is Necrophilia Really That Bad??

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'david mitchell, rant, musing, dead people, sex, taboo' to 'david mitchell, rant, musing, dead people, sex, taboo, while youre fresh' - edited by calvados

Excalibur: next-gen drone goes 460 mph, carries 2x Missiles

quantumushroom says...

^ From the same article: "There are two billion people on the planet affected by mental disorder," said Professor Markram.

I didn't know there were that many left-wringers, or does that number include all the dead people that taxocrats claim voted in elections?

GOP Believes In "'CHOICE"

quantumushroom says...

Government sucks. It is a necessary evil. It is applied force. Government's #1 purpose is to feed itself. It can't do anything right with consistency, and on the rare occasions it seems to work right, the cost is typically 10 to 100 times more than "estimated".

As you read this, the morons are still sending Social Security checks to dead people.

You don't want these subnormals deciding whether your life is in this year's budget.

Wake the fk up.

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