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David Cross on the Tea Baggers

RadHazG says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Go to youtube and type in "Cuban health care."
They can't ALL be fakes by Fox.
Do you want a crash course on why American health care is flawed? The consumer doesn't pay directly, so there's no way for capitalism to work. There is no competition and thus no way for prices to come down.
If you want more "solid" jobs, stop electing taxocrats en masse.
And Savage is 100% correct. No artist could make up the daily insanity of the left, not even Dali.
"nonononono" and spreading lies/fear/idiocy as far as possible?
Give us facts, not quotes from Michael Savage.

I said facts not youtube clips. You can do the exact same thing to "prove" how bad healthcare is in any country. As for paying directly, its impossible for the average person to pay medical bills in this country, or indeed any country. This is why insurance companies exist, they take the "gamble" that the money they collect from everyone who doesn't file will exceed the amount they have to pay out. The people who do file often do so for things that are WAY outside of what they can reasonably afford. This isn't like selling cars here where you can go buy used to save money. These are unexpected bills because suddenly your sick, dying or otherwise.

I will grant you that the FAR left (the genuine far left not *everyone* on the left as your radio nutjobs would have us all believe) do have some really insane ideas. No more insane than some of the far right wingnutery that goes on. Suing McDonald's because your kids are fat? That's far left insanity in my book. As for electing "taxocrats" here are some more facts for ya. How about that. The taxocrats genuinely provide more growth for everyone, where as far as the Rights are concerned if you don't make obscene amounts of money, you might as well not even exist except to vote them back into office.

David Cross on the Tea Baggers

quantumushroom says...

Go to youtube and type in "Cuban health care."

They can't ALL be fakes by Fox.

Do you want a crash course on why American health care is flawed? The consumer doesn't pay directly, so there's no way for capitalism to work. There is no competition and thus no way for prices to come down.

If you want more "solid" jobs, stop electing taxocrats en masse.

And Savage is 100% correct. No artist could make up the daily insanity of the left, not even Dali.

>> ^RadHazG:

So I suppose YOU have visited every health facility in Cuba? You can personally vouch for your statements about the quality of care there? Do you have anything beyond the lines fed to you by Faux and the Right Radio Retards?
Does America have the possibility for better care? Yes. How many have the ability to take advantage of it? Not nearly as many. That's the discrepancy comes up. Unless your very wealthy or have a solid job your odds of receiving quality health care are slim to none. Is the Right going to do anything beyond spend the next several years balled up in a corner covering its ears shouting "nonononono" and spreading lies/fear/idiocy as far as possible?
Give us facts, not quotes from Michael Savage.

Flying Drone Robots With Automonous Docking Capability

Tymbrwulf says...

>> ^chicchorea:

Tymbrwulf, don't care for your timbre. You could learn some grace, particularly if endeavoring to teach some to others, if I may say.
Or, perhaps, you just forgot.
<From YT: Just having fun being friendly to strangers, hoping to brighten their day! >
Otherwise, my apologies to all and the Sift for my faux pas. I will seek to amend.
Thank you.
Done and done, the amendment I mean.

Just giving a crash course in posting guidelines. I find it easier to inform using belittlement and sarcasm because it garners more attention than simple suggestion. Not to mention it had the exact effect that I said it wouldn't. Hypocritical, yes, but ineffective? Not for my purposes

Unusual Fruit

Milton Friedman about getting Congress to do as they should

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Corporations fund the think tanks that tell you what to think. Are you a fan of Cato or Reason magazine? They are funded by the likes of Koch and Mellon Scaife, the same folks who fund all the hard right and neo-con think tanks. I take you at your word that your belief system is different from the corporatists, and I respect that, but regardless, you are still being led down a path by people who don't give a shit about these ideals; people who build up your ego by telling you that you are different, that you are special, that you have wisely risen above the two party nattering, but only on the condition that you obediently do as they say. What do you think will happen once you get your tiny government and deregulated markets? Utopia?

Conflating 'free market' capitalism with liberty is naive. The two are unrelated.

>> ^BansheeX:

God, this site just has the same uneducated people spewing socialist nonsense and even going so far as to smear mostly agreeable libertarians like Friedman. The Shock Doctrine is complete poop, there is no other way to say it. Anyone who recommends that book has probably read absolutely nothing from any libertarian ever. Here's a crash course on how utterly illogical and distorted that book is:
GeeSussFreeK: People whom desire power to rule over others are usually of the type that are corruptible; even Obama is a professed pragmatist (as opposed to an idealist). It isn't a new problem either.

Looks like someone is dangerously close to understanding the best political system. We're not supposed to be a democracy, because there are some things that no one should be able to vote on. 99 people shouldn't be able to vote away 1 guy's property because they don't like him. That basic truth gives way to the realization that we need to be ruled in some form by a benevolent dictator that can't easily be corrupted. That is the idea behind a republic: the constitution is nothing more than a paper dictator. Our dictators were highly intelligent people for their time, battled tyranny, and debated lengthily about how much power the Federal government should have over the states. Read the Federalist Papers, sometime. I don't think our schools bother to assign it anymore. People and judges still have to obey the paper dictator, however, and it's largely been subverted over time because it isn't clear enough in places. You can spend years studying how and why and dream of a replacement knowing what we know today. That most of the people on this forum still don't understand anything I've said in this paragraph is just flipping amazing. I would pay money to watch Friedman's zombie corpse debate the likes of anyone on this forum, because you're clearly not even 1% as capable of rational thought.
It's fucking scary how people on this forum associate neocons and libertarians. Modern day liberals and neocons are practically the same, it's the libertarians who are different. It's the libertarians who are saying "no, we don't think corporations should influence elections, but it's THIS unconstitutional power being exercised that's enabling that kind of influence." We understand that the market largely self-regulates because greed is offset by fear of loss. But when the government tries to eliminate fear by bailing out failed management with money appropriated from healthy businesses, insuring deposits on every bank, price fixing interest rates, and guaranteeing loans, rampant fraud and speculation ensues. DUH. Certain groups are always trying to offload their risk to someone else through the government, including debt to a future generation that hasn't been born yet. DISABLE IT ALREADY. FUCK. Politicians aren't efficient with money because they have no fear of losing what they didn't have to work to obtain. Again, DUH.

Milton Friedman about getting Congress to do as they should

enoch says...

>> ^BansheeX:

God, this site just has the same uneducated people spewing socialist nonsense and even going so far as to smear mostly agreeable libertarians like Friedman. The Shock Doctrine is complete poop, there is no other way to say it. Anyone who recommends that book has probably read absolutely nothing from any libertarian ever. Here's a crash course on how utterly illogical and distorted that book is:
GeeSussFreeK: People whom desire power to rule over others are usually of the type that are corruptible; even Obama is a professed pragmatist (as opposed to an idealist). It isn't a new problem either.
Looks like someone is dangerously close to understanding the best political system. We're not supposed to be a democracy, because there are some things that no one should be able to vote on. 99 people shouldn't be able to vote away 1 guy's property because they don't like him. That basic truth gives way to the realization that we need to be ruled in some form by a benevolent dictator that can't easily be corrupted. That is the idea behind a republic: the constitution is nothing more than a paper dictator. Our dictators were highly intelligent people for their time, battled tyranny, and debated lengthily about how much power the Federal government should have over the states. Read the Federalist Papers, sometime. I don't think our schools bother to assign it anymore. People and judges still have to obey the paper dictator, however, and it's largely been subverted over time because it isn't clear enough in places. You can spend years studying how and why and dream of a replacement knowing what we know today. That most of the people on this forum still don't understand anything I've said in this paragraph is just flipping amazing. I would pay money to watch Friedman's zombie corpse debate the likes of anyone on this forum, because you're clearly not even 1% as capable of rational thought.
It's fucking scary how people on this forum associate neocons and libertarians. Modern day liberals and neocons are practically the same, it's the libertarians who are different. It's the libertarians who are saying "no, we don't think corporations should influence elections, but it's THIS unconstitutional power being exercised that's enabling that kind of influence." We understand that the market largely self-regulates because greed is offset by fear of loss. But when the government tries to eliminate fear by bailing out failed management with money appropriated from healthy businesses, insuring deposits on every bank, price fixing interest rates, and guaranteeing loans, rampant fraud and speculation ensues. DUH. Certain groups are always trying to offload their risk to someone else through the government, including debt to a future generation that hasn't been born yet. DISABLE IT ALREADY. FUCK. Politicians aren't efficient with money because they have no fear of losing what they didn't have to work to obtain. Again, DUH.

ya know.
you made some great points too bad they got buried under your presumption and seeming bitterness.
word of advice:
if you wish people to take you seriously and consider any points you may make try to avoid calling people names before you begin your rant.
so you read the federalist papers,what do you want? a cookie?a pat on the back? a young polynesian prostitute?
so you are a libertarian and evidenced by your post you feel you have enough credible information to back up why.
are you going for the cookie again?
have you even considered that political ideology may..just a very diverse substrate and that many with differing views can ALSO back up why they feel the way they do and can do it just as succinctly and competently as YOU did?
come on man!
you act like you are the only one who ever read a book,watched a lecture and came to a conclusion,everybody else is just retarded.
we have pretty simple rules here on the sift:

Milton Friedman about getting Congress to do as they should

BansheeX says...

God, this site just has the same uneducated people spewing socialist nonsense and even going so far as to smear mostly agreeable libertarians like Friedman. The Shock Doctrine is complete poop, there is no other way to say it. Anyone who recommends that book has probably read absolutely nothing from any libertarian ever. Here's a crash course on how utterly illogical and distorted that book is:

GeeSussFreeK: People whom desire power to rule over others are usually of the type that are corruptible; even Obama is a professed pragmatist (as opposed to an idealist). It isn't a new problem either.

Looks like someone is dangerously close to understanding the best political system. We're not supposed to be a democracy, because there are some things that no one should be able to vote on. 99 people shouldn't be able to vote away 1 guy's property because they don't like him. That basic truth gives way to the realization that we need to be ruled in some form by a benevolent dictator that can't easily be corrupted. That is the idea behind a republic: the constitution is nothing more than a paper dictator. Our dictators were highly intelligent people for their time, battled tyranny, and debated lengthily about how much power the Federal government should have over the states. Read the Federalist Papers, sometime. I don't think our schools bother to assign it anymore. People and judges still have to obey the paper dictator, however, and it's largely been subverted over time because it isn't clear enough in places. You can spend years studying how and why and dream of a replacement knowing what we know today. That most of the people on this forum still don't understand anything I've said in this paragraph is just flipping amazing. I would pay money to watch Friedman's zombie corpse debate the likes of anyone on this forum, because you're clearly not even 1% as capable of rational thought.

It's fucking scary how people on this forum associate neocons and libertarians. Modern day liberals and neocons are practically the same, it's the libertarians who are different. It's the libertarians who are saying "no, we don't think corporations should influence elections, but it's THIS unconstitutional power being exercised that's enabling that kind of influence." We understand that the market largely self-regulates because greed is offset by fear of loss. But when the government tries to eliminate fear by bailing out failed management with money appropriated from healthy businesses, insuring deposits on every bank, price fixing interest rates, and guaranteeing loans, rampant fraud and speculation ensues. DUH. Certain groups are always trying to offload their risk to someone else through the government, including debt to a future generation that hasn't been born yet. DISABLE IT ALREADY. FUCK. Politicians aren't efficient with money because they have no fear of losing what they didn't have to work to obtain. Again, DUH.

Kirk Cameron Plugs the Atheist Bible

Weather Channel & 30000 scientists sue Al Gore for fraud

GeeSussFreeK says...

Historically speaking, warming temperatures globally have increased habitable lands; producing more flora & Fauna. I think this positive fact is greatly overlooked in this debate of warming. Climatology is pretty interesting to me, but they still can't predict the weather for next week, or even general things like which year will be a big year for hurricanes. Trusting either sides "science" with our current weather models I think is fool hearty.

I am all for clean technology and such, I see filth as something to be eliminated. But the debate on this stuff seems to gotten all out of scope of what we seem to really know about the weather.

When climatologists can actually predict what the levels of all hurricanes will happen next year, then I will start to take what they say serious. Otherwise, I am going to treat it like the great asteroid in the sky that is on a crash course with us that we haven't seen yet, I am not going to think about it.

Sarah Palin Thinks the Media is Breaking the First Amendment

Trancecoach says...

First amendment was, first and foremost, written to allow the media access to their elected officials. If Miss Palin would like to re-write the Bill of Rights to serve a political purpose, then -- well she's overdue for a crash course in modern civics.

Sexy new Lara Croft model revealed


Eyes of Samir-Soon to be released Horror Film-WTF

choggie says...

Posted this, but the intention was to find the beheaddings of Daniel Pearl, and Nick Berg, Lest we for get who the enemy of civilization is-
We need to stop the bullshit, and start using the correct language to describe the phenomena we are experiencing....
The fact that these incidents surrounding the induviduals named in the tags previously described, are not shown on television, and discussed, is enough to warrant a collective ass-kicking delivered to each and every Human on the planet, who is either unwilling, or unable, to process the reality of the enemy.
Too disturbing an image???? This one is fake, but the others are carried out daily on non-islamic peoples everywhere in the world there are living, breathing, Hammass and Hezbollah, devotees of a retrograde religion of dissinformation-
America needs to see this, because America is on a disfunctional, passive-agressive, politically correct, crash course with destruction. Our ability to communicate truth or meaning has already been traded for a pathetic alternative...Newspeak-to a degree that Orwell would have never dreamed...
"Wake up pussies, lets kill the roaches before the world is infested further with "these that cannot be saved", the generation taught to hate.

Choggie's Done

Horror of "Reeducation" Programs for Troubled Kids

sfjocko says...

"This is a documentary made by a french team (not sure who exactly) specifically highlighting WWASPS programs, focusing ... all » on Tranquility Bay but still covering all of them, and the whole industry of similar places (estimated to be roughly a thousand in number) around the USA.

It features video of children tied up in dog kennels in "High Impact" which used to be in mexico, but is thankfully now closed, a secret video of a girl whose clearly broken (if not brainwashed) still in tranquility bay, and an interview of a teenager who was in various WWASPS programs from 12-15 (19 at the time of the interview) who looked as shell shocked as a war veteran.

Its informative, shocking, and something every american should see - a thousand gulags for our children, teenagers and young adults is NOT something anyone should tolerate, and its a good crash course in our "behavior modification" industry. However, unfortunately, the video only glosses over the "seminars" and how they are used to effectively brainwash the people in those programs, and their families."

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