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How to do CPR

How to do CPR

deathcow (Member Profile)

Super Sexy CPR

Super Sexy CPR

Palin thinks climate change is "snake oil science stuff"

Wingoguy says...

>> ^Farhad2000:

Americans will invent it?

Why is that funny?
Some good ones, in chronological order:
Suspension Bridge,Refrigeration,Morse code
Steam Shovel, Vulcanized Rubber, Motorcycle,
Phonograph, Cash Register, Solar Cell,
Photographic Film, Skyscrapers, Radio,
Zipper, Tractor, FINALLY coming to the 20th century...
Air conditioning, Airplane, AC plugs and sockets,
Supermarket, Liquid Fuel Rocket, Frozen Food,
Particle Accelerators, FM, Digital Computer
, Microwave Oven, Transistor,
Mobile Phone, Supersonic Aircraft, Video Games,
Cable TV, CPR, HDD,
Industrial Robots, Videotape, LASER,
Carbon Fiber, Weather Satellites, GPS,
Heart Transplant, Cordless Phones, CDs,
Airbags, Lunar Module, WAN, PCs,
Microprocessors, Floppy Disks, Email,
Digital Cameras, Ethernet, MRI,
BBS, Internet (not WWW), Space Telescope,
DVRs, Composite Aircraft...whew that was fun. Thanks for egging me on, troll, and if you use any of the above, thank an American!

Pulse Jet Combustion

MaxWilder says...

As I understand it, fire requires fuel, oxygen, and heat (or an ignition source). My guess is that the patterns of flame appearing in the jar have to do with the movements of air (which contains about 21% oxygen) into and out of the jar's limited opening.

Also, while we do exhale CO2, a normal inhalation/exhalation cycle does not nearly use up all of the oxygen in that air. It still contains approximately 15% oxygen, which is why CPR works. So if they had used up all of the oxygen in the jar, a breath into it would reintroduce oxygen much more quickly than a normal air current would.

How to Resuscitate a Nude Model!

Seric says...

>> ^Hybrid:
That's Gunther von Hagens in the background and at the end of the video, the guy who does the artworks with cadavers. This leads me to believe that this has come from one of his Channel 4 live autopsies or biological documentaries on UK TV. They use nude models (male and female) to illustrate key things to the audience at different points throughout the show.


>> ^Jinx:
>> ^RadHazG:
I'm not sure why she's naked either it doesn't really make any sense. As to the audience acting so calm its probably because its a British program (programme!) and surprising to most americans, in europe a womans body is just a body. While we in america go nuts and riot over janet jacksons brief half second patsy covered blurry tit, in europe nudity is no big deal, nor is sexuality in general. At least its not nearly as big a deal as it is here.

I dunno about that, you wouldn't see this programme before 9pm I think.
Why is she naked? Errrrrrrr...not 100%, but I think the comment above is correct. The corpses weren't clothed, so why would the living ones be either. Frankly I'm a little disappointed the Red Cross instructor was clothed and didn't check to see if the tongue had fallen into the girls throat with her own tongue.

I used demonstrator models for CPR in a water rescue course, the models will be naked as it's easier to see the rib structure and determine the the point of the sternum. It's vital that you're compressing the correct area for CPR to work effectively, giving the visual aid of being able to see where on the body to place your hands for resuscitation is a useful way of making sure first time learners (quite a few of the audience I'd imagine) will have a clearer idea of what to do and how to do it properly. Learning basic anatomy in situations like this are key, as you can apply what you know to all sizes and shapes of body rather than a guess of 'about there is good'.

The Abyss Drowning Scene

The Abyss Drowning Scene

gwiz665 says...

Proper procedure for CPR

*Chuck Norris. Bicycle Kick to the chest. Clean remains with mop.
*MacGyver. Construct an elaborate Rube Goldberg machine using a piece of toast, some metal wires, and a rubber hammer. **Bonus points: Build sentient robots of the same materials.
*Keira Knightly. Show your boobs.
*William Shatner. Talk about yourself until the patient walks off in disgust.
*Rosie O'Donnel. See: 'Keira Knightly' and 'William Shatner' combined.

If you are none of these people, the best thing to do is to panic and run around with your arms flailing wildly.

The Abyss Drowning Scene

NordlichReiter says...

Proper procedure for CPR.

* Untrained. If you're not trained in CPR, then provide hands-only CPR. That means uninterrupted chest presses of about two per second until paramedics arrive (described in more detail below). You don't need to try rescue breathing.
* Trained, and ready to go. If you're well trained, and confident in your ability, then you can opt for one of two approaches: 1. Alternate between 30 chest compressions and two rescue breaths, or 2. Just do chest compressions. (Details described below.)
* Trained, but rusty. If you've previously received CPR training, but you're not confident in your abilities, then it's fine to do just chest compressions.

Remember stay calm, breath normally, and use the whole body for compressions. Using the arms will only cause fatigue.

Don't stop CPR unless the patient is moving or Medical Professionals have arrived on scene.

Is This Change?

enoch says...

i want to have diogenes babies.that comment got me fucking sweaty.right on you sexy motherfucker!
messenger shall be forgiven for failure to not know about the bilderberg group,but shall be penalized for not know either the trilateral commission nor the CFR/CPR.the propaganda starts HERE my friend! messenger shall be awarded bonus points for recognizing manipulative "creepy" music..because it was creepy,and now i am frightened.
thinker247 while stating the blatantly obvious shall be awarded 100,000,000 be paid out in one point increments everyday until such time as his demise and or he asks me to stop.
for those of you who did not understand thinker247's comment,i shall paraphrase.
"we are fucked"

Two Strippers Kiss

Obama's Economic Stimulus Plan (Wtf Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

Jake, first great comment.

What the US economy has become is a fundamental symptom of globalization and liberalization of trade markets, historically nations shifted from primary (extraction of raw resources), to secondary (manufacturing) and into tertiary (services and R&D) economies. The UK is a classic example of this shift in economic structure, moving from coal extraction, to textile mills to now financial centers over a large time span.

You are correct in pointing out that the US economy is now mostly a services, consumer and I would add R&D based economy. Now this is not a bad thing from a economics viewpoint for two reasons comparative advantage and trade liberalization.

Nations cannot be self contained and produce everything for themselves, various nations around the world have tried this and failed. Inherently there will be some things, for example, America (entertainment) will be good at and some things that Cuba (cigars) will be good at, the best case scenario is then for both nations to trade between themselves. This is called comparative advantage and it can be in R&D, manufacturing and services and so on.

When the great depression hit, nations around the world imposed large tariffs and trade restrictions that essentially killed world trade, reduced comparative advantage trade. The last 80 years of General Agreement on Trades and Tariffs (GATT) and World Trade Organization (WTO) have been working at reducing the trade restrictions that didn't exist prior to the great depression.

Essentially at the very core, what the US economy has become is the consumer and services dynamo of the world, China has become a large manufacturer and both are dependent on one another for the continual economic growth of the world. Due to trade liberalization and comparative advantage. This is globalization at it's most simplified level.

This is why the bailout is essentially created to loosen the credit and allow consumer expenditure to increase through transmission of economic projects throughout the economy at a fiscal level. We are trying to increase consumer spending, and consumer confidence not to simply rebuild Detroit and let car manufacturers burn through credit.

Now there is alot of complexity and problems that arise at almost every sentence I wrote down, but this is the basic restructuring of the world economy that is taking place and its beneficial for the world as a whole, because interdependence on a trade and economic level would mean increased productive efficiency, use of scarce resources and security.

Yes it is possible it will emerge as a social contract, but what are the alternatives?

Protectionism will essentially undo everything the last 80 years have built, and there were moves for this in the bill which are now being stricken because of a fear of trade war.

Drastic realignment and change in government structure or what I like to call the Ron Paul effect is not political viable in any way, it would necessitate the utter change in government structure and national security profile (since major components involves withdrawal and draw down).

I think the problem is more rooted in the malfeasance of the Federal reserve and its stance towards regulating derivatives and sub prime market mortgages, we had a massive repackaging of toxic debt that was then marked favorably by the very agencies that are supposed to mark out risky packages. There was further failure in the SEC when it came down to clamping down on illegal activities, especially when it came to catching the Maddoff scandal.

I don't believe we will have a massive devaluation in the US dollar as China holds the largest US foreign reserves at this moment, as well as foreign debt along with nations like Japan. They will not want to make America default and collapse as a economic power as the repercussions will directly and severely effect them as well, a key part of globalization.

What is needed is essential CPR to the US consumer sector, but tax cuts alone will not work if people don't have jobs. So consumer confidence and consumer spending must be stimulated through other means, like the federal bailout that is being discussed right now. However I don't think it goes far enough in increasing credit in the economy, you must allow banks to start giving out lines of credit and drive economic activity.

We will see how this situation develops, I think its a hard sell either way and the next few years will be hard not matter what plan is imposed.

Good samaritans' should now have a lawyer with them

MarineGunrock says...

The good Samaritan laws will only protect you if you are performing medical procedures (CPR, first aid, etc) within your level of training.

To simplify: If you don't know shit about CPR and you perform it on someone and end up cracking all their ribs or puncturing a lung because you were doing it too hard, then you are liable.

You don't necessarily have to be doing something medical to be protected. If it's something like pulling someone from a burning car, then you're alright, because it's not a medical procedure. So if someone starts choking and you can't dislodge the obstruction with the Heimlich, don't pull out a knife and try an emergency tracheotomy just because you saw House do it last night. If someone is trapped in a burning car and you drag them out only to dislodge their shoulder, you should be alright because like thain said, they have to prove they would have been better off if you left them there.

I can't watch the video now, but I'll have to catch it when I get home.

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