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Wallaby (Native Of Australia) Spotted In Field In Kent (U.K)

Reefie says...

Apparently the wallaby is called Wesley, who escaped from a farm in 2004 and has been hopping around the nearby countryside ever since. Back in 2009 in the village of Pluckley nearby where this was filmed there was a sighting of a wallaby going over the zebra crossing - that must have looked pretty surreal! This BBC News article describes one family buying wallabies to help trim the garden, got to feel sorry for their postman...

A Technology Trap

westy says...

lol fuck the farm I'd be off to deep countryside and find a good lake or river where its unlikely desperate people would find me and I can live of wild life and general plant life. The sea is another option so much easy to find food on the coast line. Probably be the case in this scanroe that small coastal communities would be the strongest as they would already have the community , food and resources to sustain themselves with virtually no change.

this documentary is really cool as well !

Apple and Foxconn: Who made your iPhones.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Yeah, I think the URL is being broken because its too long for the UI. Link shortened should fix that.>> ^ant:
>> ^longde:
No, I don't mind; money is the primary reason.
I don't see how it's our laws that allow this to happen. I think pressure from US companies and US import laws probably helped to raise working condition, at least a little, rather than the opposite.>> ^marinara:
I really doubt a countryside life is really that hard. more like they need cash so bad. theres' a small difference, i hope you don't mind me pointing it out.
and foxxconn is probably better than a lot of companies.
remember, it's our laws for international trade that allow these people to exploit workers in china.
oh and i tried to fix my link
i'm actually having some problems with the videosift site so i'm not sure if it works

Use I don't think VS like hyphens/dashes. @dag: Any ideas?

Apple and Foxconn: Who made your iPhones.

ant says...

>> ^longde:

No, I don't mind; money is the primary reason.
I don't see how it's our laws that allow this to happen. I think pressure from US companies and US import laws probably helped to raise working condition, at least a little, rather than the opposite.>> ^marinara:
I really doubt a countryside life is really that hard. more like they need cash so bad. theres' a small difference, i hope you don't mind me pointing it out.
and foxxconn is probably better than a lot of companies.
remember, it's our laws for international trade that allow these people to exploit workers in china.
oh and i tried to fix my link
i'm actually having some problems with the videosift site so i'm not sure if it works

Use I don't think VS like hyphens/dashes. @dag: Any ideas?

Apple and Foxconn: Who made your iPhones.

longde says...

No, I don't mind; money is the primary reason.

I don't see how it's our laws that allow this to happen. I think pressure from US companies and US import laws probably helped to raise working condition, at least a little, rather than the opposite.>> ^marinara:

I really doubt a countryside life is really that hard. more like they need cash so bad. theres' a small difference, i hope you don't mind me pointing it out.
and foxxconn is probably better than a lot of companies.
remember, it's our laws for international trade that allow these people to exploit workers in china.
oh and i tried to fix my link
i'm actually having some problems with the videosift site so i'm not sure if it works

Apple and Foxconn: Who made your iPhones.

marinara says...

I really doubt a countryside life is really that hard. more like they need cash so bad. theres' a small difference, i hope you don't mind me pointing it out.
and foxxconn is probably better than a lot of companies.

remember, it's our laws for international trade that allow these people to exploit workers in china.

oh and i tried to fix my link

i'm actually having some problems with the videosift site so i'm not sure if it works

Apple and Foxconn: Who made your iPhones.

longde says...

So many factory workers in Asia, South America, and even parts of the US that make consumer products are subject to these conditions. This focus on Apple obscures that fact that most products people buy were made under conditions some would consider harsh.

As bad as the folks in Foxconn have it-and that is a hard life- if they stayed home in western China, they would have a much worse life on the countryside. There are literally lines of people waiting to take their jobs and benefits.

Mossad vs Assad? 'CIA death squads behind Syria bloodbath'

ghark says...

>> ^bcglorf:

>> ^ghark:
@bcglorf - It's called news - if specific elements of what he says are untrue then feel free to disprove them - all you've done is used his involvement in a 9/11 movement as your 'proof' which is circumstantial at best. Marbles didn't make the video, he posted it, this site is called "Videosift" - a place where, you know, video's can be sifted. If you disagree with the message then attack the facts not the guy who added to the value of the site with an informative video. Unlike journalists where you seem to get your news from, Tarpley has (apparently) visited the country and talked to the people, there would be very few journalists that could give his perspective if this is true.
PS Was wondering when I'd see you next bcglorf, I missed you.

Al Jazeera has multiple journalists in Syria, all of whom are well agreed that the protests all started peacefully and were met with deadly force from the regime. The Arab league, who's member nations each have embassies in Syria with multiple diplomats living in the country, are also well agreed that the protesters were the victims of regime death squads. The Syrian refugees that fled to Turkey are all well agreed that the protesters were the victims of regime death squads.
The ONLY source that in any way corroborates Tarpley's story here is Assad's own media. I do believe that in itself calls into question Tarpley's veracity. When his sole evidence is basically his own word, trust him, I think it worth noting his past record of trustworthiness.
As for contributing, I don't consider propaganda bought and paid for by the Syrian regime a positive contribution to the plight of the Syrian people.

You do realise that people willing to spend 10 seconds on a Google search can verify whether your statements are true or not right?

Back in April alone:
(links available from

The Al-Alam News Network reports that Saudi/CIA snipers are on rooftops firing at both protesters and Syrian forces

CNN reported that an unknown armed group had been firing on both protesters and Syrian forces alike (they go on to presume that it was Syrian forces that apparently opened fire on themselves which I find odd).

China's XinhuaNet reported that armed gangs had clashed with protesters and Syrian forces, killing members of both sides.

The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported equipment from these armed forces had been recovered, there were non-Syrian SMS cards and other tools to spread fake repression of protesters.

Ynet also reported a similar story, finding fake bottles of blood and other items - they reported that "the phones and cameras were carried by members of an armed criminal group that attacked a military location in Rakhem al-Hirak area in Daraa countryside",7340,L-4059951,00.html

The assistant US secretary of state for human rights and labor (Michael Posner) in an AFP report said that the US had budgeted $50 million in the past 2 years to help 'activists' evade authoritarian Governments.

In terms of who the actual gunmen are, there is only circumstantial evidence from what I've seen - some of it is discussed here:

There appears to be links with a group called Gen-next, and there is a precedent to this type of interference with local uprising - that link talks about armed units killing both Thai military and protesters alike in 2010.

And more information on them (with working vids of the Thai attacks) here:

Anyway, it's the same old story with you, your comments are abrasive towards those opposed to your abhorrent ideology and your 'facts' are verifiably untrue. It's a shame because you seem more intelligent than some of the other trolls so you have potential to improve, you simply decide not to.

The real story is that these gunmen are a mystery to almost everyone, they appear to be showing up frequently, they appear to be corporate backed, they don't appear to be part of the local armed forces because they routinely attack them. Making a bold statement about their intentions seems difficult due to the circumstantial evidence against them, however the fact that they are operating in multiple countries and the US is pouring millions of dollars into these kinds of efforts (and has done over and over again in the past) indicates that it is likely not of Syrian origin.

GDGD (Member Profile)

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

Unwind Your Mind: Ambient Journey: Enhanced Calming Music

33-Ft-Long Whale Carcass In English Field a Mile Inland

Rolemodel Cop Finds Gun, Remains Calm

SDGundamX says...


Well, I don't see any reason to be against it if the person has a valid reason for carrying the weapon. For example, if you've got a crazy stalker ex-boyfriend that there's a restraining order against who you think is going to get violent, or if your job requires you to travel from place to place picking up cash and you're likely to be a target for violence, or you live in the countryside and have a good chance of stumbling upon bears/mountain lions/coyotes or whatnot, then it makes sense for you to carry.

But I don't think it's a good idea for everyone to be armed all the time... too much likelihood of accidental discharges, killings over stupid things like traffic accidents, bystanders getting injured or killed by missed shots or ricochets (particularly in urban areas) even when discharging the firearm might be considered appropriate...

The cons outweigh the pros for me. America isn't the wild west anymore. It doesn't really seem to be necessary for most people to pack heat while heading out to the supermarket. If you've got a good reason, then yeah... get your license and carry.

But, like the cop said in this vid, maybe this guy has a legal carry permit and a legitimate reason for packing... or maybe he doesn't. There's no way visually to tell, is there? Why shouldn't that make people uneasy? If he's got bad intentions he can have the weapon out of the holster and be firing rounds in less than a second. I'm not supposed to be worried about that? I'm supposed to assume that anyone who is showing a weapon in broad daylight must have a legal permit and additionally have good intentions for carrying it around? That's an awful lot of faith you're asking me to put in my fellow citizens, many of whom voted George W. Bush into office twice.

Gallowflak (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...


Have a safe flight. Wave to some gorgeous countryside for me. Pat a sheep in my name, if you have a chance!

In reply to this comment by Gallowflak:
I think this deserves a proper response, but I'm not going to be able to write it for a couple of days; I have a flight to NZ in 6 hours and I should really be packing. Sorry.

FPS Russia: 82mm Mortar Fail

conan says...

just where in the hell does he get all the weapons from? he's using all those military grade guns to shoot around the countryside. i'm so glad i live in a country with such strict gun laws. otherwise i'd go hiking in a kevlar vest :-)

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