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What "defund the police" really means

newtboy says...

Thank you....accepted.

The "no good cop" part is's not guilt by association though, it's guilt by being complicit, not turning them in, turning a blind eye, lying to protect the "bad apples"...being accessories after the fact is criminal. Yes, failure to clean their own house makes them bad cops. That's fixable, but only if they clean house...the best, easiest, most thorough way would be fire them all and only reinstate those with clean records, those with complaints need retraining at the least before being police again, many need to be fired. Not perfect, but better than most suggestions imo.
Edit: I do like the suggestion to make it the law that they must intervene if another cop is out of control, and must report it. I also support body cams that can't be turned off, but I want covering them or taking them off to be a felony.

I did say fire them all....but also said to hire them back. That gives us an opportunity to say 'this guy has 27 complaints and 3 multi-million dollar settlements paid out, he's not cop material'. Union rules won't let cops be fired even for cause most times, and absolutely won't allow a national registry of criminal cops. Those facts need to change if the culture is to change.

I agree, there are those few out there advocating no police....I'm just not one of them.

I'm of the opinion that if we keep any of the bad apples, nothing else matters, they'll corrupt the rest. The best way to save the bunch is remove any apples that even LOOK bad....that may leave us with a massive shortage, but that's FAR better than the criminal force we have today, no? One bad apple spoils the bunch...I wish those crying about a just few bad apples understood the phrase they're parsing.

Nothing will satisfy EVERYONE, but it actually takes very little to placate most mobs, just the suggestion that they've been heard is often enough, and why things got so bad. Too often "we hear you" is the only reform, and even that is forgotten as soon as the streets are cleared. I hope this time is different, but I'm not holding my breath.

bcglorf said:

Apologies, didn't mean to misrepresent you. We've debated things before and you seemed to lean to no cop is a good cop because there are so many bad ones guilt be association and failure to clean things up makes them all bad. You'd also said up thread to fire all active officers.

I'll cease trying to word how you feel on it, I just wanted to demonstrate by counter example that not everybody means 'reform' when they say "defund". At a minimum , the degree of 'reform' varies from change some laws and regulations to fire them and start over from scratch.

My comment of being ruled by our 'betters' was meant as a sarcastic dig on them and their abject failure in letting things rot this far and doing nothing.

Finally, my comment on public opinion on solutions being non-uniform was mostly to emphasize that as just normal, and the current status quo is just so unacceptable that it is unifying people from varied points of view to stand up against it. The most important point being that declaring, see nothing will satisfy the mob because they can't agree what to do is a twisted deception and the truth is people want things to be better than they are, and there is as you pointed out tonnes of common sense ways to go about that,

Police Violate Guidelines To Assault Peaceful Protesters

wtfcaniuse says...

Just goes to show if the cops are willing to blatantly lie about events that have been recorded so thoroughly then they're gonna lie any time it benefits them personally or their image.

It's not a few bad apples, it's a few good cops and massive corruption.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

Care to explain how Barr, (I mean Trump according to Barr, although Trump claims it was all Barr, no one wants the blame) first publicly lied claiming that he quit then "fired" (if Trump is to be believed, Barr actually wrote an official letter claiming Trump had fired him, but according to Trump it was a fraud and a lie so he hasn't been fired?) well respected US Attorney Geoffrey Berman who was actively investigating numerous Trump crimes is any different from the lie he told to make you outraged at Biden for interfering in an investigation of the company his son LATER worked at?

....I mean besides the part where Trumpco actually did this unlike Biden, besides the fact that Trump/Barr themselves were actually under investigation by this US Attorney unlike Biden who was never accused of ANYTHING connected with the allegations about Barisma before he was with the company, and unlike the fact that these multiple investigations of direct violations of AMERICAN laws are still underway in American courts unlike Barisma which at the time had no active investigation ongoing at all when Biden consulted for them or when Joe helped get an internationally known corrupt prosecutor removed?

This is what he whined and lied about Biden doing but in spades.

Of course you support him, but I wonder if you can explain why without delving into a Trump fantasy where only Trump's claims are fact despite all evidence to the contrary.

Where's your outrage now? Were you mad at Biden because he removed your country's stooge prosecutor but don't care about Trump because he's only hurting your enemy, America? It's the only logical conclusion.

Trump & Police Lash Out at the Black Lives Matter Protests

Chris Hayes Explains COVID-19 Testing To Trump

luxintenebris jokingly says...

@BK: Come on comrade. 'Checkers' compeers are corruption, conflict, canards, crazy conjectures combined with constant consternation. Any calmness, composure, or confidence is quickly cluttered in the company of his orange countenance.

FEAR is his being.

unless the meaning, the video of d.j.'s mental bleakness, is the means of spreading FEAR - then it's a fair cop.

Bartering For TP

simonm (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

You're fucking dumb. I'm not a hypocrite. Do you know the details of withholding aid in Ukraine?

Do you remember when obama was president how the republican congress and senate was stonewalling everything he wanted? Do you remember complaints about executive orders?

The Ukraine Support Act proposed in 2014 did not make it out of committee in the house of representatives


Obama issued two executive orders as part of a national emergency

There was a separate bill that guaranteed loans that was later passed but distribution of funds was done mostly through executive order in accordance with The International Emergency Economic Powers Act.


Obama actually had prerogative and liberty with which to distribute funds and Biden was acting as his surrogate at the time.

In other words, the law was not broken because there wasn't a law to break that existed.



In 2019, the appropriations committee passed this and made it a part of an appropriations bill which the president (Trump) signed as part of a budget regulation

That is the difference

And it's why Biden can use those funds in a discretionary way and have it be legal, and Trump can use them in a discretionary way and have it be illegal (not just because he's investigating a political rival, because he fucking signed the law that said that he had to do it).


The retort is "what about Obama" but the circumstances are different and as much as, and as simple as, it was not against the law for him to do that because the house and the senate didn't pass a law saying he had to do anything with money for Ukraine, that was part of an executive order which gives him that discretion. Donald Trump could have issued an executive order rather than sign off on that budget And it would suddenly be legal.

^^^^^^^^ Don't misunderstand me. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
^^^^^^^^ Don't misunderstand me. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
^^^^^^^^ Don't misunderstand me. ^^^^^^^^^^^^

I'm not saying he's doing something illegal and jumping up and down and squealing and shitting myself like a housewife discovering daytime television.

I'm making an observation about how he doesn't care about what laws are passed or not in a more general way.

>>>>>>>>>>>>He just doesn't care about following the law.

Still, that's a separate issue from rooting out corruption overall versus bringing the entire weight of the federal government, not to mention the government in Ukraine, on Joe Biden.

Last I checked no executive order no bill no resolution said "Target Joe Biden specifically" And on the phone call released from Donald Trump in the White House there's only one name that's mentioned.

bobknight33 said:

If this was OBAMA you all will being a doing a circle jerk of pleasure that Obama is standing up for America and making others finally pay up.'

Bunch of hypocrites.

Trump Impeached

Trump Impeached

Trump Impeached

geo321 says...

heard a great analysis from a lawyer a while back in that she said there is a flaw in the US constitution. In that it doesn't have a failsaif against a party acting and voting for themselves as a corrupt block

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Wow Big news.

So the tiniest of evidence to open a spy campaign against Trump. OK

But they found nothing and kept on spying. Corrupt Anti Trump which hunt on full display.

No professional bias found. - OK yep. But would one admit wrong doing of this type? Still the IG report was limited in scope.

Will need to see the Durham report next.

IG conclusion: ZERO Russian connection/ collusion/ interference with the election. So much for Trump being Putin's puppet. Serious mis handling / lying of officials to keep the spying / FIASA going.

All in all a Victory for Trump and team.

newtboy said:

Oh no!
Not only was no professional bias found by Trump's own "investigators" (witch hunters) relating to the Russia probe, but turns out Steele and Ivanka were actually friends for a decade plus with plans for a business partnership.
Even Steele had a pro-Trump bias when he started investigating.

Fastest, Easiest Way To Understand The Impeachment Report

newtboy says...

100% Russian propaganda from the Kremlin tied propaganda network.

So much for the excuse that the investigation didn't happen so there's no bribery, right? Apparently it's been ongoing since Giuliani started pushing them in 2016, but the prosecutor investigating was just fired, having found no Biden crimes, so a new investigation can start with a focus on Biden, who's not accused of anything criminal, his boss is.

Bobski, if receiving money from corrupt Ukrainians is a problem, it's one Trump has far worse than Biden....who won't be the nominee anyway. Trump as president directly took truckloads of Ukrainian money from Russian tied Ukrainian separatists, our enemies, (they've been forced to admit it) then did their bidding, firing an ambassador that stopped some of their corruption.

Biden worked for a company run in part by a man that had previously been accused of using his Ukrainian government position to self deal, a crime that's exactly like what the Trumps have done in China, Scotland, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Canada, and elsewhere. His father, Joe, as part of an official public bipartisan American and international policy then pushed to remove the corrupt prosecutor that man had bribed to drop the corruption case. It's asinine to pretend he pushed to remove the prosecutor to protect his son or his son's boss, to do that he just needed to sit back and let the corrupt prosecutor stay. Only morons repeat this nonsense.

Facts? You don't understand the term, obvious from your posting anything from OAN, the Kremlin's news network that hires Kremlin employed propagandists. *facepalm

bobknight33 said:

Facts??? Not quite.

On the other hand ...

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yep. That's exactly what you hear when facts are presented. That's probably why you don't know any.

No Bobski, you're the commie. We all know you're working for Putin, even if you're too ignorant to know it yourself....but it's clear you aren't really an American, so I think you do know it.

Swamp is slowly being cleaned....of the slimy swamp creatures Trump installed. >91 Republican convictions for every 1 Democratic conviction. Case closed on which party is more corrupt, there's no contest. Trump..Making Attorneys Get Attorneys

Can't wait for the next red tsunami.

bobknight33 said:

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah .

Look commie, you wont be happy until another anti American globalist gets elected. Good luck might happen by 2028.

Swamp is begin cleaned and American see the BS lies from MSM and Trump will landslide 2020

Impeachment Bombshell Ties Trump and Rudy to Ukraine Scheme

newtboy says...

Tantrums don't convince anyone Bobski.

Lol. DNC/SOROS plant! Bwaaaahahaha! Yep, that's just the kind of person who talks shit about the corrupt DNC throwing the election. *facepalm
I don't even know what a SOROS you mean Soros? I honestly know nothing about him besides the fact that right wing nuts believe he's the devil.

Trump's summary transcript proved he COMMITTED a crime (in America we don't say "Trump did a crime") the witnesses confirmed it and gave proof that his actions consistently supported that contention and never contradicted it.

I know you don't know what you're talking about, but I actually WATCHED the hearings. Everyone in the loop KNEW exactly what he wanted, a few directly from him, but most were told to talk to Giuliani for directions and he told them unambiguously. Trump is a long term crook, he knows better than to just publicly say "hey people, we're illegally extorting Ukraine for Russia, everyone get on board, and no snitching."...but he's dumb enough to do it then say "no snitching" to everyone, and call any who do speak up "never Trumper liars", including those who gave him $1million....and/or dumb enough to believe Ukrainian separatists/Russian agents over our intelligence community simply because the Ukrainians/Russians paid him and other Republicans large sums to go along with their anti American scheme.

Lol. You're such a deep thinker that you don't even understand a hypothetical...IF you saw him rape and murder young boys, you would be here blaming the boys.

Bob. If you think you're a thinking man, you prove my point....son. You are as far from a thinking man as one can get, you're a brainless sycophantic infant that only regurgitates the obvious self serving lies of a narcissistic infant...or far more likely a Russian troll based on your at best tenuous grasp of English and willingness to support and spread any Russian created conspiracy theories.

LMFAHS. You're just too funny.

bobknight33 said:

You troll so much it obvious you a DNC/SOROS type plant.

Again, not 1 witness Shift brought forward can factually claim that Trump did any crime.

Beat you troll chest as much as you want there is no there there.

Every day Democrats point a finger at Trump it gets smacked down by truth.

You need a #walkaway moment. Come to you senses son.

?????????????????? Trump rape and murder young boys then defend him. ??????????????? WTF what false lie are you pushing .
No wonder you not worth reading. Such drivel.

Stay in your garden and leave hard thinking to men.

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