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Trump and the GOP Rocked by Bombshell Woodward Tapes

newtboy says...

No, you call b.s. or fake news whenever a true but unflattering fact comes up about Trump, which is all the time thanks to his bottomless pit of corruption belching up proof every day.

Don't you find it odd that EVERY ex employee is "disgruntled" and a never Trumper...His "best people"...and his administration is the most unstaffed ever, most departments headed by "acting heads" because he can't find anyone dumb enough to work for him but competent enough to pass confirmation.

You've rarely said anything truthful, even more rarely intentionally said anything truthful, but on those rare occasions I applauded you. The truth can't be squashed. My calling (nobody pays me) is to squash harmful lies, and Trump and the Trumplings have had me working double time 24/7/365 since before taking office (when Flynn committed subversion to make sweetheart deals with Russia contrary to Obama's official positions and sanctions against them)

bobknight33 said:

I claim BS when BS comes up. With the fake news it every day. So yea I use it alot.

Newt you must be a leftest tool. you allways quick to respond as if this is you only job to squash truth.

Samuel L. Jackson Bashes Trump Supporters

surfingyt says...

"Common side effects include Racism, Sexism, Nepotism, Corruption, Collusion, Xenophobia, Homophobia, Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism, Hypocrisy, Delusion, Gullibility, Paranoia, Fascism, Greed, Rage, Hate, Fear and Mullets.... destruction of the economy, the Constitution, the ecosystem, the idea of truth, the post office, and basic human decency"

This list of Trump supporter side-effects seems short.

Fox News Confirms Trump Called Vets "Suckers" and "Losers"

wtfcaniuse says...

I can see the reasoning behind your belief. The issue is that it stems from thinking the media YOU watch isn't fake or at the very least biased. You need to understand that mainstream media is biased but the sort of fringe media that you partake in (and others on the left) is pure unadulterated propaganda. If that is all you consume then you will have tunnel vision.

Lets agree some media wants Trump out and they are running stories that only show him in a bad light, twist the facts or outright lie in order to make him look bad.

What reason did they have to do similar stories on Trump's corruption, adultery and general cuntishness for decades before he was President?

bobknight33 said:

Sound like he has the smoking gun. Lets see it.

Yet not 1 FOX new clip confirming YTY.

Yet not 1 clip from any news source.


2 more months of lies from secrete source or Anti Trumpers,"close aids" etc etc etc.

Trump hates blacks
Trump hates women
Trump hates Gays
Trump hates military
Trump hates poor people
Trump hates everyone.
Trump raped more woman
Trump watches other men F his wife and J Off.
Trump raped little boys
Trump raped little girls
Trump has perverted sex dungeon in secrete side room in WH and many on this properties.
Trump and Putin lies
Trump and China lies
Another investigation by Adam Schiff

Fake news has no choice but to super dump on Trump next 2 months because they know he will win by a land slide and they need to stop it by all means necessary.


newtboy says... delusional fool.
That's not an answer, it's the same fact free nonsense stupidity you started with.

Every claim, every word is true.
Do you deny Ivanka got a gift of patents worth millions? She did. They bragged about it.
Do you deny Trump owes China money? He does, prove he doesn't.
Do you deny his trade wars cost America tens to hundreds of Billions in losses and tariffs? They did.
Do you deny his trade talks failed? They did.
Do you deny Kevin Bacon was in Footloose? He was.

I can't find a word in it that's untrue, but I expect nothing less from you. You can't factually declare any statements untrue statements with evidence or facts so, like a two year old, you just claim it's all untrue and think you won an argument, but you have lost both the argument and your adulthood.

You still haven't said what's untrue, and claiming it's all untrue is just so stupidly infantile I feel bad for you, but it's the best you've got without direction on how to answer, isn't it?

So sad, Bob. You've got nothing but insist you're the one with everything. You don't bluff well, Bob. Grow up.

I expect you deny Trump's stated lust for Ivanka as a YOUNG girl, I expect you deny his multiple fraud convictions, I suppose you deny his lifetime ban from charities due to charity frauds, or his children. I suppose you deny his having more felons in his cabinet than any two previous administrations, and more convictions while in office than any three combined. I know you deny that tariffs are paid by the country that enacts them, but they are. I expect you deny his trade deal fell through, it did.

That covers weak and corrupt thoroughly.

You have an established pattern of denying facts and spouting lies, so if you agreed with the truth it would instantly come into question. You saying it's 100% un true is a great indicator it's 100% correct.

bobknight33 said:

I did 100% un true

Bull crap

White supremacist Kenosha County Sheriff david beth

BSR says...

Well, let me just say I hope the offer for your startup pans out for you at some point. Sounds exciting.

But, as it seems you might be stuck here, maybe you can still add your voice to help clean this "shithole" up. After all, Trump is only helping the cancer grow and in this country there are tons of good people that can stop this corruption in it's tracks and I think you are one of them. I don't know what your status is or if you can vote here but, for the most part I think you would enjoy being a part of bringing this creeping cancer of corruption down even if you're only one voice in the choir. One day you will be able to say you helped clean up America. Don't let defeat be an option.

Again, good luck with your startup.

StukaFox said:

Naw, previous to the fucking idiot at 1600 completely botching the Covid response and turning America into the laughingstock of the world, a US passport would have gotten me to Lyon, France, where I had a job waiting. Thank fuck Estonia wants my start-up in their country, which at least offers me a way into the EU and away from this unspeakable shithole.


newtboy says...

Exactly what is untrue?
You won't reply because you can't answer, and Trump hasn't given you an answer.
Weak and corrupt are Trump's traits, too weak to walk down a ramp, too weak to keep his lust for his young teenaged daughter private, too corrupt to beat multiple fraud charges, too corrupt to ever be connected to a charity ever again because of massive, pervasive frauds, his children too, his cabinet even more so.

There is none so blind as he who will not see, and you're hiding in the basement closet, eyes closed and blindfolded against seeing anything bad about Trump.

So ridiculously stupid and dishonest, Bob. Just dumb. I know you're incapable of investigating yourself, but you insist on spouting your ignorant theories as facts constantly knowing there are people here who will investigate and castigate you over your intentional dishonesty. Stop lying.

bobknight33 said:

Weak and corrupt is Biden's middle name.

100% *lies


Acceptable, Under the Circumstances

luxintenebris says...

pretty fair.

rather have competent, caring, compromising (to get problems addressed), near-the-center leadership. rid america of crazed, corrupt, callous, craven cowards that prefer power over contentment.

tho' seeing higher education, sane healthcare, and a tax structure that provides for all the necessities of running a country...if that's a revolution - then joe missed the mark.

(see there? complaining about joe & ain't in office yet! not about the party, it's about feeling good enough to want to party!)

problems want to have...
- road surfaces so smooth, have to fight the impulse to nap
- primary education so effective, 8yr-old takes over doing the taxes after seeing last year's submitted forums
- healthcare so affordable, have no reason to see doctor...when too broke, embarrassed, or there are needles!
- an employer that pushes you to work harder w/"are we paying you too much?" & you know the bastard is right.
- hoping your mandated paid vacation time isn't so long you forget how to say 'you want fries w/that'
- keeping your voting selection secret because you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings 'it was so hard! all were so worthy! have to choose someone?!"

BSR (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

I never denied saying that. I'll say it again if you like.

"You common cry of curs, whose breath I hate
As reek o' th' rotten fens, whose loves I prize
As the dead carcasses of unburied men
That do corrupt my air, I banish you!"

"Swerve me? The path to my fixed purpose is laid with iron rails, whereon my soul is grooved to run."
-Herman Melville

"That Edward shall be fearful of his life,
And then, to purge his fear, I'll be thy death.
King Henry and the prince his son are gone:
Clarence, thy turn is next, and then the rest,
Counting myself but bad till I be best."

"All that most maddens and torments; all that stirs up the lees of things; all truth with malice in it; all that cracks the sinews and cakes the brain; all the subtle demonisms of life and thought; all evil, to crazy Ahab, were visibly personified, and made practically assailable in Moby Dick. He piled upon the whale’s white hump the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down; and then, as if his chest had been a mortar, he burst his hot heart’s shell upon it."
-Herman Melville

“Destruction is a form of creation.”
-Graham Greene

I should probably thank @bobknight33 . Now I know why people cut the tongues out of some men.

BSR said:

No, I've got documented proof that you wrote, and I quote, "FUCK YOU".

A signal that you have accepted their anger as your own. Now you prepare to give it back to them in War Games.

"A strange game. The only winning move is not to play." - War Games

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" - Isaac Asimov

The winner of a fight does not make him the best man.

The round goes to bobby.

Edit: BTW, If we have to "teach those dumb rednecks a lesson again." then I guess we didn't get to the heart of the problem the first time.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Holy crap Newt,

Keep drinking the fake news media that all is ok, all is fine , there is never a chance of wrong doing.

Vote in person, minimize corruption. Also there should be a voter ID, but the left keeps stopping it,Why? So they can cheat.

newtboy said:

You moronic brain dead slugs, you're contradicting the Bob that was on duty yesterday. You need to read each other's trolling notes and get on the same page or you just prove you're imbeciles.

Because Trump said it doesn't make it true, in fact it's good evidence that it's false. In this instance, it's 100% pure bullshit, which you would know if you had two brain cells to rub together.
Just yesterday you sent a link to an article about all the mail in votes disqualified through the checks they must pass (checks and balances are a different thing, part of our system Trump has been actively dismantling his entire term, Americans know that, Russian trolls can be forgiven for their ignorance of American political systems).

Vote by mail is as regulated as in person, both at registration before the ballot is sent out and before it's counted.

Jesus Christ, don't you remember? It was YESTERDAY you took the position that far too many votes were disqualified by the regulations when they were checked, today you claim there are no regulations and no checking.
WTF Bob. Get your position straight, don't just spout nonsense, it makes you ripe for ridicule, and you know I'll oblige.


The Looters

moonsammy says...

And you know what? I'd love to hear your excuse for this one. Is it now ok for a president to direct government funds to be spent in a manner that directly benefits him, when it's more expensive and less reasonable than other options? Do you support open grifting? Is it only ok for this president?

bobknight33 said:

That was ordered Obama Admin and deliver under Trumps.

Go blame someone else.


How it Starts

newtboy says...

Had he said anti fascist, he would have gotten 1/5.
To be honest, 1.5/5 because I do support some level of socialism, but I know he's talking the failed Venezuela style of absolutist dictatorial socialism where a totally corrupt government simply nationalized industry then mismanaged the nation into bankruptcy, not the kind we already enjoy in America that creates and funds our infrastructure, social services, military, and in fact our government that rarely converts private holdings to government property (stealing people's land for Trump's fence notwithstanding), that coincidentally is also leading the nation into bankruptcy due to criminal mismanagement.

Antifa is not really the same thing, it's barely a thing, and exactly what it is or isn't isn't a game I'm getting sucked into, it's a trap.

People can claim it's anything and pretend it's your (or my) responsibility to prove them wrong, but antifa as a movement (there is no organization by that name) is so open, disparate, unfocused, and undefined (imo all by design) that saying you stand with or against them only opens yourself to accusations of supporting anything under the sun (including the multiple acts of terrorism perpetrated by right wing extremists masquerading as antifa) with no clear defense. I'm not playing that game.

I am definitely anti fascist. I reserve my opinion on antifa until it's properly defined, which is likely never.

ForgedReality said:

EVERYONE should be anti-fascist, but Trump supporters LOVE fascism. So there's that...

(Antifa just means anti-fascist, idiot.)

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

newtboy says...

Don't pretend to be so oblivious.
The gallery is one person making decisions on who to allow to hold private rallies in secret at her establishment, and she chooses Nazis and white power personalities. I thought you support taking individual responsibility.
The Nation of Islam, and I'm no fan at all, is a huge, multinational organization of millions I assume lead by some form of committee and encompassing a wide range of views and opposing extremes....They did not all choose to be associated with that one extremists nor did they all agree with him by far, then or now, only some did. That's similar to the same question but changing "nation of Islam" to "America". Obviously that's comparing apples to the president's drag queen makeup.

I won't comment much on Canada blm because I don't know them and don't choose to take the time needed to sleuth out some truths about them, but assuming what you say is correct it sounds like they have some racism in their midst that they should weed out before they become the monster they wish to destroy.

Brett Stevens, did you read any of the links? Or my quotes from them? Did you visit, his website, or his blog amerika? (i won't) Do you have a clue who he is and the racist mass murderer he celebrates?

They have a right to speak, the crowd has a right to protest and take any civil legal action they choose to remove the soapbox from their neighborhood. I never said different. You must have confused me with the protesters.
They don't have a right to shout or hold their signs emblazoned with their stupid wrong things intended to provoke at a protest and attempt to spark violence, even if they cleverly camouflage it so on the surface their message seems agreeable, which is what I think was his intent. If successful, he would gain more fuel for the argument that the racists and Nazis planning a violent race war aren't the problem, it's the fascist liberal grandma shovers and sign thieves we should really be worried about....just like the boogaloos in America that caused many if not most of the riots, shot cops, and planned multiple mass murders and bombings all of which they intended to pin on blm.

They don't actually need any place to speak today, there's a soapbox in every cellphone.


This facility was holding their alt-right events in secret, hiding their speech itself. They wanted it hidden. You can't bemoan their voices being silenced while also defending their secret rallies which no one who might confront or correct them was told happened, can you?

And side note
The government isn't stopping them, so it's not censorship before that idea crops up.

Again, your bar for crying violence in this instance is subterranean. No one would ever be prosecuted for the level of violence without injury that he suffered, nor compensated for his miniscule loss of cardboard. Do you see him hit, kicked, punched, shoved hard, anything? Time stamp please. I'll change my tune if he was actually injured, I didn't see it anywhere, just his sign yanked after being slowly shoved away from one specific spot.

Could you honestly say ANY right wing event, especially any alt-right event infiltrated by a fairly quiet blm activist with a sign bemoaning police corruption would be as gentle and non violent? Edit: I doubt it.

The point of this video as presented is to pretend that's the case, that the shove from grandma is societies downfall, a direct attack on freedom not a rejection of a defender and facilitator of racists and Nazis (if he's not one himself). The Nazis and racists resurfacing and arming themselves (happening here in America) are nothing to be upset about or oppose....they're good people, not like disgusting anti free speech granny and those other freedom haters.
I'm astonished I'm apparently the only one willing to object to that long ago debbunked distortion of reality.

The Walk.

newtboy says...

Not strictly, as I pointed out in multiple ways.
Do you contradict anything I said, or are you switching to a constitutional interpretation discussion to avoid it?

If they don't, he vetos, back to square one. It's happened, but it's rightly seen as a total lack of governance and dereliction of duty by congress to not negotiate and pass a budget that will be signed, so become law. Not sure that's possible anymore, the negotiating with the president part I mean.

They can, if 2/3 of them are willing to push it through twice.....good luck with that anymore.

We were discussing veto, and overriding vetoes.

Not the timeline I recall, but I'm not willing to dispute it.
Did you note how often the Obama administration complained that investigations into Burisma and it's founder were dropped, they never tried to stop an investigation. Did you note Biden wanted Shoken out because he shelved investigations into Burisma and Mykola Zlochevskiy ? Did you note that the UK found nothing illegal when they investigated?

Did you note that Hunter was hired before the investigations (by corrupt Russian prosecutors, btw) mentioned in the article had started, so couldn't have been hired to get them stopped? Impossible according to that timeline.
Did you note there was never any hint that he tried to stop any investigation?
At the time he was hired, there was no investigation to stop....and if he was hired to get American help with future investigations that backfired badly because we went after investigators that DIDN'T investigate or dropped cases, not ones that made cases or investigated thoroughly.

Most importantly, did you notice that there was NEVER any investigation into HUNTER for Biden to try and stop, as is the claim. None at all. Nada.

scheherazade said:

The constitution puts purse authority strictly in the hands of congress. Congress can pass any budget it pleases.
Reviewing any budget submitted by the president is a courtesy, not a requirement.

Actually, congress can pass laws that require (or forbid) the president to do things.

I am not discussing veto. I only mention it as one of the few presidential powers - and that I'm glad he has it, as it means less laws on average.

edit, According to this timeline, Hunter was working there since April 2014, in time for all the investigations.


What "defund the police" really means

newtboy says...

Thank you....accepted.

The "no good cop" part is's not guilt by association though, it's guilt by being complicit, not turning them in, turning a blind eye, lying to protect the "bad apples"...being accessories after the fact is criminal. Yes, failure to clean their own house makes them bad cops. That's fixable, but only if they clean house...the best, easiest, most thorough way would be fire them all and only reinstate those with clean records, those with complaints need retraining at the least before being police again, many need to be fired. Not perfect, but better than most suggestions imo.
Edit: I do like the suggestion to make it the law that they must intervene if another cop is out of control, and must report it. I also support body cams that can't be turned off, but I want covering them or taking them off to be a felony.

I did say fire them all....but also said to hire them back. That gives us an opportunity to say 'this guy has 27 complaints and 3 multi-million dollar settlements paid out, he's not cop material'. Union rules won't let cops be fired even for cause most times, and absolutely won't allow a national registry of criminal cops. Those facts need to change if the culture is to change.

I agree, there are those few out there advocating no police....I'm just not one of them.

I'm of the opinion that if we keep any of the bad apples, nothing else matters, they'll corrupt the rest. The best way to save the bunch is remove any apples that even LOOK bad....that may leave us with a massive shortage, but that's FAR better than the criminal force we have today, no? One bad apple spoils the bunch...I wish those crying about a just few bad apples understood the phrase they're parsing.

Nothing will satisfy EVERYONE, but it actually takes very little to placate most mobs, just the suggestion that they've been heard is often enough, and why things got so bad. Too often "we hear you" is the only reform, and even that is forgotten as soon as the streets are cleared. I hope this time is different, but I'm not holding my breath.

bcglorf said:

Apologies, didn't mean to misrepresent you. We've debated things before and you seemed to lean to no cop is a good cop because there are so many bad ones guilt be association and failure to clean things up makes them all bad. You'd also said up thread to fire all active officers.

I'll cease trying to word how you feel on it, I just wanted to demonstrate by counter example that not everybody means 'reform' when they say "defund". At a minimum , the degree of 'reform' varies from change some laws and regulations to fire them and start over from scratch.

My comment of being ruled by our 'betters' was meant as a sarcastic dig on them and their abject failure in letting things rot this far and doing nothing.

Finally, my comment on public opinion on solutions being non-uniform was mostly to emphasize that as just normal, and the current status quo is just so unacceptable that it is unifying people from varied points of view to stand up against it. The most important point being that declaring, see nothing will satisfy the mob because they can't agree what to do is a twisted deception and the truth is people want things to be better than they are, and there is as you pointed out tonnes of common sense ways to go about that,

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