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The European Refugee Crisis and Syria Explained

CaptainObvious says...

Might be lies but an fyi:

"The Saudi Foreign Ministry challenged the charges by issuing official numbers that are impossible to verify independently, saying "the Kingdom has received around 2.5 million Syrians since the beginning of the conflict." A Saudi scholar told the BBC that thousands of Syrians receive free health care and education in Saudi Arabia.

An op-ed in the New York Times by Yousef al-Otaiba, the UAE's ambassador in Washington, contested the widely reported statistic of "zero" refugees in the Gulf. "Since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, the U.A.E. has welcomed more than 100,000 Syrians, joining 140,000 already residing in the emirates," he wrote. "The Emirates' per capita commitment to the Syrian crisis exceeds virtually every other country's participation."

Turd Ferguson

Isaac Caldiero's Epic Ascent of Mt. Midoriyama

newtboy says...

I couldn't figure it out at first.
It did give him the time he had to beat, but on stage 4 I don't think either of them did anything besides their absolute best to go fast (guy 1 certainly didn't TRY to just make it by 1/3 of a second). At first I was thinking that it was like the other stages, he was trying to see how others might do it, but then I realized it's simply climbing a rope, and it's incredibly unlikely either would change their strategy based on how the other contestant climbed. At that point, the only reason I could see for wanting to go second is he got that extra few minutes to rest between stage 3 and 4...and that makes sense to me. Those extra few minutes of rest might be all it took to give him the win.

lucky760 said:

Yes, I totally missed that. Thanks for filling me in. That makes a huge difference.

My guess is the choice to go second was for the money (again, in typical American [and not Japanese] fashion) because if he'd gone first then Geoff would have had the benchmark to beat, and that's a big motivator.

Cameraman on a Segway takes out Usain Bolt

Fairbs says...

That's the first time I've ever seen someone driving a Segway at a sporting event. I'm not trying to contest your assertion here, I just haven't seen it. To me it still seems like a really stupid idea and irresponsible both for the camera person and the employer. Drive this vehicle, but don't pay attention to where you're driving so you can get that 'shot' that you could have gotten had you been walking. Not to stir the pot too much, but if there are thousands of people doing this, I'm surprised other athletes haven't also been assaulted by out of control Segways.

ChaosEngine said:

Once again, it is literally his job description to look somewhere other than the direction he's going. Thousands of camerapeople do this at sporting events the world over. If you have an issue with that, it's the employer's fault, not the guy who was just doing his job.

Now, that said, even though it's an accident, he's certainly responsible and more importantly, liable (although technically, I'd imagine the liability would fall on his employer).

None of which would excuse punching the guy. If Bolt had punched him, "feeling bad about it afterwards" would be the least of his problems. Obviously, it depends on the jurisdiction, but generally, losing your temper is not an acceptable defence for assault, unless he had reasonable grounds to say that he was defending himself somehow.

San Antonio football players target ref after a bad call.

vil says...

Accepting it and moving on is the only solution. Refs make mistakes and do not see everything.

They have supervisors. You can bring it up with them after the game - unless its something safety related or systematic or incredibly immoral there will likely be no repercussions.

If you want to play you have to accept the authority of the ref for the duration of the contest. On the field you can not beat the ref. Even if you knock him out of the game someone will take his place and you will end up hurting yourself more. All protests after its over. You can stop playing if the ref is dangerously incompetent.

BoneRemake said:

What repercussions does a ref have when they make bad calls ? as I understand it the ref's word is THE word of footballgod.

Other than laying the guy down, which was pretty obvious, what other solution is there other than accepting it ?

This Much Will Kill You

robbersdog49 says...

It's fucking tragic. The family got a $16,500,000 payout from the station, but I'm sure they'd much rather just have their mum back.

"Those people that are drinking all that water can get sick and possibly die from water intoxication," Brooks said, to which disc jockeys replied they "were aware of that" and that contestants had signed a release "so we're not responsible."

The organisers openly said that they knew it could kill the contestants but they don't care because they signed wavers so it's their fault if they die!

spawnflagger said:

remember the radio show where they had a water drinking contest?
a nurse called in and urged them to stop, and the DJs laughed it off.
the contest winner died the next day.

This Much Will Kill You

spawnflagger says...

remember the radio show where they had a water drinking contest?
a nurse called in and urged them to stop, and the DJs laughed it off.
the contest winner died the next day.

You have no right to remain silent in Henrico County.

newtboy says...

I didn't think I 'switched back' to anything. It's been my position all along that the only one in the wrong was the cop, and that his behavior of not talking, while rude in normal society, is prudent, proper behavior when dealing with law enforcement, and the advice given by numerous high priced lawyers.

Part of living in a 'free' society is we must accept the restraints it puts on law enforcement, and the loss of some ability to keep us 'safe'. The founding fathers understood that clearly, and made sure it was clear they intended it to be that way. To paraphrase Franklin, 'those that would give up essential liberty for a little temporary 'safety' deserve neither'. In a free country, in the contest between a citizen's rights and law enforcement's ability to do their job, the citizen should always come out on top, even though that's more dangerous.

Is he really on the 'watch list'? Would that be just because he's an activist? If so, that kind of inclusion is exactly what's made the 'watch list' a bad joke rather than a real tool against terrorism.

Without people putting their freedom in jeopardy to do this kind of 'audit', an audit the cops unsurprisingly failed miserably, the right to not self incriminate (and many others) would be gone...these officers believed it already WAS gone because apparently no one had ever stood up to them before. The camera was necessary because without the proof of the entire interaction, he would NEVER have been released without charges. It sucks ass that we need people to do this, but obviously we do. If we didn't need this kind of public 'testing' (because the cops act properly), this video would be pretty boring and uninteresting.
That's why I don't see him or his behavior as being a 'tool'. Others make cops 'nervous' all the time, people without the resources and knowledge to come out of the situation on top who end up in jail for not breaking any law, but just making cops nervous just because of how they look, or because of their personality, or other factors beyond their control. Hopefully this public 'shaming' will stop others from being accosted over nothing.

Babymech said:

Please don't keep switching back to saying that what the cops did was wrong and making it seem like that's what we're in disagreement about. I'm fully in agreement with you that what they did was wrong and illegal in Virginia, and would be in a little more than half the country. In all the 24 states with stop and identify requirements, their actions would have been legal, but not there. I'm not arguing that what they did was correct, professional, or legal - I've never said that. This is why I asked you to consider what this guy would be like if he hadn't been arrested, to take their behavior out of the equation for just a sec.

(to be fair, if we take the extreme opposite scenario into consideration - if somebody had driven a truck full of explosives into the FBI building the day after, and the media finds out that a lone white man with a gun holster and a camera, who's on the terrorist watch list*, had been standing in full sight and filming the federal reserve and the FBI all day before, the cops would most likely get pilloried for not detaining him)

The only place thing that we disagree is on his personality, which I aver leans towards the 'tool' end of the spectrum. He can be right and a tool. He went out of his way to provoke a reaction, in what he and his peers call a "first amendment audit," and tried to make cops nervous to see if he could catch them overreacting. That kind of behavior is what drives the implementation of harsher anti-citizen legislation.

*I doubt he's actually a terrorist; he's just on the watch list.

Armenian girl sing "Fifth Element" Opera live on The Voice.

newtboy says...

Amazing. I didn't think a person could sing that song without digital help.
Really, only one of them wanted her on their team!?! Now I want to see the other contestants they think have more potential than this girl.

Mhairi Black: 20 year old SNP MP's maiden speech

dannym3141 says...

Fantastic and right - the Labour party abandoned the people; they were so out of touch that they couldn't even persuade some 16 million people to keep out the nasty party. That's why Jeremy Corbyn is doing so well.

For only 3 quid a Labour supporter can vote for Corbyn in the leadership contest. Take the Labour party back from the career politicians and weathercocks.

Shia LaBeouf Motivational Speech: Toonami Edition

Amazing use of shadow and light

Mountain biking with no chain

Girl Eats 2.2lb Burrito is 1:44

Strength Is A Skill You Acquire, It's Not Only About Size

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