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Mystery Science Theater 3000 - You Think You Know TV?

moonsammy says...

Wait, did they only do one live show? I got to go because a friend won a 4-pack of tickets by calling into a radio contest while he was grounded. Best grounding ever! Had no idea that was a one-off. One fact I learned at the show: Joel's jumpsuit had the bottom parts of the legs cut off when they were damaged in a fire, so while you never see it, he's always in shorts.

Liberal Redneck - Muslim Ban

transmorpher says...

My counter is the previously mentioned authors who have spent there lives researching and living the things they write about. I'm not referring to their work to be condescending or to have a pissing contest. I've mentioned previously that anything I say will just be a poor regurgitation of their work, and it's a massive time saver for both of us when I can just refer you to them.

Yes I have an agenda. It's to stop this madness from both the left and right. The right are a lost cause, but the left can get there.

enoch said:

i would say we disagree but i cant even say that.
you didn't counter ANYTHING i said,you just accused me of being dishonest.

which has been pretty much your position this entire thread.i thought i was doing you a solid by laying down some history,which helps explain some facets of radical islam.

notice my wording:facets.

do you realize that i taught comparative religion and cultural religious history?
do you realize just how foolish you appear to me right now?

you want to counter my not countering my argument,and implying i am being dishonest.

ok sweetheart,
i think i see the problem here.
YOU are seeing the dynamic through a singular lens.

you want to ignore the historical implications and simply focus on islam itself?
ok,that's fine.
i find it stupid,short sighted and incredibly biased,but whatever..

yoooou have an agenda to get to don't ya?

then let us just strip the dynamic of ALL historical implications and focus solely on islam itself.
(which is why you mentioned Maajid Nawaz, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Sam Harris, Hitchens )
you clever clever boy...
i see what you did there../ruffles hair.
you are SO adorable when you are being myopic and lazy!

so what would you like to discuss?
how islam is in desperate need of a reformation?
or maybe how the original intent of islam from a spiritual perspective was hi-jacked by his cousins and turned into a political conquest machine,that subjugated ...

you know what?
why am i bothering?
you have revealed yourself to be a condescending,sanctimonious know-nothing.who read a couple of books and thinks he 'get's it".

no read sam harris.

look man,
i am not here defending islam,because as religions go,islam is kinda shit.
but to ignore how neoliberalism and american interventionism have amplified,and worsened and already crappy situation.

that's not even intellectually dishonest.
that is just plain lazy.

whats next?
you gonna do some 'thought experiments" and try to argue that at least america's "intentions" were nobel?

you WERE! weren't you!!

and this little revisionist nugget "Those countries have had problems long before any western intervention."

oooh really?
because,unlike YOU,i actually know the history of that region.
so if you want we can compare how some cities and countries were considered "progressive" and even "liberal",and even some (granted,only a few) that were considered "secular" *gasp*.

how about this,instead of me repeatedly taking you to the woodshed to give ya some of that "learnin",how about you just go look up the history of kabul,afghanistan.

that's it.just one city.

and then come back and tell me that neoliberalism,colonialism and good old fashioned empire building hasn't been a major force in the rise in fundamentalism and radicalization in the middle east.

it looks like you really ARE going to make go all the way back to the dark ages!

and dude..seriously..hitchens ROCKED,but sam harris?
no..juuust no.
i don't do apologists as a counter argument.

edit:i will say that i agree with this "There are actual muslims (such as Maajid Nawaz)that say islam has a problem(especially particular strands of it), and it needs reform. Embracing the muslims who want reform is the only way forward."

you mean that islam may need a reformation?
*gasps*/clasps hands to face.
didn't i fucking already SAY that?

ah well,foiled by my pedantic ways.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

A Mathematician's Perspective on the Divide

harlequinn says...

Interesting hypothesis.

She should probably give more credit to the generation above her. It's the same old miscalculation and underestimation I see time and again. The generation above her are just as adaptable, caring, etc as her generation but in different circumstances. They are the ones who brought the world together for her generation to enjoy (they invented just about every high tech thing she enjoys).

Nice condescending line there too, "statistics tell us Trump voters are uneducated". Implying they have no education. Perhaps she should have said less educated.

"Older voters didn't grow up with the internet". True. A group of older voters invented it though. And the rest adapted to using it just fine.

"Teach older folks about climate change". FFS. Really? Perhaps if she looked she'd find that the scientists leading the charge on climate change are "older folks". They've been doing it since before she was born.

"And how to sort out hoaxes on the internet". Like younger people are any better. Lol.

Actually getting a little bored now. She's provided no data to back up anything. Just a stream of consciousness diatribe insulting just about anyone over 40. How thoughtful of her. Not hypocritical at all.

Side note: there was no competition to win the popular vote. You can't win something there is no contest over. Hillary received more of the vote we call the "popular vote". She didn't win anything. Just like you don't win the most yards gained. It is just another metric that has zero bearing on the outcome of the competition.

John Oliver - New Email Probe

Drachen_Jager says...

That still doesn't cover it. I've seen this claim, it's just spam from Trump to Alfa bank.

That doesn't explain why traffic peaked at important campaign moments.

It doesn't explain why the server on Trump's end suddenly went offline as soon as Alfa Bank was informed the connection was under observation.

It doesn't explain why there was as much communication coming FROM Alfa as there was leaving Trump's end.

It doesn't explain why the pattern mimics the usage of humans (computers don't sleep, they spam 24/7).

It doesn't explain why a NEW server on Trump's end opened for business a few days after the old one shut down and the VERY FIRST communication with another internet node was with Alfa Bank.

It's not 100% lock evidence. But, coupled with Trump's echoing of Putin policy positions, get rid of NATO, cede Ukraine, support Bashir al Assad, AND the fact that he's had three close advisors who have had direct financial and personal connection with Putin or Putin cronies (not to even mention his own financial dealings in Russia, which he won't reveal, even though he acknowledges that he's got "a lot" of money from Russia), I'd say it's pretty damning. Certainly more damning than anything in Clinton's e-mails AND the implications are greater. Clinton probably skirted the rules to benefit herself. Trump is almost certainly working as a Russian agent, even when it conflicts with American interests. I'd say that's no contest.

Donna Brazile: My mama taught me to follow the rules

newtboy says...

To bad they decided to forget this moral outrage this cycle, or we would have a different Democratic nominee and it would be no contest. Instead they decided that this time, ignoring and changing the rules would be the preferred methodology, the only method possible to make their friend 'win' the primary, leaving us with a 50/50 chance of president Trump, and a 100% chance of another 4 years of partisan deadlock and further division. The Republicans are already saying that if she wins, they'll be fine with only 8 justices for 4 years and won't even hold hearings on nominees.
If not for the likely alternative this cycle, I would say the Democrats deserve to lose and absolutely should not be rewarded for the underhanded bullshit they pulled. Lucky for them, the Republicans have countered her with the only person they could find that's almost certainly worse in every way, and a bunch of congressmen/women that support him. The dems have certainly lost my support until they clean house and figure out some reparation...maybe a pre-emptive backing of Sanders for president in 2020?
Before someone tries to spout some b.s. to try to shame me, a no vote for Clinton is NOT a vote for Trump.

You're F*ckin' High

MilkmanDan says...

These things seem to continue to ignore Jill Stein.

And in doing so, they miss an important point: Johnson is the "spoiler candidate" for TRUMP. In other words, the chances of votes for Johnson swinging the plurality of votes in a hotly contested state in favor of Clinton are massively higher than swinging such a state into favoring Trump.

Stein is the spoiler candidate for Clinton. But die-hard Democrats should be pleased with her poll numbers being low, which suggests that fewer usually-Democrat voters are looking for an alternative option than usually-Republican voters. In other words, the Democrat party is currently more unified than the Republican party.

...But before patting themselves on the back too hard, they should remember that perhaps the only reason that their historically disliked candidate is more unifying than the GOP option is that he is even MORE historically disliked. A dubious distinction at best.

I think I'll stick with my protest vote (for Stein), thank you very much.

Looks Like Trump is Now Peddling Russian Propaganda

Drachen_Jager says...

Well he does say he has no 'smoking gun'.

The thing is, nothing he said is proof, but everything he said follows logical steps and a chain of verifiable evidence to a conclusion, which cannot be said of the 1001 supposedly 'disqualifying' offenses the GOP claims Clinton's been party to. Olberman's story is exactly what investigative reporters are supposed to do and exactly what they've been failing to do in the US for decades now.

How come we're just finding out about Trump's past rapey comments now? Why wasn't the media asking those Miss Teen USA contestants about their experiences until this week? The media has fallen flat and Olberman is one of the few trying to prop it up again. Hell, he's not even a real journalist, he's a sports reporter. Maybe that's why he missed the part in Journalism school about rolling over for big money and special interests like a lap dog.

His conclusions may be questioned, but he is clear from the report they are HIS conclusions, not verifiable facts. I see nothing wrong with that.

radx said:

On a personal note: Olberman throwing accusations at foreign governments without solid evidence while claiming that WikiLeaks "hacks Podesta's email" is not helping his credibility. He's always been prone for exaggeration, but at a time when your military is bombing people in nearly a dozen countries and you're fighting a proxy-war against a nuclear-armed superpower in Syria, going off on an almost McCarthy-ite rant is not helping.

Looks Like Trump is Now Peddling Russian Propaganda

radx says...

I'm basically done with defending WikiLeaks as well, after the shit they pulled with the leaks of Turkish data. Completely irresponsible, that one.

However, WikiLeaks doesn't need credibility -- the data does. And the data they published vis-á-vis Clinton/Podesta/DNC is, as of now, solid. There was one fake document, but that was shown to have been injected by someone other than WL.

"Strong bias" -- oh, I do have a strong bias. Plural, as in biases, actually. For instance, I'm disinclined to take anything the US intelligence agencies say at face value, given how they manufactured more than one casus belli. I don't put much weight into (un-)official statements in general, but especially since all the misinformation they spread about issues like the coup in Honduras or the actions of Nazi militias in Ukraine.

In this particular case, however, my argument is much simpler: Occam's razor seems much more likely than malicious intent. Propaganda outlets on both sides are run by people. Maybe the propaganda outlet Sputnik intentionally twisted the content of email, or maybe they just fucked up, like people are wont to do. Maybe someone intentionally fed Trump this bad info, maybe his people are just as incompetent as he is.

There are too many parts in this that include people who have more than once proven themselves to be utterly incompetent, or in complete ignorance of even the concept of truth. I don't think Trump gives a shit about truth or facts, he strikes me as the typical blowhard who spouts whatever shit comes to mind, and spins stories on the fly like a 4-year-old when caught red-handing.

No need for a conspiracy there, with all this incompetence, naiveté and plain disregard for facts.

So when they keep on pushing the Russian angle in this, it just seems like a desperate attempt to conjure up the old unifying enemy. Why worry about Russian propaganda when there's plenty on FOX and MSNBC/CNN? Why worry about Russian hackers when you accept the unbelievably insecure method of eletronic votes, partly without paper trails, and completely controlled by private companies?

It's just very strange to an outsider like me to see them focus on perceived external influences when the internals are a complete clusterfuck. And this presidential election is the biggest clusterfuck I've seen in 30 years, which doesn't mean much, admittedly.

That said, we can't just be looking at it from the outside with binoculars, not when people are back to full-blown Cold War rhetoric. When the ruling class in the US and/or the ruling class in Russia start their pissing contests and other forms of grandstanding, it's usually brown people who pay the price, like they have been in Syria for the last couple of years. And Libya. And Yemen. And Somalia. And Afghanistan, And Iraq. And Pakistan.

Personally, all the rhetoric about "standing up to Russian aggression" and similar nonsense makes me keenly aware that the bridge just outside my hometown was constructed with a shaft to place explosives in, to slow down advancing Soviet troops... so yes, I would very much like to bitch-slap all these warmongerers on both sides, but particularly the ones in the US since they are currently the ones racking up the highest death toll.

Edit: I should have made it clearer. Yes, WL is absolutely biased against Clinton and they do seem to act in support of Trump. Assange in particular. Which bums me out to no end, since I actually met the guy in person when they presented WL at the 26C3.

Januari said:

I wouldn't in any way suggest that Olberman's credibility is unassailable, however i wouldn't put it one iota above wikileaks anymore.

Your own fairly strong bias not withstanding, i completely understand why wouldn't trust government bodies. However Greenwald's article (as much as i got through) seem to hing entirely on that premise that you can't prove this all hatches from some shadowy russian agency or from the desk of Putin himself. And on that he is probably right, even if US intelligence has proof they'd like not publicly air it.

But to ignore the body of trump's comments, people who've worked for him, his own dealings and associations, isn't 'helping' either. And to do it you have to really want to believe in an organization which increasingly fails to meet its promises and seems to be operating under its own agenda, and a man who seems far more interested in promoting his brand.

To me the point of the video is to demonstrate how easily it is to manipulate Trump, and certainly nothing i saw in that article you posted dissuades me from that.

Olympian Sacrifices Chance To Win Race To Help His Brother

hazmat22 says...

I know that if you didn't have rules like that you would start to see people abusing it for gain, but it does warm the heart to see an actual kind thing done and then allowed at the pro level.

Of course whoever was in 4th wanted to contest it but the guy lost in in the last 1% of the race and he also obviously ran until total collapse, I am glad it was ruled this way!

Ecuador's Got Talent Bullies 16 Yr Old Atheist

Info Wars/Alex Jones vs TYT/Cenk Uygur

dannym3141 says...

The whole lot of them acting like a bunch of fucking kids, not a single one deserves any praise for how they acted. But I don't know how anyone can criticise the two idiots screaming at each other, waving their arms around and go on to credit the idiot screaming fat fuck making the entire thing worse. Ready for a fight? She was my hope to be the sensible one in this testosterone filled dick measuring contest. She's a social justice advocate, you'd think she might not body shame someone. This is bread and butter for her rivals, they'll use this against her for years - hypocrite!

Spitting, swearing, screaming, gatecrashing, name calling, physical intimidation.... they have all damaged their own reputations.

This is why people don't give a flying shit about politics anymore - they all act like children. This isn't how civilised people behave.

It also makes independent news sources look like sensationalist, fringe bullshit. TYT should be ashamed, this is exactly what the establishment wants - discredit the independent news, ween the proles back on to the mainstream propaganda. It's not just their reputation they're fucking with. You all gave them exactly what they wanted!

New Poll Numbers Have Clinton Far Behind And Falling

newtboy says...

More endless cranial rectosis from these idiotic Clinton (and therefore in reality Trump) supporters that would rather put her up as the nominee and lose to Trump than be honest, follow the rules, and have a fair election.

He didn't lose....there was never a contest, it was totally rigged for her in every way possible, and now we have MORE proof of that. Where's the apology from all the asshole Clinton supporters that were angrily and snidely deriding and denigrating Sanders supporters for the claim there was collusion and unfairness in the DNC? Haven't heard a single 'mea culpa' from anyone, just attempted deflection of 'The Russians did this to help Trump' but not a single 'this is really bad and unacceptable from a political party' or even a BP style "we're sorry". Fuck you braindead underhanded people. You are handing Trump the presidency with your bullshit lies and cheating.

Clinton should be disqualified for cheating, and anyone involved should be barred from politics for life. Instead, she's already given Shultz a cushy job for handing her the nomination.

robdot said:

More endless whining from these wah baby Bernie supporters, the fucking primary is over. He fucking lost. There won't be a do over.

lurgee (Member Profile)

WeedandWeirdness says...

I just posted one for ya sugar smack, and will message you some more. I am not too concerned about votes, getting to find out about killer shit to listen to is better than winning any popularity contest in my opinion. It's also why I <3 the Sift so much!!

lurgee said:

It's not a huge collection. Mainly 12" remixes and a few promotional ones. My treasure is three U2 4pack 7" vinyl. Consisting of early demos from "Boy" to my fav "The Unforgetable Fire". I have only seen one one eBay. A few of the tracks have never been offered on digital or on cd format. You are welcome. Post some more music. They never get many votes. I enjoy sharing music and always crave new sound.

oblio70 (Member Profile)

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