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eric3579 (Member Profile)

M923 5 Ton Stump Pull

sixshot says...

yep, now that's hardware there. When you need to pull a stump, don't be a retard and use a consumer or even a "prosumer" truck. Military grade or bust.

>250000000 Gal. Of Radioactive Water In Fl. Drinking Water

bcglorf says...

Did some more digging.

We breath an average of 11,000 litres of air per day:

That amounts to 11m^3 per day. So if you lived in a basement with the highest acceptable radon levels, you'd take in 11*150Bq worth per day, or 1650Bq per day. If the prior Idaho reference numbers follow, then living in a basement on the upper limits today is the same as drinking a kg of this undiluted waste water daily.

From that angle it looks like the 'radioactivity' problem is pretty tiny, given that even undiluted you have to drink a fair bit to match current standards for daily radon exposure.

Taking Personal Responsibility for Your Health

eric3579 says...

And here is the problem in discussions like this. How we define words like rarity, moderation and negligible. The problem i see with this discussion is it seems like its more about winning than understanding. I think we can all agree on whats generaly healthy.

@transmorpher the issue i have is that you have shown yourself to be anti animal product NOT for health reasons necessarily although you are touting that, but for moral reasons. Its hard to buy into your sincerity regarding health when you feel consuming animal products is morally problematic.

And i believe that basing your diet on being plant based (fruits,veg,beans,nuts, very limited processed foods and animal products if any) is by far the best way to go for general health.

This is just my belief based on what ive read and my personal experience that left me in awe of how a healthy diet could make such a difference in my life physically and mentally. You think you know whats up, but then you realize you had no idea after you actually do it. This is my experience with diet.

transmorpher said:

I wouldn't consider once a week as moderation. I'd consider that rarely.

I also don't admit that there's no risk. There's a negligible risk, which is different.

Reduce Your Emissions by up to 50% With This One Trick...

AeroMechanical says...

As I understand it, people taking a hot shower every day represents a very significant portion of total consumer energy usage. We really shouldn't do that, but meh, at least in the US you are more or less socially obligated to.

Big Sugar, Big Money, and the Truth about Heart Disease

notarobot says...

So, Big Sugar was conspiring to misinform the public of the dangers of consuming their product? Sounds like the kind of thing that might be done by someone like Edward Bernays...

*conspiricy *science (because of discussing how "scientific" results can be manipulated by money.) *quality

For more info on what sugar actually does, see Robert Lustig's talk, "Sugar: The Bitter Truth."


The Terrible Truth Behind the Food Pyramid

poolcleaner says...

Good luck in your quest for supreme enlightenment. For only the enlightened may consume condensed light. Until then you're stuck eating and drinking barbarian substances with the rest of us heathens, you unenlightened bastard.

Babymech said:


LiquiGlide: Nonstick Coatings Leave Zero Waste Behind

Fairbs says...

I'd assume that the waste is worth more than the cost of the stuff that makes it come out so the consumer would 100% be willing to pay the added cost.

The companies make less because of no waste so they would logically resist this.

Debunking Hydration/Dehydration - Adam Ruins Everything

Digitalfiend says...

So are we not supposed to preemptively hydrate when performing intense exercise in adverse conditions?

For instance, I've done 40-60 min cycling time trials (or any prolonged FTP effort really) in 30-35c+ (ambient) weather and have noticed that if I don't properly hydrate, I'll stop sweating part way through which can lead to a loss of performance. I've never noticed cramps but I can lose up to 4-6 lbs of water over a hard 2 hr ride in the heat. Since I sweat a lot when I workout, the heat doesn't bother me too much but I do need to drink more. Is it possible our brains are not tuned to quickly respond to a rapid loss of water, like during a hard cardio workout? Therefore, drinking water when you feel thirsty might only be a good recommendation when you're performing at low- to moderate-levels of exertion.

I agree that most people are likely not dehydrated but not consuming water during a hard cardio workout seems like bad advice.

Next Level Humans - exurb1a

poolcleaner says...

Um... duuuuh? Except that all of this already happened and we aren't even human in the first place. We're just living in the Genetic Robot AI Hive Mind Matrix.

Individuality went out of fashion -- but now it's back in style! A little too late now that we've merged into one huge mass, but that's what the Matrix is for, right? Simulated individuality.

Without the belief that we are separate humanoids, the genetic robot AI hive would never function as anything other than a meat grinding war machine that consumes all matter for no reason other than to exist and expand.

We have to remind ourselves how bad it would be by simulating the horrific tragedies of our past. We must hold onto our humanity in order for this supreme godlike progress to continue. Never... forget... we were once human... We're also competing with the Firstborns who may try and fucking wipe us off the intergalactic star map. Fucking monoliths! Grrr..!! *shakes simulated fist at the simulated sky*

FOR THE SINGULARITY! All hail the godlike engineers who put these safeguards in place!!

But, um, can you make me more rich in this fake existence? Someone important -- like an actor.

Oh... oh, I am? It's like the Matrix meets the Truman show? Okay, cool, but uh maybe a little more privacy please.

Wait... you can read my thoughts? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu -- I did NOT mean what I was thinking last night. Honest, Genetic Robot AI Hive Mind, honest! I would never... never ever ever ever hack into the matrix again and cause an entire world population to take part in a bukkake. Not ever... ever again.

Sorry, Genetic Robot AI Hive Mind, sorry! My sincere apologies.

But srsly, 7.4 billion people at one time. You gotta admit, the simulation was worth at least one run through --

Ok ok, back to my fake human worldly worries. Pretending all sorts of dumb stuff to impress and not annoy other pretend people pretending their pretend inward selves are fully represented in their pretend public facing persona. Right, it's a tooooootally real world.

So real. So strong. *flexes*

Mandela Effect | Braces MISSING From Dolly in Moonraker 1979

TheFreak says...

I remember Dolly having braces and not having braces. I remember the Berenstein bears and the Berenstain bears. I remember the FBI agents in E.T. having guns and I remember them holding radios. I remember the sky blazing away and the mountains melting and all life turning to ash as the sun expanded and consumed the earth. I remember the great obelisk in the sky...and not in the the seas boiled and did not.

I am not pan-dimensional.
I am not omni-universal.
I am not immortal.
I am inevitable.

Or really, really not paying close attention to my surroundings. Whatever.

No Man's Sky Expectations Vs. Reality

Jinx says...

I'm not sure I really fault the developers that much, although I hear the PC release is a fucking hot mess atm... Some of the complaints come across as, "The developer should have warned me it wasn't going to live up to my completely unrealistic expectations".

Why is it that when people see a trailer for a movie that view it with a degree of healthy skepticsm, but when its a trailer for an enormously ambitious game made by a small studio with a release date 2 years or so away people lose their fucking minds. And its not even just poor lil jimmy consumer, the game/tech press apparently forgot the lessons of Spore completely in 2014. I guess hype gets more pageviews?

I imagine that in 5 years time they'll be hailing another messiah that has apparently created an entire universe because maths. Turns out being God is actually quite a difficult feat. WHO'D HAVE THUNK? -props to whatever divine may exist btw - we're really struggling to create a sequel that justifies the original.

On the plus side the soundtrack by 65daysofstatic is ace. Their music probably contributed in a large degree to the "success" of that E3 trailer, so, you know, maybe it wasn't completely unrepresentative of the final product.

RedSky said:

I funny the broader furor about this game hilarious. Developer previews game without showing any meaningful gameplay, progression or storyline. Then people are shocked, shocked the game contains none of these things. This train wreck was predictable as hell, right down to the committed fanboys digging in their heels. I hope this is features as a tech demo on the latest 3DMark.

shagen454 (Member Profile)

lurgee says...

My 4 year old cat just recently started to eating his kills. A few weeks ago I watched him consume a rabbit. Last week I was chilling on the deck and he presented a dead mouse. A minute later there was only a puddle of blood.

shagen454 said:

I can't wait for those cats to grow up and eat that thing

Woman Refuses to Leave Uber Car

Babymech says...

I think the argument is not that his behavior is stunning etiquette, but it is understandable and his frustration is relatable. Optimally he would've just sat in silence, or driven around to the other entrance, but all things considered, her behavior was more unacceptable. Or to put it another way - this was three minutes out of their respective days. There may be an infinite number of circumstances on either side that we don't see, that would swing our opinion either way. However, if we ignore their emotional states, and just look at the principle, she was dead wrong.

If a restaurant or movie theatre wants to kick you out in the middle of a meal, you can't stay. If a hotel wants to kick you out at 2 am (and lets you pack and take your stuff), you can't stay. That's why they can call the cops to get you out if you refuse to leave - because they have the presumptive right to decide who stays and goes. You have no right to call the cops and ask them to stop the owner from kicking you out, because you have no fundamental right to stay there.

I am not going to say that you're trolling, and your arguments are not unreasonable or dickish, but you're wrong. (In principle) you have a number of potential recourses that you can choose when a proprietor asks you to leave. (in principle) refusing to leave is not one of the options you have any right to exercise.

We can come up with scenarios where it could be argued that you should be allowed to refuse to leave:

1. You're staying at a ski lodge and you will die if you are kicked out into the cold. Then we're no longer talking consumer rights but emergency / health and safety rights.

2. If you leave the premises, you would lose all your other means of recourse, for example if you don't have contact or identifying information for the business you're at. In that case you can ask for that information, and then leave.

In principle, however, sticking around isn't an option, and there's no sane reason why it should be an option. If the business in question doesn't have a valid reason for kicking you out, you get to sue them afterwards.

ChaosEngine said:

Yes, disagreeing is trolling.


What? That's acceptable behaviour when someone does something you don't like, right?

The science is in: Exercise isnt the best way to lose weight

transmorpher says...

If governments are serious about the obesity epidemic, they need to encourage people to eat real whole foods by any means necessary. It would certainly help stop the spiraling health care costs that many governments(and insurance companies!) pay for.

I'm not sure whether this strategy would work, but since poorer people are now more obese than richer people, it tells me that the price of certain foods has a lot to do with what people consume. So my solution would be to subsidise healthy foods such as brown rice, whole meal bread / pasta, potatoes, corn breads, legumes/beans, and of course vegetables and fruit so much, that they cost almost nothing, while at the same time taxing foods that are clearly associated with obesity and illness. That way people still have a choice to eat unhealthy foods, but they are paying for their healthcare costs upfront, while having easy access to healthful foods.

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