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Robert Reich Defines Free Speech (hint: it's not money)

MaxWilder says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

All too easy, Slapnuts.

Now deny it cause the stats don't come from

>> ^ChaosEngine:
>> ^quantumushroom:
Drug use, rapes, murders and random deaths are in every camp, all the attendant chaos one would expect when socialists, anarchists, code pink commies and feed-the-flames libmedia descend anywhere. These protestors are not even 1% of the 99%.

Citation needed, motherfucker.

Idiots put all their links in an image, so you can't click on them and read the reports for yourself... hmm, I wonder why?? Oh, it's because there were no reported murders in the links! And no reported rapes in the links! Lesser events? Yes, a few. Completely unrelated events? Why, yes, several!

Here, for your reading pleasure, are all the links the right-wing crypto-fascist zombie airheads can come up with to marginalize the "dirty hippies" on the lawn:

Links originally from Pundit Press:

From Oregon Live: Primarily about a man who showed up at Occupy Portland, dismissed it as "an eyesore" and criticized its "lack of cohesion", and was arrested within days for starting fires. Also includes a few other accounts of minor drug posession, disorderly conduct, a weapons charge, and arrests of people for charges unrelated to the Occupy camp. Occupy Portland had a problem from near the beginning with homeless people joining the camp, and there were no services from the city or state to help them.

From Denver Post: A man who made an impassioned speech in favor of the Occupy Fort Collins camp was arrested as a suspect in an ENTIRELY UNRELATED arson charge.

From Gawker: A military veteran died of a self-inflicted gunshot, and the city used it as an excuse to halt all camping.

From Fox News: A "rash" of reports that consists of 1 accusation of sexual abuse and 1 accusation of sexual assault in Zuccotti park, 1 accusation of sex with a minor in Dallas, and 1 alleged sexual assault in Cleveland. Fox inflates this to "nearly a half-dozen" reports. The article also includes a number of unsubstantiated rumors of destructive behavior by Occupy protestors in various locations around the country.

From Komo News: A man accused of indecent exposure (completely unrelated to the Occupy movement) is arrested when spotted taking part in an Occupy Seattle protest.

From Redstate: Blantaly right-wing opinion piece which includes a number of links purportedly supporting the premise that the Occupy movement is full of criminals. The very first link is about the police entrapment on the Brooklyn Bridge. One of the links is the above piece from Komo News about an unrelated exposure charge. And another is about how Iran supports the Occupy movement (fear the boogeyman!).

From Reuters: This article is about the man shot by Berkeley police in a computer lab at UC Berkeley. No ties to the Occupy movement at all. But the Occupy protest was nearby, so it must be related, right???

From ABC News: A man is arrested for firing an assault rifle at the White House. He "may have spent time with Occupy D.C. protesters."

From The Daily Cardinal: Link broken; defaults to University of Wisconsin's Daily Cardinal homepage.

From New York Post: Article is about theives preying on the lack of security at the Occupy camp. Apparently all that police overtime is really helping...

So! All these articles, and they amount to... a few isolated issues that don't nearly account for all the numbers posted, and a couple of them are for unrelated charges where the person might have been caught in or near an Occupy event.

My overall analysis: Aside from QM being full of shit as usual, it's time to let the camps go. They made a splash, but now they are just being used as fodder for the right wing lie-machines. There are just too many unrelated crazies that come to the camps and interfere with the message. It's time to Occupy the polls, and put the energy into publicly supported legislation.

Robert Reich Defines Free Speech (hint: it's not money)

Deadrisenmortal says...

Man, I gotta tell you quantum, life must be hard with you spending your days rolled up in a ball of seething hatred.

I totally agree that the OWS movement was dealing with an undesirable element within their ranks but I don't think that we should be tainting the intent of the entire thing because of it. Just as I feel that it is wrong to persecute everyone who wears an expensive suit as being a heartless corporate swindler. If you remember the Tea Party had their own undesirables showing off swastikas and spouting racial and religious hatreds.

One thing that I would like to point out about the comparison between the Tea Party rallys and the OWS protests is that on one side they were organized and supported financially by corporate and political interests to the extent of even being bussed in to the locations and the other is a barely held together movement with no obvious leaders or focal point with little support or backing from anyone but a few wealthy sympathizers.

I dislike all protests and civil unrest in general but I can see how some people might feel it necessary. Sadly, in the end it always seems to come down to a bunch of people just like quantumushroom on both sides of the argument hating each other, neither side willing to walk a mile in the other man's shoes.

>> ^quantumushroom:

All too easy, Slapnuts.

Now deny it cause the stats don't come from

>> ^ChaosEngine:
>> ^quantumushroom:
Drug use, rapes, murders and random deaths are in every camp, all the attendant chaos one would expect when socialists, anarchists, code pink commies and feed-the-flames libmedia descend anywhere. These protestors are not even 1% of the 99%.

Citation needed, motherfucker.

Robert Reich Defines Free Speech (hint: it's not money)

Robert Reich Defines Free Speech (hint: it's not money)

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Drug use, rapes, murders and random deaths are in every camp, all the attendant chaos one would expect when socialists, anarchists, code pink commies and feed-the-flames libmedia descend anywhere. These protestors are not even 1% of the 99%.

Citation needed, motherfucker.

Robert Reich Defines Free Speech (hint: it's not money)

Overly dramatic old lady (should win an acting award)

hpqp says...

I guess it is also thoroughly commie of me to prefer "E pluribus unum", eh.
>> ^VoodooV:

>> ^hpqp:
Is it legal to have a giant "In God We Trust" sign in a government building in the US?

Sadly, yes, it is the legal motto of the US. Thank you McCarthyism. Obviously you're a communist for even asking the question.

Occupy Chicago Governor Scott Walker Speech Interrupted Mic

Ryjkyj says...


Post as many links as you want. An endless supply of horseshit doesn't support your point at all.

Here, you can do some reading for a change. Because you obviously didn't read any part of the actual studies that the "articles" in your links refer to.

Arbitrarily adding on dollars to the wage amount to account for job security? Counting the money that public employees pay into their benefits as part of the benefits package? Completely making shit up out of thin air to satisfy your corporate agenda? They actually state right in their abstract that job security is worth "17 percent of pay", let's forget for a second that that statement doesn't mean anything. If they're implying what I think they're implying, then McDonald's workers are making millions. It's practically impossible to get fired from McDonald's. So why doesn't the study account for all those extra millionaires, hmmm?
Give me a fucking break.

And you're right that the aei study "mentions" education. I thought we were having a conversation about actual facts, not whether or not the word was included in the paper. You're dead wrong in that it uses comparable education levels to determine its conclusions. Making up a number to increase the appearance of public employee pay is not a comparison. Neither is only taking into account firms with one thousand or more people. Just because it says the word education in the paper does not mean it conforms to any scientific standard at all.

Oh, now now it's the union bosses who make "shady" deals behind closed doors. Well, I might agree with you there, but what happened to "the myth of the underpaid public employee"? And what about the fact that it's the politician who makes the deal in the end? If you're talking about thousands of areas where the government overspends, then why do you only focus on "entitlement programs" here on the Sift? You must be rallying about that other stuff on facebook eh?

And speaking of entitlement programs, when did the idea of "helping people" become "communism"? I wasn't aware that Jesus was a commie, but I sure was under the impression that governments existed to help all the members of a society, not just the ones with stock portfolios.

It's not un-American to want to help people. I think you might be the only person under that impression. But it sure is un-American to try and legislate away the right of a group of people to free speech. If you don't like what someone has to say, or if you don't like them sticking up for themselves, there are ways you can deal with them without taking away their rights.

And it's certainly looked down upon, (if not illegal) to make a contract with someone, and then back out because you can't cover your end of the bargain. And you're damn straight the taxpayers have to answer for the decisions of the people they elect to office. It's called accountability, in case you're wondering:

Occupy Chicago Governor Scott Walker Speech Interrupted Mic

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Better read again, because the articles do discuss equivalent jobs. But – because I anticipate (and compensate) for your laziness in advance…

I implore that just once you attempt to penetrate the callus of propaganda that buries your free-thought. Public workers are not underpaid. They are – in fact – paid notably more than private sector equivalents.

The thing that really amazes me about your fight to screw people out of their promised wages

So the public should have to pay for the bad deals made in bad faith by unelected union scalps collaborating with politicians behind closed doors to arrange unrealistic benefits packages in exchange for power, labor dues, and votes? Nope. Not buying it. The public had no say in these deals, and therefore the public has no obligation to pick up the tab when those lousy deals made by crooks go belly up. Public workers should get mad at thier union mafiosos and the lefties that connive with them - not the private-sector citizens who had nothing to do with it.

77 Billion dollars?

That’s just for federal employees. It deals in no way with the many other areas where the Federal government vastly overspends – defense included.

77 Billion dollars is what you're saying is going to bring this country to it's knees? That's your "silver plated budget?" What a crock

The 77 billion is just one example out of literally thousands of areas where government overspending is indeed bringing the country to its knees. But – I never said that alone was the reason for the federal government’s budget failures. On the federal level the blame lies almost entirely on entitlement spending – of which federal employees are a significant portion but certainly not all. Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are the primary offenders there. However, you are ignoring the Illinois example. Illinois’ budget woes are almost entirely due to paying its employee burden of wages, benefits, retirement, and health care. They offer gold plated packages, but don’t have two pennies to rub together.

As an American, you should be ashamed of yourself

Back atcha, Clyde. A real American wouldn't have anything to do with the commie BS crap you are cheerleading. The fault of everything you’re whining about lies at the feet of the liberals who ran these unions and governments into the ground. And you have the temerity, audacity, and gall to complain about grown-ups and other good folks that have to come in and clean up the filthy mess made by your philosophies? Leftists deserve to be pilloried, tarred and feathered, and then run out of the country on a rail for their bullcrap policies because it is leftists that have ruined these people’s lives. It is leftists who end up crushing the ‘little people’ all in the name of big government socialist policies. Leftists do more to squash human dignity and push more people into poverty, ruin, and oppression than any other philosophy in history. For leftists to gripe about conservatives who have to fix stupid liberal screw-ups in order to save the system from collapse is pretty rich. What's your solution? Oh yeah - tax and spend. The same level of stupid that got us here in the first place. The solution is conservatism which means cutting back - and yes that means on stupid contracts made with evil unions that put unrealistic burdens on the private sector.

Mitt Romney's America

heropsycho says...

Dude, look, part of why this country is where it is quite frankly is people blanket refuse to actually think about the issues. I know that's been the case for a lot of people, but it's getting to the point that every political "discussion" turns into a shouting match of "YOU'RE A COMMIE LIBERAL!" and "YOU'RE A FASCIST CONSERVATIVE!"

I got called a flaming liberal because I dared to say the current economic crisis is not Obama's fault. I got called a right-winger the very same day because I said Obama has lacked clear leadership, and has failed in making fundamental change when we desperately needed it.

How can we ever get anywhere if everyone is shouting at each other? This kind of crap doesn't help!

I totally understand why the Democrats would release this kind of ad. It makes sense for them. But we as Americans in general should be smart enough to know it's BS and dismiss it, but we don't.

Here's a slam dunk of the BS in that ad. Romney's vision for the US is a decimated middle class?! WTFBBQ is that?! Look, I understand you believe his policies would result in that, but he believes his policies would have the opposite effect. I even agree with you that I think his policies would do more to hurt the middle class than help. BUT... he doesn't envision a decimated middle class. He doesn't want a decimated middle class. It's just ridiculous.

Scott Brown: Tea Party Patriarch

WikiLeaks Funding Killed By Corporations

Phreezdryd says...

Corporate America: We're plugging the leaks and burning the bridges, and there's nothing you dirty commie hippies can do about it, so just go home and be happy to exist on our ledgers, where you belong.

Frank Capra's American Madness: History Repeats

Phreezdryd says...

Not having seen the movie can I assume that dirty socialist traitor gets his comeuppance, and we learn a valuable lesson about not letting the commie leftist liberal pinkos mess with good old fashioned American capitalism?

From the Directors of htg7ui676, and the Producers of yrte$f

Phreezdryd says...

They know the audience for this is gonna come because the trailer is a blatant sap fest, and the movie itself has nothing more to offer than that. Damn that heartless governor and those godless commies.


The Time to Fight the Death Penalty is Right Now

DerHasisttot says...

>> ^hpqp:

I don't know how it works in Germany, but here the garbage from public trash cans is simply dumped in landfills or burned. Besides, there could also be non-criminals making license plates, etc. The point is not to take someone else's job from them, but to make serving a prison sentence productive yet unpleasant, so people don't want to go back. Right now (in CH at least) if you get sent to jail (extremely rare; most offenders are let off with a fine, often paid for them by the state, i.e. the taxpayer) it's practically a hotel. No wonder so many people are being drawn in by the rightwing xenophobic propaganda.
This discussion is kind of derailing from the video's subject. Feel free to pm me
>> ^DerHasisttot:
>> ^hpqp:
Yes, but that's not what I meant. I meant labour that profits society, not a private run prison system. For example, they could sift through the city's trash (that from public spaces) and separate the recyclables. It's unpleasant but useful.
>> ^DerHasisttot:
>> ^hpqp:
A bit repetitive, but definitely right. The government should not be in the business of killing people, period. Besides, what's so bad about the death penalty? Instead of paying with their life (which doesn't seem to be very dear to some of them) I would much prefer to see criminals productively paying their debt to society, in the form of (very very) hard labour for example.

The problem with forced labour is that you can get a inhumane competetive economy like in the US prison-system going.

But there are non-criminal people employed in that line of work, in the recycling factories.

I can't remember in which country it was, but in some socialist commie utopia in Europe the criminals are basically in a high-security school, having to do school half their day 5 days a week, and this I really like. "Oh you can't get out? How about you read 3 books and do a test?" It's mild torture, they get an education, and have shit to do.

'Americans Elect' Group Challenges U.S. Presidential Primary

Boise_Lib says...


Yeah, about what I thought.

My prediction: we'll see this vilified on Faux News. If they tell people this is a commie plot--by pinko dupes--they will (are trying to) drive people from the left to Americans Elect.

Third party spoiler set-up.

Our system is broken, but a third party is not the solution. Instant Run-off Voting or similar system overhaul is needed. But the only way this will happen--now that the rich own everything--is if the whole system crashes (something no one should ever wish for--people will starve to death).

Great Depression 2.0

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