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Awesome marriage proposal

Farhad2000 says...

I see like 3 professional cameras there and we get to see it through a shitty fucking cellphone?

Honestly what kind of girl would say no to this. I also think this kind of shit is fucking stupid. But am an pragmatic person when it comes to marriage.

Cop Kicks BP Protestor off Bike, then Arrests Cameraman

NetRunner says...

>> ^blankfist:

@NetRunner, I've noticed a trend on cop videos where you always take up for them. This time around I'm just going to assume you're pulling for unions instead of cops who behave badly.

I've noticed a trend on cop videos that you generally act as if they're all scum, and treat every cherry-picked cellphone video posted on YouTube as incontrovertible proof of that.

Then you trot out your same old trope about how you think the police are literally accountable to no one, because nobody remembers a cop being fired over one of these things (though that's because they often don't care enough to remember it and follow up on it in a few months).

You know the last video of a cop pushing a protester off his bike that made the rounds a while back?

Guess what? That cop got fired.

Get Off the Phone Right Meow!

mxxcon says...

>> ^csnel3:

Wow , That phone is huge!! what is this? 1989??
The cat is embarassed (no pun intended about a cats bare ass).

actually look at that phone's screen, it's bigger than iphone's. and that lady is in the middle of a video call on her cellphone.
good luck doing that in 1989.

Fool motorcyclist gets to see what a Glock looks like(00:23)

Newbie skier gives himself a rope tow wedgie

Thankful For Bold Risks and Trail Breakers (Blog Entry by dag)

campionidelmondo says...

What exactly are the advancements apple has introduced with the iPhone? Icons on a background? They haven't invented the touch-screen afaik. If you consider the lawsuit legit then Nokia and Ericsson should sue the living crap out of each and every cellphone manufacturer.

They should devote their energy to fixing the POS that is iTunes OR letting me manage my music/videos with third party software like WinAmp. Seriously, Apple is the new Microsoft

Christopher Hitchens: The New Commandments

Stormsinger says...

Awesome, as usual. I have my problems with some of Hitchens' stances on occasion, but there are very few who can string thoughts and words together as well as he can.

Turn off that fucking cellphone. Indeed!

Young Turks Analysis of Epic Beard Man

budzos says...

Epic Bus Man, Amber Lamps, and Big Heaphones Bus Girl, plus I guess the girl taping... this cellphone video has some serious star-making power. I bet any one of those people could go ahead and start booking appearances right now.

Porndemic - Sex in the Digital Age

MilkmanDan says...

Wait a minute... People keep going back to porn because it "isn't working"? It doesn't "actually satisfy"? Ahh yes, as opposed to intimate sex with a loving partner, which you engage in one time and then you're completely satisfied and set for the rest of your life. ...Oh wait, she didn't intend to imply that? I don't think that porn viewing and a healthy mutually respectful and loving relationship with an actual human being are by any means mutually exclusive.

I hit puberty just as dialup internet was becoming available in my hometown. My family were early adopters and got internet service pretty much as soon as it was available. As you might imagine, I grew up with rather free and easy access to internet porn, and I browsed for quite a lot of it. However, I think that in examining my own experience as objectively as possible, I believe that I was able to self-police or direct my exposure away from the sorts of porn that I would agree are potentially damaging; for example violence, rape, or demeaning behavior (although definitions of each of those vary a lot). But in any case, I think that the reason that I was able to achieve this self-direction was though good parenting. If these things concern you, talk to your kids about it, and explain why. Provide them with the framework they need, and you'll probably be surprised at how well they react.

And just for one more anecdote, I thought I'd contribute a story that exposes just how much of a nerd I am. When I was a sophomore in High School, I was into math. I was taking trigonometry with mostly seniors and a few juniors. I had a complex graphing calculator, a Texas Instruments TI-85, with a roughly 2.5 inch by 3.5 inch screen. On the internet, you could download programs that would overwrite the basic "operating system" of the calculator, and allow you to load programs that people coded up in assembly language compatible with the machine's Z80 processor.

One such program was an image viewer. The calculator normally just had a 2-color liquid crystal screen; each pixel was either ON (black) or OFF (white). This viewer program allowed the screen to be treated as grayscale by adjusting the contrast/brightness values sent to individual pixels, as opposed the the screen as a whole as per usual.

What did I do with this program? I loaded it up with porn, of course. All softcore nudes, mostly Pamela Anderson as I recall. So, with the correct button presses to get into the assembly loader, I had a very low-resolution porn image browser. Being a sophomore, I thought that I could gain some "street cred" with the upperclassmen by showing off my porn. And, as you can probably guess, they immediately turned me in to the teacher just because it would be fun to watch me squirm. Fortunately, my teacher was very cool about it. He said: "I don't want to see it, I don't want to know about it, and if I ever hear anything about it again in the future, I'll be highly displeased". That was enough to get me to delete the program from the calculator.

The segment about porn on (the oh-so ubiquitous) cellphones brought that episode to mind.

Newswipe - Scary News

MilkmanDan says...

That was excellent!

I'd like to dedicate this post to my extreme luck at having miraculously been able to survive to my current age without ever falling victim to:

AIDs, nuclear war, terrorism, salmonella, rabies, penis removal by a jealous lover, carpal tunnel syndrome, H1N1, hostage crisis, arson, skin cancer from global warming / ozone layer depletion, nanotechnology attack, killer bee stings, school gun violence, erectile dysfunction, guerrilla insurgents, sex-crazed porn addict serial killers, wrath of God / Muhammed / Shiva / Buddha / Flying Spaghetti Monster, testicular cancer, flesh eating bacteria, sticky pedals or exploding gas tanks in my car, stingrays piercing my heart, earthquakes / tsunamis / hurricanes / tornadoes, cellphone brain tumors, prostate cancer, anal probes (except to prevent prostate cancer), fundamental loss of reality due to playing video games, spontaneous human combustion,

dag (Member Profile)

New microsoft controller without a controller

First Cellphone Commercial - 1989

QI - Mein Handy

Girl Commits Suicide After Sexting Message

Mashiki says...

>> ^LittleRed:
... I'm completely baffled as to how a 13 year-old would think it acceptable to send nude photos to anyone. I think this is a problem of society and the media more than anything else. [And the parents contribute largely, too. I certainly didn't have picture messaging at 13, or even a cell phone. There's no reason for it.]
Kids experiment. Kids experiment a lot. Not only do they do things, they do stupid things. The stupider, the higher the risk they're going to do it. A lot of countries have experimentation exemptions for kids. That's the reality. Mine does, the US? Yours is just a messed up pile of crap.

The problem is between law, society, individuals and technology. Most of this stuff is still catching up, we've had an amazing technological leap in the last 15 years. Every kid has a cellphone now(hell I still don't have one). They use it for socializing they also use it--as we're seeing experimentation because they're able to. The same will happen with any technology, yes things happen. You won't stop kids, you can tell kids "don't do it" they'll do it anyway. Do you really think they care? No. Did you ever listen to a lot of what your parents said. Probably not.

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