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Monkey Checks Out a Dog's Package Then Laughs At It

burhan says...

Yes, it is indeed too bad that we don't know what a dog thinks about another species' member. What has all the science been for if we can't even determine this basic neurological canine response?

My Client Wants ... (Want a Good Laugh? - Watch!)

Stupid Dog Attacking His Own Zombie Foot (41 secs)

Krupo says...

BTW, vlac I'm curious about this claim: "And just so you know it's already been proven that the dog really has AHS."

Could you please supply the URL or source for that claim? Wiki only says "Video of a dog that appears to have a canine version of Alien Hand Syndrome" and the Youtube comments refer back to the Wiki article, so we don't have an independent opinion for this.

Weiner Dog in Plane Starts Floating Unexpectedly - He's Lucky the Windows were Closed (23 secs)

deathcow says...

That dog was falling to Earth as fast as if you'd have kicked him out of the plane. Lucky canine, how many do you know that get to experience 0g for that long? The dog seemed like he would adapt to the environment.

NASA has a couple of huge tall tubes they pull a vacuuum on and then drop things in to create microgravity environments for testing. 18 feet across and 330 feet tall vacuum jars! They get microgravity for 5 seconds.

KFC are animal abusers and heres the proof

Russian Scientists Keep A Severed Dog's Head Alive

sfjocko says...

It seems like it's probably true, though this footage may be a re-enactment. :
"However, while the film could have been re-staged for the camera, it almost certainly depicts a series of real experiments. Bryukhonenko's work with canine circulation seems obscure today, but at the time was well publicized; his decapitation experiment even remarked upon by George Bernard Shaw.[1] Bryukhonenko's procedures are attested to in numerous books and medical papers, with some sources providing detailed technical information on the operations shown in the film. These texts also shed light on failures not mentioned in the film. For example, the severed heads survived only minutes in artificial circulation, while the resuscitated dogs often died after a few days.
Perhaps most importantly, Bryukhonenko's research was vital to the development of open-heart procedures in Russia. He was one of the leaders of the Research Institute of Experimental Surgery, where Professor A.A. Vishnevsky performed the first Soviet open-heart operation in 1957. Bryukhonenko developed a new version of the autojektor (for use on humans) in the same year; it can be seen today on display at the Museum of Cardiovascular Surgery at the Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery in Russia. Bryukhonenko was awarded the prestigious Lenin Prize posthumously."
(wikipedia - though, especially in cases such as this, wikipedia warrants fact-confirmation; everthing else I've seen online points to this being true -
Full video (20 min),10987,851883,00.html

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